At the office, I have been working with a few different departments on scoping out a project. I was warned that one department was going to push back on my proposal. And it was suggested that I might consider a plan B.
As predicted, the one department did push back. So, I setup several ... Views: 1973
I love my life journey. I continually strive to expand my life and be of service to others. The mental block walls I run into are limiting beliefs I have about myself. These beliefs erode my confidence and they can also make me feel I am less than a woman than I am.
I know intellectually ... Views: 1155
I love to dream and dream BIG!
What I have to be careful of is not getting so wrapped up my dream that I end up thinking more about my dream then I do about living in the NOW. This happens when I am not happy with where I am at.
Life has its ups and downs; this is normal for everyone. I ... Views: 1159
Sometimes I hear the funniest lines that I just need to share. I have a girlfriend that talks a mile a minute. She is high-energy and has a mind that collects LOTS of facts and data points that she can retrieve at a snap of a finger.
The result is that with a given topic you can receive a ... Views: 1217
I was recently reminded how tough it can be to change our behaviors. When we identify something about ourselves we want to change, it can be difficult to sustain the new behavior in the beginning. It may be that we want to be more tolerant, patient or minimize our need to be perfect. This ... Views: 1429
The phrase ‘Your Greatness’ can be called different things. It could be ‘Your Destiny’, ‘Your Purpose’, or even ‘Your Calling’. What each of these phrases speak to is ‘what are you on this planet for?’ The thought can be overwhelming! Perhaps immediately followed by ‘I haven’t a ... Views: 1145
I have a very busy life. Toss my daughter’s calendar of activities on top of my own and we are always on the go. We are very active and we are productive when we are focused on our priorities.
An active life is where you are busy. You have a lot of tasks you are doing but you don’t seem to ... Views: 1418
I can’t even begin to count how many times I wanted something but the fear of being told ‘No’ held me back from even asking a question. I am much more confident today than I used to be just a few years ago, but it is still something I need to watch for.
Work environment comes to mind ... Views: 1170
From what viewpoint are you looking at your life? Are you looking in the rear-view mirror or are you looking through your windshield?
Looking through your rear-view mirror is viewing life with chains of the past. Some of these chains may be limiting beliefs that were drilled into your head ... Views: 1164
Do you ever have times in your life when everything is going great yet you just have this nagging feeling that impending doom is on the horizon? It’s like waiting for the other shoe to drop. You aren’t quite sure where the problem will come from, but you are convinced there will be a ... Views: 1243
From following my blog, I’m sure you have gotten the sense that I’m not a woman who sits on the sideline watching life go by. I am engaged with life. I live a life of action.
Action comes from confidence. Confidence comes from action. What initiates everything in my life is my focused ... Views: 1499
We all have people in our lives that have a tendency to drain our emotional energy. It may be a family member, a child, our boss or a friend.
What I have come to understand is that everyone wants to be loved. People do not come into our lives purposefully to drain us emotionally. We allow ... Views: 1193
What kind of day are you choosing to have?
It can be so easy for a life event to take control of our mood for the day; that is IF we allow that to happen. We have a choice every moment on the type of day we are going to have. A recent conversation with a girlfriend really drove this point ... Views: 1243
What is Self-Love?
For me, Self-Love means that I am making my needs a priority in my life.
Society teaches women to put the needs of others in front of ourselves. For years I did that. Work came first. When I married, my husband came first. Then when my daughter was born her needs ... Views: 1495
I love the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Everyone is still in a festive mood and the stress of the holiday season is winding down. I enjoy the after-Christmas sales and I usually take the week off between the holidays.
My number one favorite activity this last week of the year is ... Views: 1154
Like most families we have our Christmas traditions. For us, the Christmas tree is the first tradition of the season. We go to the same tree lot every year on the first weekend of December to pick our tree and we decorate it that evening. It is a special time for us to really connect and ... Views: 2261
There was an extended period of time in my life where I was a CAVE dweller. We all know people that are. CAVE is an acronym for Citizens Against Virtually Everything. CAVE dwellers are the people that look at life as a glass that is half full and complain about it. They complain loudly about ... Views: 1966
Do you struggle with trying to be the perfect woman?
