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Vertigo, with its debilitating sensations, is a condition we all wish to avoid, however it affects many people – for a variety of reasons.
Usually medical doctors look for an inner ear or sinus condition as the cause of the vertigo symptoms. Chiropractors might check for a cervical ... Views: 5008
Millions of people suffer from anxiety. What are the symptoms? People who suffer from this condition often feel fear and an uncertainty about their future.
This uncertainty bleeds into other parts of their life. Usually it stems from disliking their job and a feeling of despair when they ... Views: 3040
What is EFT?
"Tapping" is also known as EFT or Emotional Freedom Techniques. The process is a combination of ancient eastern healing and modern psychology. The method uses your fingers to tap on meridian points to relieve the pain in your body. The technique is simple to learn and has a ... Views: 1693
Learning to play a musical instrument may not just be good fun and entertaining, but it can actually change your brain.
A recent paper published by Nature Reviews Neuroscience, is a compilation of research findings from scientists all over the world who used all kinds of research methods to ... Views: 2118
Winter is in full force but spring will be here before you know it, allowing you to engage in more outdoor activities, such as gardening and yard work—clearing your garden beds for new seeds, raking leaves and getting your backyard ready for barbecues. But just as you clean up your home ... Views: 828
As someone that has provided healing support and readings to empaths for several years, I've discovered that not all empaths are alike. The way empaths process their empathic responses are different, and what they need to do to remain balanced mentally, physically and emotionally also vary. ... Views: 7334
Toxins Build up in our body on a daily basis. Naturally occurring toxins, free radicals, synthetic chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, depleted body secretions and hormones all add up to load our bodies with toxins that can stress not only our internal systems but also our skin, ... Views: 1808
We probably all know what stress is, and may have suffered some symptoms of it in our lifetime.
Stress is a Medical Problem that can be the cause of many other medical issues we face in our busy lifestyles. Stress can have a negative impact on your heart health and overall cardiovascular ... Views: 2241
The psychiatrist Carl Jung was the only person in this world who managed to understand the dream logic and discover the symbolic meaning of the dream images. My research, continuing his research, definitively proves to the world that everyone must urgently learn his method of dream ... Views: 1213
EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is a mind-body natural energy therapy that has proven to be one of the most reliable methods available today to cure a phobia. Created by Gary Craig, this energy method has been used to help sufferers of virtually every type of phobia. Let’s examine why EFT is ... Views: 2018
Of the various methods available to cure a phobia there are three which seem to have become very popular. Each is quite different from the others and which to use is often more to do with what feels right to the individual. Let’s go through the 3 commonest ways to cure a phobia.
Each of the ... Views: 1092
Anxiety affects around 20% of the population. That means that about 60 million people will experience the horrible symptoms of an attack at some point in their lives. They will feel like they are having a heart attack or a nervous breakdown because of the rapid beating of their hearts. They will ... Views: 1086
Most people that try to stop panic attacks fail. The episodes of apprehension and intense fear come back along with all the associated symptoms. Elevated heart rates, profuse sweating, hyperventilation and the sense of "dying" or "losing one's mind" always come back. Repeated failures lead to a ... Views: 974
Do you know what it feels like to meditate? No? To tell you the truth, it’s not an easy task. But once you start concentrating on something and get your whole mind and heart in it, you’ll see the outcome change drastically. If you read a book or any type of text with improved concentration, ... Views: 610
So you think you can multitask? Of course you do. Just check out your resume, it’s one of your key in-demand skills, right? Wrong. Our brains are not wired to multitask. Yes, digital processors like computers are; brains, no. We have not overcome millennia of evolution since the advent of the ... Views: 2072
“No valid plan is worth pursuing if there is a lack of confidence and love for oneself.” - Avtar
In my three decades in the health and fitness field and my ten years as a Wellness Director at the world renown Resort/Spa, Miraval, I have noticed that almost everyone I worked with, from top ... Views: 1377
I have heard the saying that if you want to know hat a man is about you should just watch his checkbook. I want to add to that saying. If you can’t see a man’s checkbook just listen to the words that come out of his mouth. Now let me get personal and take it just a step further. If you want to ... Views: 831
I would like to share with you some information about stomach cancer. Once again I will probably bring up things that are not normally talked about.
