We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Stop Selling and Build Mutually Beneficial Relationships with your Partners
Anyone who has built a camp fire knows that starting a fire and getting it going is quite difficult. You need to build a small pile of dry kindling and then apply some sort of spark to it, to get it burning. Once this ... Views: 1273
. Identify Your Rationale. In order for your goal to achieved it must be backed up with motivation, you need to take to heart its significance to you. Identify the reason and purpose of your goal. List out all the benefits you expect as a result of getting there.
2. Plan Your Goals. One of ... Views: 1411
Small Insignificant Daily Actions, Add Up Into Super Achievement
How are things going this year, with those big dreams and goals you had earlier this year? Are you still allowing yourself to stand on the side-lines of your life and are you still making those small daily errors in judgement, ... Views: 1338
I have the good fortune to listen and learn from women all around the globe about their big ideas, dreams and goals and a common theme is women start businesses based on their values and a desire to make a difference in the world. The idea of giving back or helping others is exciting and it gets ... Views: 1449
Goals are a very accepted and highly promoted way of accomplishing what we want in life.
It’s no wonder so many people advocate and practice goal-setting. Nearly every coach or mentor I’ve encountered and every success seminar I’ve attended advocates setting goals. And not only setting them ... Views: 1519
Even when you've set a "good" goal - one that adheres to your higher objective and is specific and measurable - you can run into some issues along the way... namely, staying motivated. Without motivation, even the most ambitious person will get sidetracked. Here are the strategies that I feel ... Views: 1362
It takes as much energy to set a large goal that will stretch you, as it does to set a very small goal, which does not challenge you at all. When you set worthwhile goals they should feel a little daunting and require a stretch to achieve. An effectively set goal is one that clearly states the ... Views: 1596
I remember the exact moment that my current coaching format popped into my head. I was doing a visualization during my second workshop at the Coaches Training Institute. I clearly saw myself coaching ten clients at $1000 a month. I was working in depth with them and loving how much time I could ... Views: 1507
A really good friend of mine is always saying “when you love what you do, you never have to work a day in your life”. It’s a mantra and quote that has stuck with me for many years now and words of wisdom I live by and have imparted to my kids and clients alike. The way I see it is you have at ... Views: 1752
In a recent Coaching event, I used this article as a key for understanding and reference. I worked with a team of writers, that for many reasons had not moved ahead from the place of having an idea on paper to the stage of actual manifestation of a written product. I found through our session ... Views: 1529
Most people, at rational level, accept that life is the sum of our own choices. Yet, there are some moments when every one of us feels like being stuck. Life feels like a never-ending struggle to deal with things that seem to happen to us and we are in a constant rush to manage the ... Views: 2075
If you have a DVD, CD or digital training program in your possession that is sitting there waiting for you to finish it, raise your hand. I’m raising my hand right now. I have a marketing video series sitting next to my desk - half finished. It was a gift, but when I first received it, I was ... Views: 1466
We all have goals – some are very difficult, while others are less so. How do you keep on track with all of your goals? What is the secret to meeting every goal every time?
One of the biggest challenges we face in setting and reaching our goals is that many of us have too many goals going on ... Views: 3266
I have read the other day an article about judging the quality of a diamond and it remembered me about the goal of becoming a diamond in a very important network marketing company.
How about this perspective about your goals? How about thinking about your goals as diamonds and rate them the ... Views: 3043
What must you do every day to finally live your goals?
To get from where you are to where you want to be or should I rather say “where you passionately NEED to be”. You must firstly be certain that you really need and want, whatever goal you are attempting to achieve in your life. You must ... Views: 1484
The Top 10 Steps to Being Confident and Thinking Outside the Box:
The Power of Your Creative Imagination
Kirwan Rockefeller, Ph.D.
