The wheel of time is readying women to lead the world. After being demeaned and relegated to a downtrodden state for centuries together she now has got the opportunity to identify and use her basic human rights. The result was witnessed akin to gas present underground which springs forth when a ... Views: 1113
Via speech or pen for clarity of thought language plays a major role. Language has aided uplifting of human civility and progress. Apart from humans those creatures who cannot express their emotions and thoughts face innumerable problems. These problems were faced by Adam Age man too. He felt ... Views: 2212
One must never look upon discussions of Sidhis/Divine Powers like flying in the air as mentioned in Yoga Science as fictitious stories. In the human body reside all seeds of the basis of material means. By activating these energy seeds the bodily units are made so feather weight so that the body ... Views: 1852
It is the special characteristic of Indian Spiritual Philosophy that it gives a clear understanding of both the spiritual and material methods of creation science. In the scriptures it is mentioned that once demigods asked Prajapati (creator): O divine father! You say that the worldly hardships ... Views: 1560
A medical report about a child was published in France’s Medical Times and Gazette wherein electricity manifested in is body that gave a shock. This boy born in Lyons city lived for 10 months and was dealt with great care. Else he would fall down on the ground due to a shock. His daily chores ... Views: 2338
In a way man’s body is a mobile electric power house. On its basis infinite parts/organs attached to the factory called the body function and amazing computer like parts attached to the brain are controlled by it. The functioning of gigantic machines/technology is dependent on powerful engines ... Views: 2108
In order to overcome deadly diseases like cancer etc the sun’s rays of various hues are utilized for healing purposes. Diseases related to digestion, skin and muscles are cured via solar healing. There are many incidences wherein deadly TB too has been cured in this manner. Dr Reliyar prefers ... Views: 1265
Lord Savita Narayan or Sun God is the focal point of nature or Prakriti. All our energy is obtained from the sun. Just as without the soul our bodies cannot exist similarly the world exist because of the sun’s presence. Just as honeybees in search of honey wander near flowers so too planet earth ... Views: 1454
Good behavior and pious actions have many aspects. One is that which is executed with human beings and other creatures. The other is with relation to apt and wholesome usage of material objects. Wholesome contact needs to be established with creatures and appropriate usage of objects must be ... Views: 1244
Objects of utility value benefit mankind only when its nature, quality and application are known by us. If they are not utilized aptly or if we forget its method of apt usage it will not benefit us at all. If we are unaware of why they were created i.e. what lack was it suppose to fulfill its ... Views: 2198
Great thinkers of the world like Kant, Hegel, Aristotle etc accept that a certain supreme authority exists which has created this world. And yet they were unable to throw light fully in this realm of thought. All the religions of the world like Christianity, Hinduism, Islam etc accept that God ... Views: 1269
Today world humanity faces many problems both individually and universally. Hence there is worry, fear, stress and tension in everyone’s mind since they are not sure how and when these problems are going to be solved. No doubt small scale solutions are ... Views: 1343
One stream of Gayatri is called Ritambhara or Prajna. One prays to Savita deity for the “Dhee” (intellect) element. It is none other than Ritambhara Prajna. In order to understand its nature and attain it, Divine Sciences have been designed. The spiritual philosophy of Divine Sciences helps ... Views: 6139
“The most powerful person in World History has already taken birth. He will change the entire face of the world very quickly. A knowledge revolution is in the offing and will engulf the entire world.”