For now, I will not talk about what causes cancer, but try to explain how cancer works - and perhaps why it happens...
I would like to share ... Views: 1493
You have the possibility to change your health
Too much stress, like the extraordinary amount of stress we experience in today’s world, creates overload, which can result disease.
The survival circuitry is activated in a situation of high stress or conflict shock. This circuitry switches ... Views: 755
Article Title: The Lasting Effects from Blows to the Head (Concussion)
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): head injury, brain injury, effects of head injury, neuro-psychology, medical information, medical resources, brain
The submitter's blog (with extracts from his various ... Views: 3299
A new field of research called epigenetics has emerged showing that outside forces can change your DNA throughout your life, switching on or off genes affecting various functions of your body.
In particular the work of Dr Dietrich Klinghardt and Dr Bruce Lipton also finding that there is a ... Views: 2741
Article Title: What Does it Feel Like to be Brain Damaged?
Author: Frederick R. Linge, Clinical Psychologist
Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (key words): head injury, brain injury, traumatic brain injury, brain trauma, medical resources, medical information , neuro-psychology, brain, brain ... Views: 1169
PANCHAKARMA THERAPY [Detoxification Process]
The complete purification of body or detoxification of body from disease causing agents is shodhana therapy. It involves a series of treatment after complete examination of disease and diseased. It is done for two purposes
1. To maintain and promote ... Views: 1150
Discovered in Russia in 1940 in the Murun mountains in Yakutia, to date, this the only known location for this rare mineral. The name Chariot is derived from the Chary River which is near where it was found.
Purple, solid. Newly coming into greater use. Works with Indigo & violet Charka to ... Views: 2782
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle and effective method for resolving physical and emotional issues. The therapist takes advantage of the continuity of the body's connective tissue (which connects and supports every part of your body) to be able to access and correct any restrictions within this ... Views: 1433
Amy was sick, it seemed she was constantly “under the weather”, either fighting a flu or cold, dealing with a stomach bug, or taking pills for another headache, she felt unhappy and stressed most of the time.
She just didn't seem able to overcome the disturbing symptoms that kept occurring in ... Views: 761
2001, I remember looking in
the mirror, asking myself...
”Why can't I stop drinking?"
I lost all hope in who I was and hurt so much, that I could not bear it any longer.You see, I was chronic alcoholic. Everyday, when I woke up I felt the ever present feeling of impending doom. That ... Views: 1722
The short days and long nights of the Winter season are in full effect. Some say this earth cycle is the cause of S.A.D's (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and may even lead some to depression. I beg to differ!
Let's not blame nature for the effects of the 'anti-life' lifestyle we have ... Views: 1328
I know this might sound really strange if you have never set a healing objective, but like all things we create, clarity of intention makes a difference in healing too. Of course, creating intentions that truly motivate you is where healing objectives can help you make and see ... Views: 1421
Any individual who has a relative struggling from cerebral palsy will definitely look for info about the causes of cerebral palsy. This justifies these people to seek right answers for what they find as a improbable condition of their family member. By understanding the disorder, they can better ... Views: 950
When practiced regularly, meditation can promote physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Many Westerners use meditation as a way of improving overall health, and to improve issues ranging from cardiovascular disease, inflammation and immune activity, to pain, anxiety, depression, and ... Views: 908
We all know the old adage of the frog that is placed in the pot of cold water. The water heats so slowly that the frog merrily goes about its froggy business never realizing its fate until it’s too late to jump out. The point is we allow ourselves to adapt to unrelenting “stress” in multiple ... Views: 531
Oklahoma has long been known for many things, surprising to some, things like football, country music and meth labs. Home to Wiley Post and a few other famous people Oklahoma has a rich history that tells quite a story. From the dust bowl era back in the Great Depression and Oklahoma Land Run. ... Views: 1822
Latino Health Issues. Latino Health Surprises and Strengths. Public Policy that affects and influences Latinos and health. How we define, engage and protect our own health. All of these issues -- and more -- will be part of the discussion this month.
