Like a butterfly, small businesses tend to have short lifespans.
That's partly because small businesses, by their very nature, have fewer resources to draw on when times get tough — or even when they are too good.
With the odds stacked against them from day one, there are at least as many ways ... Views: 1277
During the week whilst giving an interview I was asked this question - Who and What in the world inspires me?
It's a great question and always fun to think about what serves as my inspiration at any given time. I find not a day goes by without being truly inspired in some way. I seek out ... Views: 1443
One of the first things you learn as a business owner is that there's no such thing as "set in stone." Everything's a moving target, and adapting has to be part of the plan-even when it comes to your business plan itself.
In fact, it's a good bet that the product or revenue model you originally ... Views: 1199
Training – an Expense or an Investment?
Many entrepreneurs seem to view employee training and development as more optional than essential...a viewpoint that can be costly to both short-term profits and long-term progress.
The primary reason training is considered optional by so many business ... Views: 3607
What Is Your Business Model?
If you don’t have a business model; how can you expect to be successful in business. A Business Model is imperative to each and every business.
It shows investors precisely how your business will create a profitable niche in the marketplace.
Why do investors ... Views: 1040
The true formula to success, personal or professional, is seldom disclosed. Why? Is it because no-one really wants to acknowledge that there is no quick-fix to success, overnight success, or Success for Dummies guide.
World renowned golf player Gary Player is known for saying: “The more I ... Views: 1544
FEAR is the number one reason that holds you back! Where in your life are you playing small and letting FEAR take over? Are you in a job that you hate and feeling unfulfiled and frightened to move on? Are you in a relationship that you know in your heart is not for you however you're frightened ... Views: 1235
How Can You Give Yourself An Edge In A Difficult Job Market?
The current rate of unemployment in the UK is 8.4% and in Ireland it sits at 14.2%. As a result there is greater competition for fewer jobs. How can you give yourself an edge in these difficult times? For the past 4 years, large ... Views: 1066
Our careers are such an integral part of our lives, if we’re somehow dissatisfied or unhappy within our job and feel we should be in a better place, it can be extremely disheartening, yet we continue down that path.
Despite our best efforts, unlocking our true potential can be a difficult ... Views: 883
New Year’s Resolutions – Friend or Foe? Set Yourself Up For Success In 2012!
Where are you at in your life? How was 2011 for you? What went well, what didn’t go so well? Where do you want to be this time next year? What are the top 5 things you want to achieve in 2012?
I ... Views: 1242
Mid-Life Career Change
At the age of 40, Grant was a school teacher who merely existed from one day to the next. He didn’t dislike his chosen career path, but was becoming increasingly frustrated.
The frustration made him feel irritable and he took it out on the people closest to him, ... Views: 1423
When last did you look forward to getting up for work in the morning? Better still, when last did you not experience that knot in your stomach on a Sunday evening as you began to dread the Monday grindstone?
Is it just me or do you get the feeling that something is wrong with this ... Views: 1467
I have always been passionate about what I do, and that’s why I do it. Even from the beginning of my career I made a pact with myself, that the day that I don’t enjoy what I do, is the day I’ll do something else.
My philosophy is and has always been, do what you’re passionate about, what you ... Views: 1401
Now its time to look clearly at what not really going for your dreams has cost you – mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially. Give your full attention and commitment to this exercise. It is vital for creating the kind of success that you deserve to have in your life.
Spend two or ... Views: 1147
“The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.” Mahatma Gandhi
I recently heard this acronym at a seminar and it made so much sense.
FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real
Then it was followed up with a statistic that 80% of our fears never happen.
Where In Life Is Fear ... Views: 1277
On Friday evening I finished work and headed out of the City to my house in the country. It’s about a two hour drive. Along the way I thought about the week I had and the people I worked with and the changes they were making and the impact it was having on their life. I felt incredibly ... Views: 1275
Where are you at in your life? How was 2010 for you? What went well, what didn’t go so well? Where do you want to be this time next year? What are the top 5 things you want to achieve in 2011?
I absolutely love this time of year, closing out the year and heading in to the new. It’s time for ... Views: 1411
My name is Helen Roberts, a Career Development expert with 17 years experience in the industry. I've never seen a market quite like this one.
In today's economic climate many people are 'hurting' like never before, financially & emotionally. We have record numbers unemployed across the ... Views: 5720
During the last few years we have experienced the biggest recession since the depression. We have record numbers of unemployed in the US, UK and Ireland.
Redundancies or job lay offs have slowed down however people that have lost their jobs are in trouble, as competition for jobs is at its ... Views: 1251