Early last year my daughter handed a $10 note back to an elderly lady, who had unwittingly dropped it in a shopping centre. In appreciation, the lady pulled out a bookmark from the bottom of her handbag as a gift with the following wonderful message:
“Keep alive the hope in your dreams. Hope ... Views: 1283
How many times have you said to yourself, “I’ve been working on this issue for years, yet I just don’t seem to be making any progress. Why am I still stuck?” At times I’ve even been known to say to myself in exasperation, “But I thought I’d cleared that!” The issue can be anything at all – ... Views: 1621
Pardon my French, but that's how most people feel in frustration when they think they have done everything right to manifest their dreams using the Law of Attraction, yet nothing changes.
Well in fact The Law of Attraction has been working perfectly for them, bringing them exactly what they ... Views: 1270
One of the most frequent questions I get from my more spiritual clients is, “How can I reach my highest potential?”
Not surprisingly, your lifestyle habits and preferences contribute substantially to whether or not you ever reach your highest potential. To do so, you must be in peak physical, ... Views: 2399
You value your loved ones, you value your friends, you value your business, but how much do you really value YOURSELF? For healers and many other heart-based service professionals, such as massage therapists, life coaches and Reiki channels, the honest answer is not very much.
Do Any of these ... Views: 4808
Recently I was enjoying my lunch in the sunshine, sitting on a swinging seat in my garden, surrounded by fragrant flowers and chirping birds. I felt like the richest and most abundant person in the whole wide world. Even if someone had offered me a million dollars - cash - there and then, to ... Views: 1277
Want to discover how you can ‘Shine your Light’ brighter and reach your full potential as a Healer or Lightworker?
As a professional healer I am often approached by other healers wanting to find ways to heal their own wounds and self-imposed limitations, so that they can ‘step out of their ... Views: 5328
My garden is my pride and joy and it broke my heart to see the beautiful plants being cooked in place in the extreme heat over summer. Combined with the drought conditions, many of these plants appeared to die completely. Then the miracle happened. The inner Resilience of these plants refused to ... Views: 1520
For many people the most difficult thing to master in their self-development journey is the ability to find Inner Stillness, that pure place within you that is your divine spark, your connection to all that is and the source of inspirational and transformational ideas.
I would like to share ... Views: 1792
Let me share a powerful technique I have found for assisting anyone struggling to release their old patterns. Many of you will already have heard of Emotional Freedom Technique, commonly called EFT, and may even have tried it. It aims to rebalance the body by systematically tapping on various ... Views: 1586
Recently I was sitting in my parked car waiting to collect my daughter from her drama lesson when an obviously angry woman in a small car tried several times to back into the space in front of me, which was easily long enough for a large car. I noted she had little skill in parking after several ... Views: 2637
I am sure you remember in 2008 and the early part of 2009 the doom and gloom merchants, largely in the media, that would have had us believe the global economy was irretrievably collapsing. The fear thus generated in people caused them to feel like powerless victims completely unable to control ... Views: 1406
It is easy to get caught up in our materialistic society that equates feeling joyful and happy in life with acquiring material possessions. If we just have that new home, new car, new dress, etc, then we will be filled with joy...... or will we? When we do manage to purchase any of these ... Views: 1666
Aromatherapy has been used across many cultures since ancient times. Ancient Egyptians used specific aromatherapy oils as they were mummifying a body. On the heads of guests they also placed scented wax cones that would melt progressively releasing the fragrances of the essential oils. In ... Views: 1851
It has only been over the last year or so that I am beginning to understand just how powerful Sound is as healing force. As a stand-alone vibrational healing tool I feel it has been under-rated for too long.
Meditating and toning as a group in pristine Tasmanian rainforest in 2007 sent our ... Views: 2003
Working in the healing industry tends to draw compassionate, caring people as practitioners. Although this is ideally what clients / patients want from health professionals like counsellors, naturopaths, social workers, hypnotherapists, psychologists and so on, the common problem is that such ... Views: 1308
One of the most powerful gifts we can give ourselves is to forgive, both ourselves and others. In forgiving we are not condoning the behaviour of the person we perceive as having wronged us, but rather we are allowing ourselves to break the hold that person has on our lives. Feeling anger ... Views: 2400
“Hypnosis” comes from the Greek word ipnos meaning “sleep”, but really hypnosis is not a sleep state, rather a natural state of deep relaxation. For most people this means lowering the brainwave frequency from waking (beta) to (alpha), the same level as in meditation. Some experienced meditators ... Views: 1815
Especially for professional healers, it is extremely important to clear your energy field from any of another person’s energetic “garbage” that you may inadvertently have taken on during that person’s healing session - a time when your energy field is connected to your client’s.
Everyone can ... Views: 1828
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Reframing is easy to do to shift anything from a negative or blocked state into a clear or positive state. The basic technique is the same, no matter what the issue.
First of all find what part of the body is holding on to ... Views: 2362
Even though our conscious mind knows we should not behave or react in a certain way to certain people or situations, we often do it anyway! We know we shouldn’t turn red in the face and sweat when we have to talk to our boss, we know we shouldn’t procrastinate getting our assignment done and we ... Views: 2806
This article will be of great benefit to you, even if you haven’t had any prior experience in healing with energy. Of course, if you are already an experienced healer, the benefits will be even greater.
• Deep relaxation providing healing on all levels, leaving an enduring sense of ... Views: 1541
Each and every one of us on a path of personal growth needs a toolbox of quick, easy and powerful techniques to help us release and move beyond our personal issues and blockages. The ones below are some of my personal favourites:
•Lie on your back or sit ... Views: 2490
In order to keep ourselves in good energetic balance as healers we need to develop a daily routine for keeping ourselves centered and grounded. The following techniques are a couple of my favourites:
This technique using the colours of the chakras is quick and ... Views: 2530
It is all too common that sometime in a person's forties they undergo what is popularly termed a “mid-life” crisis. Either this is because they suddenly realise life is passing them by and they have not met the goals they aspired to in their twenties, or alternatively the person may have been ... Views: 1490
How often have you procrastinated about starting something important, creating unnecessary anxiety and worry, when it would have been a lot simpler and less stressful to just do it and get it out of the way? For many people the answer is probably more times than they care to remember.
What ... Views: 1750
Daily stresses often manifest physically in constricted, shallow breathing. Try these easy, quick and most of all, effective, breathing techniques to restore calm rapidly. Bringing mind awareness to deepening the breath immediately turns on the parasympathetic restorative nervous system to ... Views: 1603
2008 and the early part of 2009 saw global sharemarkets take a nose-dive as people watched their hard-earned savings in share investments and superannuation get substantially wiped off. The doom and gloom merchants, largely in the media, would have had us believe the global economy was ... Views: 1622