I don’t know about you, but 2012 was quite an eventful year! Many things changed, but a lot remained the same. While I did accomplish a lot last year in terms of goals I had set at the beginning of the year, there are still a few things that I wanted to get done, that didn’t.
I know that I ... Views: 1241
I don’t know about you, but 2012 was quite an eventful year! Many things changed, but a lot remained the same. While I did accomplish a lot last year in terms of goals I had set at the beginning of the year, there are still a few things that I wanted to get done, that didn’t.
I know that I ... Views: 1241
I’ve had my dog Lulu in my life for 6 years and she has taught me quite a bit about myself and life in general. Before adopting Lulu, I had fish and rabbits as pets. I had never imagined the joy of having a dog! Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been all kisses and tummy rubs, but even in her ... Views: 1591
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where someone says or does something that you consider inappropriate and you fight the urge to say something? Or even worse, someone says something inappropriate or demeaning to you and you let it go, convincing yourself that they didn’t mean it or ... Views: 1331
I’m doing my second round of A Course in Miracles and the lesson that really struck a chord with me lately was: “Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.” I immediately recognized the truth of this request. So often we think we know what the problem is, when clearly we don’t because ... Views: 2489
I was doing a workshop at a youth shelter I volunteer at and the topic for the day was Values. One of the exercises was borrowed from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: write your obituary. The purpose of this exercise is to give you an opportunity to think about how you want to be ... Views: 1521
We all have goals and aspirations for the future. If someone were to ask you, for example, where you see yourself in 20 years, you may pause for a bit, but soon you would be able to come up with a list. The problem for many of us is that we haven’t given much thought as to how we are going to ... Views: 1948
We are all familiar with the saying “don’t assume because it makes an ass of you (u) and me”. While it may seem like an over-used cliché, I can’t help but reflect on the truth of this little quip. Haven’t we all gotten into trouble at one point or another for assuming things were one way when ... Views: 4264
I’ve always considered my average. I never really thought that I was special in any particular way. Growing up, I think there were times I thought I was “less than”. I was a chubby, shy kid and school was all (I thought) I was good at. My parents couldn’t afford for me to wear the clothes or ... Views: 1327
The Four Agreements has given me a nice reminder about the importance of not taking things personally. It is something that I have gotten better about with time, but there is always room for improvement! The first time I was ever presented with the idea that peace of mind could come from not ... Views: 1480
Creating boundaries – it sounds like something you would hear in a therapy session or read about in a self-help book, but what does it really mean? For me, it means being self-aware, able to know and express to others what is acceptable in my life. This has not been an easy feat for me by any ... Views: 1217
For many, the beginning of a new year brings promises of new positive habits and the release of old negative ones. While we start the year off motivated to make big changes in our lives, we often lose steam before the end of February. But what about those that actually do stick to their ... Views: 1291
Love is a wonderful emotion that we all seek to experience. It comes in many forms; the love a parent has for a child, the love one feels for a romantic partner, or the love we have for friends and family. We have all said the words “I love you”, but have we really thought about what that ... Views: 1508
I didn’t know what to expect when I decided to start doing the daily lessons in my A Course in Miracles text. I had received the book in March 2010 and started reading the text shortly after. I’ve never been one to highlight textbooks in the past, but this book had so much information to ... Views: 3052
I’ve read many inspirational and motivational books. I’ve gone to seminars and I’ve listened to CDs and mp3 recordings. If connecting to one’s higher self could be achieved by simple osmosis, I would be in a constant state of contentment. The reality, however, is that this is not the ... Views: 1317
While the title may have you thinking of a Madonna song, it seems like a material world is where many of us are living, now more than ever! It would appear we live our lives simply for the accumulation of “stuff”. We want bigger homes, nicer cars and the “right” brands of clothes. What I find ... Views: 1446
Growing up, competition was considered a good thing, healthy even. As a visible minority I was told I had to be better than the rest, because nothing was going to come easy to me, and I was going to need the upper hand intellectually in order to achieve the success I wanted. To be honest, I ... Views: 2476
When was the last time you had a really good laugh? You know the kind I’m talking about – those laughing fits you get where you can’t stop laughing even though your stomach hurts and tears are rolling down your face and you can’t even speak. Those are the best laughs, and when you think of a ... Views: 1261
I was reading Caroline Myss’ book Defy Gravity the other day and I came upon the word surrender. For some reason it gave me pause, and immediately I decided that it would be the subject of my next article. What is it about the word surrender? Why did it seem to be something I needed to give ... Views: 1576
I almost entitled this article Learning from our mistakes, but I don’t want to refer to the opportunity to learn as a mistake. The title of one of Wayne Dyer’s books echoing in my head, Change your thoughts, change your life. Since changing my life for the better is a constant theme, then it ... Views: 1273
Between watching Star Wars for the millionth time and finishing the book The Shadow Effect, I have been in heavy contemplation about the dark side, more specifically, in terms of The Shadow Effect, my dark side. There was a time when I would have denied the existence of a dark side in me, the ... Views: 1357
“What does your gut tell you?” It’s often a question we are asked when we are struggling to make a decision. If you are anything like me (or my former self anyway), decision making is not your strong suit. Even on the simplest things, where the choice seemed obvious, I just couldn’t commit to ... Views: 1363
You’ve been doing your spiritual work; affirmations, visualization, meditations, and life is going pretty well. All of a sudden, something you perceive as negative pops up in your life and you are completely blown away! How did this happen? Negative experiences aren’t supposed to happen to ... Views: 1411
Have you ever found yourself in a situation or conversation, which at the surface seems pretty ordinary, yet find yourself becoming strongly emotional in some way? For me, it is not something that happens very often, but when it does, especially these days, I am amazed at the power of my ... Views: 1345
Have you ever considered how you are living your life? Do you have goals and a plan to achieve those goals or does life seem to just happen to you? Are you proactive or reactive in life? When you haven’t made a plan to achieve your goals, they really end up just being dreams; things you’ve ... Views: 1365
It’s easy to put a value on a home or a car, but I wonder how much of us really put a lot of thought into how much we are worth? I can only speak for myself, and I can honestly say that I have constantly undervalued my own worth. Whether it was jobs I have accepted, or relationships that I ... Views: 1395
It makes me giggle a little bit to type the title of this article. How many times have I heard this line quoted? A line made famous by the Borg in Star Trek: The Next Generation, it has taken me a long time to realize that it’s not just another cheesy quote, but a truism. Resistance truly is ... Views: 1380
I have yet to see the movie Limitless, but I must admit the movie trailers aired on television had me very intrigued! The idea of being able to access 100% of our brains capacity is literally mind blowing! Imagine what we would be capable of if we could tap into all of that potential, a world ... Views: 3104
As a woman in my mid-thirties, I feel a sense of urgency amongst my single friends. While it was perfectly fine to be single in our twenties, being single in our thirties, seems to be a place that no one really wants to find themselves. I know that I have that little voice that is constantly ... Views: 1783
To thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. ~ William Shakespeare
I’ve heard this phrase quoted so many times, but only recently have I really thought about what it really means. What does it really mean to be true to ... Views: 1307