We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Take little steps
Everyone would agree, positive thoughts make you feel better than negative thoughts. Your thoughts influence your feelings and the Law of Attraction teaches us that positive thoughts attract more positive thoughts.
But maybe it is better to speak of focus.
I would say that ... Views: 610
The mind is like time is like the mind. Like time, the mind is not what it appears to be on the surface. In the mind, we can replay a situation from the past over and over. We can predict an event from our past experience and intuition.
We can even create situations in our minds that can ... Views: 1600
I’m a huge proponent of coaching and mentoring as a means to living the life you want.
A coach is someone who can help you identify your specific goals in any area of life and then work with you on an action plan to make it happen. A coach holds you to be accountable for your commitments ... Views: 1027
I immediately think of Harvest Home, a celebration of plenty, the bringing in of the crop, rewards for effort and hard work. It's all about abundance, reaping what we have sown. Apart from the obvious agricultural context, how else does harvest manifest in our daily lives? To each of us, it ... Views: 1241
Surpisingly, you'll get the same amount of muscle toning you'd attain after hours of repetitive calisthenics. Remember, always check with your own doctor before starting an exercise program.
THIS IS A SHORT WAY TO A NEW YOU! Doing this 2-minute program 5 times a day can take an inch from your ... Views: 1146
I was a very successful business owner. My company had a great reputation. My husband and I owned a large house in an upscale neighborhood. We had been married for 13 years and everyone looked to us as the role model for a great marriage. My life was very busy. There were the demands of the ... Views: 629
They live among us.
In human form.
To the untrained eye, it is almost impossible to tell the difference.
Typically they look like you and I.
But they're not.
They're not like us at all.
They are Vampires and their modus operandi is not to steal your blood but rather, your precious energy.
Your ... Views: 1267
Most of life is filled with the idea of finding someone or doing something that fulfills us. However, for many of us we are not sure what that is. Some women I know believe that having the validation of a good relationship is the key that they seek to unlock the happiness they want. Some men ... Views: 1778
Ever notice that when you get together with your Mother, you end up playing the same roles that you had in junior high? No matter how sophisticated and worldly we become, we revert to those same roles we had at sixteen. We all love our Mothers and appreciate what they have done for us by raising ... Views: 1225
The changing of the seasons always provides an opportunity for personal development. Spring is a time to reflect upon one's self and life, clear out old ideas and beliefs, and cut away things from the past to allow for new growth.
From the depth of his trance, Edgar Cayce, the great ... Views: 1397
Some truths which will help us forgive others are (some are based on various spiritual beliefs or Christian concepts which might not be acceptable to you or the subject):
1. All happens according to a divine plan which brings me exactly what I need at every stage of my evolutionary process in ... Views: 761
As I waited for my appointment at the fracture clinic, a number of worries consumed me. I can't drive for six weeks. How will I see the Great Wall of China with an air boot and a cane? I decided to take hold of my emotional state by asking myself an important question, "What is the possible gift ... Views: 2345
On July 6, 1946 a kid was born to a chorine and an Italian immigrant. A foreceps accident during his birth severed him paralyzed. He also suffered with rickets. At age 15, his parents' divorce, leaving him a homely, sickliest child. By this time, the kid had developed a passion to become a movie ... Views: 1093
About Jennie S. Bev: Cost-Reduction Consultant, Instructional Designer and author of FabJob.com Guide to Become a Management Consultant consultant@costreductionconsulting.net
Management consulting is one of the professions that endure in a slow economy. Why? Because more than ever, companies ... Views: 1682
Harmony between Thoughts 8 Words 8 Action = Happiness ?If there is a gap (dis-harmony) between your thoughts, your words, and your action, then you might as well forget about happiness. Action speaks louder than words. Thoughts are seeds and the source of action. No activity is possible without ... Views: 879
Nothing happens without a purpose. This creation and the birth of each person is for the purpose of attaining total happiness in direct proportion to what each person is endowed with by the Lord God by way of body, mind, intelligence, and energy nucleus (soul).
Happiness is a sensation ... Views: 1948
To achieve any goal in life, you must believe you are going to be successful. If you do not, you are likely to fail.
