Whenever I discuss my perspective on this subject with others, it stimulates “but what about” questions. “But what about the holocaust?” “But what about Cambodia in the 70s?” You get the idea.
My retort to those people is always the same; their reaction to my retort is always the same; the ... Views: 1434
Until his death a couple of years ago, Jerry Weintraub was a legend (in his own time) in the entertainment business. The consummate showman, he promoted concerts (including Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, etc.) and produced movies (including Nashville, Diner, Ocean’s 11, ... Views: 1155
A couple of decades ago before becoming a CEO, I worked for a Fortune 200 company as Chief Marketing and Sales Officer. An organization that had just been spun off from an even larger organization, it had a reputation for being stodgy, bureaucratic and inwardly focused. I am none of those ... Views: 1225
I believe 100% in the importance of "mindset" in successfully accomplishing goals. If you believe in your heart of hearts that you either don't deserve success or lack confidence, you simply will not. All of your efforts will be in vain because you are programmed to fail.
How can you tell if ... Views: 1445
I had just joined a Fortune 200 company in an executive level job. In the past when joining a new company, I had always taken time and great pains to figure out the culture of the place. Then I moved deliberately but cautiously in integrating my approach to leadership, the culture of the ... Views: 1240
One of the most popular ongoing debates of the last twenty years concerns the distinctions between management and leadership, and the relative importance of each to organizational success. John Kotter of the Harvard Business School once cited “alignment” as the most critical difference. ... Views: 1329
Our knowledge of brain science is rapidly evolving. Some things we now know:
Words matter. When you quit smoking, for example, did you tell people you were a non-smoker, or a smoker trying to quit? When you tried to change your leadership style, did you say things such as "I'm an autocrat ... Views: 1055
Jerry was the CEO of a large bank headquartered in New York. As a client of mine for several years, he had grown to trust my ability to work with “difficult” executives.
One Friday evening I got a call from Jerry’s executive assistant, asking me to meet with him to discuss one of his direct ... Views: 1112
People in organizations talk about trust. Much of that time, however, is devoted to talking about others who they do NOT trust. I hear comments like the following with regularity:
• "I don't trust my boss. He gives me an assignment and then micro-manages me."
• (From a CEO) "I don't trust ... Views: 1250
In the real estate world, we read and hear a lot about the power of leverage. Essentially, it means investing a limited amount of personal cash to geometrically increase net worth. Let's say you buy a piece of rental property for $300,000 with a down payment of 20%. You laid out $60,000. The ... Views: 1363
If you've read some of my past articles, you absolutely know that I'm a sports fan. I've always been a participant as well as an observer. I believe in keeping a VERY active lifestyle. But I digress!
Along with many people (male and female) in the U.S., I'm an unabashed NFL fan. I cheer for ... Views: 1152
I've often written in the past about decision-making biases. ALL OF US rely to some degree on decision-making approaches that yield suboptimum results. Most of those are unconscious. An example is the human tendency to use past experiences, even if statistically insufficient, to make critical ... Views: 1386
Bill Walsh is generally considered to be the second best coach in the history of the NFL (after Lombardi). People called him a genius because he concocted novel offenses. As head coach and President of the San Francisco 49ers in the 80s, he won four Super Bowls. He embodied technical expertise, ... Views: 1556
“Human beings are poor examiners, subject to superstition, bias, prejudice, and a PROFOUND tendency to see what they want to see rather than what is really there.” Dr. M. Scott Peck
Discovering areas of your life and/or business that require some work to improve is a meaningful first step in ... Views: 1215
Many of you know that I invoke sports figures, especially coaches, as examples of the good, the bad, and the ugly of leadership. Many examples of effective leadership come from that world. Pete Carroll in the NFL, Buck Showalter and Joe Girardi in professional baseball and Greg Popovich in the ... Views: 1242
People in the real estate business talk a lot about the power of leverage. Essentially, it means investing a limited amount of personal cash to geometrically increase net worth through appreciation. Let’s say you buy a piece of rental property for $300,000 with a down payment of 20%. You laid ... Views: 1106
The concept of “change” is incremental and limited. It’s an extrapolation of the present with some new stuff added and some current stuff extracted. By anchoring to “what was” as a starting point, it’s often insufficiently ambitious. “Transformation” on the other hand, begins with a vision of ... Views: 1533
I make my living in large measure helping executives understand how others see them, and then deciding what to do about that. The truth is that while most of us have a fairly complete knowledge of how other people's behavior affects us, we are generally clueless as to how our behavior affects ... Views: 1156
Picture this: A light plane goes down in the Arizona desert. A team from the NTSB descends on the scene to investigate what happened. After three months of rigorous study and analysis, they're ready to report. They call a news conference.
