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If you’re interested in good health then it would pay you to spend a little time researching about the health benefits of the Omega 3 fatty acids.
The Omega 3 essential fatty acids are good fats. Not all fat is good for you, but conversely not all fat is bad for you either. The Omega3 fats ... Views: 685
The meaning of dreams is very important when accurately translated. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is a doctor. All dreams contain precious messages that protect your mental and physical health. You can prevent all mental illnesses, physical diseases, accidents, and other ... Views: 1339
You may have heard about the California study that randomly selected a group of teachers and assigned randomly selected students to them. They told both the teachers and the students that they were selected from the top 10% of their respective groups and that everyone expected out-standing ... Views: 1211
The Antiaging Argan oil is becomes more popular by the day for its skin, hair and health benefits. This Moroccan oil, extracted from the Moroccan nut is packed with anti aging anti oxidants to lift and replenish aging skin.
Argan oil’s famous anti-ageing properties are due to its high levels ... Views: 1705
Contrary to popular belief, this is not a problem unique to women. Or even predominately so.
Men also go on emotional eating benders.
When they have an unhappy breakup.
Are worried about business. Finances.
Or want to tamp down anger or another uncomfortable feeling or are simply ... Views: 1092
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): One technique for managing stress
Progressive muscle relaxation is a systematic technique for managing stress. In the 1930's Dr. Edmund Jacobson discovered that tensing and releasing various muscle groups throughout the body produces a state of ... Views: 1267
For this Tantric Tidbit, please read, complete and reflect on the following:
A quick "Comfort in the Body Meditation"
Begin by sitting comfortably in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, relaxed but not slumped over, and your hands resting on your lap with your eyes closed. Bring ... Views: 1478
High Intensity training can burn 47% more calories in a fraction of the time of traditional exercise.
JUMP ROPE for 10 minutes = 30 minutes of running
CIRCUIT TRAINING for 15 minutes = 90 minutes of leisure swimming
Perform 60 second each of the following exercises: push ups, plank (in ... Views: 773
Quantum Life Coaching is a powerful way for anyone to see themselves in a new light, a way of motivating the best in a person.
Possessing easy to use techniques that can used to assist others to deal with their deeply buried problems Quantum Life Coaching is a motivational and inspiring ... Views: 6117
Dermatitis is a skin rash that can feel devastating to the person with it, especially if it shows up in a visible place on the body. I know many who feel desperate to be healed, eager to try anything new if it will only bring a cure!
I had a form of Dermatitis called Perioral Dermatitis, ... Views: 1012
I get emails from clients like the sample below pretty much every week:
Agh! I think something is terribly wrong with me! Oh no! I am crying a lot! I feel terrible! What should I do? I can’t live like this! What if I’m never happy again!
To which I usually reply something like ... Views: 963
In the Great School of Life, I just took a class on loss and change. No teacher is quite like life experience. I learned much from my recent journey through the grieving process, and I thought you might benefit from a few mind-body techniques and concepts around loss.
If you’re like me and ... Views: 937
I’ve developed the theory that to be relaxed, healthy, confident, and joyful adults we must rediscover our natural brilliance from toddler-hood. I’m lucky enough to have two nieces who are currently sharing their brilliance with me. The youngest, who is twenty months old, has been coaching me ... Views: 926
Sometimes it may seem like the strains and demands of modern society exceed human abilities. However, that is usually far from the truth. This article outlines how you can take things down a notch with three simple tips that will help you shrug off stress and anxiety, induce deep relaxation, and ... Views: 1338
Here is my list….My completely subjective list of the top 100 Mind-Body-Spirit Sites.
How did I come up with this list? Many of the teachers,products or retreat centers I have personal experience with. They have shaped my yoga journey and other parts of my non-yoga life. I have taken many of ... Views: 1409
Results of ongoing research shed new light on the mechanisms of meditation. Recent studies now confirm that you don't have to be a monk to enjoy deep relaxation, increased attention span, better cognition and other health benefits meditation is offering.
