Right now, I have a group of coaches taking my Mind-Body Coach Training. They’ve been thrown into what I call The Mess as they experience the first part of the training. This just means that they are learning how to feel emotions, what to do with body tension and pain, and discovering that their ... Views: 945
When I first realized I was putting immense and constant pressure on myself, and that the pressure was causing my body to revolt, it was like putting on glasses for the first time. I could see clearly how much I was beating myself up, trying to be perfect, judging myself, and otherwise rejecting ... Views: 989
It can definitely be a learning curve to practice self-kindness, so this week I’d like to talk about step two: actively creating self-kindness in your mind.
Once you start recognizing when you are beating yourself up or judging yourself, you have opened the window to do something different ... Views: 1099
We’re coming to the close of another year and heading into that familiar tradition of taking stock and making New Year’s resolutions. I, for one, will not be partaking of this tradition.
As you’ve noticed, I’ve been writing about self-kindness recently, and not applying force or pressure to ... Views: 998
I think this blog post might be an ode to the mind-body healing process. I’ve been reflecting lately on how incredibly grateful I am to have learned what I’ve learned about my body, my emotions, and my inner wisdom. Ten years ago, I was in agony, suffering through each day, unable to live ... Views: 1206
Several weeks ago, I wrote a blog post about the In-Between. I was feeling strange because everywhere I looked, my life seemed to be in transition. It felt like that moment between an inhale and exhale, when everything is suspended, and nothing is happening. It seemed to be lasting forever to my ... Views: 1135
Today something really strange happened. I sat down to write my blog post for the week, and I came up empty.
Writing blog posts is one of my favorite things to do. I love writing, I love talking about the mind-body connection, and I love the unending conversation with you out there in ... Views: 1138
As you know from previous posts, I’m in the middle of doing a bunch of new stuff with my business and website. It’s all very exciting and good, but it is requiring a lot of creativity at the moment. My house is littered with post-its containing snippets of ideas. When I’m at the grocery store, ... Views: 1074
Here’s what I’ve learned in the last six months: Grief has no schedule. And, it’s highly disorganized.
What a pain!
Wouldn’t it be nice to block out ten minutes on the calendar for “Have a Good Cry/Beat on a Few Pillows” and have emotions fit perfectly into your day? Many of my clients ... Views: 1023
So much of the work I do with clients comes down to setting healthy boundaries. This was a major learning curve for me in my own life. Afraid of upsetting or angering others, I would make decisions based on external factors like someone’s approval or disapproval, or “rules” set by other ... Views: 1241
To understand this blog post, you have to know that I have a thing for natural bodies of water. Whenever we were traveling during my childhood, I would veer off into rivers, lakes, ponds, or the ocean whenever possible. I love being in water, love feeling the river current, the ocean waves, the ... Views: 1336
I’m typing this blog post in bed. I’ve got a nasty bug that has made my throat agonizingly sore, my head pound, and my body ache. I’m sporting the Rudolph nose at the moment. My voice is gone. My brain is fuzzy and all I can seem to contemplate is this soft, fuzzy blanket on my bed. There’s ... Views: 944
The other day I went to coffee with my personal trainer, and we were chatting about fitness, the urge women have to do endless, hideous (in my opinion, of course) hours of cardio exercise instead of strength training, and our cultural viewpoint around women with muscles and strength. She ... Views: 1098
My question was this: what are you surrendering to right now? I’m surrendering to not knowing what will happen if I give pregnancy and motherhood another shot, post miscarriage. Which led me to ponder this familiar question: Do I really know anything?