The NTSB administrator approaches the podium. You've ... Views: 1617
I disdain bureaucracy. When I use that word, however, I do not mean that I disdain procedures or rules.
My definition of bureaucracy: "Policies and/or procedures that create no value for stakeholders." For example, I don't consider procedures governing the conduct and frequency of ... Views: 1223
I have discussed the ways in which our minds deceive us and how that deception causes malfunction/dysfunction in our lives and businesses. I enumerated several actions that should move you closer to fact and away from fiction. For context, here's that list:
• Deliberately put people in your ... Views: 1117
My business passion is helping executives get out of their own way. Some of that work involves helping them come to terms with the business implications of the following: The human brain is geared, at least in part, to keep us comfortable and that "comfort" rather than "truth" predisposes us to ... Views: 1560
A number of years ago, I documented my values and beliefs regarding how I want to live my life. It was a valuable exercise. Documenting these things, however, is not nearly as important as comparing them to my actual behavior and actions. That exercise has created many “Holy sh**” moments for ... Views: 1093
You just closed a huge deal; time to celebrate. Another buyer has decided that you da man. Time to cash the check and move on to the next opportunity.
Not so fast, Mr./Ms. Wonderful! You've neglected Rule #1 in marketing: Customer expectations begin just as your attentiveness begins to ... Views: 1734
This is one of the questions I hear most: "What one thing or one recommendation can you tell me that will have a huge impact on my life?" My answer is always the same: Accept 100% responsibility for everything in your life. It sounds obvious, but it's one of those recommendations that's easier ... Views: 1185
This is one of my favorite business quotes: "Vision without execution is really hallucination." I know several people who have taken credit for originating that masterpiece. I may have even done that occasionally. As obvious as its truth is, however, many organizations with lofty visions and ... Views: 1223
I was shopping for a new tennis racquet in a store in northern Montgomery County, Maryland. It had recently changed hands after the prior owner had declared bankruptcy. The new proprietor greeted me with a hearty "good morning." I inquired as to the details of the transfer of ownership. He ... Views: 1227
I talk to strangers all the time. Elevators, department stores, office buildings, Whole Foods and gas stations are some of my favorite places to engage people in conversation. I've actually met some really interesting people that way. I enjoy hearing people's "stories:" HOW they became WHO they ... Views: 1277
Strategy is an approach to managerial leadership – both a state of mind and a bias for relevant action. It's not merely a process to create plans. The days are gone during which attention to strategy could be episodic. At one time, even strongly managed and adroitly led organizations created ... Views: 1290
When I went into business for myself over a dozen years ago after spending decades as a corporate executive, I knew pretty quickly that I needed help building my business. I needed some "rules of the road." I also needed perspective and equanimity that I simply did not have. I knew how to do ... Views: 2026
Here's my story:
When I began voting in the 1970s, I was a staunch Democrat. My view of life was idealistic rather than tragic ("tragic" as in the context of Greek tragedies), and my belief was that government could be a force for good. Over time, as I assessed the results of government ... Views: 1536
I highly recommend Berkshire-Hathaway's annual report for your pleasure, amusement and education, even for those of you who don't enjoy reading business publications. More specifically, I recommend chairman Warren Buffet's annual message to shareholders.