Until recently, it was believed that ... Views: 928
Happy people generally feel continually positive and joyful and rarely do they experience negative emotions. Negative emotions are often referred to as 'baggage' and are usually the result of negative or traumatic experiences and memories, negative beliefs and negative thoughts. Unhappy, ... Views: 1192
Using positive songs can definitely make life easier and more enjoyable. When we know how to accentuate our life with the songs, we can get simple natural highs from everyday activities and gain a much deeper appreciation for the more common elements of our day.
Positive songs, including ... Views: 2358
Discovering the proper mattress for the physique kind may be a bit daunting. Nevertheless, in the event you understand what you're searching for, you are able to discover the mattress that may resolve your rest requirements. This will be the greatest time for you to search for a mattress that ... Views: 1222
Is this your typical morning? Squeeze in that last seven minutes of sleep, take a quick shower, and get out of the house with seconds to spare to avoid being late for; dropping the kids off at school, driving your partner to the train, getting to your office before the boss, or some other ... Views: 1084
Education and learning are important, but so is exercise. It is very important to keep the mind and body fit through actively promoting good health. As difficult as it is to make time for everything, one should consciously work to make time for exercise. If your focus has been on your mind, or ... Views: 797
Nested Loops can be done many ways. They can range from being very simple to very complex. There is not only a single right way to create a nested loops or a loop for that matter. I have found this to be one of the most useful tools in helping people change quickly and easily. So, with that ... Views: 5866
Daily meditation is an essential Spiritual practice of the Integrated Ascended Master. It is the process of withdrawing our attention from the outer world and directing it towards the inner world.
Why should I meditate?
To quiet the mind, enter a space of no thought, attune with Spirit, and ... Views: 1846
The plasticity of your brain can either create new thoughts and new neural pathways, or it can create a deep groove or rut from habits that are difficult to change. When your brain is forming as a fetus and in early childhood, pathways and neural connections are laid down in your body. These ... Views: 1956
As a medical whose doctor professional life also involves the business world at various times I, like many of my colleagues around the world, treat many patients who suffer from illnesses which are caused by stress. In fact it has been shown that most people who seek help from their doctor do so ... Views: 1057
Music heals. Listen to positive songs or soothing instrumental songs and the effects of music on the brain can be felt.
Music that heals is therapeutic, but the songs aren't always easy to identify. Not only is music therapeutic, but you can use it to imprint positive song lyrics (otherwise ... Views: 2287
Sleep disorders are fast becoming one of the most common problems faced by people today. One of the reasons no doubt for their frequency is the high levels of stress and anxiety present in today’s world. Most people find it very difficult to tune out and turn off at the end of the day. ... Views: 1993
Every day, our bodies work hard to filter through a perpetual barrage of toxins. From the water we drink, the foods we eat and the air we breathe to the soaps, shampoos, and cleaners we use. We are taking in additives, organic and inorganic chemicals, pesticides, and heavy metals. It’s not just ... Views: 1053
When I was a teenager, I remember stopping at a convenience store, purchasing a box of six old fashioned doughnuts and then eating four of them in a row. It seems I was able to burn them off fairly quickly because my metabolism was moving quite fast, but I’m not convinced I was doing my body any ... Views: 1554
Part 2
They often say something to the effect that 'I thought that being stressed was normal' or would ask the question 'Is stress not normal doctor?' This is just a sad reflection of today's world. A world which provides us with stressful experiences so often that we have come to believe that ... Views: 1047
By, Martha Tassinari, Physical Therapist/Certified CranioSacral Therapist and Owner of South Shore Healing Center, Duxbury, MA
Are you a veteran who has been diagnosed with PTSD and is discouraged with your present ... Views: 1951
“Your body needs to do more thinking, and your mind needs to dance more.” - Chungliang Al Huang
Have you ever done any thinking with your body? How about dancing with your mind? These questions might seem silly at first – straight out of Alice in Wonderland - but they are actually very ... Views: 807
Whether its making love or just a simple hug a human touch has a very soothing effect on the psyche. In fact, for touch to be comforting it does not even always have to be human.
Stroking a dog or cat can have a very calming and comfortable effect as well. Even stroking a soft furry ... Views: 1069
Upon overhearing a strange discussion the other day about how much time should be spent taking care of business on the throne, I thought how I've hardly read anything written up on the subject. Has there been any medical studies on this? Since we have freedom to write on practically any ... Views: 2373
You want to heal so much. You are making positive changes in your life. You have decided to be completely committed to your health, but nothing is changing. You are up against some kind of resistance, but you don’t even know how to define it. You just know it is there. What’s happening?
