Compulsive Binge eating is a form of eating disorder that is often said to be much higher than other forms of disordered eating like bulimia and anorexia. The problem is that it is often not spoken about and there can be a lot of shame attached to it.
As prevalent as it is, it is vital to ... Views: 2426
Binge eating has been said to be one of the most widespread of all eating disorder, affecting 1 in 35 people, much more common that any of the other eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. The main problem with trying to stop binge eating is that many of those who are suffering are ashamed ... Views: 2037
It is often reported that approximately one of 3 women who seek either weight loss or eating disorder treatment experience binge eating disorder. This is a an estimate and could possibly be even higher due to the secrecy and shame that usually comes with the disorder. Finding help to stop binge ... Views: 1992
Compulsive eating disorder is one of the most common types of eating disorders and often goes unnoticed due to the shame and stigma associate d with it. People can view it as simply a matter of being lazy or having a lack of willpower but eating compulsively is a disorder just like any other any ... Views: 2006
Compulsive eating disorder is one of the most common types of eating disorders and often goes unnoticed due to the shame and stigma associate d with it. People can view it as simply a matter of being lazy or having a lack of willpower but eating compulsively is a disorder just like any other any ... Views: 2006
Binge eating is an eating disorder that has been reported to be far more common than the more well know ones such as anorexia and bulimia. Reports suggest that somewhere between 2 to 5 per cent of the US population experience binge eating disorder at some stage.
So what are the options for ... Views: 2632