Although we all may not have a systemized planning program where we log things into a binder that we have to do and scratch them off as we do them, we all plan. We all have ideas about what we want to do and take some actions on things we have to do. We have to plan for obvious reasons in order ... Views: 1076
Whenever we are going through rough times, we need to be careful of what we do and who we depend on. Whenever we have had a bad day and just want to unwind, we need to make good choices about what we do to help us feel better. Whenever we are searching for that special something or someone to ... Views: 1104
We all can look back on yesterday or the day before and find things we wished we would have done or not done. We can think about things we should have said or not said. We can decide if we had a productive day or not. We can review the day and see if we accomplished things in our life and if we ... Views: 1132
There will be times in our lives where others will need our help or will ask for our opinion about something they are dealing with. Either the person will reach out to us for some advice or we will see they are having some issues and we have an opportunity to help. When these opportunities come ... Views: 1027
There are times in our lives we get tired of things. We get physically wore out or mentally drained. Sometimes we just get bored and want to move on to something else. It’s just natural for things to get boring or monotonous and we feel the need to do something different. We may want to take a ... Views: 1339
It is not hard to find things which cost a great deal of money which we may believe we would like to have or even think we need. There are homes all over the world which cost millions of dollars. There are automobiles of all shapes and sizes which are the price of a small home. There are gadgets ... Views: 1139
It is really useless for us to worry. It is useless for us to worry about other people. It is useless for us to worry about tomorrow. It is useless for us to worry about the things of the world. We can’t change things or people by worrying about what may or may not happen. We really can’t change ... Views: 1071
There are times in life when we really can’t pinpoint what is wrong but we have a feeling that things just aren’t right. During these times we may feel uneasy. During these times we may feel a little stressed. During these times we may get angry quick. During these times we may not be able to ... Views: 2379
There are times when we have our minds made up about something. We have decided we are going to do or not do something and we will not change our minds for anything. There are other times when our minds are filled with negativity and doubt. It seems as if we want to have a pity party and want to ... Views: 1256
How many times in life, or even in one day, do we miss out on what we should be doing? How many times do we avoid the things we are supposed to do for God? How many times do we remain stagnant when we should be moving forward? Looking back on yesterday, what things did we avoid just because we ... Views: 967
We all want our lives to be easy. We all want to go through life without any issues or worries so we can enjoy everything in our lives without having to struggle. We would like not to have to rely on other people but to be able to have the life we believe we want and we want it struggle ... Views: 1090
We have all waited in line for something. It is neither always easy nor fun to wait in line but, we believe, it is usually worth the wait. While we are in line waiting we probably grow weary. While we are in line waiting we possibly get bored. While we are in line waiting we may get anxious or ... Views: 1359
Many times when we hear a message, read a book or see a movie that really makes us think about life, how short it is and what more we should do, we have a good feeling for a while and then we get back into our every day routine. Other times we hear something and we think it would be really good ... Views: 948
Most of us were taught as children to share. We were taught to share our toys or whatever we had when others were in need. We were taught to share with our friends and with those less fortunate than we were. Often we were rewarded if we shared. Many times when we shared we felt good about what ... Views: 1002
When others disagree with something we said or did, we usually begin a conversation with them about what we did and why. Most times, the conversation turns into an argument. Most times, we always want to win the argument. Most times, no one really wins in an argument because both parties want to ... Views: 1735
There are so many times in life where we disagree with what someone says or does. We believe they are doing things that will hurt themselves or hurt others. We believe they are making bad decisions and are going down the wrong direction in life. We believe they are taking wrong turns and heading ... Views: 903
If we looked back into our past each of us would have different experiences to remember. Each of us would have good times to remember where we had so much enjoyment in life with certain family members or friends. Each of us would have challenging times to remember where there were issues we had ... Views: 1020
As we go through life we will find there will be times when others are upset with us about what we have decided to do. We will find others have opinions about what we should be in life. We will find there will be others who want us to do what they believe we should do. When this happens, there ... Views: 1365
There is no doubt about it. We all have certain people who we are around on a regular basis who get on our nerves. For whatever reason, there are things they do which make us angry or aggravated. If we stop and think about it, other people can do the same things these people do but we don’t get ... Views: 1062
It is so easy to get aggravated with another person who does not do something the way we believe they should. It is so easy to get upset with what someone says or does and want to react in a hurtful way. It is so easy to get annoyed when something happens to us we feel is unfair. However, when ... Views: 1167
When we get upset with what someone else does or someone is upset with us, we need to choose our words carefully. We need to step back and look at the whole situation and determine the importance of it. We need to be sure what we say is what we want them to hear and understand before we speak ... Views: 1111
We all have had to live with someone at some point in our lives. Some of us grew up with two parents. Some of us only had one. Many of us had brothers or sisters, then perhaps roommates or spouses. We all know after the newness wears off of relationships, issues begin to come out. There are ... Views: 948
When we go through the days in our lives we quickly learn things are never the same. We have changes in our jobs, our home life and our other regular routines. We may get up one morning expecting to do certain things but that doesn’t happen. We need to understand and be flexible in our daily ... Views: 964
Psalm 18:30 “Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction.”
