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Ironically the most successful communication and information tool of our time the Internet is also the best at shattering our concentration. With the number of gadgets everyone has along with the always on attitude it's become so hard to concentrate on anything for more than a few minutes. For ... Views: 2189
If you are really ill or in pain, you want to get out of it just as fast as you can. You might find yourself inclined to do just about anything to get quick relief. As you probably know, relief from discomfort or pain is not necessarily the same as healing. You can be experiencing temporary ... Views: 1432
What is Reiki? Well, Reiki is the vital life force of the Universe. The Japanese meaning of the word Reiki is universal Life Force. With Rei meaning universal consciousness, and Ki meaning life force, energy. This energy is a conscious and intelligent force that streams through and nurtures all ... Views: 1500
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Hypnotist
Handwriting Analyst
I received a phone call recently from a person who was in severe distress. She was crying into the phone and stated that ... Views: 1450
Have you ever found yourself assuming responsibility for the reality you are experiencing, only to realize that instead of blaming someone else for how you are feeling, you are now blaming yourself?
Shifting blame isn’t really assuming responsibility, but if you are like most of us, you have ... Views: 2928
When I work with clients who are seriously ill, one of the strongest negative emotions they often feel around being ill is guilt. They feel guilty because they can't work or do the things they once did; guilty for needing care and support; guilty for resting and guilty for not doing enough in ... Views: 1753
A recent study from Harvard University shows the health benefits of tai chi, especially for those with heart conditions that prevent them from engaging in rigorous physical exercise.
Tai chi is a Chinese form of martial arts that focuses on soft, slow movements and requires concentration on ... Views: 981
In her first interview since the retirement of the creator of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tina Craig announced a new training and certification program on the podcast program UnBreak Your Health recently. Gary Craig, her father, developed EFT based on the principles of acupressure ... Views: 932
Amazing new self help tips for overcoming anxiety and
All human beings are born with amazing powers that enable us to
survive and overcome obstacles and challenges as we go through
However, like all living species on earth we are born
We make ... Views: 2768
You and your body are one. You cannot survive without your body. However, most of American’s do not have a positive relationship with their body. It is hard to have a positive relationship with our bodies for many reasons; the media is certainly one of reason. However, because many of us do ... Views: 1042
Experts say the big causes of cancer are tobacco, diet and obesity, lack of physical activity, and environmental pollutants. Only a small percentage of cancers, approximately five to ten percent, are entirely hereditary. So, there's evidence that we do it to ourselves.
There's another ... Views: 1358
This weekend, I was feeling a little disconnected, stressed, and tense. My shoulders were inching up around my ears and clearly holding some kind of emotion. I knew it was time to walk my talk, so I mind-body coached myself.
This experience reminded me that I haven’t written much about what I ... Views: 1036
Both emotional specialists and psychologists generally agree that eating disorders are generally rooted in negative body image. When this happens, sufferers usually see distorted body images when they gaze in a mirror – and as such, feel "fat" or otherwise imperfect regardless of whether these ... Views: 1675
Do you have problems that never seem to go away? Are you often concerned about your health? Do your relationships always seem to fail? If so, you might have "Problem Mentality Syndrome"! People with "Problem Mentalities" are often stuck in the misery of their lives. It is very hard for them to ... Views: 1751
The root chakra emanates from the perineum. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body.
The root chakra grounds us and also lays the foundation for our spiritual journey. It connects us to the physical world and all that it contains - nature, ... Views: 2628
Many of my readers meditate, practice yoga, have used EFT, energy medicine or other complimentary healing modalities. They do this to bring about relief from specific symptoms. Something in their system is out of balance and they recognize a need to bring it back into balance.
When we are ... Views: 1626
The soul chakra emanates from mid-way between the navel and base of the spine. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body and extends out from the front and back of the physical body.
The soul chakra is the seat of our safety and freedom. ... Views: 1860
The solar plexus chakra emanates from the navel, half way between your front and back. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body and extends out from the front and back of the physical body.