And, perhaps most important, how these ... Views: 710
Other treatment being insufficient to address his needs, the patient decides to add prayer to his treatment regimen. He is only vaguely familiar with this approach in spite of having been reared in a “religious” family. He has little understanding or past experience with faith healing. However, ... Views: 723
Grey hair in unwanted places. Lack of energy. Lower (or higher) sex drive. Ah, the joys of aging. Now we can add another startling fact to growing older - decreased resistance to stress. While stress naturally takes a toll on your mind and body, your ability to ward off the negative effects of ... Views: 1170
You may have personally experienced, or just heard from other people, of the mental boost that they get from smoking. Perhaps, for a short period of time such boost may be true, however in the long run, the effect of the tobacco consumption may be more dangerous to your brain than what you have ... Views: 1740
Tinnitus can be a persistent, annoying sound in your ear that no one else can hear. There is no discernable cure for tinnitus. Most treatments lessen or mask the symptoms of tinnitus. However, most physicians recommend preventing tinnitus by protecting the body, ears and brain.
In some cases ... Views: 1835
Everybody knows the importance of temperature of his office, home, kitchen, car and the place where he has to do some work or spend some time for any purpose. In summer season we strictly need cool devices and while purchasing such an article we purchase the best one. Not only purchase of a best ... Views: 852
For the majority of people, meditation is something only monks do and can take years to learn. Its surprising how many people do not understand the amount of advantages that meditation can bring and they believe that they do not have the time to learn because it takes to long to learn. The ... Views: 949
C.J. Savage, a certified hypnotherapist for over 19 yrs, decided to get rid of a small tree from her yard while babysitting her grandchildren Saturday afternoon, May 22, 2010. C.J. climbed up on the tree from her porch, bouncing up and down on a limb when her feet slipped so fast, they went up ... Views: 2466
Our psyche is able to deal with a certain amount of stress, when the stress is too heavy to deal with, it creates overload that needs to be released.
Here’s a good example of how the mind reacts when stress becomes focused and is too much, unconsciously, for the person to deal with.
Imagine ... Views: 1267
Hyperactivity in children is the way in which this child - the hyperactive child - is trying to show something to his parents.
In these cases the first question I would ask is: “What is this child trying to express with his or her hyperactivity? The need for so much movement?
So, my ... Views: 1144
This week I had a session with a client which shifted the foundation of the way she relates to herself. Although she had a brilliant career as a young woman and changed careers because of health problems, we found she had a persistent fear of failure which was keeping her from success in her ... Views: 2582
by Dr. Rick Brinkman
Do you struggle to stay positive and upbeat about life? The problem may be someone close to you - the Chronic Complainer. To illustrate how chronic negativity and whining can impact you, let me share an email I received recently from a reader: Dr. Rick, what does one do ... Views: 13866
The reasons we are afraid are, in many ways, as unique as we are, and often need to be addressed individually. But let us explore the root of fear as it relates to healing.
Fear is what we experience at the threshold of the unknown. When I received the answer to one of my healing questions ... Views: 1929
You probably know about the fear of failure. The fear of falling short and not wanting to appear as weak or ineffective. Not wanting to let others down. It can hold you back and keep you from taking risks.
It’s what I call a first level fear. One that with some effort you are able to ... Views: 2749
We have all known individuals who ate all the right foods, exercised relentlessly and had regular checkups and still got the much-dreaded Disease X. This happening has made us feel vulnerable. "If THIS person, who took such good care of himself -- much better than I take care of myself -- can ... Views: 1024
If you think that snoring is a normal thing, you better dump that thought because that is not true. If you try to visit the hospital, after the lady in nurses uniforms recorded your appointment, the doctor will tell you that it may be a symptom of heart disease. There are people who snore aloud, ... Views: 634
The majority of us live stressful and hectic lives. It seems that we're busy 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and never have enough time to accomplish what we need to. Whether it's your boss demanding overtime, your children needing your constant focus, or your spouse requesting your ... Views: 1438