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Are you interested in trying yoga? Anxious? Well don’t worry. Many people feel a little intimidated or apprehensive to start practicing yoga but there is really nothing to fear. Here are some tools and tips that will help you start your yoga for beginners practice immediately.
What Is ... Views: 2793
Many people are often stalled in their attempts to learn and grow because of something called the Inner Critic, that judgmental voice from within that extinguishes courage and creativity.
You want to make a career move, but your Inner Critic denigrates your abilities. You want to approach ... Views: 3926
The more open we are to our intuitive-creative flow, the easier it is to manifest positive change in our lives. Most of us on the spiritual growth path are aware of this fact; however, all too often, we find ourselves busy and in autopilot mode. The next thing we know: we are in a rut and ... Views: 3079
Some of the most significant feelings we have that can keep us trapped in our pain include, regret, guilt, and shame. Many of us have an easier time forgiving someone else than we do ourselves. If we don’t transform these feelings they easily lead to depression and even serious ... Views: 3413
Despite any negativity you encounter, you can choose what you want to pay attention to and direct your energy toward things that make you happy. Here are some ways to feel happier now:
1. Turn off the news. Many of the news outlets would like us to know how bad things are getting, but ... Views: 3545
If you have obsessive thoughts about food and weight and you act out compulsive behaviours like binging, purging or starving yourself you will be relieved to learn about a new unique treatment method for eating disorders.
This new method to overcome your eating disorder is based on ... Views: 6682
Would you do something that improved your condition 10%? Then, if you did one thing with that improvement, would you do three more things? I have a chronic illness myself, MS, which really has no medical cure. I do, though, have the ability to change the way I interpret my condition and how I ... Views: 2108
So many people today are talking about neuroscience and the mind-body connection. It is good that science is focusing on this connection at long last, and, it is time for all of us to get back to basics in better understanding our own inner workings and learning about how our own subconscious ... Views: 5804
Sports injuries are injuries that occur to athletes in major or non major sporting events. They can happen to professionals and amateurs alike in many cases, these types of injuries are due to overuse of a part of the body when participating in a certain activity.
For example, runner's knee ... Views: 4006
Who said you must lose weight to be healthy? They were dead wrong. It's time to realize that you must get healthy in order to lose weight, not the reverse. The diet mentality doesn't work, often using recommendations that are boring, restrictive, and unsatisfying, if not downright unhealthy. And ... Views: 1152
I'm excited about my new way of looking at eating. I've decided to totally eliminate the concept of "bad" foods. I refuse to feel guilty if and when I splurge. And so far I've resisted the impulse to buy every tabloid that highlights a new fad diet modeled by a svelte, bikini-clad starlet.
I ... Views: 1164
"Usually the easy way is the mediocre way" - Donald Trump. And it is true! Now, the easy option is not the same that the simple one. There is a big amount of deep challenges that don't aloud us to stay in the comfort zone or only touch the surface when we are choosing "stay simple". Actually, ... Views: 1660
The fight-or-flight reaction is one way the body physically reacts to emotional stimuli. It's an entirely natural reaction that, in the wild, can literally mean the difference between surviving or falling victim to any number of threats. When your body reacts with fight-or-flight too often, ... Views: 741
Ever think that pain, discomfort, and other symptoms all feel worse when you're stressed? You're not alone...and you're right on the money!
In fact, various studies have shown that anxiety, stress, and other emotional conditions can actually decrease the body's immunity and leave us open to ... Views: 685
When the essence of your life, which is consciousness, connects to something, a commitment is formed. A superficial level of commitment happens when your consciousness connects to the thoughts of something and you are just left committed to your own mind. The most common example of a deeper ... Views: 1836
Panic attacks self help guides abound over the web, life-style or wellness magazines, and even on television. However, some of them sound awfully complicated that it makes you stop and wonder if it is really possible to achieve the results they are aiming for by yourself. Looking out for a self ... Views: 1607
Although acid reflux at its core is not as severe as the other diseases known to mankind, its symptoms and long term effects are definitely devastating if left unattended. This is why if you are diagnosed with the disease, you should be aware of the different forms of treatment of acid reflux. ... Views: 896
When you are walking in a dream this means that you are looking for the hidden truth that exists inside your psyche. This dream scene has a positive meaning, because you are taking action, and looking for the reasons of your depression, or you are looking for the meaning of your life.