When I was 27, I took the bold step of handing in my notice at work in order to set up my own business. I did not have any idea what I was going to do, but inside of me was a ... Views: 16289
Last week, I examined why believing we will succeed is so important to our success in life. This week, in part 2 of this 4 part series, I will look at how beliefs can affect our lives in ways beyond our normal conscious control, and outline the 10 step self-belief process.
Beyond belief!
One ... Views: 7277
In part 3 of this 4 part series on developing self-belief I will look at how to apply the first 6 steps of the 10 step process in your life.
Putting the steps into practise
It's time now to get practical and put these into practise. Pick a goal which you are not sure you are going to ... Views: 3090
In this last part of a 4 part series, I will take a look the last 4 steps in the process, and review some case studies of people's experience of using it.
7) The steps on your plan must not contradict any other beliefs or values you have
Imagine the steps you will have to take to achieve ... Views: 4220
To achieve any goal in life, you must believe you are going to be successful. If you do not, you are likely to fail. For each your goals, in your heart of hearts, do you really believe you will achieve them? If the answer for any of them is no, the following 9 step process will help you to ... Views: 777
To achieve any goal in life, you must believe you are going to be successful. If you do not, you are likely to fail. For each your goals, in your heart of hearts, do you really believe you will achieve them? If the answer for any of them is no, the following 9 step process will help you to ... Views: 686
"Sometimes, to create the life you want, you must become a detective and look for the underlying causes that could be holding you back. One area to examine is your expectations. Everyone has expectations. We use them to motivate as well as evaluate, and they are an integral part of life. ... Views: 626
In my years as a psychologist, I have come to believe that most people seeking psychotherapy are unhappy not only because of earlier hurts and traumas, as well as present frustrations and problems, but because they cannot access earlier happier moments often enough, resulting in not being able ... Views: 514
The difference between a goal and a Dream is not just setting a time frame for its attainment and then "making it happen." More and more people are beginning to realize that their old aspirations that they thought were going to make them happy actually make them even more unhappy. A new way of ... Views: 723
A visitor to our site asks, "Why is it important to have a Dream? I¡¯m used to setting goals and 'just doing it.'
Great question!! There¡¯s a famous quote that reads "Dreams are the songs of your heart, the children of your soul." We have seen many people who have spent their entire lives in ... Views: 2148
There is a special Force within all of us - within You, my friend. A Force so powerful that many who abuse it lose control of their lives and fall to the darkside. The dark side full of ego, fear, anger and hatred and greed.
But you have a quality, a special quality within you that can create ... Views: 732
Sailing through the storm means that you know events do not control your life. As Napolean Hill once said, "God has given us control over one thing in our lives - our thoughts." How do we use this wisdom?
Begin by asking yourself, "If this event or decision went smoothly, how would I react?" ... Views: 731
For some people, this can take a lifetime, for others, years. In our American culture, we've been led to believe that "overnight successes" are something to get excited about. But when you look closer at these "overnight successes", you'll notice one of two things. First, if they are truly ... Views: 596
What I didn't realize was that I was literally draining my energy from the present out into the future. I remember saying to myself things like, "I'll have more tomorrow if only this would change" or "If I only had more intuition...I wish I had more wisdom...maybe tomorrow..." Without realizing ... Views: 647
As the book Conversations with God (a deeply spiritual, non-religious book) teaches us, Our thoughts are expressions of the Divine - of God - that we are at the same time the Source and the receiver. Now, this may seem a bit too powerful for some to either understand or admit.
But think just ... Views: 727
The famous guided imagery expert and author of the "Goddess Within," Susan Castle, is quoted as saying,
"Journalling helps you grow, and flow. It helps you get in touch with who you really are...your essence. It helps put you in touch with the Dreamer in you. It nourishes your Dreamer. ... Views: 677
Your intuition has incredible power to "see" and "hear" and "feel" beyond your normal 5 senses' abilities. What I mean is that your hunches, those little messages that we all receive, have incredible ability to fuel our Life's Dreams and help us move beyond our so-called limitations.