There’s a doozy for my inner brainiac! ... Views: 1112
A year ago, I was sitting here at this same desk, planning last year’s Mind-Body Coach Training. I was imagining a great group of trainees, fixing up the forum where they would interact, and sending out the announcements in my newsletter. I thought I knew exactly what my plans were for the next ... Views: 1259
If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know the drill. You know you have to feel emotions that arise on a daily basis, because avoiding and therefore storing them in your body creates tension and pain. Obviously, no one is going to be perfect at feeling emotions. However, I, like you, ... Views: 1830
Pain is the ultimate waker-upper. There’s probably a real word for that, but I can’t think of it right now. Waker-upper works, because it’s actually pain’s job description. Whether it’s physical pain, emotional pain, or mental pain, it makes you sit up and take notice. Yeah, I know – what a ... Views: 1139
I just got off the phone with ten incredible, amazing people. I’ve been blessed that way, lately. Last week I got to coach and teach at the Martha Beck Master Coach Intensive in Huntington Beach, CA. I spent four days in the presence of brilliant coaches taking their final steps in the six-month ... Views: 1042
I was reading fellow coach Jeannette Maw’s blog post about her belly spell this week (The belly spell really cracked me up! Soooo funny! I love Jeannette!) and it inspired this post. I have struggled for many years – my entire life, actually – with body image issues. I can remember clearly when ... Views: 1058
Self-pressure is my term for the mental expectations you have about yourself that differ from what you really need in this moment. It’s an instant stress-creator. Self-pressure can seem very subtle until you get used to noticing it. For example, I often decide I’m going to work out X number of ... Views: 1123
I’ve been writing a lot about stress lately, because it’s a universal issue we all face. There are many underlying causes of stress, one of which is perfectionism, which I’ve addressed in the last couple of weeks. If you enjoyed the Three Simple Steps to Calm Your Inner Perfectionist post, you ... Views: 1057
When was the last time you played like a five-year-old?
If it was when you actually were five years old, then this is an emergency. Go get a box of crayons, stat!
I have the luxury of enjoying the company of a five-year-old regularly. My niece, Emmy, is currently teaching me about living ... Views: 814
Confidence. Self-worth. Who doesn’t want those things? Yet, they can be oh so elusive. I’m in the middle of creating all kinds of new material to help others gain confidence, because I know what it feels like to not like myself, or to like myself and still not feel totally confident.
So ... Views: 1023
I get emails from clients like the sample below pretty much every week:
Agh! I think something is terribly wrong with me! Oh no! I am crying a lot! I feel terrible! What should I do? I can’t live like this! What if I’m never happy again!
To which I usually reply something like ... Views: 970
In the Great School of Life, I just took a class on loss and change. No teacher is quite like life experience. I learned much from my recent journey through the grieving process, and I thought you might benefit from a few mind-body techniques and concepts around loss.
If you’re like me and ... Views: 943
I’ve developed the theory that to be relaxed, healthy, confident, and joyful adults we must rediscover our natural brilliance from toddler-hood. I’m lucky enough to have two nieces who are currently sharing their brilliance with me. The youngest, who is twenty months old, has been coaching me ... Views: 933
This weekend, I was feeling a little disconnected, stressed, and tense. My shoulders were inching up around my ears and clearly holding some kind of emotion. I knew it was time to walk my talk, so I mind-body coached myself.
This experience reminded me that I haven’t written much about what I ... Views: 1045
Just about once or twice a day, my tendency toward perfectionism rears its head. It’s a trait I’ve had from birth, according to my mother. I’ve become well-acquainted both with its usefulness and how it often gets in my way.
When I first read Dr. John Sarno’s book, The Mindbody Prescription, ... Views: 1789
Self-pressure is my term for the mental expectations you have about yourself that differ from what you really need in this moment. It’s an instant stress-creator. Self-pressure can seem very subtle until you get used to noticing it. For example, I often decide I’m going to work out X number of ... Views: 1181
When I’m talking to mind-body newbies, they often ask me if I like living the mind-body lifestyle. They are usually worried that they’ll have to torture themselves for life with something un-fun and limiting. Happily, the mind-body lifestyle is quite the opposite! Today’s article is an ... Views: 1053
My favorite thing about mind-body healing is that it surprises everyone. All of my clients arrive at their sessions ready to work. They have their pens out, notebooks open, best school behavior at the ready, and are generally prepped to do it right – even perfectly. They are ready to put in ... Views: 1023
Your body responds to everything you think, feel, and do. You and your body are so intimately connected that you cannot make a move without hearing your body’s opinion. There is no time during the day in which you and your body are not living the same life. Think about that – with everyone ... Views: 991
I’ve been giving myself a fun assignment lately, and it’s working so well I want to share it with all of you. It has had a profound effect on my state of energy, which is truly the source of all health – life force energy, chi, prana – whatever you want to call it.
