We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Goal setting has been an established component in attempting to enhance one’s personal and professional life, as well as a catalyst for human motivation. It has also provided guidance for organizational strategy and individual achievement. Unfortunately, the process of goal setting has become ... Views: 1480
Delegation: Is it Time?
Let's start with an image: imagine that your business is a boat. When you started, it was probably like a canoe. You were the only one in it, and you had to do the paddling, the navigating, and the fishing. But now your business has grown. It's more of a large-scale ... Views: 1544
When you build a business based on what feels good to you, it’s a guarantee for profits and fulfillment. But what happens when there is a tug-of-war between what feels good and what you’re supposed to do in business?
It can feel very scary to do what feels good. It may seem selfish, ... Views: 1860
In today’s hectic world, a typical morning involves waking up and tending to personal needs (i.e. hygiene, breakfast, etc.) and preparing to go to work. Often, in the process of the ‘everyday’ and ‘getting things done’, we neglect the things we need to energize and motivate us, whether it’s ... Views: 2206
Are you struggling with your money goals and your finance goals? I think a lot of people are these days, especially with the current economic climate right? Why do we all struggle with these goals to achieve in life? Why do we grapple with issues around accomplishing a goal in terms of our ... Views: 1521
Are you missing out on experiencing the good life because you have a badly organised schedule? Are you skipping through the day wondering why you don't have time to do the things you really want to do? In reality, staying organised is easier than you might think; all you need to do is start ... Views: 1514
In any selling situation, it is likely that you will need to overcome a buyer’s obstacles before a buying decision is made. Often, the way we “handle” objections turns the buyer off. Resolving objections effectively is a process that involves careful, sensitive listening and positive, factual ... Views: 1490
Procrastinators always have poorly defined goals and successful people always have clearly defined goals. Successful people do not want to waste energy going nowhere in particular.
It is imperative that in being a good decision maker you start the whole process by clearly defining your goals. ... Views: 1855
If you’re in business, you market. Even if you say you’re not a good marketer, you still do it. But what if there was more to this marketing than anyone ever told you?
And what if THAT'S the reason why your strategies don’t yield results or you feel really uncomfortable doing them?
The ... Views: 1674
I was eating my lunch today and I got a call that reiterated a vital lesson in terms of ways to achieve your goals. Working in sales can be a challenge, that's for sure! It's always interesting to actually receive a sales call, especially when you work in the sales profession and have your own ... Views: 1626
Recently, I wrote here about making the most of time. This month, I have been asked a lot about how people can overcome paralysis and self-sabotage, so I thought I’d pass on my ideas on the subject. Getting in your own way is all about how you relate your yourself. In addition to not managing ... Views: 2243
What got Apple Inc. from being valued at $5,309 in 1977 to $1.79 BILLION in 1980? Steve Jobs, you say. Partly, I say.
Innovation. Steve Jobs was an innovator. A pioneer in the technology world. His big focus was not money, yet he attracted more than most. How does that work from a Law of ... Views: 2008
Does your organization have a strategic plan? If so, who implements it?
One of the biggest problems with plans of any kind, and strategic plans are no exception, is failure to implement well. From new year resolutions to complex strategic plans, failure to execute makes the time and effort ... Views: 3077
Achieving success at any endeavour is about deciding what or how you want to be, figuring out how to get there and then taking the necessary steps to achieve that. Easy if you say it fast!! Sometimes not so easy to make happen.
Here's a logical 8-step process to follow. Do one step each ... Views: 1370
Technology - everything from our computer to our cell phone - seems to have invaded every area of our modern lives. But we often do not take full advantage of the features and benefits that can really make our lives easier. Use these technology tips to help you achieve your goals:
Set ... Views: 1242
Have you noticed that nagging, whining, complaining, sternly directing, yelling, criticizing and freaking out don’t seem to get you what you want from a partner, family member, friend, colleague or child? In a previous article, "Asking for What You Want," I explained how to ask cleanly and ... Views: 2592
If you’re reading this it’s because you want to be uplifted. You want to get a nugget or two about how to grow your business better, faster and easier. And if I can potentially do that for you and it’s fulfilling for me, why wouldn’t I? It's especially rewarding for me if you become my ideal ... Views: 1898
One thing we know for sure, increasing confidence is always good. A sure way of building confidence is by achieving goals. There is nothing like seeing the vision in your heart realized. When you achieve your goals, confidence follows.
