Tom Wright
Imagine a balance scale. On one side is something people often tell me. They say, “I want to be wealthy.” And then after saying that, they state how much money they want. Or, that they want to have a successful relationship. You fill in the blank, we all want something.
So on ... Views: 2148
Tom Wright
I have often asked of myself, the question “why?” Why do I keep on keeping on, when I have lived long enough to have seen many of my friends give up the fight, and then many who never really seemed to have gotten started in their great battle to be themselves at all before their ... Views: 1863
Tom Wright-A Course In Shamanism
The Health continuum can be seen as a straight line graph, with the left hand side of that graph being subtle energy healing work done through the means of shamanism, and the right side of the graph being all the way over to healing work done through ... Views: 3959
Tom Wright A Course In Shamanism
If you want to increase your income beyond what you have ever done before, then the gap between where you are financially now, and where you want to be, has to be “non-ordinary reality” for you. It has to, because you haven’t done it before! In the practice ... Views: 2063
Tom Wright/The One Penny Millionaire!®
Admit it. You have done this yourself. You got sucked into buying a program or promise that told you some guy sold “150,000 books in one day” and that you can do it too. Well, you can. Er . . .I mean, you might. And that guy! Maybe he did what he said ... Views: 2039
Tom Wright
I have heard many people say that they come from "dysfunctional" families. This is a label, a judgment that does not reflect the highest reality of what's really going on in any family. Dysfunctional implies that there is "some way" families should function, and that if they ... Views: 1975
Tom Wright
After any type of rejection at all, how many times have we all asked ourselves the automatically programmed question "Why are things the way they are?" Or even more to the point, "What's the reason for this?" Think about it. If you truly answered either of these ... Views: 2013
Tom Wright
First of all, why is making the distinction between belief and perception so important? Let's take the example of walking over twelve-hundred degree hot coals, something I have direct experience with by having done so myself. If our human ability to perceive what's out there and ... Views: 1929
Tom Wright
Many brilliant theorists, philosophers, self-help gurus, and psychiatrists, often speak of the "ego" as if "it" were something other than what it is: an illusion. An illusion is something that is real, but temporary. What we refer to as the ego has no permanent existence, any ... Views: 3795
Tom Wright
In a conversation with a woman the other day, she told me that she was "authentic" when in my opinion, she was anything but. Oh, oh! What mirror was I looking into! Wow! Was that an eye opener. The third eye, for certain. That's when I realized that people (and yes, I am a ... Views: 2315
Tom Wright
Even the Dali Lama gives speeches about having "compassion in troubled times." Troubled times? You mean life? To think that we live in times that somehow are troubled, versus to live in a time when life's troubles were non-existent, is to dream of something that never was, and ... Views: 1444
Tom Wright
What every single person on earth does, is to make other people wrong for the intentions that they imagined were behind acts that were done. Actual acts often happen, they are what is real. But the degree of significance that is assigned to that act, the meaning that is assigned to ... Views: 1447
TB Wright
I once asked a woman who was giving tips on "How to become enlightened" not as a flip way of sassing her, but as a legitimate question. "How can you give advice in any way whatsoever, on being enlightened, when you are not?" She answered by saying that she could certainly know of ... Views: 1064
TB Wright
This will be a short article on the one most important factor in your life, in your success, and for the world, and that is: you. Unless you are as fully immersed within your own self-love, which means to be experiencing your inherent, already existing, never going anywhere, ... Views: 965
By, TB Wright
If you were in a windstorm, unless you had weight, you would be blown all around. Life can be like a windstorm. Without weights, you would not be able to maintain your balance, and you would quickly lose your place. Weights allow us to focus our attention in a way that keeps ... Views: 902
TB Wright
It is always useful when making distinctions, to first go to the dictionary, because the definitions of words reveal the amount of energy our race consciousness has put into the intention, or sheer force behind them. Usually the first definition is what most of our efforts have been ... Views: 1142
This article will be short and sweet. Making distinctions, such as "hot/cold" is as important in self-help work, as it is when choosing what coat to wear today. In making any distinction, we have to define our separate terms, and then see where our beliefs overlapped them, until we got to the ... Views: 1095
TB Wright
What is a distinction? Hot or cold. Up or down. Those are distinctions. They give us valuable information about the world around us. What is a meaning? It's good that it's hot. It's bad that it's cold. Those are meanings. They give us no information about the world around us. ... Views: 1229