There are times when a situation happens to someone else and we really don’t know what to say. They may have lost a loved one. They may have a challenge at work. They may have financial difficulties. They ... Views: 1095
We have all wondered why we can’t just have a normal average life with no issues or concerns. We wonder why things have to happen to us and why we have to struggle so much. We sometimes wish we could have a normal life and not have problems in our relationships or with money or with our health. ... Views: 1271
Most of us go to the store on a regular basis to buy groceries, clothes and other items. We have to go back and replace what we own because they either wear out or we run out of them. When we arrive home we have to make room to put these new things. This may mean moving around some things. It ... Views: 1034
There are many opportunities in life where we need to take action quickly in order not to miss out on a particular experience. There are certain situations where if we don’t move in an allotted amount of time, we will lose out. There are instances where we have chances to take to make a ... Views: 2008
Sometimes we have situations where things are not going our way. We may have someone who isn’t doing the thing they should do. We may have others who are having difficult times and are continuously complaining to us about it. We may have issues at work or things at home which seem like huge ... Views: 1186
We often times struggle with what we do. We wonder if we should do or say certain things in order to help others, or to better ourselves or to even get ahead in life. We need to know the difference between what we want to do, what we feel like doing and what we ought to do. We need to be sure we ... Views: 1277
Most mornings many people all over the world wake up to worry. They wake up and begin to think about all the things they have to do. They wake up and begin to worry about how the bills are going to get paid. They wake up worrying about their health or their family. We really need to make a ... Views: 1575
It is not always easy to understand what others are saying. This is especially true with the new ways we communicate over emails and texts. Even when they are speaking to us, we get easily distracted by other things going on around us. We get frustrated when we don’t understand their message or ... Views: 897
News from all over the world is shown on television and the Internet all day long. We can’t possibly listen to it all. There are things going on all over the world we will never hear about. There are people who are making changes in the world, good and bad, and we may never hear about them. ... Views: 949
There are situations in life where we sometimes feel as if we aren’t being treated fairly. Sometimes it seems like the other person always gets the break. We may wish we had more talent or more opportunities to shine but it seems like we are always the ones who are getting left behind. We wonder ... Views: 1078
Every day we wake up is a new day. It is a new opportunity. We have choices to make today and we have work which needs to be completed. We can choose to use the day constructively or we can make the decision to just do what we need to do to get by. We can go through the day mindlessly without ... Views: 994
There are times in our lives where we don’t think we can do something but we go ahead and do it because we have to or we really want to. We step out in blind faith and attempt whatever it is and find out it wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be. We had been putting it off thinking it was going ... Views: 904
We all know physical therapists help us work through the pains we have in our bodies so we can get better. Many of us who have had physical injuries have had to do some type of strengthening to help us get back to normal. When we let an area of our body go that has been injured and don’t do what ... Views: 1027
2 Corinthians 13:3-4 “I will give you all the proof you want that Christ speaks through me. Christ is not weak when he deals with you; he is powerful among you. Although he was crucified in weakness, he now lives by the power of God. We, too, are weak, just as Christ was, but when we deal with ... Views: 973
We have all heard or even played the opposite game where if we mean one thing, we say or do the opposite until the person guesses what we are doing. It was a fun game to play as children to say no when we meant yes and to say off when we mean on, etc. It just made things a little more exciting ... Views: 2434
When we are going through a situation or have something on our minds, we tend to spend time thinking about the solution or the event which led up to it. We may even share our issues with others to get their feedback or to try and think about things out loud. It’s good to have someone to talk to ... Views: 1004
Some of us may think back on yesterday, last week or even last year and wish we could take something back. It may be a bad decision. It may be something we said or something we did. It may be something we just wish we had done differently. We all have regrets and we can all think back on ... Views: 1118
When we are facing situations we feel seem out of our control and we have tried and tried to figure out how to handle them, we tend to go to an alternative means to search for a solution. We may feel as if we have lost hope and there is nothing left but drastic measures. We may feel there is no ... Views: 1186
There have been times in our lives where we wanted someone to be proud of us. We wanted to have someone tell us we did a good job. We wanted to be acknowledged for the hard work we did in school or at home. We wanted to know we had done something that others had noticed and wanted to be ... Views: 1060
We have all had people who have told us they were just trying to help. They may have had good intentions to help us out but it really didn’t work. Sometimes people want to help and don’t know what to do but they just try something in an attempt to show they care. We need to be mindful of those ... Views: 1141
So many times we find ourselves repeating what we have said to someone because they weren’t really listening. Perhaps their minds were wandering while we were talking. Maybe they had something troubling on their minds. It could be there were distractions which kept them from hearing. However, it ... Views: 1177
There are times when we feel like others are getting the best things in life. They get the promotions. They get the bigger house. They drive the nicer cars. Their children make good grades and appear to do the right things. We may wonder why we don’t have the nicer things in life especially ... Views: 1459
Proverbs 11:27 “If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you!”
We are all familiar with the game we played as children where we would hide somewhere while we waited and hoped we could escape to home base before the seeker found us. Some of us had ... Views: 1048
It is so easy to get distracted in our daily routines. Some distractions are from others but we also have distractions in our minds where we are reminded, for whatever reason, how we have failed someone in the past. We may get distracted by how we have failed ourselves or how we have failed God. ... Views: 2155
1 Samuel 14:22 “But Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.”
Saul wanted to do God's will and please the people. ... Views: 1046
There are things we hold on to too tightly sometimes without even realizing it. It is those things we hold on to with all our might that we tend to lose. It is not because we don’t deserve these things, but it possibly because are trying to keep them under our control or because we put them ... Views: 1066
We all have people who we can count on. Some we can count on for showing up late everywhere they go. Others can be counted on for making excuses or blaming others. Then there are those we can count on for being too loud and saying the wrong things. Although we tend to see the negative in some ... Views: 1121