If you ... Views: 1332
Do you appreciate the fact that there are currently 10 trillion working for you -- doing their level best 24/7 to keep you alive and well? Have you taken the time recently to thank them or do you, like most, take them for granted?
We are talking, of course, about the estimated 10 trillion ... Views: 1279
Could your health and wellness all be in your mind? It could, according to research into the newly-discovered field of mind-based medicine.
People across America are desperate for relief from all kinds of ailments, from excessive weight to stress to heart disease. The diseases themselves are ... Views: 1711
Symptoms of Panic Attack - Get Rid of Them!
There are numerous symptoms of panic or anxiety attack and I will point out and give details as much as I could in this article. Allow me, nevertheless, to first discuss what this disorder is. A panic attack is a condition wherein a person is ... Views: 1184
What are some of the common thoughts that flash across your mind? Are they positive and uplifting, or do they focus on what is wrong and bring up visions of worst case scenarios? For many of us, our thoughts are a mixture of both. But, the real question is which ones do we focus on and ... Views: 1637
Most of us are not hoping to wake up every morning and feel intense panic or desperate fear. If we could ask for anything, we’d probably ask for peace. Peace for others, peace for the entire planet, and peace within ourselves. Yet, when we face health problems and physical pain, peace seems ... Views: 1503
A temple is a structure reserved for spiritual activities; such as prayer and the worship of a divinity. Often seen as the dwelling place of the Divine, a temple provides sacred containment for reverence, devotion, and connecting one's soul to Spirit.
The body is often referred to as a holy ... Views: 1513
Have you ever visited a meditational or spiritual site or read some related ebook which makes some unbelievable claims like... Meditation can do this ….. Meditation helps this …….
Some of the claims are so implausible that a layman or a man who has never practiced meditation thinks meditation ... Views: 926
Breast Cancer – The Inner Cause
By Martin Brofman
We work with the idea that everything begins in the consciousness, and that symptoms on the physical level reflect tensions in the person’s consciousness about something happening in their life at the time the symptom began, or was ... Views: 2868
Kidney Disease and Healing
Martin Brofman, PhD.
With healing, we work with the idea that everything begins inside, with your consciousness. Tensions or symptoms on the physical level represent tensions in the consciousness.
When someone develops any symptom, it is interesting to see what ... Views: 8692
Fresh from a steaming lobster pot of a bubble bath, I marvel at my healthy form and thank the Universe for learning how to appreciate my body as part of the divine feminine. I love my Shann-ness: curvaceous, athletic, soft and strong. It feels good to be at home with my inner Goddess.
Years ago ... Views: 1626
Your lightbody is the part of your body which is totally perfect. It is the seed of the Divine. It is just like you know how robins always look like robins. It is also the same as seeing that a particular tree will always look like that particular tree. Nature is programmed to be perfect and you ... Views: 2065
The following is a script for a healing meditation. This is based on one of the meditations I have been using for my own healing. Use this as a beginning. Read through it several times until you get the basic idea. Your meditation should be and will be specific for your intentions and beliefs, ... Views: 2198
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the two inflammatory bowel diseases of Crohn’s and Colitis (IBD) share some of the same symptoms: pain, cramping, bloating, urgency, gas, even anxiety and depression. And, of course, a change in bowel habits. So is there one natural treatment that is best for all ... Views: 1433
Recently, my daughter made a trip to the town where she was born. Unfortunately, it was not a happy occasion. The daughter of one of her childhood friends had committed suicide.
