When you hear or think about the word December, many things likely come to mind; but one word that likely doesn’t is . . . productive.
Today I want to challenge that thought, and even give you some very specific ways to use the last month of the year to be as productive, or perhaps more so, ... Views: 903
Music can move us, make us smile; bring back memories - both good and bad - and many other things. Today, I plan to show you how music can help make you a better leader.
Everyone has a connection to at least some music; everyone has favorite songs, genres and more. In this article, I am not ... Views: 934
Charlie Brown.
He is one of the best-known fictional characters of the last 75 years (though he first appeared in a different strip earlier. The first Peanuts Strip was published October 2, 1950). He is known by many as a lovable loser, has been often bullied, and called names (“You Blockhead, ... Views: 916
Trust is something we’d all like more of.
We’d like to be able to trust more people more. And we’d all also like more people to trust us more.
These are universally true statements, even for those who have lots of trusting relationships.
While this is true, it only considers part of what ... Views: 914
The saying goes; absence makes the heart grow fonder.
While that may be true in some cases, another old saying is also true:
Out of sight, out of mind.
Both hold shades of truth for any of us wanting to communicate more effectively with people when we are separated by space. More often ... Views: 893
The idea for this article came from a question I recently received from a manager, who asked:
What do you do when a group of people that work together have a lot of history and just don’t generally like each other?
As you can see from the title, I’m not answering the exact question, but I am ... Views: 974
I’ve got four questions for you… four questions that can, as I promised above, change your results. I’m going to say more about each of them, how they can make a difference, and when you would want to apply them, but first, here they are:
Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?
You can apply ... Views: 885
Before you dive into the details of your next presentation and start preparing your PowerPoint and stressing about how it will go . . .
Ask yourself a more important question.
A question that far-too-few people ask.
How will I earn their attention?
Because if they aren’t paying ... Views: 915
If you have been leading for very long, you’ve had bad news to deliver to someone or to your entire team.
I do realize that there is “bad news” and there is "seriously-work-and-life-changing-bad-news", but regardless of the depth, leaders worry about the impact the news will have on the psyche, ... Views: 952
Wait a minute Kevin...isn’t coaching supposed to be about the person we are coaching, not about us?
Yes, the best coaches do put 100% of their focus on helping the other person become more successful and confident.
So if this is true, then why are you writing about how the coach will benefit? ... Views: 842
It’s time, and you know it.
You and your team have identified the idea that will change your world and results.
It’s your Disney World, your iPad, or your DVD player. OK, it might not be that big, but it will be a game changer for you. It is big, it is bold, and it is not like anything you ... Views: 882
If you are a leader, you make decisions, large and small, every day. Many are straightforward and take very little time, but if you have been a leader for very long at all, you have had to face a complex, multi-faceted and difficult problem, where the decision was far from easy or ... Views: 872
How many times have you gotten a flash of insight, a great idea or remembered the name of that person you couldn’t come up with, while taking a shower?
I’ll bet it is more than once.
In fact, one survey of highly creative people found that 19% of those people get their best ideas in the ... Views: 867
In a world where change seems to come hurling toward us like a bullet train, we know learning is needed just to survive, let alone thrive.
And while most everyone would nod at the idea that we must be lifelong learners, the list of excuses people have for why they aren’t and can’t be ... Views: 857
If you aren’t a baseball fan, Cal Ripken, Jr. is a Hall of Fame shortstop who played his whole career with the Baltimore Orioles. While over 18,000 have played in the Major Leagues, less than 250 have been elected to the Hall of Fame. And no one who has ever played in 2,632 games in a row, ... Views: 1061
Every leader deals with leading, championing or even driving change. And every book and article about doing that will talk about the importance of the vision for the changed state. There is a good reason for that – a vision of the changed state you want people to move towards is critical to a ... Views: 902
It is a phrase most often used in relationship to language usage, but when coined by linguist Arnold Zwicky, he defined it much more broadly as “the belief that things you have noticed only recently are in fact recent.”