I do.
Like most that struggle with perfectionism, I know it’s wrapped into my ego and insecurities. I consciously know that I need to lighten up on my expectations of myself, but in execution it can be difficult.
This morning as I ... Views: 1447
Do you set your eyes on a goal and keep your focus and energy on attaining it? Your goal may be a promotion, saving for European vacation or getting Christmas presents bought in record time.
I can have tunnel vision when I’m focused on a goal. It amazes some of my friends that when I get ... Views: 1207
What happens when we hold back?
I know for me, I feel like I have not given my full effort. It may be a project I am working on, it may be making dinner or it may be my contribution in an office meeting.
I know for the office environment, particularly in meetings, I may hold back out of ... Views: 1272
Life lessons can appear in the most unexpected places. I was working on one of my blogs last week at the kitchen table. The smoke alarm starts ringing. I look up and can see smoke coming out of the oven which triggered the alarm.
My teenage daughter had just 5 minutes prior put cookies in ... Views: 1119
I was recently on a business trip to Guadalajara. On the return flight a young family was seated a couple of rows up from me. They had a 2 and 4-year-old traveling with them.
Once the plane took off, the 2-year-old girl made it quite clear that she was not a happy camper with the air ... Views: 932
My inner monsters are those characteristics about myself that I don’t like very much. These are traits that I’ve worked hard at over the years to minimize; but occasionally one will rear its ugly head.
Some of these character defects are: anger, pride, procrastination, over-committing, ... Views: 1211
No surprise to any woman to hear that we are wired differently than men. We approach life differently and we remember events differently.
As a broad brush statement, men compartmentalize their memory of events and the emotions. As women, we are wired to tie our emotions around each ... Views: 1603
I will raise my hand and admit. I love to have my parents come in town AND I also love to see them go home. I LOVE my parents. I enjoy spending time with my parents; we always have a fabulous time. Picking them up at the airport is a joy-filled event and so is dropping them off at the ... Views: 1257
The Holidays bring about good and bad memories of past holiday seasons. I have a girlfriend Nancy who newly divorced is having her first Thanksgiving without the kids this year. It's tough; there is no denying it. Thanksgiving will be different for her; but that doesn't mean it'll be bad. ... Views: 1275
How often we lament ‘When ___ happens my life will be better’. The blank may be a job, marriage, new baby or even divorce. What you can count on is that your life will be altered; but will it be better?
My experience has been that my life gets better when I work on me. If I rely upon ... Views: 1054
Letting Go is a process. Letting Go means to stop giving attention to particular person or past experience and to focus on the here and now. We hold on to the past because of our emotions. It may be painful or joyful memories. When we hang on to the past, we are clouding our view of the ... Views: 1331
I am always surprised where Life Lessons appear. I have been so busy wrapped up in quite a few projects that I knew I was losing my sense of being present. Instead of being ‘in the moment’ my thoughts start drifting off to my To Do list. When that happens life is slipping by and I don’t ... Views: 1045
My teenage daughter had a book report due last week. She selected the book the first week of school and was so excited to read it. The book has over 800 pages. I raised my eyebrows when she first told me because although she enjoys reading she is not a voracious reader. For her that is a lot ... Views: 1182
I use to be my own worst critic when I use to fall short of my expectations of myself. It didn't matter if my expectations were big or small; all would have me chastising myself for being less that superwoman. And that is my ego, desiring to be the best mother, friend, worker, manager, lover, ... Views: 1485
Acceptance of events or other people is key to our emotional freedom. It is an emotional process to realize that we don't have control over situations or people and we stop resisting.
I originally believed that acceptance meant I needed to like a situation and that I was okay with the ... Views: 1244
My professional focus during my twenties and thirties was defining who I was as a professional woman. This entailed long days and weekends. It also required quite a bit of travel and for a few years 100% travel as a consultant.
My career progressed along nicely. As I took on more and more ... Views: 1343
I was in a conversation recently where a story was shared that was one of those WOW moments. It is one that proves the power of turning a resentment into a gift. I just had to pass this story on today.
