The psychology of the unconscious mind in you dreams helps you learn how to find sound mental health. You understand what is mentally healthy and what is absurd.
The extraordinary value of the scientific method of dream interpretation is that it teaches you the dream language and it gives ... Views: 1729
Dreams about love are very common. If you are in love with someone you will surely have many dreams about this person. The unconscious mind is very generous; it sends you all the information you need about the special person in your own dreams.
This happens because the main function of the ... Views: 8669
Depression is a mental illness that has a positive meaning, even though it can become a dangerous neurosis without treatment. You receive free psychotherapy from the wise unconscious mind that produces our dreams.
Carl Jung discovered that all dreams are produced by the unconscious mind, ... Views: 1276
The philosophical psychology of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is based on a detailed analysis of everything that is bad, so that the dreamer may immediately get rid of everything that is harmful and can cause future problems. At the same time, the dreamer understands all the ... Views: 1219
Superstitions are beliefs that lack scientific proof. They are merely assumptions based on personal opinions, which may become popular, even though they are not the result of real discoveries.
A superstition is the belief that one event causes another without any physical process linking ... Views: 2190
All dream images have a symbolic meaning. All dream images contain hidden messages. The accurate translation of the symbolic meaning of the dream images is possible only thanks to the brilliant method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung. Nobody else could discover the real meaning of ... Views: 3625
Most dreams are warnings because we make too many mistakes in life. We are constantly influenced by our wild conscience, while our human conscience is one-sided and under-developed.
Our wild and primitive conscience (anti-conscience) is still active inside us. The anti-conscience is our ... Views: 1838
I could say that discrimination against blacks doesn't exist in Brazil, my country, but unfortunately it does. There is a certain percentage of the population that is racist, even though racism in Brazil is camouflaged, and not clearly expressed like in the USA.
Racism against black people ... Views: 1485
Carl Jung discovered the meaning of dreams and their healing power. I learned his method and I managed to continue his research and discover a lot more only thanks to his discoveries.
I’m merely an organizer. I simply improved Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation, clarifying all the ... Views: 1511
The impression that our dreams are wish fulfillments is based on Sigmund Freud’s method of dream interpretation. He concluded that dreams are wish fulfillments after analyzing various dreams and relating them to the dreamers’ lives.
Freud observed that those who are hungry had dreams ... Views: 1311
The unconscious mind that produces your dreams criticizes your behavior in order to help you transform your personality and evolve. For example, other people in your dreams are parts of your own personality. This means that whenever you dream about someone else, you behave like this person, ... Views: 1816
Carl Jung discovered the hidden meaning of the dream language and I completed his research, discovering more. By translating the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method you will be able to avoid bad events and hidden traps.
The unconscious mind uses images that belong to ... Views: 1454
There are many revealing signs that can help you understand if you really love someone. You have to find out the truth by paying attention to many details. Fortunately, you can be helped in this task if you learn how to translate the meaning of your own dreams according to the scientific method ... Views: 2116
Carl Jung discovered the meaning of the dream language and the meaning of the mysterious dream logic. I continued his research, discovering that we, human beings, have a satanic origin.
I also discovered that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams must be obeyed because it is ... Views: 1255
In order to understand the messages of the unconscious mind that produces your dreams you have to study the symbolic dream language. You must respect the meaning given by the unconscious mind to the dream images. Carl Jung discovered this meaning for you, and managed to simplify and clarify his ... Views: 1292
The depression treatment based on dream interpretation is in fact the only one that you can absolutely trust. Jung discovered that our dreams are not produced by our own ignorant minds. All dreams are produced by the wise unconscious mind, which has a mysterious origin.
Jung concluded that ... Views: 2144
Carl Jung was not an inventor like all the other dream interpreters of our world. He was a true researcher who looked for the meaning of all the symbols of our history, in all civilizations. I continued his mission in order to prove to the world the value of his discoveries, in order to simplify ... Views: 1219
The psychotherapy of the unconscious mind that produces your dreams works like mind empowerment. Through dream therapy you will increase your brain power, and at the same time you will attain spiritual perfection.
If you are intelligent you will easily understand that the unconscious mind is ... Views: 1239
You want to be successful in all fields and always triumph. However, nothing is simple in life. There are too many problems in your journey.
If you want to triumph in all fields you have to be serious and you have to be very objective. This means that you must abandon your fantasies.
You ... Views: 1176
You want to be successful in all fields and always triumph. However, nothing is simple in life. There are too many problems in your journey.
If you want to triumph in all fields you have to be serious and you have to be very objective. This means that you must abandon your fantasies.
You ... Views: 1220
You can help yourself and completely eliminate your depression without medication. The self-help for depression based on dream therapy provides you with a safe treatment that you can absolutely trust. The wise unconscious mind that produces your dreams is your natural doctor. All dream messages ... Views: 1825
You want to be happy in life, but you feel depressed all the time. The absurd world you live in steals all your energy. You live battling for survival among numerous enemies, while facing infinite dangers. You always have to surpass many obstacles. Everything in life is complicated, time ... Views: 1389
One of my online friends had a dilemma. He sent me a message asking my opinion about his problem. He didn’t know if he should study on the University at his city (City 1) or should if he should study at the University of City 2.
I told him to ask this question to the unconscious mind. ... Views: 2019
The modern civilization is characterized by absurdity and hypocrisy. If you want to surpass the mentality of your absurd civilization and find sound mental health you have to eliminate your wild nature. This is the only way you may also find happiness in life.
I discovered this truth after ... Views: 1222
The unconscious mind that produces your dreams possesses undoubtable wisdom. All dreams work like psychotherapy and give you many lessons. This means that while you are dreaming you are also learning how to solve your problems. Dream translation helps you become a genius.
