Have you ever noticed, that no matter what holiday it is, there’s food associated with the celebration? Even for religious holidays where you “fast” there’s an ending of the fast meal that become part of the celebration.
It's finally becoming apparent that dieting doesn't work. Sooner, rather ... Views: 1208
Mind/Body Medicine, the relationship between what you think (and feel) and how your body reacts is an accepted concept nowadays even with most traditional doctors. When you see your doctor with high blood pressure, besides a pill, they will tell you to “de-stress”.
But although many doctors ... Views: 1813
Millions of people have been trying to use the Law Of Attraction. Many have tried to use the Law Of Attraction to lose weight. But many people complain it hasn’t worked for them.
Many people don’t understand that the Law Of Attraction is always working, and that it is actually the science of ... Views: 1967
Busy, Busy...
Are you a Type A Entrepreneur feeling overwhelmed? If someone asks you how you are, do you answer: Busy! It's the word many of us use to describe our lives. It's almost a boast disguised as a complaint.
Overachievers brag about multi-tasking, and how much they've gotten ... Views: 1346
Trying to lose weight is stressful! It’s stressful that you got overweight. Stress actually had most of the effect (not the food) of getting you overweight in the first place. Dieting and starving yourself to lose weight is stressful. And, over-exercise, and certain types of commonly done ... Views: 1244
For many people, losing weight isn’t a big problem. They simply cut out all the “fattening” foods that they are eating and drinking. Unfortunately, those are probably the foods that you love the most.
But a frustrating thing happens to 95% of all people who diet. They gain the weight back, ... Views: 1240
Many people feel great optimism when they start a diet. “This time, it’s going to work”, you may believe. And you are motivated, and excited as you feel the weight leaving.
Many people are able to lose weight, especially if you haven’t dieted before. But after a while, the weight loss slows, ... Views: 1391
Dieting to lose weight can be the most frustrating thing a person can do. 95-98% of all dieters fail to either lose weight, or to keep it off! Diets don’t work, and doctors who insist the only way to lose weight is to eat less and exercise more, are actually giving their patients WRONG and ... Views: 1256
Losing weight is the hardest work you may ever do in your life. That’s why 95 – 98% of all diet plans fail. (Including Jenny Craig, Lap-band surgery, diet pills, exercise and whatever other plan you think is the “best”!)
Every day, all through the day you are facing the necessity to eat food. ... Views: 1372
Trying to lose weight during the holidays can be very stressful and difficult at best! Christmas and Winter Holidays are the season of over-eating, over-indulging and generalized gluttony! And we have that built-in excuse to over-eat: It's the holiday!
However, there's a payback in the form ... Views: 1484
Losing weight is one problem, but keeping yourself from regaining the weight you lost, is yet another, but related problem. And they are actually completely related!
When you go on a diet to lose weight, your body is responds automatically, just as nature intended, by slowing down your ... Views: 1178
Entrepreneurs often choose to work at their own business because of the freedom to determine when and how hard they are going to work. Most solo entrepreneurs who make the decision to go into business, get to the point where they realize that the only “security” in work is in their own ability ... Views: 1178
Do you secretly hate your work? Are you in a job where you are unfulfilled, or even worse? Are you working your precious time and life away wondering: Is this all there is?
Are you in a position where you are making good, or a lot of money, but you realize that the money doesn’t bring you ... Views: 1523
Entrepreneurs often choose to work at their own business because of the freedom to determine when and how hard they are going to work. Most solo entrepreneurs who make the decision to go into business, get to the point where they realize that the only “security” in ... Views: 1704
As an entrepreneur, you are meeting with the public, and always making an impression upon others. The most immediate way, and the strongest impact is through the way you communicate. For entrepreneurs, it is important to give an impression of intelligence, competence, warmth and self-confidence. ... Views: 1420
Anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks and panic disorder are different from "normal" stress. Stress and stressful events seem to happen to some people more than others. If you are a calm person, or someone who has learned to manage stress, life is easier for you. But sometimes an event ... Views: 1293
Can your thoughts, either positive or negative affect your health? It may sound like science fiction, but there is plenty of scientific evidence that shows this to be true.
Most people don’t want to believe that they have caused their own illnesses. It’s much easier to be a random victim of ... Views: 1878
Parents want to help and protect their child, but sometimes the best help is by allowing them to learn from their mistakes. Helping your child to understand that there are natural consequences to their choices is a way to prepare them for the future. Asking them how they will handle the ... Views: 2834
Are You in Danger of Burnout?
If you are a business owner or an employee, the holidays can be overly busy times. You feel the responsibility to your customers and clients. Added personal responsibilities for extra time needed to get gifts, attend social events can make you feel like you are ... Views: 1552
No matter how much you love your work, your play activities, your friends, family and even pets, you need to take a break from them. There’s a behavior researched by psychologists called “habituation”. Essentially it means that with repeated exposure to any stimuli, you “learn”,whether ... Views: 4216
Teasing, as either a teaser or target is a universal experience that all persons participate in, or are exposed to at some level. The childhood rhyme says “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me”. This is probably one of the biggest lies we try to convince ourselves, ... Views: 8952
How Do You React to Stress?
We all have stress. In fact, stress was designed by nature to help us cope effectively with life threatening situations. I’m sure you’ve heard of “Fight or Flight” as a response to stress. But less well know are other reactions to stress. I like to call one of them ... Views: 4140
Negative self talk is destructive of our self-esteem, confidence, and potentially harmful to your health. Imagine having a friend who constantly criticized you. “You look terrible”, “why did you say that?” “They probably will hate you”, “You know you can’t do that! No one is able to accomplish ... Views: 2005
We all make mistakes. If you plan to be successful in business, you are going to have to stretch and try different approaches to the old business paradigm. Some people are so afraid of making a mistake they limit the things they will try because of fear. I believe mistakes are good things IF you ... Views: 2715
Do you know the symptoms of work burnout? If you are having new aches and pains or sleep disturbances, have you considered that your job may be the cause of this stress?
You may have your own business, or work for a company, corporation or non-profit, or even do volunteer work. It doesn't ... Views: 3085