Your ... Views: 673
How often are you faced with the option of speaking your Truth or backing down and "being a nice person?" When you see this movie, you'll think twice about the next time you're in a situation that requires you to do the right thing. Not the popular thing, not the easy way out, but having ... Views: 669
A seed of vast potential
A place beyond the ego mind
A place so rich and fertile
that you can smell its rich fragrance
like after a cool summer rain
You can feel this pulse of life
as it pulses through you
This infinite part of you knows
like a beacon in the night
It guides you on your ... Views: 688
A Personal Story
Years ago, I used to think that success meant "getting" the things that
I was striving for. And yet, the harder I tried the more they eluded
me. There¡¯s an old adage that says "If what your doing isn¡¯t working, try
something different!" I had a feeling that something ... Views: 863
Q. What do you mean by the phrase "True Self?"
A. Your true self is your Spirit. The part of you that has no boundaries - no limitations. To understand this is to live your life with no fear. Only your ego fears anything. Your True self - your Spirit - knows that in order to truly free ... Views: 2314
"In the Indiana Jones movie, The Quest for The Holy Grail, Indy finds himself at the precipice of a bottomless chasm. On the other side of the abyss stands the sacred temple in which the cup of Christ awaits him. Indy has searched the entire world for the Holy Grail, defied all kinds of rats, ... Views: 751
A True Story
Several years ago, I used to think in a very linear fashion. I operated out of my left (analytical) brain quite often. About four years ago, after reading some very inspiring books and being open to the influence of some very special friends; I began to ask myself questions like ... Views: 856
Why be concerned about deep breathing?
Great question. Some believe that they are already breathing properly. If you ever feel stressed or frustrated, try this simple test.
1) Lie down or sit upright and get comfortable
2) Place your hands on your lower abdomen
3) Exhale first, then
4) ... Views: 923
Because women can identify and verbalize how they feel easily, they naturally know when they are happy and when they aren’t. But they may not know what truly makes them happy. The secret to being happy varies from person to person and research has shown that we may be wired for happiness by ... Views: 810
What is the Meaning of the Fruits of True Happiness?
True happiness is said to be both an inner glow and an outer radiation that you can feel together with an utmost satisfaction.
Any dictionary will give you the meaning of happiness as an emotional feeling which parallels with joy, ... Views: 1101
You may think the pursuit of happiness, as our forefathers mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, is that of a selfish search. However, quite to the contrary, it is one of the most selfless quests an individual can undertake.
Although you may not realize it, being happy or at the very ... Views: 1136
The final and most important trait that you could ever possibly develop in yourself that will surely allow you to find success and happiness in life is persistence. A tenacity to keep going no matter what happens. No matter what you run up against. No matter what life throws your way. Your ... Views: 913
In the past parts of this series we duscussed some of the necessary character traits and drivers in order for you to find success and happiness. In this part we will be discussing imagination and decisiveness. Self-talk is discussed in other articles I have written. To find these articles please ... Views: 823
Winter has been a time of turning inward, reflecting and growing within. Now Spring brings the opportunity to burst forth with our energy and enthusiasm for life. Warmer temperatures and sunlit blue skies can bring a smile to anyone’s face, but no matter what season we are in or what external ... Views: 954
As you can tell from the title, this article is about sex. Actually it’s more business than it is about sex. Which is probably because I know a lot more about business than I know about sex.
A fairly successful individual named Warren Buffett once remarked that he worried about people who ... Views: 2033
The sun comes out from behind the cloud and the warming rays fall across your shoulders. Mmmm.
In the garden you select a newly opened rose and inhale its spicy sweetness while gazing at the perfect velvety petals unfurling. Beautiful!
Standing at the beach you hear the crashing roar of the ... Views: 774
Take a moment and think: Are you happy?
Don't be surprised if you don't know. We don't often think about being happy these days. Seeking and finding happiness is more often a quest for the future -- something we'll do "later." We've decided that we can only be happy after we get the house, the ... Views: 819
As much as possible, have confidence in yourself and do not compare yourself to others. Try not to be in need of others' compliments to feel fulfilled. Do not mistake dependence for love. True love allows our loved ones to be free.
Pursue ... Views: 969