Based on the book, “Visualize Confidence: How to Use Guided Imagery
to Overcome Self-Doubt”
Perhaps you’ve heard the old phrase, “a picture is worth a ... Views: 1438
The process of goal setting can have a positive influence on your self esteem. Yes, it’s true. From business people to philosophers, we’ve seen and heard of people whose self image has vastly improve once they’ve started to work towards a goal. So what is goal setting? Goal setting is a method ... Views: 1535
Anything can happen and everything does happen during the NBA Playoffs. The Miami Heat are hot! They have prepared for the worst and are pulling out all the stops. The winning determination of Dwyane Wade and LeBron James is scoring points on the court.
The Heat’s dream team was originally a ... Views: 1622
We all think of making changes in our lives; but making the decision to move forward and shake things up isn’t always easy.
I wrote an article some time ago about motivation and goals; the premise being that you don’t necessarily have to be motivated to act. I still believe this to be true, ... Views: 1835
We usually think of the New Year as the time to set goals and figure out what we want to achieve. But right now is a good time to check in on those goals and determine if they’re realistic and attainable. Of course there are the obvious ones: you want to be happy, have fun, improve personal ... Views: 3303
When you set out with a goal of growing your business it’s usually fueled by a desire to make more money. Some of us are fueled by making a difference in the world with our products and services. I personally want to do both.
No matter what motivates you to grow your biz, you will be forced ... Views: 1724
Have you ever asked yourself how come some people accomplish almost everything they dream about and other seem to struggle on every step they take? How come some people seem to go straight to the top and others remains their all life at the bottom straggling to get by?
Actually, do you know ... Views: 1909
Did you make a resolution this year? How are you doing so far with your goals? Are you saying to yourself, "I really wanted to change this year, but I never stick to my goals!" Perhaps you can relate to the thought, "I know WHAT to do, I just can't get myself to do it! I know that I "should" be ... Views: 906
It is just assumed that setting goals will somehow motivate breakthrough achievement. Have you noticed that just stating a goal works about as well as New Year's Resolutions? For some people, goals can be counter-productive, triggering an anti-goal reaction.
The Anti-goal Reaction
Gene, ... Views: 1402
If you’d like to get a big juicy project moving forward and have a great time doing it, today is your lucky day.
Your first step is to bring to mind that project that sits incomplete but nagging the corners of your mind daily. Or maybe it’s the project you know you should begin but it feels ... Views: 1334
Depression results from chemical imbalance in the brain. This fact is known to almost everybody but ask any person what causes this imbalance and you will find that he doesn’t know the answer.
Depression happens when a person loses hope in getting something that he wanted to get badly. This ... Views: 1376
Strategic planning needs to be current; it needs to be a framework and a guide that organizations use on a routine basis – not something that is put up on a shelf never agreed to, finalized or executed.
Effective strategic plans should be structured enough so that smaller units of the ... Views: 2158
Established and strong businessmen always seek for the opportunity of expanding their business domestically or sometimes globally. They always make the best use of every single chance which comes their way for the expansion of business. If you are such a kind of businessman and is looking to ... Views: 1080
"Writing down specific goals is an essential part of getting better. You have to write your goals down every day in a certain, very specific, way. Feel free to change your goals at any time if you want. They are flexible. The more goals you write each day the more you will accomplish.
Write ... Views: 2536
Although nowadays all major engineers are pursuing the dream of software, the field of basic chemical engineering is immense. They are in great demand in industries such as petroleum, oil and gas, chemicals, drugs and medicines, soft drinks, etc. These industries deal specifically with the ... Views: 1459
We spend so much time and energy at work, that it would be a waste if we didn’t at least make the effort to set out achieving career goals.
The following are some simple tips to help you determine and achieve your career goals.
1. Write Out Your Career Plan.
The first step to setting ... Views: 1960
"Change is a Constant. The only Constant is Change!!"
Our ability to adapt to change and opportunity has defined the whole of human existence and endeavour, it has in part defined who we are.