There is a great work done internally when a person ... Views: 1659
We are approaching the start of the 2013 NFL fantasy football season (fantasy starts long before the NFL) so it is time to start your preparation work. Sure, you could take the easy way out and let your autodraft engine pick your team for you and hope that you will be competitive. However, very ... Views: 2138
Did you ever stop to think how maintaining a blog can actually help you achieve your goals? Probably not but our discussion here today is about how your blogging helps you stay motivated thus enabling you to reach goals you're pursuing!
Here's a look at 3 key ways your blogging makes it much ... Views: 1350
The best way to convert a fantasy or a dream into a goal, which you can readily achieve, is to write your dream or fantasy down and then to formulate a broad plan to achieve that goal. This simple step begins the process, of goal achievement, by creating something concrete in your mind. This ... Views: 1070
It’s one thing to charge enough for your services and products but does that come with a trade off in your mind?
Do you ask for the support your need from every person that could highly impact your success?
Do you ask for enough days off?
If people work for you, do you ask for quiet ... Views: 1571
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The 5 W's of Life - by Terrence Meltz, Life and Wellness Coach, Ideal Life Solutions
The 5 W’s and an H of Life
When I was in grade 3, I learned a technique of journalistic writing using the 5W’s + H. Asking “WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN and HOW” was a formula we used to map out all of the details to get a complete story. By asking each of those questions we were able to ... Views: 8086
In my private counseling practice, clients often tell me, "I want to be happy!" We then set about making it a reality. As a psychotherapist, I know that your habits, your relationships, your environment, and especially what you think about them determine more about how happy you are than your ... Views: 1885
Henry Ford once said that “If you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”
This quote illustrates a very important idea that is often ignored… the idea that, almost all of the time, limits on our abilities and our achievements are self-imposed. In other words, most of the limits ... Views: 1324
We’ve all got limiting beliefs. You know some of them. Others you don’t. You may have gone to personal growth workshops and thought you discovered them all. I’m sure you didn’t.
Do I have a limiting belief about you not knowing all of your limiting beliefs? Yep.
It’s all a story.
... Views: 1820
In the spirit of preparing for a workshop about goal setting, I would like to share with you how you can set goals not only to know what you want to reach at some point in life, but also to use them as a study and work motivation or to get into a better mood whenever you are down!
I bet all ... Views: 725
There are factors, like the type of parents we had, the schools we attended, the part of the country we grew up in, which may affect how our lives turn out, if we allow them to be a factor. In reality all these factors are merely events, which occurred in our lives. The real measure of who we ... Views: 863
Are you affected by BSOs, or as they are known Bright Shiny Objects? If so, you are not alone. Most people have a strong idea of what they are after and then as they set off toward their goal they are distracted if not completely side-tracked by BSOs.
So how do you stay on track? How do you ... Views: 2283
“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra
Had a blast from my past yesterday. I returned to the scene of one of my greatest personal undertakings, which I wrote about here. And it was an interesting reunion.
Twenty ... Views: 1144
Random acts of action in your business will lead to a fast death for profits. You may have this disease without realizing it. Often, entrepreneurs are learning business building strategies from many different sources and ending up with a big pile of ‘stuff’. They pick strategies from the pile ... Views: 1785
When you plan your work do you try to keep your schedule light or do you focus more on increasing productivity? Many believe that having a busy schedule leads to uncompleted tasks, frustration and stress and therefore does little in regards to increasing productivity! On the contrary there is ... Views: 1475
Inspiration is that fire in your belly, which drives you to begin taking the necessary action to realize your dreams. Sustaining that initial momentum and to keep effectively traveling on the path of achievement, requires you to develop a success habit set, to help you sustain your daily ... Views: 2288
I put the word "fail" in quotes in the title because I strongly believe that you never REALLY fail if you've learned something from having tried. There's a difference between a good goal and a good outcome - sometimes, despite your best efforts, you can't make it work.
