We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
A wise man once said that a problem faced in the workplace is nothing more than an opportunity disguised in work clothing.
This is a good thing to remember when faced with a complex issue that has no immediate answer. Some people are naturals at solving problems, other have to study to gain ... Views: 2282
In a time when our economy is failing, business development, marketing, and pr consultants keeps businesses alive. Consultants have been the foundation resource for many individuals and businesses that understand the importance of the information obtained but do not have the budget to hire ... Views: 1337
Belmont Stakes was inaugurated in 1867 and much to the surprise of everyone that day, the race was won by a filly despite a field comprising of stronger male contenders and the gruelling distance. This was Ruthless, the first winner of the first Belmont Stakes, also the first filly to achieve a ... Views: 1295
One way I set and achieve my goals is by visualizing exactly what I want and then creating a Vision Board. It helps me stay focused and thinking positively about each goal. You can do the same thing. Here’s a quick overview of how to create your own Vision Board:
Make a list of the ... Views: 2929
How are you doing on your most important goals? How do you even know unless you are carefully measuring your progress on each goal?
You are not alone. You probably already know that 91% of New Year’s Resolutions -- you know the ones to lose weight, go to the gym, and clean out that junk ... Views: 1890
All start with their driving instructors with a green provisional driving licence, but all pupils are aiming for one thing and one thing only, and that's to acquire a pink full driving licence! But you must earn your pink driving licence by passing both your driving theory test and your ... Views: 665
Any idea that pops into your head and makes you excited is a good one. How do you know that you should follow through on that idea? Trust yourself, take action and you’ll get your evidence.
Your inner guidance only gives you ideas that you have the resources and ability to create. In order ... Views: 1211
When it comes to project management, especially with a small team, producing results that pack a punch in a short period of time is non-negotiable. The stakes and stress levels are higher, and team morale plays a vital role in crossing the finish line. In our world, there is no difference ... Views: 1116
The Mortgage Debt Relief Act of 2007 is set to expire
The tax-relief provisions enacted by Congress during the housing crisis to help financially strapped homeowners is about to come to an end. This is the 2007 law that allows taxpayers to exclude from income the amount of debt that is ... Views: 754
Improve your personal and business life with the right lists - 9 ways
1. 10 IMPROVEMENTS. Make a list of at least ten improvements you could make. Consider health and fitness, career, home, business, family, hobbies, education and training. Come up with ... Views: 1607
A lot of people stay not successful or get alternating ordeals with successes together with lack of success, simply because they do not know that they've got lots of bad traits. Bad traits have to do with habits as well as individual features that in the long run trigger failure. A number of the ... Views: 712
What if failure and winning go hand in hand similar to peanut butter and chocolate? At first glance it appears to be an odd match. So many highly talented athletes needed to experience failure in order to become great. Whether it is in sports, business or life, failure is necessary for the ... Views: 1628
Establish your goal. You cannot reach a goal you do not have. Zig Ziglar tells my favorite story about the importance of having goals. A coach has the men's basketball team in the locker room just before the big game. And he says in a loud voice, "Are we going to win this game?" And the players ... Views: 1534
Does your energy fluctuate over the course of the day – not a simple up and down, but a wild and massive high and low?
Do you drink lots of tea, coffee, energy drinks and wish you didn’t drink that many?
Do you get exhausted just turning up to work?
Well it is time for more sustainable ... Views: 1125
One of my favorite books on attitude is The Aladdin Factor by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson. They say, “If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.” And they are right.
You have to ask for what you want from yourself, others, the Universe/God and your own Inner Guidance.
I’m a huge ... Views: 1293
Having difficulty on setting and achieving goals in life? You think you have planned so well but then everything goes wrong at the end? Time is running and although you're always doing your best and putting lots of effort in, you're always going back to the beginning, never accomplishing ... Views: 987
Serious competitive athletes realize there is no room for distraction if they want to win events. Developing laser focus is possible, can be done and is necessary for reaching your BIG goals. When you are training for high performance unbreakable concentration is required. Consciously training ... Views: 1505
Almost all of us can admit to driving home from somewhere and taking a familiar route - only to realize we are not sure either where we are - or we find that we have driven past our turn. Somehow we have drifted into thought - and have lost our focus.