In our world today, change is happening at an ever faster and more unpredictable pace. We now all ... Views: 1208
We are nearing the middle of the year. How are you doing with the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? Remember what Anthony Robbins said, “We often overestimate what we can achieve in a year and significantly underestimate all we can achieve in a decade”. If you are not ... Views: 2223
We've heard often that fear of failure is why many plans--business, lifestyle, wellness, personal relationships--fall through. Fear of failure is a significant problem. But fear of failure is not always what lies at the heart of disappointment and lack of results. The more deeply hidden hurdle ... Views: 1206
Are you striving for a goal but not seeing results?
Racking up small successes but not getting the big payoff?
In my face-to-face patients and in my telecoaching clients across the country, I hear stressed, puzzled, and worn-out voices that reflect two opposing ideas: the continuing desire ... Views: 1150
How Many of the Top 6 Do You Encounter?
There is never enough time during the course of typical day to get to everything that you want to get done. What makes it worse is the many distractions you will encounter to get tasks from your in-box to your out-box with enough time left that you can ... Views: 2117
If you boarded a plane and the pilot that came over the intercom was incoherent and had no idea what the flight number was, no idea where he was going or even if there was enough fuel on board the plane, would you stay on board? Examine the person piloting your life right now, how coherent is ... Views: 1503
Too frequently triathletes are told by their coaches to ignore what is going on around them. The coaches who tell you to just not do it are unaware of the power of habit. Following the crowd, going out too fast because of the other athletes around you, is a symptom of a habit. Under pressure, ... Views: 1350
"What should I Do?" is a question we ask ourselves often. Sometimes it can be a few times a day about trivial things. Things such as, what you should do about the dinner that you accidentally burnt, or should I do the morning yoga class or the afternoon one. Other times it will be a lot more ... Views: 1463
When police agents are trained to recognise counterfeit money, they are trained to focus on knowing all the characteristics of the legal currency. They are trained using real money and work with only the legal tender, until they know every counterfeiting measure printed on or in the money. They ... Views: 1375
When it's my turn to make my transition from this world to the next, I want to be able to look back on my life and feel a sense of accomplishment and pride. I refuse to go to my grave with my music still in me. I want my life to be an example to my children that anything is possible.
How ... Views: 1106
Have you ever attended a sport match where, the players reach half time. During this break they refresh themselves, gather their thoughts, examine their performance during the first half and set strategy for the second half of the match. Well as you reach the halfway mark in your year, have you ... Views: 1436
Make Your To-Do-List of All Your Goals
Your Dreams and Goals
To start with you need to realize what your dreams and goals are. A lot of people that I have a discussion with about dreams in life, do not have any other goals than accomplishing a secure lifestyle with a steady job and income. ... Views: 902
Investing in the stock market has made certain people millionaires, while others have made a few hundred on the side with some smart investing. So, when should you invest? Well, the time is now. While there is a large variation between each stock, and you can’t expect each one to be a goldmine, ... Views: 1234
Are you exactly where you want to be in life right now? Or could you have a better job? A better marriage? More money in the bank? More time to spend with your kids? What are some things that you’ve always dreamed you could do and what can you do about it now to make it happen? You know how to ... Views: 2077
It’s time to learn how to step free of your inner power struggle and start living without an eating disorder.
Have you ever started your day thinking that today is the day you are going to exercise and how much control you are going to have over what you eat today?
If you have had this ... Views: 2429
There are many people in the U.S. who have made a concerted effort to do all that they can to improve their lives through self help techniques. The poor state of the economy and incredibly high rate of foreclosures and unemployment seems to have forced people’s hands to try new ways to make ... Views: 1314
Womens' forum. Most of us have a computer and it is amazing how much it can help us. We can use it for entertainment, work and finding out facts. Sometimes it is possible to combine making friends and finding out things, getting support and sharing views as well as enjoying writing all in ... Views: 1672
If you’re thinking about how to make good decisions in your life, you might want to explore some strategic planning models.
Truth be told, I don’t know a lot about strategic planning – but the one thing that’s always stuck with me is this: “The cardinal rule is to take the path that allows ... Views: 987
If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes. Andrew Carnegie
My Dear Friend,
If reducing weight is one of you near future goals, ... Views: 923