In my experience, there ... Views: 1106
Are you still dreaming of your ideal life? A life of prosperity and abundance? Health and fitness? Achievements? Accolades? Or spiritual peace? Whatever your mind can dream of, you can attain it if you increase your mind power and consciously direct it with a bold mindset, discernment and ... Views: 1797
As a health practitioner I am always hearing from my patients that they don't have enough time to exercise or do stretches or any of the other things I recommend so I decided to see how easy it would be to increase the amount of exercise I participated in. So, a couple of months ago I stupidly ... Views: 1481
Setting a goal and achieving those goals could almost be two entirely different things. Achieving a goal means to take action while setting a goal means you know what it is you want. Well, in my experience I went from being scatterbrained about what I wanted to being quite strategic. Let's just ... Views: 1249
I’ve been pondering what it takes to double your business growth in a year. I’ve tripled my revenue in one year and doubled it another, using a very simple plan. I began by relaxing and letting go of control. Then I came up with a few practices and action steps.
But as I think about how to ... Views: 1304
What are your money goals?
What does wealth mean to you?
Is it having a certain amount of money in the bank or is it having a certain lifestyle that makes you feel rich? Is wealth the freedom to spend your days doing what you love and getting paid for it? Does wealth mean exotic ... Views: 857
Discovering what makes you tick is integral to identifying your own purpose. Knowing what you're good at and what you want to do in life will make your life more satisfying and fulfilling.
If you're struggling to figure out your strengths and ability to accomplish things, perhaps it would be ... Views: 1314
Do you want to improve the efficiency of your practice time? Virtually every guitar player would answer “Yes” to this question and yet many musicians face painfully slow progress in their guitar playing year after year. It may appear that many guitar players may simply be unable to progress as ... Views: 1425
It’s natural to experience challenges as you move closer to realizing your goal. That’s part of life. Don’t be discouraged. Keep moving forward on your path. Use every opportunity to learn and grow. Wherever there is growth, there is personal power.
When you encounter challenges along your ... Views: 964
Do what you love and the money does not always follow. Just ask the 80-90% of life coaches who make under $100,000. Most life coaches get into the profession because they love helping people transform their lives. It becomes a rough journey to make a living when they don’t have certain business ... Views: 1747
I am sure we all know someone like Jane, she was really inspired last week and decided that she finally wanted to change her life. She set herself a goal to double her income by the end of 2013 and vigorously started taking action on Wednesday, so that she could finally start to deliver on the ... Views: 1984
It can take many years to become an elite-level athlete; many years of absolute dedication, total commitment, and personal sacrifice. It’s often a solitary occupation and is generally a thankless task: there’s little financial help or encouragement unless you’ve already made it to the top, so ... Views: 2196
Don’t you just love the holiday feasts? There are very few things I enjoy more than eating and drinking with reckless abandon over the holidays. When wine is freely flowing and the air is pregnant with temptation, it feels great to grab that extra scoop of cheesy potatoes. Or eat apple pie ... Views: 1272
You have a computer right? How does your computer know what to do? How does it now how to function? How does your computer provide you with the word processing, HTML Editor, or Video Editing software you use to build your online business? Your computer is only able to be as productive as you ... Views: 991
We have talked about failure being a step toward success but now let's discuss a key attribute to that concept. Persistence is the necessary characteristic when pursuing your goals and dreams. There are three components to persistence that you must have in order to stay the course. They are a ... Views: 4430
Goal achievement is googled everyday. How can I achieve my goals? What is essential to goal setting? Are my dreams not goals but illusions? The questions are endless. After reading numerous books on the successes of others and scouring through YouTube for interviews of successful people, I have ... Views: 4052
4 Critical Success Factors
If you’re like most people…
When you first set a goal it’s pretty easy to stay on track, right?
You’ve got a plan…you’re working the plan and your motivation is strong…
As time goes on however, you lose steam and get off-track…
So to help you stay on ... Views: 1641