My friend was sharing that his step-daughter is about to start her Ph.D. education ... Views: 1296
There was a time when I was not effective at setting boundaries in my life. I was the push-over that people knew they could get me to do tasks they didn't want to. This wasn't just in one part of my life; it was everywhere. Debbi just couldn't say No.
What would happen is that I would ... Views: 1056
I often see people start tackling one huge project; only to quickly find that the enormity of the project paralyzes them so they do nothing. This came to light with a recent incident in my household. It has to do with my daughter and her teenage bedroom.
Away at camps for a good portion of ... Views: 1365
I was in a drive-thru line at Starbuck’s last week when I had the sudden urge to do a random act of kindness. I paid for the coffee of the person behind me. What was a very pleasant morning all of a sudden turned into an exceptional morning because I stepped outside of myself to make a ... Views: 1707
During a conversation with one of my VIPs this week, we were discussing how well her life was going and how she's making progress in various areas of her life. But she was sharing that she was antsy and couldn't put her finger on the reason why. She told me "I am waiting for something bad to ... Views: 1280
My marathon training is well underway. With the heat wave coming through the Chicago area the past several weeks, it has been miserable running conditions. But I have been reminded of what I tell other women; develop a plan and stick to it.
No Excuses!
So for my running schedule calling ... Views: 1558
How often are you someplace enjoying yourself and someone walks in with the dark cloud hanging over their head? They can immediately pull the energy down with those around them.
I think of the character Ross in the movie Monsters Inc. She is the grumbly administrative person who has a ... Views: 2369
I awoke one morning this week irritable and discontent. To be honest it wasn’t a total surprise; I have been working on a project for Stepping Into Joy; people were not getting back to me in a timely basis or responding in a manner I was hoping for. I was discouraged and frustrated. I then ... Views: 1602
One of my VIP's is ready to head back into the world of dating. She knew I had dated quite a few years (5 years to be exact!) before Grand Dude came into my life. We were talking about the differences of dating when you are in your 40's versus in your 20's.
Dating sites on the internet is ... Views: 1413
I recently had one of those life flashbacks that can make your stomach turn. For me, it was all the complaining I use to do. I would whine about the injustices of my life. Raising my fist to The Big Guy and exclaiming how could you do this to me.
It was easy to sit around and do nothing ... Views: 1339
I have women ask me about dating etiquette. Essentially do the traditional dating rules still apply today?
The answer is mostly they do.
So, here is my take.
I believe when on a date, the gentleman pays. Pure and simple; if I have to pull out my wallet to pay for anything on the first ... Views: 1241
My definition of courage is to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Through recovery regardless if it’s divorce or addiction; I see women continuously performing courageous acts. These are actions they take that move them forward and they need to be acknowledged and celebrated.
So, what would ... Views: 1616
Can I have expectations in my life?
Absolutely you can. But for many expectations set are unrealistic and when their expectation is not met it forms resentment.
A friend was sharing recently when she was a child, her mother set expectations for how she should behave. The expectations ... Views: 1695
Grand Dude and I are training for a fall marathon. We both have all the gadgets, shoes, etc. I have a GPS watch that I absolutely adore. It frees me from marked trails since it'll keep tabs of how far I've run.
Last week I was on one of my long runs and about the last mile, the battery ... Views: 2036
Discipline was one of those words I truly disliked for a long time. Growing up I associated discipline with negative words like detention or being grounded.
As I became an adult, the word started changing meaning into being rigid, inflexible and most importantly boring. The last thing I ... Views: 2093
Do you know someone who seems to effortlessly achieve goals they set out to accomplish? And they reach those goals quickly? Their secret is simple – self-confidence. Part of healing from divorce is the quest for rebuilding of self-confidence that can erode over time in a marriage. Here are ... Views: 1368
Whether it's being late to your child's school play or missing a deadline at the office, many women feel guilty about not being able to do it all. We mentally start beating ourselves up with the would've, could've, should've This negative thinking is not healthy, it affects our emotional ... Views: 1070