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Practice any of the following techniques to give yourself a quick energy boost and balance during the day. Below you will find 4 one-minute techniques, a slightly longer 5 minute technique, and a 10 minute daily practice. Read and then DO the techniques. They will make a positive difference in ... Views: 1800
There are many ways to meditate. Because meditation has been around for so long, a wide variety of meditation systems are available.
The first technique I will introduce is simple and easy to use. It’s effective for both those who are new to meditation and those who have been meditating for ... Views: 1053
There are some days when we are tired for whatever reason. Days come where we feel like we are drained both emotionally and physically. Nights come where we are so tired that we can’t fall asleep. When we are tired, we are not much use to ourselves or others. Sometimes we can’t think straight, ... Views: 1131
Meditation has been around for almost as long as human history. At its core,
meditation is a technique that helps us quiet our minds. I’m sure you’ve noticed, throughout the day, all the repetitive thoughts that tend to course through your mind. I call it mind chatter. It’s sort of like a ... Views: 941
Being betrayed by a loved one can leave you feeling angry, unwilling to trust again and angry. You may also suffer a blow to your self-esteem and most devastating of all, heart-break. The pain of heart-break is so intense that you feel as if you are losing your mind. Having a deep love for ... Views: 1898
Part 1 of a 4-Part Series
Conventional medical treatments, like surgery and chemotherapy can help eliminate the tumour and lingering cancer cells but they do not address the underlying conditions that may have contributed to the rapid growth of the cancer cells.
There are several key ... Views: 1231
Binge eating is an eating disorder that has been reported to be far more common than the more well know ones such as anorexia and bulimia. Reports suggest that somewhere between 2 to 5 per cent of the US population experience binge eating disorder at some stage.
So what are the options for ... Views: 2631
The thing missing from most, if not all, diets on the market is the one thing that is essential to long-term weight loss success. That one thing is a means of changing your emotional connection and associations to food. Let's face it, we don't over eat because we're hungry, we over eat as a ... Views: 1426
Meditation techniques for beginners can help you earn the art of meditation. Meditating is a terrific way to find freedom from the stressful life you lead. It is understandable that you are a busy person. You are young and full of life, but your body and mind are forced to work within the ... Views: 946
With all of the stresses of today’s modern world, depression is unfortunately becoming a common household word for many people in this country and abroad. During the cold winter months, many also struggle with seasonal depression or “winter blues,” known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). ... Views: 929
Addiction comes from a place of wanting, of needing something to fulfill and replace part of one’s life. It can be seen as an escape, but the real need is much more. What is missing that needs to be replaced? What part of life is empty and aching for fulfillment? It is a place that may be ... Views: 1988
After reading my recent article on Diabetes and Self-Healing, one of our readers told me that although she has diabetes, she believes she is quite adept at fulfilling the spiritual-emotional need behind this condition—acknowledging the sweetness in life. But that realization hadn’t caused her ... Views: 1565
Many people are turning to more natural and holistic ways of dealing with illness and pain. With conventional ways of treatment being not only expensive, but also often having many side effects, alternative treatments are becoming more attractive to patients. People are finding they can take ... Views: 1320
A healthy lifestyle addresses all of the aspects of our lives that contribute to our ability to thrive physically, socially and psychologically. No stone should be left unturned. These three components of our lives are integrated. They support each other, inform each other and work together as ... Views: 1057
We seem to have become accustom to a world that is seemingly full of chaos and negativity. Our lives have been filled with news reports that seem to confirm to us that we have lost control of all the good in the world. It seems the older we get, the faster things change, the bar of good taste ... Views: 1232
Why Meditate? Meditation involves loosening the grip of the self or the ego. It connects the mind and body as one. This creates harmony and peace within and allows our unconscious self to connect with our conscious self. It is sort of like dreaming awake.