The girl was 15 years old when she decided that she could not tolerate any more bullying. The only way she could ... Views: 1860
A turning point in Science and our approach to the human body occurred in 1953 when Watson and Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA. DNA consists of four base chemicals called nucleotides: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine that reside on the inner surface of two parallel ... Views: 3674
Research has shown that stress worsens the symptoms of fibromyalgia and other chronic conditions; increasing pain levels and "fibro fog," and interfering with sleep. Stress management is an essential step in reducing stress levels, helping you to eliminate some stressors, and reduce the impact ... Views: 2564
"How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes, such enchanted musical instruments as the ears, and such a fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself as anything less than a god?" - Alan Watts
The human body is truly a magnificent machine. During ... Views: 2089
People ask this question all the time, 'how do I make my skin look and feel better and what miracle product will shave 10 years off my face?'
Make no mistake there are a lot of fantastic Natural and Organic Skin Care products out there that will knock your socks of when it comes to results ... Views: 1322
You may have found ways over the years to reduce your anxiety but the shyness and avoidance tendencies remained. So in reality you feel like you have not made any progress. In essence, you are dealing with three separate entities – shyness, anxiety and behaviours and each needs its own ... Views: 2373
When we are faced with health issues, we must take a look at not only the physical aspect of healing, but also our positive and negative perceptions. As you already know, being too negative is not healthy. I'd like to expand your thinking and say that being too positive can also slow your ... Views: 2712
Who has time to count calories, shop for exotic, low calorie, super foods, or sign up for all the latest fad diets? I know that I certainly don’t.
I remember times in my life when dieting was not a problem. Playing football and burning up five or six thousand calories a day made weight ... Views: 5629
Have you ever considered making a change you knew would probably positively and significantly improve your health, and then chose not to do it?
I know I have. Those are moments that became regrets. Those are the illnesses I suffered longer than necessary because I was ignoring the discomfort, ... Views: 1176
A lot of us have a problem with the wording Extreme Self-Care. To some, it means an act of self-centeredness, being self-serving, in short being a jerk, always looking out for number one. However, what it really means is that in order to be more helpful and compassionate toward others we need to ... Views: 1579
Whether a person knows anything about EFT or not, it is possible that just reading this article and thinking about each question, can bring a certain amount of relief. Sometimes just observing the discomfort is enough to help you feel better.
I have studied Gary Craig’s videos for hundreds of ... Views: 1918
I am a positive thought author. My life is all about living life through positive thought but not only that, I have Fibromyalgia. Now you would never think that someone with this crazy chronic illness could ever be someone who all day long talks about how to be positive no matter what the ... Views: 2088
Through cancer I learned how to live in my body and how to trust my body’s wisdom. I also learned how to love myself and how to live my authentic life. I am grateful everyday for the learning that continues to unfold and for knowing who I am – even if it did cost me a quarter of my beloved ... Views: 1608
Several years ago, my husband David taught a photography workshop at a small villa in southern Italy. Up early one morning, David drank his coffee with a couple of students while the owner prepared breakfast and sang operatic arias. The owner spoke passionately about love of food and family ... Views: 1380
Shaking is a fabulous way to release stress from your muscles, lubricate your joints and get your circulation going. Shaking relieves anxiety, reduces tension, lets your thinking mind take a break and releases holding patterns so your natural, healthy energy can move freely.
For several ... Views: 3377
Exercise your mind-body connection
An aspect of journal writing that is both fundamental and subtle is its use as a moving meditation.
Like the ancient Chinese practice of Qi Gong, journaling can serve to provide a connection between the mind and the body. A holistic awareness of health ... Views: 2603
As a species, we have really perfected the art of worrying. We worry about everything tiny detail, as if worrying about it will lessen the blow, or make whatever we are trying to avoid not happen.
We worry about whether or not we are going to get old, sick, die, or any variation on this ... Views: 1890
Have you ever met someone you recognize even though it is your first time meeting? There’s a cosmic chemistry, a sixth sense magnetism that seems to pull you towards one another. Is this person a soul mate or a karmic connection? Time usually tells. Are you still with this person? Does he or she ... Views: 11793
Nia was stunned when her perfect relationship ended
Nia was on top of the world. Her job was going well, and she had the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. He was attentive and affectionate. He was interested in her ideas and opinions. He showed respect for her family traditions. She felt ... Views: 7705