To the women of Hollywood - women like Alyssa Milano, Gabrielle Union, Ashley Judd, Lady Gaga, Queen Latifah, Kesha, Mo’Nique, Mira Sorvino, Teri Hatcher and many others: We didn’t realize how much we needed you to speak up and share your stories of sexual abuse, trauma and harassment. But now ... Views: 767
Whenever I meditate on metaphysical roots, I encourage you to do the same. What you get for yourself might have more meaning for you personally, and there may be nuances in your own intuitive and psychic insights that could make a significant difference for you.
Here is a definition for ... Views: 3253
The physical causes of back and neck pain vary widely from a herniated disc, osteoarthritis, spinal deformity from childhood, or an injury—with these being just some of the major causes. For more information about physical causes visit:
I ... Views: 6743
This can be one of the most revealing questions to ask yourself in regard to your self-healing journey: What does it mean, if I chose this illness or condition? It leads to the next question: If I did choose this, what was I hoping to discover or gain?
When I began my self-healing journey ... Views: 1784
This question came from one of my readers, and I think it is a really significant question to be asking. Limiting beliefs are often hidden from our view, so how are you supposed to do something about them if you don’t know what they are and how to find them.
Before you go looking for your ... Views: 1943
Depression affects many of us at some point in our lives. If you are suffering from a chronic condition, serious injury, loss, or emotional trauma, you might find yourself suffering from depression.
Most of us understand that depression can have many causes, but did you know that there are ... Views: 4676
The Mayo clinic offers us this definition for osteoarthritis:
"Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people around the world. Often called wear-and-tear arthritis, osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down ... Views: 1964
The Mayo clinic offers us this definition for osteoarthritis:
"Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting millions of people around the world. Often called wear-and-tear arthritis, osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage on the ends of your bones wears down ... Views: 7827
I was recently asked a question regarding how to encourage cell renewal for a specific organ. Here is the wonder of energy healing: you don’t have to understand the organ or have a detailed intention in order to heal it energetically.
Some years ago my doctor told me one of my fallopian tubes ... Views: 1522
For many years I thought my real spiritual work would begin once I was fully healed. What I didn’t understand was that my self-healing was my spiritual path.
It wasn’t that I needed to get better and then I would have the energy to devote to my spiritual awakening. It was the other way ... Views: 1497
Do you ever feel as though you have entered rat-race season starting about the end of November? We can become so caught in up in what we think we should be doing for the holidays that we lose track of how we really want to be feeling.
We send holiday cards that wish each other peace and we ... Views: 1219
First lets look at what the thyroid does for you physically, with this excerpt from "The thyroid gland is located on the front part of the neck below the thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple). The gland produces thyroid hormones, which ... Views: 25697
Right now is the perfect time to consider what works well for you in your self-healing. As you reflect upon last year, perhaps you will want to take some time to think about what has brought you the greatest healing.
If you do this, I suggest becoming a real observer of your reality. ... Views: 1334
How should you focus your attention for healing this year?
Each year has a unique energy of its own. In order to bring the most to your healing intentions, you probably want to align with the natural and cosmic energies of the year. This year is about alignment.
If you are particularly ... Views: 1363
What intrigued me about this question from one of my readers is that if indeed the inquirer is asking about teeth, as opposed to gums or nerves, many of us have some misconceptions about bones being rigid and permanent once we become adults. If they are rigid and fixed, we might wonder if there ... Views: 18911
This is such an excellent question. Guilt is at the core of many illnesses. Its partner is regret. As long as we are living in emotional pain rooted in the past, we are going to have a difficult time healing in the present.
Guilt is anger with yourself for some choice you have made. The cells ... Views: 1768
The way you speak about your negative thoughts is where speaking about them can actually give those thoughts power. Consider entering into this imaginary scenario with me.
