You are well aware of the words you speak out loud to yourself, but perhaps even without uttering a word, you tell yourself a lot. Every word you speak and thought you have is absorbed in your subconscious mind and affects the emotional biochemicals released into your body. Positive words have a ... Views: 1252
Designing Your Masterpiece
In order to start working towards the vision of what you want your life masterpiece to be, you need to first define a Vision Statement for yourself. Thoroughly examine your life through the 6 Keys. Do not get distracted by what is practical or what your current ... Views: 1380
I have a client who tells me how depressed he is with the news of the economy, yet he spends many hours watching the stock market go up and down like a roller coaster. All those words of economic gloom and doom that are going on in his mind are affecting the thoughts of my client, and without a ... Views: 912
The revelation of this most powerful attraction tool is one that is so simple, and basic that for many it may go unnoticed, and often unappreciated because of it's simplicity. Some would say it's as common as a rock, but when discovered by those who comprehend's it's value, it is more rare than ... Views: 1254
Are you one of the many people who sabotage your ability to create more financial prosperity in your life?
Our thoughts, (negative or positive) become automatic over time and create our reality. It is important to become aware of the messages we give ourselves that either attract or detract ... Views: 1175
By now you are well aware that effective communication with yourself truly changes your life. You can also affect powerful change in the dynamics of your relationships simply by changing how you communicate with others. Good communication arises out of the way we talk, how we listen to others, ... Views: 3767
Whether a challenging event or circumstance has a stressful effect depends on your coping skills. Your reaction to a stressful event is related to:
• Whether you perceive the situation as threatening or undesirable
• Whether you feel you have some control over the situation
• Whether you ... Views: 1325
One’s spiritual needs are met by an untroubled inner life.
Happiness comes when your intentions, thoughts and action benefit to yourself and others" Chinese Proverb
Do Your Thoughts Make You Happy?
Do Your Actions Make You Happy?
Do Your Set Goals That Will Create Happiness?
Does Your ... Views: 1665
Sexuality is part of being human. Love and sexual intimacy contribute to healthy relationships, and to our overall happiness. There is an important correlation between overall health, overall lifestyle, and sexual satisfaction. In a recent study, researchers estimated that having intercourse ... Views: 1485
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The Dynamics of Change - by Janie Behr CSW, CLC, Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Author
Team Building: Winning Together
Let's explore an action plan that transforms groups into teams. Creating a positive work environment, providing learning and growth opportunities, and developing creative incentive opportunities are priorities when building a company teamwork program that gets ... Views: 1083
The time between Thanksgiving and New Years is a time people get “stressed out”. So I ask you…why? Lets identify the reasons and then we can change them. Everywhere I look I see people stressed out ‘striving to be happy. I also see heart-felt thankfulness…. more than at any other times of the ... Views: 1403
Prejudice, discrimination, and scapegoating is alive and well in the 21st century. Marshall Wong, a hate-crime coordinator said, "anti-Semitic crime is still consistently among the top four groups targeted." Perhaps the most startling discovery is the reports of anti-Semitic schoolyard ... Views: 2983
The energy you expend always comes back.
I know this for sure.
This is true for all things, including your body. You must nurture it, work it, rest it. If you don't, the energy spent on neglect will eventually turn on you. It's not personal, just physics.
I chose not to get up and work out. ... Views: 4684
Mother’s Day is this Sunday and card stores are busy, candy counters are packed, florists are getting calls and stores are selling gift cards.
No one really knows what to get mom on Mother’s Day. She is such a vital, important part of our lives, and nothing quite seems good enough to buy her on ... Views: 1561
Caring for a pet, such as walking or playing with your dog, teaching your dog tricks all are very rewarding and many times gives a person the unconditional love that they can't get anywhere else. My dogs are always happy to see me, never judge me, and love me no matter what is going on.
They ... Views: 1383
"Relax! Your money is not your life! It just feels that way sometimes." Sark Women are starting to explore money in their lives now more than ever. Money is beginning to flow into more women's life as we become visible, we become independent. Women have had a long history of scarcity and ... Views: 1008
If you want more money, give up your old beliefs and adopt new ones: "I'm a money magnet!" Count your blessings, Count your blessings, and Count your blessings! If you've had trouble with finances in the past, know it can be different. Expect it, and allow for a new experience.
The Stories We ... Views: 1072
Your emotions and feelings protect us, and give our lives richness. If emotions become overwhelming they can also be the cause of undue stress, and erratic behavior. Journaling can help balance and regulate your emotions and feel more comfortable and directed in your emotional life. Every day ... Views: 8573
As life becomes more fast-paced, people find themselves struggling with life, balance and stress. The following are important things to think about daily in order to stay healthy, feel vibrant and make the most of every day. Start your own Healthy Life Series with your family and friends in the ... Views: 937
As life becomes more fast-paced, people find themselves struggling with life, balance and stress. The following are important things to think about daily in order to stay healthy, feel vibrant and make the most of every day.
Start your own Healthy Life Series with your family and friends in ... Views: 1087
There is a time for work and a time for play and both are essential to a successful personal and professional life. Establish a routine and stick to it as much as you can. Make sure you actually get things done and eliminate activities that waster your time.
The following list are some ... Views: 2742
Don’t let April showers rain on your parade! How can you give your attitude and your life a boost of energy?
• Do you wish you had a few more hours everyday?
• Do you waste too much time looking for things?
• Do you feel overwhelmed by paper and stuff?
• Do you often feel drained at the end of ... Views: 1085
"Retirement" is no longer a word eagerly searched for in the vocabulary of the Baby Boomer.
To indirectly support this, a short time ago reports in the Los Angeles Times included a distressing one that clearly identified single "Boomer" women at the greatest risk of being forced to live in ... Views: 1262
When the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2011, the oldest of the baby boomers will turn sixty-five. This remarkable generation, the largest in American history will continue to have an enormous impact on the nation socially, economically and politically as later it ages, transforming old ... Views: 1192