A quieting of the mind occurs ... Views: 859
It’s a new year, and many people have geared up to make life changes. Most of these changes require some kind of effort or hard work, and there’s a focused, determined feel to these life change plans. It’s just how we do things, for some reason. White-knuckled willpower, elbow grease, no ... Views: 1053
Okay, ladies. It’s time to stop sucking in your stomach.
Take a quick survey. Are you sucking it in right now?
If so, here’s the big question: WHY? (Really, is anyone looking at your stomach in this very moment?)
A few weeks ago, I realized I had inadvertently engaged in this ... Views: 1409
I’ve written before about pain as a vital messenger, letting us know what needs to be addressed in our mind-body system. Symptoms and pain certainly wake us up to the need to take an internal peek at ourselves, mentally, emotionally, and also physically. I’ve written a lot about the mental and ... Views: 1860
Have you ever woken up to your to-do list and found yourself dragging your feet?
Have you ever felt like your body was filled with lead and actually doing the items on your list was harder than pushing a boulder uphill?
Have you ever forced yourself to do them all anyway, and ended up ... Views: 1000
One of the questions I get asked the most is..............................How do I find and choose a reputable Teacher to learn Reiki with ?
Learning Reiki and participating in Reiki Attunements is a very personal and empowering thing to do in Your life. A Teachers task is to instil in the ... Views: 1375
There are countless ways to meditate, more than two hundred in India alone. Among these, one is based on science not tradition. It uses feedback – visual proof of attention to assure success. Here’s what you need to know.
Attention: The Key To Success
At first glance we see differences. ... Views: 1087
Inflammation is your body's natural response to threats from germs, harmful toxins, environmental pollutants, injury and stress, and others. The process involves immune, vascular, and cellular biochemical reactions which work to remove the offenders and protect tissues from damage. Symptoms of ... Views: 1032
Releasing the old from your life can be the hardest thing to do. Maybe it came to the point that it was necessary, but it can leave a deep suffocating feeling that makes you want to undo the releasing. But know that the pain is only temporary and it is important to mourn the ending of your ... Views: 1457
Why should you try meditation breathing? Breathing is the essence of life. It contains many mysteries. We enter into life with our first breath and on our final breath we depart. Breath is what connects our inner life with our outer life. Breath is the link which connects one person with ... Views: 1026
One of my readers asked about how to heal from diabetes. I love questions. They challenge me to dive in deeply into the spiritual and emotional roots behind illnesses.
When I took the concept of healing diabetes into meditation, I received an interesting perspective about this condition. What ... Views: 1508
There are numerous suggestions available for anger management in order to handle anger issues Anger, although a natural emotion can turn into something hurtful and repulsive when it reaches the bounds of extremity. When a person portrays recurring scenes of violent, reckless anger, they should ... Views: 903
Julia, a dental assistant in a local dentist’s office has a distinct twinkle in her eye that never fails to light up a room. That is, until February hits. Something happens in the cold, dark months in New England that slowly builds within Julia. Perhaps it is Seasonal Affective Disorder, ... Views: 829
Tom Wright-A Course In Shamanism
The Health continuum can be seen as a straight line graph, with the left hand side of that graph being subtle energy healing work done through the means of shamanism, and the right side of the graph being all the way over to healing work done through ... Views: 3940
Walking the path designed for you is not an easy thing to do. Many of you have family obligations and you may have sacrificed your life to help your parents or other family members. You may still belong to the religion of your childhood, working in a job that you grew up seeing others working in ... Views: 1220
Before I go into this article I would like to make something very clear: NO ONE ALLOWS FEAR TO BLOCK THEIR LIFE! Now some of you maybe balking at that statement, but think about it, if you knew you had fear or if you are feeling fearful, would you really consciously or subconsciously and ... Views: 1568
Can your thoughts, either positive or negative affect your health? It may sound like science fiction, but there is plenty of scientific evidence that shows this to be true.