Here are two interesting language examples:
• You might think that the use ... Views: 843
Recently I attended my 35th High School Class Reunion.
Actually, I did more than attend it; I hosted it at our farm.
I graduated with about 115 other kids in 1980, and as Class President, I have been involved in the planning of all of our class reunions (though early on, my role was much ... Views: 927
When we think about remote or virtual teams, we may think about flexibility, freedom and perhaps even high productivity. And when people are working out and on their own, we typically think that interpersonal issues might not matter as much or happen as often.
Unfortunately, this isn’t always ... Views: 862
46 years today and tomorrow (as I post this), July 20 and 21st, 1969, are days that everyone my age or older remembers.
These are the days when the Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on the moon (the 20th) and when Neil Armstrong became the first human to walk on the moon (on the 21st).
This was an ... Views: 884
Before I get to the lessons, I need to give you a bit of background. On July 4th, we hosted the ninth annual Farm Party at our farm in Michigan. A flag was signed by nearly all of the 88 attendees of this event. Present also were the flags from the last four years, hanging as banners in our ... Views: 908
Professional sports leagues create special event games called All Star Games. They create teams of the best players from their leagues to play a game, show off their talents and sell tickets.
One way or another (by votes of media, players or fans), the players are selected and the game is ... Views: 894
Lots of people set goals.
Far fewer achieve them.
There are a lot of reasons why that happens, not the least of which is that people treat the goal setting process as an achievement; which it isn’t really. We don’t set goals as the outcome. We set goals to get goals. (Tweet That) Yes, setting ... Views: 852
Yep, I’ve stated my premise in the title. Your development is yours. It doesn’t belong to your boss or your organization, it belongs to you. I’ve stated my premise; now let me state my case.
Who Benefits Most?
When we think about you becoming more effective at work, whether that is technical ... Views: 828
Everyone would agree that we can learn from our life experiences. And everyone does.
But while we all have experiences every day, have you noticed that some people seem to glean far more from those experiences than others?
If you would like to better harvest the lessons from your experiences, ... Views: 836
It is one of those buzzwords, created by and repeated by consultants and "experts".
They pick a word or phrase and use it so much it gets a life of its own. And whatever relevance it had to begin with is lost in the faint nodding of heads (because everyone is supposed to agree) or the rolling ... Views: 825
When I am flying home to Indianapolis, I always hope for the landing pattern that takes us over the famed oval of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. The image here gives you an idea – but unless you have seen it for yourself, you have no grasp for it. The track is 2.5 miles around. Think about ... Views: 1005
What we want is everyone working together, pulling in the same direction, striving for the same goals. It seems like it ought to be easy. After all, everyone is on the same team.
But the more people who are involved on your team and in your organization, the harder this becomes. People create ... Views: 924
Note: The essay that follows was written several years ago and comes from my book Vantagepoints on Learning and Life. The lessons are as true as ever. I share this as a day-after-Mother’s Day tribute to my mom.
Thanks Mom – I love you.
My mother emailed me about an experience she had last week ... Views: 911
Note: The essay that follows was written several years ago and comes from my book Vantagepoints on Learning and Life. The lessons are as true as ever. I share this as a day-after-Mother’s Day tribute to my mom.
Thanks Mom – I love you.
My mother emailed me about an experience she had last week ... Views: 849
One of the words we use a lot at The Kevin Eikenberry Group is potential. It is in book and newsletter titles, and it is on my mind every day. Implied in those titles is our belief that we all have significant potential. Here is what is at the bottom of this blog:
"Extraordinary potential ... Views: 943
Failure happens to all of us. And as leaders, how we deal with it is important – for ourselves, and for the lasting message it sends to others.
Recently we experienced one of our most public failures. Guy Harris and I were in our studio during what was supposed to be an awesome three hour live ... Views: 852
It happens often.
You are leading a team and some (maybe all) of the members see themselves as individual contributors, not necessarily members of a team. They state (and show) that they’d rather work alone, and prefer individual accomplishments and results to tying their fortunes to a ... Views: 837
We have all encountered locked doors in our lives. Most of them are literal slabs of wood or metal, keeping us from moving to someplace we want to go. And to get through doors, keys are required.