This is something I am very familiar ... Views: 1340
When you first bring your profession home and begin your stay at home business, you may yearn for that tiny little cubicle that you had when you were at an office
working for someone else. At least when you were in your own
cubicle, you were able to turn your back on impositions
and get ... Views: 1379
"Never tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon." unknown.
Goal setting never seems much fun until you learn how to get really good at goal getting. What's the difference? Want to know how I traveled to 24 countries in 18 months, without having to book an ... Views: 1155
One of the difficulties I have heard most from my clients is “I know what I want to do but exactly how do I get there?”
Knowing what you want, your goal is the major principle of goal setting. You cannot get to where you want to go if you do not know where it is you want to go. First things ... Views: 1106
Having a big dream or goal is like trudging hundreds of miles through a desert. You have a destination in mind – a beautiful place full of shade, trees, water and every thing else you could want. But as you struggle with the endless miles under the blazing sun with no sign of relief, your ... Views: 2199
You’ll achieve your goals quickly, easily, almost magically when you can get your Conscious and your Subconscious mind to agree on what you want. Have you ever successfully pulled off an event involving more than two people? Whether you planned a simple thing like a picnic or as difficult as a ... Views: 1018
Someone who hardly spends time with you just for the joy of being together but allows obstacle and circumstances to come in between is not a good friend
Foe drains you of your energy and enthusiasm for what you are supposed to do.
One whose advice has always landed you into trouble ... Views: 1167
Price is what you do or give in order to acquire another thing. Virtually, everything in life has a price, nothing is for free. I what to use this ample opportunities to clearly state that even the air we breathe is not for free. The energy you dissipate to free the system is the price you pay ... Views: 1055
Self-criticism is pretty common as we are usually the world’s number one experts on our own faults and shortcomings.
However, continually sending ourselves self-hating messages which can be caused by self-criticism generally leads to misery more often than to motivation. It also leads to ... Views: 1552
When my mentor and mastermind group told me they were confused about my brand, I became confused. What? I’m the Law of Attraction coach. Hello, people. Can you hear me?! Isn’t it obvious what I offer?
Apparently, they heard me fine - I was putting out mixed messages. I offered many solutions ... Views: 1411
Clarity will increase your desire and move you in the direction of your goals and dreams. Legendary motivator Jim Rohn said, “It’s not the direction of the wind, but the setting of the sails that really matters.”
I want to remind you that you were born to win, but to be the winner you were ... Views: 5140
A total blunder may set you back. However, should you encompass a radical failure rather than a mere scrape, it would benefit you to analyze and reflect on the every step taken to reach your goal.
It may well be that you hadn’t taken the time to envision all possibilities before selecting ... Views: 1210
When you’re starting a business one of the first things you need to identify is your target market, or niche. These are the people who’re going to buy your product or service and without them your business will fail!
I was absolutely horrified to read a post on a forum recently that basically ... Views: 1032
For people with ADHD, a familiar strategy to get things done is to be very clear about their goals, break them down into smaller pieces, and complete those smaller pieces in order to carry out the goal. Weekly we plan for what needs to be accomplished. Daily we check and check off our to do ... Views: 3569
‘Success leaves clues’ is one of those stock phrases used by personal development legend Tony Robbins in his talks and seminars. However, not only does success leave clues but it also actually needs them too when it comes to the mad science of goal setting! But what kind of clues exactly does ... Views: 1499
We all have goals and aspirations for the future. If someone were to ask you, for example, where you see yourself in 20 years, you may pause for a bit, but soon you would be able to come up with a list. The problem for many of us is that we haven’t given much thought as to how we are going to ... Views: 1948
Subliminal Music is a vital part of subliminal technology which can change your life for good when you engage it. You can always achieve your goals in life when you empower your subconscious mind with quality subliminal resources that can be of help.
