Some people are natural followers, some natural leaders. However, the best leaders come from people that can and have followed with a great desire to lead. They acquire knowledge from a leader or mentor, and then use that knowledge, in their own way, to become leaders ... Views: 1710
The final step to your success is #7 - Recap and Review. While this isn't in the IMAGE acronym, it is an important part of the system. Without an overview of the entire flow, we can't see if it is working. There really needs to be a Return On Investment “ROI” when trying to accomplish anything, ... Views: 1047
This is the second article of a seven part article series on The IMAGE Success System. If you missed Step 1 - Imagine, please revisit it and make sure you have followed the instructions. Step #2 is the best part of The IMAGE Success System - we get to Enjoy a lot.
Success Step 2: Write ... Views: 1035
Part 6 of 7 of The IMAGE Success System (Imagine, Manage, Act, Grow, “Enjoy!”)
The next step to your success is #6 - “Enjoy!” If you recall, step #2 was also “Enjoy!” because you needed to document what you wanted to ““Enjoy!”” as you accomplished tasks in the Manage, Act and Grow ... Views: 1217
Part 5 of 7 of The IMAGE Success System (Imagine, Manage, Act, Grow, Enjoy!)
by Monica of ImageThat!
As you have Imagined, Managed, and taken Action, you should be learning something along the way! In the first steps of The IMAGE Success System, I recommended that you start a journal to ... Views: 1183
Part four of seven of The IMAGE Success System (Imagine, Manage, Act, Grow, Enjoy!) This should be a fun part of making your Imagine happen. This is where you start to see some results - but only if you take action! And remember, after each action you take, you get to Enjoy!
Let's review ... Views: 1016
This step can be one of the hardest steps - if you make it that way. The goal is to keep it simple. Don't overthink it and get bogged down in every little detail. This is important. We are not building the space shuttle. We are building dreams. So let's stick to that, deal?
Okay, let's ... Views: 1202
The idea that Imagine is the first step in becoming more successful should not be a new concept to you. But do you do it? Do you Imagine what you really want? Do you Imagine how you want to be living your life?
So often we get stuck in what we are doing and just accept that this is our ... Views: 1159
7 Tips to Creating a Professional Online Presence
by Monica Molstad Baresh and April Courville
The most basic key to an online professional presence is very similar to how you would act in person. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Relationships. Encouragement. Sharing. Staying Positive. Education. ... Views: 4679
Personal Branding: The Secrets to Stand Out and Go Big in Your Career
Introducing “Company Me, Inc., or LLC, or Brand You”
(hereinafter Company Me, Inc.)
What is a brand? Brands can be/mean many things. As a noun, it is “…a class of goods identified by name as the product of a single ... Views: 988
One Secret of Success
What is the glass ceiling? If you look it up online, the generic description will be that it is a metaphor used to describe invisible barriers that prevent women and minorities from advancing to the upper level of management.
Did you know that women make up 46.7% ... Views: 1241
Business Etiquette - How to Fix The 7 Rules That Are Commonly Broken
Business Etiquette is defined as "The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group." When many people think of etiquette, they think "prim and proper." However, in ... Views: 1907