TB Wright
Imagine yourself laying on your deathbed, knowing you are never going to get up again. No, not to make yourself feel bad, but for the purpose of distilling what is important to you right from the story of your own life. How can we feel bad about dying anyway? We haven't experienced ... Views: 1027
TB Wright
What? When is less, more? Less is more when that more is more satisfaction, more joy, more money, and more of all the wealth you can imagine, and more. Where wealth is defined in the online seminar I do with participants as "an increase in anything that is important to you." ... Views: 1017
TB Wright
It seems as if we all desire to improve our lives. But in order to do something, we have to first understand what exactly, that something is. Since we desire to improve our lives, what does that mean? Improve? According to the dictionary, it means "to increase in value, to bring ... Views: 961
*excerpted from the E-book of the same title:
Any one of us, can do most anything, for ten seconds. Think about it. Can you forgive someone for just ten seconds? Usually we can. Can you hold your tongue for ten seconds, even when you're upset? I'm sure we've all done that. And then after ... Views: 1627
There is a balance point between feelings, that when practiced, makes for harmonious relationships. We're not usually at that point, due to the masculine/feminine bent toward opposites poles in relationship to the way we use feelings, not feelings themselves. And it's this "use" where our ... Views: 1777
What Is Success? We have as many different answers to this question as there are people in the world. So let's provide a paradigm for success that works for every single one of them, with no one, and nothing, left out.
Is success how much money we have? Or how many people love us? ... Views: 963
TB Wright
I am a firm believer in the "tell the truth now, tell the truth later" method of living a successful life. Truth is authentic, clean, and it just simply feels right. We have a great method of discernment for catching when people are telling the truth, including ourselves, and it's ... Views: 1528
TB Wright
*This article is specifically designed to start a thought process that will lead us away from dissatisfaction, and on to satisfaction, through practice. This takes time. The invitation is to give yourself that time, and to practice the "tell the truth now, tell the truth later" ... Views: 942
Thinking that there's some magic formula out there, that if only you would find it out, then all of your success, money, love, and on and on, will finally arrive into your life. Then, like a flood gate bursting, this magic portal will be opened, and soul mates, friends, popularity, and fame and ... Views: 1104
TB Wright Part III
Now that you have read the first two articles concerning judgments, you are sufficiently prepared to go on and practice these techniques for giving up judgments, both visible, and invisible:
First of all, even before completing this list of things to do, it is important ... Views: 1032
TB Wright Part II
In the first of these three articles, some ways of giving up judging were provided so that we can free that negative energy up from what doesn’t work, to what does work in our lives. Why do this? Because it's energy that we already have, and are already using, but not ... Views: 1046
Part 1:
First of all, in order to give something up, we would have to know what that something actually is. Not what we believe it is, or think it is, but what it actually is. This is a difficult discernment to make with regard to judgments because there is a line regarding our ... Views: 975
Honestly, what does joy have to do with it? If I hear one more New Agey "gotta be happy or I'm gonna die" guru tell me that I have to be happy, I'm just gonna . . .well, you get the picture. Do I? Do I have to be happy? Of course not. Being happy or not isn't all that important. What is ... Views: 1088
There is a success we can attain that goes far beyond simple material success. This deep of success is attained only through the giving up our attachment to being "right" about all the illusions we have surrounding what it means to be successful. In the online seminar I do with participants, we ... Views: 1144
If you went out to buy a television set, and didn’t really know what the best one was, oh, you had a general idea, but no clear picture, what would you end up buying? You would most likely end up buying something based on what others believed a good TV set should be. Might work for you then, ... Views: 1109
We spend an inordinate amount of time and energy devoting our literal life essence in an attempt to do, what cannot be done. When we start to shift more and more of that energy over to what can be done, and in alignment with our goals, we are then practicing an incredible power to manifest all ... Views: 1228
Making certain we get up early to do our daily affirmation work, sometimes taking it up even hourly, doing visualizations over and over again, resetting our mindsets, setting goals, making promises, fighting with ourselves to get "there" wherever there is, worrying about having too many negative ... Views: 1050
There is a direct connection between wealth, defined in The One Penny Millionaire!™ as "an increase in anything that is important to you" and "honesty." This connection, when practiced, will serve to increase your wealth. But honesty about what? How about everything!