See if you can imagine your negative thoughts as a person in the room with you. You can give them a personality, a name, ... Views: 1461
Depression underlies many physical conditions, either because it was part of the cause of the illness or because you are feeling the pressure of your physical limits.
While my book, The Root of All Healing wasn’t intended to be a book about alleviating depression, as I began to answer this ... Views: 1354
A few readers have asked me this question in each their own way, according to their personal spiritual beliefs. This is a very important question because our beliefs significantly affect our approaches to health and even the degree to which we heal.
Beliefs like this are so easy to accept as ... Views: 1605
Insomnia challenges so many of us. I remember nights lying in bed thinking about everything I thought just had to be done, sacrificing my health and my rest to my busy mind.
Resting is a natural state, but isn’t it interesting how many of us at some time in our lives have found it to be a ... Views: 1418
As someone who has spent a lot of her time in the shop healing, I can really relate to this question. And yet, that’s what the journey is really all about—learning how to maintain such a positive and clear state of being that it is difficult for anything physical, mental or emotional to harm ... Views: 4314
When I was a teenager, I remember stopping at a convenience store, purchasing a box of six old fashioned doughnuts and then eating four of them in a row. It seems I was able to burn them off fairly quickly because my metabolism was moving quite fast, but I’m not convinced I was doing my body any ... Views: 1565
You want to heal so much. You are making positive changes in your life. You have decided to be completely committed to your health, but nothing is changing. You are up against some kind of resistance, but you don’t even know how to define it. You just know it is there. What’s happening?
This ... Views: 1308
As I’m writing a response to this question today, I am feeling tired. I’m not entirely sure whether I’ve taxed my body with what I’m currently healing or the planetary alignment is tugging on my energy. Fortunately, I’m feeling emotionally stable, though many years ago, emotional upheaval was ... Views: 1411
If you are really ill or in pain, you want to get out of it just as fast as you can. You might find yourself inclined to do just about anything to get quick relief. As you probably know, relief from discomfort or pain is not necessarily the same as healing. You can be experiencing temporary ... Views: 1449
Have you ever found yourself assuming responsibility for the reality you are experiencing, only to realize that instead of blaming someone else for how you are feeling, you are now blaming yourself?
Shifting blame isn’t really assuming responsibility, but if you are like most of us, you have ... Views: 2944
One of our readers wants to know about healing back injuries. Many, if not most, of us have injured our backs, so we know how debilitating it can be have back pain. Before we look at the energetic roots of back injuries, let’s take a look at the prevalence of back injuries that ... Views: 1561
One of the great ironies in life is that in order to accelerate your healing, you have to slow down. —Misa Hopkins, The Root of All Healing
In our crazy, busy lives driving to the office, working in fast-paced environments, watching hours of television, and keeping up a rather intense pace ... Views: 1563
One of the most challenging times in our lives occurs when someone we love is in a coma and on life support. It can be excruciating if you are the one that needs to make the decision, or even observe the decision being made, regarding when to remove the life support.
If you are not familiar ... Views: 1846
One of my readers asked about healing high blood pressure. You’ll read the results of my meditation regarding high blood pressure below, but first lets take a look at some research.
According to an article at:,
"High blood ... Views: 2450
If you have ever wondered if cells in your body can actually regenerate, they can. That might be very difficult to believe if you have a chronic condition or if you have been told there is no cure. But there is evidence that cells can and do regenerate.
If you would like to see some science ... Views: 2341
It has frequently surprised students when I suggest that sound healing is as much, if not more, about quieting the mind and listening as it is about making sounds. Many of us can make sounds, but we access the sounds that have the ability to heal from the well of our silence.