Most people don’t want to believe that they have caused their own illnesses. It’s much easier to be a random victim of ... Views: 1867
(Nutley, NJ)—Dogs may be a key to helping the millions of people in the United States who are affected by depression and anxiety each year.
Researchers at the University of Missouri-Columbia noticed particular hormonal changes that occur in humans when they interact with dogs. The study ... Views: 2568
One of my readers asked how she could regain her hearing. Since many of us loose acuity of one or more of our senses throughout our lives, her question could be significant for many of us to consider. Physically, how one regains hearing is as specific as how one lost it. There are dozens of ... Views: 1418
Mantra for Healing
There was a time in my childhood when I was sick enough to die. The virus in my brain flooded the rest of me with pain, causing temporary paralysis, massive fever, and then coma. Eventually my personal ecosystem normalized, and for the most part I recovered. But the need ... Views: 2637
A little known fact that every person who is healing should consider.
If you even think you might be empathic, this is information you need to know if you are challenged in becoming healthy. This concept is known in some ancient healing traditions, but it is not generally know to empaths. If ... Views: 3680
Choosing the Right Natural Cures for Depression
Natural cures for depression can regularly be as beneficial as prescription antidepressants so long as you choose the appropriate ones for you. If in case you have spoken to your medical professional and also have tried to discuss with a ... Views: 1273
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be described as behavioral condition that's most typical in school-age offspring, but that can be seen in adults. It will be estimated that it affects between 8 and 10 percent of children. Boys are 3 times more prone to be recognized with ... Views: 1800
Smell the End to Your PTSD
Hypnotherapeutic Olfactory Conditioning
Who knew when I anchored the rose-water scent of a client's favorite teacher in his mind to feelings of security and high self-esteem that I was employing "Hypnotherapeutic Olfactory Conditioning" (otherwise known as HOC) ? ... Views: 2012
Everyone experiences bouts of sadness or the blues once in a while. It is normal to feel sad due to grief for a lost relative or loved one, or due to disappointments and failure like losing a job. But sometimes, the sadness lingers for a long time, coupled with other symptoms that are more ... Views: 681
The psychiatrist Carl Jung discovered the real meaning of dreams after conducting arduous research. He analyzed and compared many dreams of patients who suffered from different mental illnesses. He studied the art and the religion of various populations from different civilizations. He also ... Views: 1297
Muscular pains or tension have sounds. When you know the physical pain is associated with emotional pain, the physical pain can release when you honor the physical stress with sound. This can be very challenging for those of us taught to only make “nice” sounds. But discomfort is not ... Views: 2590
By The Pioneer of Subliminal Messages Online.
Bladder problems can be some of the most excruciating problems that can affect your body. The bladder controls one of the most important functions in the body, that of excreting the waste materials from the body. This maintains the cleanliness ... Views: 3051
Life can become quite exhausting when you suffer from mental stress. Even the smallest tasks seem difficult and overwhelming leaving you tired from the effort. Mental tension can be a joy killer, taking all the pleasure and fun out of daily living. It is a sad state to fall into; however, it ... Views: 1600
It is an exciting journey for massage therapists to go to and graduate from school, pass licensing exams, and start working. But for some massage therapists, work can become overwhelming over time and they may experience massage "burnout". This can cause some therapists to abandon their career ... Views: 1649
Lack of sleep is detrimental to every aspect of your life. It can affect your health, your career, your relationship and basically the joy of just living each and every day.
The most common remedy for sleep problems is medication such as sleeping pills. However for those who may already be ... Views: 1608
It is quiet difficult to relax when we are surrounded by all demands from work, schools, community, everything surround us demand our attention. This is then where stress symptoms come up. The stress is defined as disorganized things we do not like, who have excelled and take up space in our ... Views: 495
Create Your Own Song!
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com
Don't miss Brenda's free, 15 minute channeled "Creation Energies" on blogtalkradio.com. Brenda's "Creation Energies" shows are different from her free, weekly channeled blogs.
Dear Ones,
Let us return ... Views: 1227