The solar plexus chakra is the seat of our emotions. ... Views: 2928
The throat chakra emanates from the throat, half way between your front and back. As with all chakras, it takes the shape of a funnel with the small end closest to the body and extends out from the front and back of the physical body.
The throat chakra is where the mind and heart meet. We ... Views: 2460
It used to be that meditation CDs were just pleasant music and perhaps some “sounds of nature” thrown in. There is nothing wrong with that. They were relaxing and could help you get into a meditative state. But the newest recordings use more than just a light tune and the sound of rain or waves. ... Views: 1522
A sleep disorder (somnipathy) is a medical disorder of the sleep patterns. It’s important to understand why sleep disorder can deteriorate your health and interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional functioning as it effects your nervous system in the production of the ... Views: 1921
One of our readers wants to know about healing back injuries. Many, if not most, of us have injured our backs, so we know how debilitating it can be have back pain. Before we look at the energetic roots of back injuries, let’s take a look at the prevalence of back injuries that ... Views: 1544
Help” you might say, having just returned from the dermatologist’s office with a diagnosis of Perioral Dermatitis. Or “How do I stop this from spreading?” as you enter into your second month of wrestling with POD, as they call it.
I hear you. I hear your pleading questions. I once was ... Views: 4355
Perioral Dermatitis is a condition that affects the skin of the face. Women are generally more affected by POD than men or children, though it does affect everyone. Even though Dermatologists call this condition “normal”, the person that is dealing with it feels anything but normal. When I ... Views: 1894
The undeniable piece of evidence in the world right now is that diet and fat loss programs are all throughout the world and add up to perhaps in their thousands. Objectively speaking it is not hard to assume that with so many products on the market it points to the clear fact that many visibly ... Views: 1308
If you are a person who has struggled with long-standing health issues that don't get better no matter what you do, you probably have some resistance to healing. We are all running subconscious tapes that color our approach to life. We have picked up the beliefs and influence of those around us ... Views: 1927
Why is it that famous actors receiving a 7-figure salary still have to go to casting calls before they are given the part, but healers and clairvoyants often expect you to pay them to experience what they do without any guarantee? Healers are a lot like actors. We have a very important role to ... Views: 1394
As a clairvoyant and a healer, many people ask me how they can determine for themselves the steps they need to take to start seeing positive changes in their lives. They admit to me that their efforts often seem to fail and even when they work with someone, the benefits never seem long-lived. ... Views: 1345
As a healer I am always on the quest to improve my services and increase the benefits my clients receive. I've learned many things over the years and I would like to share them with you so you can maximize the results your clients experience as well. I am going to address the two main factors in ... Views: 1396
In my work with clients I often see entities attached to their chakras. This is most common in people with potential to step out of their low energy and help others do the same thing. People who are meant to be spiritual leaders, teachers, psychics, and healers are all primary targets for this ... Views: 1826
I want to discuss briefly the difference between perception and projection because this is something that people sometimes get mixed up.