The keys I am sharing with you today however, unlock more than a literal door. They are key ways to ... Views: 850
As a leader/manager/supervisor in an organization, part of your responsibility, obligation and an implied (if not stated) expectation is to be a coach.
Recently I was asked a very valuable question about that role, and the reality that many leaders live in. The question came from someone ... Views: 927
Some of the most powerful things in life are simple.
Such is the case with encouragement.
People are more productive, more focused and more successful in a positive and supportive environment than in a negative one. And we can help create that environment by being more encouraging.
John Adair ... Views: 880
As leaders we are in the influence business.
Think about it – while it might be desirable and make our lives easier, we can’t make anyone do anything, at least not for very long, and without there being unintended consequences.
If we as leaders can’t control others, we must influence or ... Views: 901
Recently I had a conversation with my father-in-law who used to sell and repair televisions as a side business. Somehow we started talking about early color sets. He mentioned that he owns the first color set he ever sold, and we reminisced about the first color sets we had. We got ours when I ... Views: 959
When you think back over your life and the strongest relationships in it, you will quickly find moments that played a big part in those relationships becoming what they became. While this might very well be true for your relationship with your spouse or a romantic relationship, it is just as ... Views: 1017
Any discussion of great leaders will include the cliché that the best leaders lead by example. Stated in conversation, everyone will nod and agree. And if you are reflecting personally on the attributes of those you have willingly followed, you will find that common trait too. It seems there is ... Views: 982
The leader purposefully strides to the front of the conference room table and is prepared to begin. Smiling warmly, she turns to the group, and asks the group a question. Since she wants their response she allows the pause to encourage people to participate. After creating a conversation, she ... Views: 920
We have it for many things: for our lives, for our cars, for our home, for our health, for our identities, for our cell phones (!) and much more.
We are purchasing this insurance as a safety net against something bad happening. While different people have different risk tolerances, ... Views: 841
It’s the season of love – the week of Valentine’s Day when everyone who sells anything is trying to tie their product to romance.
I’m not trying to sell you a bouquet or a bottle of wine. I’m trying to sell you an idea.
And admittedly, the love I am speaking of isn’t the sort that takes place ... Views: 978
There are at least two definitions of the word insanity: the one in the dictionary, and the cliché we’ve all heard, used, and knowingly nodded our head at when hearing it.
First, from Merriam-Webster:
1. a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as ... Views: 975
About ten years ago Cliff Arnall, a British scientist, reportedly created a calculation to determine “the most depressing day of the year.” The equation includes seven variables: (W) weather, (D) debt, (d) monthly salary, (T) time since Christmas, (Q) time since last failed attempt, (M) low ... Views: 970
I’ve certainly opened with a big question, and it is a question I want you to think about as you read, and hopefully far into the future.
Specifically, I want you to think about the beliefs and expectations you hold about those you lead. But before I get back to you personally, let me give you ... Views: 917
Apparently today is Show and Tell Day at Work.
Who knew?
When I read this fact, it got me thinking . . .
I went back to Mrs. Fredrick’s kindergarten classroom on a warm spring day. I was called to the front. It was my turn to share! No, I don’t remember exactly what I showed off, but I ... Views: 914
When I ask groups to tell me what first comes to their minds when they think about change, resistance is always on that list. And their thoughts about it aren’t positive – in fact, I used the word “fear” in the title purposefully. Resistance is typically seen as a negative ... Views: 975
It is possible you could take longer than 90 minutes, and you could perhaps spend a bit less time, but if you will look at your calendar for New Year’s Eve and give yourself 90 minutes to do what follows, you will be very glad you did (and it will give you one more reason to celebrate).
Find a ... Views: 1087
We’ve all dealt with it many times – the project gets behind and the pressure is on. Or something changes in the organization – a supply problem, a system is down, manufacturing is halted (you know what your crises are), and suddenly something needs to be fixed, now. Or your boss gives you a ... Views: 1077