The thing missing from most, if not all, diets on the market is the one thing that is essential to long-term weight loss success. That one thing is a means of changing your emotional connection and associations to food. Let's face it, we don't over eat because we're hungry, we over eat as a ... Views: 1430
To arrive at a point of understanding with another it helps to understand they are not using the same map you are.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) tells us that even though we may believe other people are like us, the truth is each of us has a unique personal perception (or Map as we ... Views: 3060
Fear of public speaking is stronger than the fear of death for most people in our society. This fear can have a serious negative impact on one’s career and it can fuel feelings of low self-esteem.
If you have this fear you probably already know what the symptoms are. They include pounding ... Views: 1581
There's a significant portion of our population who seem to thrill on passing off sarcasm as humor when in fact it's just veiled hostility. Few people are really fooled by this tactic for any length of time. But most of us are nice enough to brush it off and move on with our day. Sarcasm once ... Views: 4804
Have you ever experienced a moment where everything seemed just right? A moment where you felt completely in tune with yourself and the world around you? A moment in which you felt completely unstoppable? A moment where you experienced a sense of oneness with the universe where you were ... Views: 1679
Life is about learning lessons and growing as a spiritual being. The troubles and tribulation we encounter along the way are growth opportunities not punishment. Some lessons are relatively simple and others, not so much. The later of these are hugely important in terms of our spiritual ... Views: 1606
Why drilling down to a behavior's true purpose changes everything One of the most powerful NLP presuppositions is that every behavior has a positive intention. This does not imply that everything that a person does is 100 % positive - that would be utter denial of the truth - this presupposition ... Views: 4095
What The Bleep Are You Thinking?
The importance of what goes on in our thoughts
The Source
Look around the room you’re in and give some thought to where it all came from. Not where you bought it or who bought it. Think about the idea, the spark that set things in motion which resulted in ... Views: 1959