Practice any of the following techniques to give yourself a quick energy boost and balance during the day. Below you will find 4 one-minute techniques, a slightly longer 5 minute technique, and a 10 minute daily practice. Read and then DO the techniques. They will make a positive difference in your life.

1-Minute Energy Tune-Ups
What if you found a magical, instantaneous way to stop stress in your life? And what if it only took you one minute to do it? Would you try it?
Life is filled with tension and worry that causes stress. We have responsibilities, duties, goals and dreams. We spend our days busy reacting to the events in our world, and for some of us, the majority of those events are negative.
There is a way to stop negativity from attaching to us, from penetrating our inner worlds and causing dis-ease in our lives. And it only takes 1 minute!
The next time you feel yourself reacting to the stresses of the world, do one of the following for just one minute. Notice how you are feeling, then select an exercise from the list below and repeat it for one minute. Then notice how you feel afterwards. Each activity is guaranteed to instantaneously reduce your stress. Pick one and enjoy the results of decreased stress.
Count silently to 4 while you inhale, hold for four counts. Count silently to 4 while you exhale, hold for four counts. Repeat for 1 - 5 minutes
Count to 10! But do it so you are totally aware of each breath you count. If you "forget" to feel a breath, start over and try again
Inhale through your fingertips, up arms and into shoulders and head. Exhale down your neck, abdomen, legs and out your toes.
Inhale while visualizing peace in-filling your body (toes to head).... Pause, and then exhale while visualizing tension leaving body (head to toes)

5-Minute Energy Tune-Up

There are 1440 minutes in each day. Are you able to set aside just 5 of those minutes each day to balance your mind and restore your body to harmony and peace?
If so, then here’s a simple plan for your well being.
First, set a timer or alarm clock for 5 minutes. Sit down comfortably and close your eyes. Focus your awareness on your breath as it comes and goes from your nose. Feel each breath coming and going. Don’t count the breaths, don’t control the breaths, simply observe and feel each breath, coming and going. Like waves on the ocean, coming and going.
When your mind wanders off from the breath (and it will!), simply call it back to the breath. Each time you return to the sensation of the breath, you have taken control over your mind. Each time you return to the breath, you have become less reactive to your thoughts, and more in control of your life.
Practice this mindfulness technique every day for one month, and you will notice that you have become less reactive to the negativity of others, and more effective in your ability to maintain harmony and peace in your life. 5 minutes a day is worth being well!

10-Minute Affirming Energy Tune-Up
By now you’ve probably heard about all the great things that can be accomplished with stress management, meditation, and positive thinking. But have you tried them for yourself?
Set aside ten minutes each day to experience energy healing the easy way. For 10 minutes each day, sit down and do one of the following energy exercises. After just a few days, you will notice a difference in your energy levels. You will feel more empowered and optimistic in your thoughts. You will feel more enlivened in your energy. And you will experience more well being in your life.

For 10 minutes, sit and repeat a positive affirmation to yourself. The affirmation may be as simple as: “Today I feel alive and aware and able to meet my goals.”, or “Now I am healthy, wealthy, happy, and free.”. Make the affirmation a mental chant, repeating it over and over. Resist the temptation to feel this activity is silly or a waste of time. Realize that every thought you think is an affirmation, so why give yourself 10 minutes each day to affirm the positive in your life?

Let the affirmation take over your mind for just 10 minutes, and you have begun to imbed new thoughts into your subconscious. As your energy changes, your external world will change too. So, take time to Tune-Up your mind each day!

Author's Bio: 

Jill Henry, EdD, PT, APP is the author of Energy SourceBook, The Fundamentals of Personal Energy (Llewellyn, 2004), a Physical Therapist at Mountain Lakes Medical Center in Clayton, GA, and owner, with her husband Charlie, of the Otto Labyrinth Park in Otto, NC. Dr Henry can be contacted at or Toll Free 888-773-2491.