This ... Views: 1300
Complain, complain, complain…
My, but we’ve become a grouchy lot, haven’t we? Maybe it’s climate change, or the economy; who knows? It could be the alignment of the stars for all I know, but we’ve got our cranky pants hitched on and we’re wearing ‘em a little too snug around our sensitive ... Views: 1094
There are real deadlines it’s important to meet: dialing 9.1.1. within seconds after witnessing symptoms of a heart attack or stroke comes to mind immediately, and an example that meets the true definition of “deadline.”
Responding to the urgent request of a loved one, especially a child, or ... Views: 1245
Are you dealing with a skin condition called Perioral Dermatitis? Do you have a rash around your nose and mouth and perhaps your eyes?
If so, you are well acquainted with the burning, the itching, the dryness, and perhaps even the seeming perniciousness of this rash.
I also dealt with ... Views: 3040
Have you ever gone in the middle of a crowd and felt this inexpressible concern and dread because you can't see any means of escape? Has agoraphobia driven you to agitation and your life seems to be shaking in its center because you're at a loss as to what you should be doing about it? Don’t be ... Views: 664
It is unknown to most that sound possesses a direct impact on the autonomic nervous system and that the right kind of sound can fully revitalize our autonomic central nervous system and re-establish a harmonious relationship between the parasympathetic and sympathetic branches. This "shifting" ... Views: 812
The strongest cravings for food usually happen when people are emotionally at their lowest or most vulnerable. People may turn to food consciously or unconsciously to help them deal with stress, worry anxiety, depression and any range of negative emotions. This is also known as emotional eating. ... Views: 848
If you are familiar with the use of meridian-tapping techniques such as EFT / Emotional Freedom Technique, you will probably have already encountered at least one case of when you tapped on an issue and it seemingly was cleared, but “came back” with more charge on the next day.
There are ... Views: 4390
As I’m writing a response to this question today, I am feeling tired. I’m not entirely sure whether I’ve taxed my body with what I’m currently healing or the planetary alignment is tugging on my energy. Fortunately, I’m feeling emotionally stable, though many years ago, emotional upheaval was ... Views: 1399
I have heard the expression “Dumb Bunny” used for years. Our pet rabbit does not appreciate this term. Tinkles is a sensitive creature and a tad grouchy. I don’t want to upset him so I try not to use the “dumb bunny” idiom. In fact, our pet is not only a smart little hopper, he was a catalyst ... Views: 1479
Ah, human perception. So varied, so quirky. Ya gotta love it.
Our psyche is a somewhat fragile construction. We are shaped, uniquely and individually by our experiences. However, we have an unfortunate tendency to focus on, and to recall, our negative ... Views: 892
Using the Chakras to Open and Energize Your Life
by Master Coach and Spiritual Teacher GP Walsh
I imagine everyone reading this article has heard of the Chakras. You know, those beautiful swirling vortexes of light, that look really great on posters in New Age stores. Yes they are beautiful ... Views: 2985
Do you find yourself getting sick quite often despite your best efforts to stay healthy? Listening to an attract health hypnosis (www.naturalhypnosis.com/attract-health-hypnosis) can help you to improve your health and stay away from sickness as much as possible. It can make you much more ... Views: 1686
"Honor where you are." Chances are you've heard this guideline for wellness before. It's a concept common to eastern modalities such as yoga and is evidenced in western psychology as well.
But what exactly does it mean? Honoring where you are is about embracing the moment and what you ... Views: 949
As owner and practitioner of a fully-booked alternative wellness center in New York City, and as a weight and energy mentor for individuals across the country, I have the privilege of working with many people every week. Together with each patient, I use a combination of eastern and western ... Views: 1447
A healthy mind begins with a healthy body and a healthy body begins with a healthy mind. As a raw vegan chef and nutrition enthusiast, I believe both physical and mental health and wellbeing have a lot to do with what you put into your body; but I’m not only talking about the food. The gratitude ... Views: 1435