To intuitively ... Views: 2162
One of my readers asked about healing rheumatoid arthritis, so I meditated with this and got some insights about the energetic belief behind this autoimmune disease. I was surprised to discover that this is an autoimmune disease, which I researched after I did the meditation. In my meditations ... Views: 3177
Do you ever feel like you are finally getting some relief from some symptoms when they start back up again? Have you ever found yourself following your treatment perfectly only to have the symptoms sneak in and out? One day you are feeling better than ever and the next day you are feeling your ... Views: 1334
This wonderful question came from several of our readers, and this one really struck home with me. I was once the queen of stress! Perhaps some of you feel that way, like you are or have been kings or queens of stress in your own life. When you have come to a pinnacle in which you are quite ... Views: 1331
Have you experienced this? Someone that loves you doesn’t agree with how you want to go about approaching your healing. Or maybe you are on the other side of this experience. Maybe you are the one that is really uncomfortable with your loved one’s choices.
I meet people and hear stories about ... Views: 1178
Over the years I have met a number of people that have been challenged by fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and MS. The vast majority have been women. Those seem to be the most common conditions I encounter with people, and I wondered if that was reflective of who I attract or rather ... Views: 1762
One of our readers asked about healing in regard to arteries of the hearts, so I took this concern into meditation. I received a perspective about the spiritual and emotional nature of arteries that I thought many of us might appreciate. It is a little bit different than what Louise Hay so ... Views: 2500
Creativity is a stimulant to intuition. Creative people often describe the source of their creativity as inspiration. Highly intuitive individuals will often describe their source of insight as inspiration. Stimulating your creativity is one way to develop your inspiration and intuitive ... Views: 1462
Emotional pain from the past can lodge in the body and become physical pain in the present. If you ignore the emotional pain, you are basically ignoring the root cause of the physical pain, and may find yourself remaining in physical discomfort. This is a difficult concept for many of us to ... Views: 1830
After reading my recent article on Diabetes and Self-Healing, one of our readers told me that although she has diabetes, she believes she is quite adept at fulfilling the spiritual-emotional need behind this condition—acknowledging the sweetness in life. But that realization hadn’t caused her ... Views: 1582
One of my readers asked about how to heal from diabetes. I love questions. They challenge me to dive in deeply into the spiritual and emotional roots behind illnesses.
When I took the concept of healing diabetes into meditation, I received an interesting perspective about this condition. What ... Views: 1525
One of my readers asked how she could regain her hearing. Since many of us loose acuity of one or more of our senses throughout our lives, her question could be significant for many of us to consider. Physically, how one regains hearing is as specific as how one lost it. There are dozens of ... Views: 1431
A little known fact that every person who is healing should consider.
If you even think you might be empathic, this is information you need to know if you are challenged in becoming healthy. This concept is known in some ancient healing traditions, but it is not generally know to empaths. If ... Views: 3696
Muscular pains or tension have sounds. When you know the physical pain is associated with emotional pain, the physical pain can release when you honor the physical stress with sound. This can be very challenging for those of us taught to only make “nice” sounds. But discomfort is not ... Views: 2605
As someone that has provided healing support and readings to empaths for several years, I've discovered that not all empaths are alike. The way empaths process their empathic responses are different, and what they need to do to remain balanced mentally, physically and emotionally also vary. ... Views: 7351
I know this might sound really strange if you have never set a healing objective, but like all things we create, clarity of intention makes a difference in healing too. Of course, creating intentions that truly motivate you is where healing objectives can help you make and see ... Views: 1432
The reasons we are afraid are, in many ways, as unique as we are, and often need to be addressed individually. But let us explore the root of fear as it relates to healing.
Fear is what we experience at the threshold of the unknown. When I received the answer to one of my healing questions ... Views: 1946
Have you started yet? You know, have you started the process of telling yourself that this holiday season you can handle more than you really can? I used to be so good at doing that. I thought I was the holiday super woman so I’d be running around doing all kinds of activities, eating all kinds ... Views: 1513
When you are really feeling poorly, it is difficult to feel grateful, and yet it is one of the most important times to count your blessings. Why? When you allow the pain to cause you to be worried or upset, your energy field closes down and it is difficult for any treatment to get through your ... Views: 1689