When Russia created a base in Cuba, by establishing nuclear ... Views: 2253
Generally a downfall connotes a bad meaning and to rise up means good. This principle is also applicable to the body especially as far as the vital force of the genital organs is concerned. By terming the Mooladhar Chakra as the female genital organ and the Sahasrar as the male genital organ ... Views: 3379
Today sexual lust is looked upon as nature based entertainment and it is imbibed in an uncontrolled free manner. As a result sexual activity devoid of any sane control is setting up a new dire world situation in the form of population explosion. Even though family planning schemes to feticides ... Views: 1262
It is the inner personality of man that shall transform positively. The viewpoint and standpoint has to be changed. Ones faith and aspiration have to be transformed and the flow ... Views: 1242
Mahayogi Shri Aurobindo Ghosh has opined: Doubtlessly mankind, by unfolding the designing of stars/galaxies right up to unveiling various mysteries of science has achieved a great deal. Yet ere we possessed a machine via which we could understand man’s soul, it appears that in comparison to this ... Views: 2238
“Mother nature can be both a straightforward serene cow or else a wrathful tigress. Lest we refrain from behaving in an unruly and unwholesome manner with it for untold time span she can nourish us with the milk of innumerable wealth it possesses but if we render it polluted and vilely try to ... Views: 1781
If we wish to lead a sacred spiritual life it does not mean that we do just about anything and everything in its name. True spirituality means imbuing our energies in great tasks so as to attain their fulfillment. Right from the arena of our inner being to the external mundane world, sacred ... Views: 1430
Humans are vaults of infinite energy. Yet only a very miniscule portion of it is used in bodily activities. The remaining lies dormant and latent. If even sharp instruments are not used for a long time span, they start rusting. If every part of talent/skill remains unused man somehow lives life ... Views: 1113
Today about 17.5 million people are getting trained for waging wars. They are being trained to imbibe the ‘art’ of using murderous weapon, killing other humans and thus destroying precious wealth of the world. This then is their ‘artistic skills’. All specialties of their inner personality are ... Views: 1356
Ancient astrologers very well knew that apart from throwing light on planets/stars, solar activities, their inter relationships their mutual influences, information on how the earth’s atmosphere, plants and creatures get affected, Astrology Science has one more domain viz. to make mankind aware ... Views: 1620
Great saints of high stature consciousness sometimes incarnate on earth with a special mission in mind. Whenever they appear they give self glory to innumerable people. Whoever contacts these great saints understand their multifaceted aspects. If we imbibe even a little of their teaching in our ... Views: 1175
Regarding the viewpoint of mankind the World Health Organization has placed before the world some astounding statistics. According to it, the world over at present, about 10 billion people suffer from myopia (such patients cannot see far off objects). This news can cause a lot of worry for ... Views: 1232
The work arena of the Avatar existence of Almighty Lord is the subtle world. Those people imbued with divine energies gathered for a great length of time are induced to carry out tasks like era balance, managing and reforming world public and uprooting those elements that act unethically. ... Views: 1607
If seeds are sown at an apt hour there is a high possibility of getting a very good harvest. Seeds of corn, wheat etc sown at the start of monsoon season get the opportunity of growing in thousands of more such grain. If we miss this optimal time and sow the same seeds in other seasons, the ... Views: 1084
There certainly is importance regarding modern sciences’ attainments and advancement. None can challenge its requirement and utility value. Yet one can say that we truly benefit from it only when it encourages desirable creativity. Regarding destruction sciences’ achievements have always proved ... Views: 1482
When fire erupts in a room it is rendered very hot. No doubt fire is limited to its fuel yet its heat and light spread far and wide. The sun despite dwelling high up in the sky sends its heat and light to earth. The thunderous sound of cloud ... Views: 4925
The imagination of Paras jewel (touchstone) is very ancient. It is believed that when Paras touches iron it gets converted to gold. No such material has yet been found. If this were not the case all the iron of the world till today would have been converted to gold. If this were to happen then ... Views: 1951
Vital force electricity is not man’s creation. Within small creatures of this world it too is manifested. In 1966 the well known biologist Gerald Durell writes about an incident in an article. He says that in British Guyana’s zoo there was an eel whose body manifested electrical current with ... Views: 1393
O Sun God that rises in the morning! You are the very life force of all energies. You fill up that light which gives everyone energy, health and vigor. While eulogizing sun god the Vedas say: Sa na bhudati tanvetra jugo sajan. It means: O brothers and friends! See that ball of light rising in ... Views: 2994
In the Rig-Veda (10/7/6) it is said:
O one with a divine nature! On your own you must perform Yajna/worship of demigods present in your intellect and surrender to them. What can a rank ignorant person do to you who are mature and pious? Just as you worship demigods, based on various seasons, ... Views: 1461
Behind the belief of looking upon hoarding as sin and charity as a meritorious deed lies the philosophy of abstinence of using materials when not required to do so and disallowing materials from piling up unused in one place. Piling up materials for a great length of time induces their rotting. ... Views: 1348
Human life is bound by inner duties and external responsibilities. In order that human greatness proliferates in both these areas culture and civilizations have come into being which lay down the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of thinking and character carving. Culture is internal, Civility is external, ... Views: 1455
God is called divine thought because his nature and form is subtle. But great scriptural scholars proclaim that God is beyond the grasp of our mind and intellect. Spiritual seers to some extent have detailed God’s form and yet have accepted the limitations of human speech and thought as far as ... Views: 1741
Man is not only the rightful heir of Almighty God but is a royal prince too. The individual soul is a part and parcel of the cosmic soul whom laymen call God. This royal prince (man) has all the qualities of his royal father (God) albeit in seed form. A small spark of a gigantic inferno has the ... Views: 1366
The Primordial Energy (Adi Shakti) has 2 streams 1) spiritual 2) material. Spiritual energy is called Gayatri and material energy is called Savitri. Gayatri has 1 face because it represents Non-duality and oneness of soul. Savitri has 5 faces. The body is made up of 5 gross elements. Its 5 sense ... Views: 2868
“Lord Kalki will take birth in Sambhal village in the family of Vishnu Yash Sharma. He will worship Savitri and Lord Parshuram, an inhabitant of Mahendra mountain will be his preceptor. After handing over the kingdom of Mathura to Suryaketu, he will then live in Haridwar (India) with his wife. ... Views: 3310
Great prophesizers like Celsus, Daniel, Nostradamus, Vegilatin and Father Welter Ben say that Era Transformation will be the ultimate and most extraordinary event of this century. No one can obstruct it. Many prophecies of these great seers are very important.
(1) In 1999 A.D. a great ... Views: 2192
Will power, concentration, discipline are the Yogic practices of an ordinary life and can be advanced through any medium. It is the perseverance of the mind wherein instead of allowing our thoughts to scatter away we focus and concentrate them at one point. By correlating it to our daily ... Views: 1828
This is the story of misuse of scientific attainments the more it is becoming advanced wherein joy is less and sorrow/anguish rule the roost. This trend has just not stopped and in fact day by day it is spreading its vicious net everywhere. Till date all harm faced, all problems undergone are ... Views: 1232
The in vogue nature of solar contact for increasing good health, increasing bodily and mental strength and therapy for Prana Energy intensification and soul uplifting is as ancient as human birth. In virtually all religions of the world at some time or the other a widespread popularity of solar ... Views: 1610
Akin to Technology Research, Mantra practice too is a pristine pure science. The basis of Technology Science is to showcase machinery principles, creation, management and reform. If this process is apt one can accrue all round benefits of machinery potential. Yet even if minor lapses are seen in ... Views: 4396
“The influence of interplanetary streams doubtlessly affects earth’s atmosphere, its materials and its creatures”.
…………….Revered Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya
Antargrahi paristhitiyon ki prabhavi pratikriya
Akhand Jyoti Magazine, June 1980, Page 10
Both materialists and ... Views: 1267
All of us yearn that others behave and act in a gentlemanly, sweet and generous manner with us so that it aids our overall progress in life and that others do not act in such a way with us that obstructs our happiness and use of material comforts. But know for sure that others too expect that we ... Views: 1367
Lest intellectualism that today is immersed in setting up big cities everywhere was instead diverted in making plans of setting up advanced villages we would have witnessed small self dependent advanced rural areas everywhere. Neither thus would urban areas get over populated, become dirty and ... Views: 1499
Quite some time back the western philosopher Gibbon had said that mankind instead of fearing attacks of natural calamities and violent beasts of the jungle must actually fear his own human fraternity. This suspicion of Gibbon certainly is not without a cause. Rising amount of expenditure in the ... Views: 1206
Generally we regularly witness lunar eclipses. Yet the number of solar eclipses too is not any less. The influence of solar eclipse is more on planet earth. This is especially when the sun is more hidden and is of the total eclipse variety.
In the 20 years of Era Junction that special chain ... Views: 3258
The sun predominates in the solar system. As per the Vedas the sun by awakening world humans eggs them to execute desired tasks. By saying ‘Surya atma jagatastasthushshcha’ proclaims the sun to be the very soul of all animate/inanimate beings. On this entire planet the all witnessing sun by ... Views: 2402