It is important to understand that when and as we access our memories, we change them because we ourselves change. For example, if you have a memory from ... Views: 5988
Mindfulness meditation is free. There are no health insurance premiums, drug costs, or expensive therapies. And it works! But first you have to understand the authentic instructions, and secondly you must practice diligently. If you do this, mental and physical problems will melt away. Try it! ... Views: 1548
Have you gone to many healers but no one has been able to help you? Do psychics have trouble reading you? Is it hard for you to believe that anything will ever get better in your life? I have good news for you! There could be a very simple reason for why your efforts have failed in the past! You ... Views: 1395
The Origins of Comfort Eating and what to do about it
Often our emotional state is reflected in our eating behaviors. It feels like there is an umbilical cord between how we feel and how we eat. It doesn’t have to be that way. We can learn to sever the umbilical cord between our emotions and ... Views: 1331
I have an assistant at my work named Einstein. He’s a yellow lab and he’s been coming to work with me for about twelve years now, since he was a puppy. Though he’s a great help with children and other clients that I see in private practice, helping them feel comfortable; he’s an ever greater ... Views: 1128
Restorative yoga, which is the most gentle kind of yoga, may provide some relief of fatigue and depression problems for women with breast cancer. In restorative yoga you can hold the poses for longer because you’re being supported. Researchers found women who practiced this ... Views: 1275
Stress is one of the main causes for heart disease, erectile dysfunction, low libido etc. Anything which leads to stress can cause the following effects
1.Difficulty in sleeping: Stress and worry can cause insomnia. Insomnia leads to tiredness and fatigue
2.Indigestion: Stress causes ... Views: 1164
One of the great ironies in life is that in order to accelerate your healing, you have to slow down. —Misa Hopkins, The Root of All Healing
In our crazy, busy lives driving to the office, working in fast-paced environments, watching hours of television, and keeping up a rather intense pace ... Views: 1548
For people wanting to
Overcome Agoraphobia there are various treatment methods available, each with their owna pproaches and standards . But between these options, three have been found to be quite helpful in dealing with the illness. To clear out which three those are, continue ... Views: 826
“Everything that happens in your life is either because you subconsciously wanted it to happen or it is a mirror of your own inner beliefs.”
The absurdity of this statement, and others like it, were not realized until Rachel was scribbling her Last Will and Testament. There was no ... Views: 1641
Acupressure is an ancient healing art that relies upon the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) concept of energy meridians in the body, and is the practice of applying pressure to specific points of the body along these meridians. Acupressure achieves the same goal as acupuncture, which is to ... Views: 4016
You are magnificent! In fact, you are absolutely a fabulous, unique, one-of-a-kind masterpiece, and you are priceless! Has anyone ever told you that? Beginning right now, at this very minute, I am asking you to begin saying this to yourself every day until you believe it. Why? Because it is the ... Views: 1779
Do you ever have a moment when you wish you could take a vacation or break? Of course you do, probably every day. The crazy world we live in is filled with constant stress. We have cell phones, so people can reach us no matter where we go. We have stressful jobs in order to make ends meet. Some ... Views: 1607
This question gets asked very often, and there is nearly just as many different
answers. The term Meditation gets Google 1,800,000 times a month, that's over 60,000 times every single day, not including all the different languages. If you Google the question, you will get many different ... Views: 998
One of the most challenging times in our lives occurs when someone we love is in a coma and on life support. It can be excruciating if you are the one that needs to make the decision, or even observe the decision being made, regarding when to remove the life support.
If you are not familiar ... Views: 1831
Recovery Thought: 11/20/08
the most frequent reason for our isolation is fear.
It is fear which makes us hide.
We are afraid of many things. We fear the loss
of reputation. We think that if other people saw
what we are really like, they would laugh at our
mistakes and despise us for our ... Views: 1165
Miracles are all around us. They are so numerous and common that they have become unnoticed in the daily round of existence. Take for example: the incomparable beauty of a flower or intricate web of a leaf, the astonishing diversity and prevalence of life forms in the world, the mathematical ... Views: 1640
We all seek for many things. Some of us seek for money. Some of us seek for fame. Some of us seek for love. Some of us seek for health. But I believe, at its core, what we are ultimately seeking for is happiness. “I’ll be happy if I find the love of my life… if I have enough money, I’ll be ... Views: 1184
One of the frequent things I see in my practice is the beauty of transformation when clients accept change in their lives.
Acceptance doesn’t mean giving up or compromising. Acceptance means living one’s life in accordance with the realities that experience is presenting.
It means ... Views: 1251
One of the most powerful ways to control your blood pressure is by simply “telling” it to go down. Before we go into how you can “tell” your blood pressure to go down, let’s take a look at the mind-body connection.
Take a moment right now and pay attention to how you feel. Are you calm, ... Views: 1205