Subliminal Music is in the form of ... Views: 871
Building, demonstrating and proving credibility is one of the most important things we can do as people who seek to accomplish interesting goals and live successful lives. But it’s also highly misunderstood, and many people don’t have a clue how to make credibility work for ... Views: 3263
It happens to all of us. We have been hibernating during the Winter, and all of the sudden Spring is upon us, at which point we find out, we are simply “out of shape” not to mention hungry, thirsty and in need of much wanted nourishment. And it is not just about the body, but the mind and ... Views: 924
Being confused, unclear, overwhelmed or broke are choices. But who the heck wants to hear that?!
I was coaching a business team recently and asked the group, “What do you need to step into, that will take you to your personal edge? What is something you want to experience more fully at ... Views: 1526
Working towards a big vision is a powerful experience. As a compass, a vision can be a decision-making tool for all of your day-to-day actions. If the action will take you towards your vision, you do it. If it won't, you don't. Simple? Yes. Easy? No.
Vision work can be daunting as well, and I ... Views: 1907
Buying a new car is such an exciting and stressful time. Looking around at shiny new cars and trying them out is great fun, but when you start to drill down to choose a car it can get very difficult. Trying to find a car that has everything you need and want can be a complete headache. When you ... Views: 1816
It’s relatively easy to set your goals, even if you have never done it or not done it much before. You start by breaking down a broad mission a dream into workable smaller parts. You begin by writing down your broad mission and dream goals so you can create goals today that will put you on the ... Views: 986
If you are in a position of authority then you must be conscientious of two areas: ensuring a quality job (or upholding a directive) and training others to progress in the same field. Essentially, you might be teaching the person who may some day replace you. Is this a fair outlook? This is ... Views: 1142
Did you know there is an International Association of Print House Craftsmen (which has several women members)? In the day of $99 ink jets and 24-hour print shops, these folks still “bleed ink.” What they construct with printing presses and paper is art – pure and simple.
If you didn’t know ... Views: 1099
My favorite quote by Einstein is "Vision without execution is merely hallucination." The first time I read this I was surprised at the glaring truth to this simple statement. At the same time, I realized it's sometimes easier said than done.
Goal setting, New Year’s resolutions, dreams, and ... Views: 1167
How to avoid being hustled. Not one day goes by without someone telling me that they have been conned out of their hard earned money. But when you analyse everything they tell you you can see how it happened.
Take this example. A guy I know - who lives alone in a rented room in the worst ... Views: 4711
Realistically, striving for perfection may somewhat be only a motivator to excel in a certain domain. There should never be a depletion of self-worth or self-confidence when perfection has not been reached. The human factor constantly interferes with the notion of perfection. Whether it is a ... Views: 1282
In a New York Press article from August of 2011, film producer and director Tommy Pallotta, said, “I am a fan of audience participation, but I also think audiences like to be told a story. There’s this thing video game designers call a ‘golden path’—there’s a definite way that the majority of ... Views: 2598
Reaching your goals in a timely manner is most likely important to you. You want to achieve something and you want it to appear in your life by a certain time. (Usually that time is right now! or at least pretty soon!) Unfortunately, unless you follow this one critical element of goal setting, ... Views: 2060
Today it is more likely to read articles praising cleaner cities, communities and surroundings. A topic everyone is happy to read. Unfortunately a majority of the readers have to face a gloomy reality. Readers understand their city could be cleaner than where it presently stands. These flawless ... Views: 634
Your financial situation is a product of your application of the amazing creative power contained in your thoughts.
You manifest the economic conditions you think about.
In other words, your material affluence or financial struggle is a reflection of the thoughts you have been ... Views: 2228
This is a great time to reflect on the past year as well as a time to think about what you want to create this year. What did you accomplish that you are most proud of? How were you successful? What lessons did you learn?
If you were to make this year the best year of your career or your ... Views: 1334