A few weeks ago I found ... Views: 1284
In my own mind-body health maintenance plan, I have recently been focusing on being as completely authentic as possible. I’ve noticed over the years that the more tuned in to my body I am, the more it leads me to be completely honest with myself about myself.
Before my years of vulvodynia, ... Views: 1077
One of the most common traits of people who suffer from pelvic pain syndrome: perfectionism. (I use the phrase pelvic pain syndrome as a blanket description for syndromes such as vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, vulvar vestibulitis, pelvic floor dysfunction, and ... Views: 930
Most of us start the self-discovery journey that is mind-body healing because we’re in pain. Maybe we’re struggling with vulvodynia, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome, or pelvic floor dysfunction. Maybe we have chronic back pain. Maybe we’ve been dealing with depression or ... Views: 1617
The primary reason we end up with chronic pelvic pain syndromes is surprisingly simple. Our bodies are designed to respond to danger and stress with the fight or flight response. Two very important things happen when we experience this physiological response consistently, day in and day out. ... Views: 1038
One of the delightful elements of coaching (and there are many) is getting to meet so many different women. Every week, I talk to women from different walks of life and different parts of the country and world. Though no two women are the same, there is one thing they seem to have in common: ... Views: 993
Rest is one of those topics that we frequently forget to consider, and yet it is possibly the most important thing we can do for our souls and our bodies alike.
If you’re anything like me, you have often waited until your body crashed and your mind blew several fuses before you actually ... Views: 1000
It’s a new year, and many people have geared up to make life changes. Most of these changes require some kind of effort or hard work, and there’s a focused, determined feel to these life change plans. It’s just how we do things, for some reason. White-knuckled willpower, elbow grease, no ... Views: 1061
Okay, ladies. It’s time to stop sucking in your stomach.
Take a quick survey. Are you sucking it in right now?
If so, here’s the big question: WHY? (Really, is anyone looking at your stomach in this very moment?)
A few weeks ago, I realized I had inadvertently engaged in this ... Views: 1416
I’ve written before about pain as a vital messenger, letting us know what needs to be addressed in our mind-body system. Symptoms and pain certainly wake us up to the need to take an internal peek at ourselves, mentally, emotionally, and also physically. I’ve written a lot about the mental and ... Views: 1867
Have you ever woken up to your to-do list and found yourself dragging your feet?
Have you ever felt like your body was filled with lead and actually doing the items on your list was harder than pushing a boulder uphill?
Have you ever forced yourself to do them all anyway, and ended up ... Views: 1007
I recently coached a client through a hysterectomy, working on her fears about the surgery, her worries about anesthesia, and her concerns about her doctors. Health crises bring surges of emotion into our lives, and if we don’t know what to do with all these emotions, we run the risk of making ... Views: 1075
My Inner Healer and I became very good friends after my first appointment with a breathing and relaxation instructor named Kathleen. Deep breathing is a fantastic way to start listening to your Inner Healer. Breathing is magical. It stops panic, it brings your awareness to your thoughts, it ... Views: 1082
Your body wants you to stop panicking. When you push the panic button, you also push the adrenaline (and other stress hormones) button. Your sympathetic nervous system is activated, which is what surges your body into fight-or-flight mode. If you are continually feeling fear and panic, you are ... Views: 1030
After I had been to see a vulvovaginal specialist for my interesting mix of vulvar dysesthesia, vulvar vestibulitis, pelvic floor syndrome, and interstitial cystitis, I had a complete meltdown. I really thought this doctor would save me from the nightmare and give me my life back. I had ... Views: 1102
I just finished teaching a business class for a group of life coaches. It was a business class like no other. At one point I clearly said, “Stop using logic to figure out your marketing.”
You would think that advice would make the class members run for the hills, terrified of me and my ... Views: 1184
After years of struggling with physical pain and other uncomfortable sensations such as vulvar burning, rawness, and itching, I felt exhausted. I was so sick of pain I wanted to give up, somehow, or run away. I longed to jump out of my own skin and just escape. I was going crazy dealing with ... Views: 1530
When I was 19, I started having very strange bladder problems. I noticed I always felt like I needed to urinate, and yet I never felt as though I could quite empty my bladder. I woke up several times a night to use the restroom. Sometimes I had to sit and wait on the toilet for what seemed ... Views: 1783