Buffet always educates and ... Views: 1478
If you want to live your life with meaning, you must reflect on the things that are important to you, and then act on what you discern. This goes for your professional life as well as your life overall. Every once in a while, put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and document your beliefs ... Views: 1610
"Life is an endless unfolding, and if we wish it to be, an endless process of self-discovery, an endless and unpredictable dialogue between our own potentialities and the life situations in which we find ourselves. By potentialities I mean not just intellectual gifts but the full range of one's ... Views: 1606
To the onlooker, John's life was idyllic. He was a vice president at a large financial services company. He earned great money and appeared to have a successful life. At the age of 43, his mortgage was paid off and his kids' college educations were funded. His wife did volunteer work as a member ... Views: 1079
For over forty years, Lou Tice helped corporations, non-profits, sports teams and individual athletes achieve success. As the founder of the Pacific Institute, Lou's thinking on the subject of personal development led to his creating tools and technology that supported people like Kirk Gibson, ... Views: 1246
Several years ago, Pete Carroll was the head football coach at the University of Southern California. During his tenure, the school won three NCAA championships. In the last 20 years, only Nick Saban has enjoyed a better record as a college football coach.
Pete left USC in advance of a ... Views: 1383
I was standing in a line at the grocery store. The person in front of me was paying by check. At what I thought was the conclusion of the transaction, the cashier called the manager to her workspace. I watched quizzically as he initialed the check without even pretending to see what was on it ... Views: 1121
As a part of an engagement with a client (an insurer), I walked the executive leadership team through a discussion of company strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats. I stood at the white board posting their answers as the discussion migrated to an assessment of ... Views: 1146
"You know nothing about me. I was lost long before the [Berlin] Wall fell. I was once destined to become a man much like yourself: true-hearted; determined; full of purpose, but … character is easier kept than recovered. We cannot control the things that life does to us. They are done before you ... Views: 1312
John, one of my clients, operated a very successful pair of auto dealerships. His personal income approached a million dollars per year, but he was not a happy camper. John hadn't taken a real family vacation in five years. He was on the treadmill of financial success but personal oblivion.
... Views: 982
As a freshman at Duke, my wife's second cousin Ansley was a great tennis player. She finished that year as the NCAA's second-ranked player and was a first team all-American. She also carried a GPA of 3.8. After that year, she decided to leave school and join the women's tour. During the ensuing ... Views: 1200
My new client, Tony, had some "issues." (Don’t we all?) A superb thinker and analytical problem-solver who astounded his co-workers with his intellect, he also got periodically derailed. When his boss (the CEO) criticized his work, Tony would "shut down" for prolonged periods of time. ... Views: 1472
For many of us, the name Nick Saban conjures up the image of a cold, calculating automaton – grim, frowning, win-at-all-costs football coach who cares more about the score of his games and the margin of his victories than the development of the young men at the University of Alabama. Until I did ... Views: 2751
You’re looking for a new job. Either you have your eyes on a promotion with your current employer or you’re looking for a new job in a new place. You’ve read the “how to write a killer résumé” books, and you can talk at length about all of your functional responsibilities.
It doesn’t ... Views: 1581
Last week, I was listening to one of our pop culture icons/movie stars being interviewed on a talk show. The questioner reviewed the star’s laundry list of very successful films, paused and added, “and then there was __________ (the star’s only bomb).” The star winced a bit, agreed that it was a ... Views: 1281
Picture this: A light plane goes down in the Arizona desert. A team from the NTSB descends on the scene to investigate what happened. After three months of rigorous study and analysis, they're ready to report. They call a news conference. The NTSB administrator approaches the podium. You've seen ... Views: 1343
Take a six-quart pan. Fill it with water. Put it on the oven. Turn the heat on high. While waiting for the water to reach a rolling boil, catch one mid-sized frog. When the water achieves that boil, toss the frog in. Don't worry; the frog won't get hurt. The shock of the temperature change will ... Views: 1951
I was shopping for a new tennis racquet in a store in northern Montgomery County, Maryland. It had recently changed hands after the prior owner had declared bankruptcy. The new proprietor greeted me with a hearty “good morning.” I inquired as to the details of the transfer of ownership. He ... Views: 1315
"I'm happy for the players; I didn't do this," he said. "All I did was create an atmosphere of accountability. When you see something done the wrong way, you say, 'Hey, that ain't good enough.' And after a while you get the players to do that for each other. It's about helping them take ... Views: 2320