Being honest about where ... Views: 1144
All things exist only in relationship to other things. If only one thing existed then, there would be no way to compare or reference it to, anything else. It would be invisible, because it would be all there was. So we seek to gain a perspective, or: "a specific point of view in understanding or ... Views: 965
Truth is the one most powerful method for manifesting money, being happier, and in the long run, for expanding upon our wealth. Where wealth in The One Penny Millionaire!™ is defined as "an increase in any area of your life that is important to you." This is why the "fake it till you make it" ... Views: 1081
There seem to be a certain number of hard wired skills we have, and one of them is our attention. Our attention isn't what we focus upon, but rather, our ability to stay focused on something. And then to add a further distinction, the most valuable way to pay attention is when we are focused on ... Views: 1129
This article is designed to allow you to have some real relief. Not the "fake it till you make it" kind of relief, but the "tell the truth now, tell the truth later" kind of relief: authentic, and lasting. Relief from what? From what the details of our lives may actually be at any one moment. No ... Views: 1116
There is in popular writing, and so in people's minds, some confusion over the distinction between creating and manifesting. These words point to two separate and important processes, and so, do not point to the same thing at all. Some of this confusion comes over the fact that the things that ... Views: 1550
The title seems almost contradictory, doesn't it? An article on how to let success just happen? How do we let success happen? How does this work? Especially when we have been thoroughly indoctrinated into having to work, stress out, and make things happen, or they just won't happen, now will ... Views: 1189
Wealth can be defined as any number of things, experiences, or manifestations. In the online seminar series I present, wealth is defined as "an increase in anything that is important to you." So wealth could be more smiles from friends, more money, or more of a profound and distinct experience ... Views: 1400
Sometimes, It's Hard!
Life is great, life is good, and in the words of Helen Keller, life is an adventure or nothing at all. And, sometimes, life is also hard. Why? Who knows? We hit the wall. We skim the skids. We get upset. We get angry, we get frustrated, things don't look like they're ... Views: 1933
Often the question is asked of me, "Where does your inspiration come from?" This question suggests that our own inspiration is held within some external place, and if we were able to just finally reach there, then maybe the miraculous floodgates of inspired action would then deluge our lives ... Views: 1170
We take ourselves seriously all time, but in misaligned directions away from our success. A misaligned direction is any one that leads away from our success, and toward our upset. Any energy other than that which is devoted toward our being successful, is misaligned energy. And misaligned energy ... Views: 1155
In our human knowledge base it is a proverb that what it takes to accomplish any goal is to be committed to that accomplishment. This wisdom is spoken by mountain climbers, sports figures, all great moms and dads, joyful partners, successful CEOs, inventors, great writers, the list of achievers ... Views: 1154
There is a distinction between blaming ourselves for the conditions of our lives, and instead, being responsible for everything in our lives, that when made, makes all the difference in the world. A difference that shows up in our lives as how we feel about just about everything. The sticky part ... Views: 1138
Wanting is the one hard wired human condition that will not go away. We want to be warm, we want to be fed, we want to be loved, we want so many things. And then after those basic wants are fulfilled, we want to be happy and successful, in whatever way success is defined for each of us. Given ... Views: 2159
Visualization is something it took me a long time to understand, read: agree with. You can then read "agree with" to mean: to be able to effectively practice. Effective practice is to do something over and over again with the least resistance possible. Usually our resistance to practice comes ... Views: 994