You will improve ... Views: 1359
The rain is a positive dream symbol, which indicates that the dreamer found a solution to a certain problem. The meaning of this dream symbol was found thanks to Carl Jung’s method of dream interpretation, which is the only correct one. Jung studied the meaning of all symbols in all ... Views: 1472
Many times you may wonder if all dreams are important. Some dreams seem to be so insignificant that you cannot believe that there is anything important in its images. Other times you feel that the dream you just had contained a meaningful message that you must understand. Everything depends on ... Views: 1721
You should regularly write down your dreams in a dream journal because all dreams help you solve your psychological problems. Your dreams contain precious messages sent by the wise unconscious mind.
You can submit your dreams for a professional translation and psychotherapy and find ... Views: 1261
The unconscious mind that produces your dreams possesses undoubtable wisdom and can help you in all ways. You only have to translate the meaning of dreams according to the right method (which was discovered by Carl Jung) in order to find real solutions to various problems that keep torturing ... Views: 1552
Mental disorders can start destroying the human side of your conscience before you notice that something strange is happening to you. In case you feel that you are losing control, you should look for therapy without wasting time. You can be immediately helped through dream translation.
You ... Views: 1342
I continued the scientific dream research of the psychiatrist Carl Jung. This was how I could discover the existence of a wild conscience into the biggest part of our brain. I named it anti-conscience because it constantly tries to destroy our human conscience through craziness. The ... Views: 1102
The unconscious mind is your saintly natural doctor. It provides you with free psychotherapy for depression and other mental illnesses. You only have to learn the meaning of the symbolic dream language in order to understand the wise messages sent by the unconscious mind in each dream ... Views: 1297
Your dreams help you prevent mental illnesses because they contain precious messages. The information you have thanks to dream analysis will save your life. You can also prevent sad life situations, conflicts, and various bad events.
You should follow the scientific method of dream ... Views: 2247
All dream images contain wise messages sent by the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind is a superior mind that has a divine origin and provides you with psychotherapy. You need psychotherapy because you have inherited craziness into the wild side of your conscience, your anti-conscience. You ... Views: 1402
Dream therapy will teach you many truths you ignore. You’ll learn how to stop being impatient, afraid, and stressed all the time. The anxiety cure based on dream therapy gives you back the life you lost many years ago.
The fact that you’ll analyze your dreams will help you understand that ... Views: 1434
I wanted to be able to prevent accidents because I suffered from a tragic car accident when I was 15-years-old, losing the friend who was next to me in the car. However, this was not a simple matter. I had to work very hard until I could finally understand what generates accidents and how they ... Views: 2025
If you are depressed all the time simply start writing down your dreams in a dream journal. You’ll discover a psychotherapist who sends you important messages in your own dreams. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams has a divine origin and works like a natural doctor.
If you don’t ... Views: 1634
Bad dreams indicate behavioral abnormalities and erroneous ideas. If you keep having bad dreams, this means that you keep making many mistakes in life.
The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is your natural doctor. It sends you bad dreams when you are making mistakes that affect your ... Views: 1771
You usually suffer because you make mistakes, or because you are a victim of other people’s wickedness. You can also suffer as a victim of many unfair situations. Your suffering cannot but provoke depression and many fears. When you are suffering you cannot rest. You have to find a solution and ... Views: 1348
If you have vivid dreams, you must take advantage of this privilege. All dreams contain precious messages that give you trustful information about everything.
Many vivid dreams usually contain detailed predictions about future situations that will happen in a short period of time. While ... Views: 2165
I’m going to teach you how to improve your mental health and never lose your mind, but my lessons will simply give you basic knowledge. In order to really improve your mental health you have to pass through psychotherapy.
Fortunately, you can count with the generous psychotherapy of the ... Views: 1366
Dream interpretation according to the scientific method is a very serious practice. The scientific method of dream interpretation was discovered by Carl Jung after arduous research, and simplified by me, who continued his research for two decades.
Thanks to the work of two generations, today ... Views: 1330
The scientific method of dream interpretation was discovered by the psychiatrist Carl Jung. He discovered that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is a superior mind, which possesses undoubtable wisdom.
When we understand the symbolic messages of the unconscious mind, which are ... Views: 1564
Are you depressed or afraid? Do you feel you are losing your mind? Is your life a terrible mess?
Stop wondering if you need therapy or not.
Of course you do.
As a matter of fact, only because you are a human being you need therapy. You have inherited so much craziness into the biggest ... Views: 1447
Depression can easily be eliminated through dream therapy when you are a good student and patient. You will treat your depression yourself, without having to go anywhere or depend on anyone. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams will help you find sound mental health. You only have to ... Views: 1597
You will guarantee your happiness in life once you learn how to accurately translate the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation. However, I must warn you that in order to guarantee your happiness, in the beginning you’ll have to accept suffering. You ... Views: 1212
I’m going to show you with my own example how I was cured from my depression and neurosis through dream therapy when I was young. This was how I could prevent schizophrenia before becoming schizophrenic like my father.
I started looking for psychotherapy in 1984, when my cousin and my ... Views: 1463
Sound mental health is the complete functioning of all your psychological functions. Sound mental health is your capacity to think logically, based on the real characteristics of your objective reality. It is also your capacity to understand all components of your reality by paying attention to ... Views: 1172
The psychology of the unconscious mind that produces your dreams is the only one that can really help you find authentic happiness in life. The unconscious treatment is indispensable to all human beings. This is a free treatment provided to everyone through dream messages.
However, you have ... Views: 1353
The meaning of dreams is very important when accurately translated. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is a doctor. All dreams contain precious messages that protect your mental and physical health. You can prevent all mental illnesses, physical diseases, accidents, and other ... Views: 1348