So, How’s Your Life?
Just asking.
Do your best to answer that question honestly and courageously. If you can, avoid the flippant, generic (“great thanks Craig”) response. Think carefully for a minute and give your authentic answer; the truth behind the ‘you show’. If you are great then ... Views: 938
What Matters?
A close friend of mine has an elderly father who is on the home stretch of his time down here on the big blue ball. And while I don’t know him well, he’s been on my mind lately. I worry about him and his family. For the last few days, I’ve wondered what a person thinks about ... Views: 818
The Relationships We Choose
Before I go any further, let me make an important distinction about relationships: some are optional (husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, business partner, friend, associate) and some aren’t (family). Like it or not, your dad will always be your dad and your mum ... Views: 824
Fairness: What an Interesting Concept
In life, sometimes stuff works out and sometimes, it doesn’t. Of course it does. And doesn’t. Sometimes, things go exactly to plan and sometimes, our plan kicks us in the nuts. Sometimes, we manage our situation and sometimes, our situation manages us. ... Views: 928
The Pretender
Put up your hand if you ever feel like a fraud. A fake? A phoney? A pretender? Me too. Even in the middle of some (relative) success, I have often felt not ‘something’ enough. Not smart enough. Qualified enough. Experienced enough. Lean enough. Young enough. Old enough. Funny ... Views: 768
I’m currently doing some work in the gym with a twelve year-old named Issy. Together we’re working to improve her overall strength, fitness and function. This morning she arrived at the gym with a five-hundred page book – apparently, some light reading while she waited for her ... Views: 663
Reality-Shaping Questions
If we’re serious about changing our reality then we must be serious about asking the best reality-shaping questions. Better questions produce a better mindset, decisions, actions, reactions and overall, better results. Asking ourselves intelligent, relevant and ... Views: 712
A World in Transition
Our world is an ever-changing one. It’s in a constant state of flux and re-invention. Sometimes that’s good and sometimes, not so good. In many ways, the world as we know it is shifting under our feet. Business, medicine, the economy, technology, communication, ... Views: 718
Change-Ology: The Science of Change
In the big scary world of behavioural psychology, there are numerous models of change. Today, I thought I’d share mine. The various stages don’t always happen in the order you see them outlined here but nonetheless, they all seem to happen eventually.
1. ... Views: 692
Too Heavy or Too Short?
A few years back, I met with a guy who wanted my help to lose some weight; not an altogether uncommon request in my world. Without giving you specific details, it’s fair to say that he was morbidly obese. That is, huge. Somewhere in the vicinity of double his ideal ... Views: 805
Not So Smart After All
When I was twenty-seven, I thought I knew almost everything. At thirty-seven, it was becoming apparent that I wasn’t nearly as smart as I had originally thought. Now, at forty-seven, I realise I don’t know much at all. In fact, if I stay on my current trajectory, by ... Views: 1043
The Rush of Humanity
It often occurs to me that, in the middle of all our energy-saving, time-saving technology and breakthroughs, in some ways, we’re no better off. Of course, life is easier on a practical level but I wonder if easier necessarily equates to better? And I wonder if easier ... Views: 734
Not Just An Idea
As you know, once upon a time the car and motorbike were just clever ideas. So too was the wheel, for that matter. Of course there was a time when things like space travel, the internet, Facebook, the Harry Potter series and even mundane things like long-life milk were just ... Views: 722
What Success Demands
I’m of the not-very-popular opinion that the majority of people who say they want to change their lives – or part thereof – in a significant way are simply not prepared to do what’s required; you know – the hard stuff. As a consequence, they will never begin to explore ... Views: 654
Take a Seat. Or Maybe Not.
It may or may not surprise you to learn that many Australians (and many people from most first-world countries for that matter) spend somewhere in the vicinity of twenty-two to twenty-three hours per day either sitting or lying. That’s 91.5 – 96% of their (our) time ... Views: 761
Am Not, You Are
Is it just my cynical perspective and observation or have we actually become a society obsessed with avoiding all responsibility for our own bad behaviours? Kind of like five-year-olds denying we ate the chocolate cake when the remnants are plastered all over our chubby little ... Views: 696
Today, I received the following letter from one of my friends. Turns out she’s recently become an amateur nudist.
The Letter
Today, I did something that I’ve never done before. Something fun, that is – I’ve never changed the oil on my car before but that’s not exactly on my ... Views: 1868
Scale Addicts
Over the years, I’ve dealt with my fair share of weigh-a-holics. That is, people who step on the scales far too often. Some do it every day of their lives. Morning and night. Some step on and off five times in ten seconds in the hope that a lower figure might magically appear ... Views: 1360
Barking up the Wrong Tree
For many years (maybe twenty), I’ve been of the opinion that the majority of people trying to lose weight, build muscle, increase fitness, improve their health or facilitate any kind of lasting physical transformation (lasting, being the key term here) go about it ... Views: 675
So if thinking positively is such a universal pursuit, why does it prove to be so elusive to so many? Dare I say, the majority? How To Start Thinking Positively In Less Than Sixty Seconds:
1. You are not your body and your body is not you but you best look after each other anyway. You might ... Views: 1292
What Can Santa Teach Us About Challenging Our Beliefs
Evidence of Santa
For seven years of my life, I knew Santa was real. After all, he came to my house every Christmas night so I had no reason to believe anything else. All of my experiences until that point in my young life had ... Views: 682
Transformation is the Motivation
Everyone has one thing in common: a desire to change something (or maybe, many things) about their current reality. It’s normal to want better. More. The same can be said for people who join a gym, enlist the services of a life coach, start their own business, ... Views: 743
Pants on Fire
Hi Guys. I’ve written about lying before but not in any great detail. Some researchers suggest that the average person lies three times every ten minutes in conversation but for all we know, that could be a lie. I find it a fascinating subject to explore mostly because so few ... Views: 826
When Enough is Enough
Despite my pseudo-tough exterior, I’m normally pretty patient and tolerant when it comes to listening to people’s stuff. At times, I’m even kind, sympathetic and generous. Surprising, I know.
Who knew?
However, in recent times, I’ve had my limits tested. Maybe I’ve ... Views: 1326
When I talk about stress in the context of this conversation, I’m talking about the negative version. Of course, some types of stress can create a positive response – like stressing our muscles in the gym to make them stronger – but for this discussion, I’m talking about distress. That ... Views: 707
Parenting 101
Yesterday at lunch, I had a fascinating conversation with my business partners Mikey and Johnny about parenting. Mikey has two kids (ages one and three), as does Johnny (seven and ten) and we discussed the merits and pitfalls of the various parenting styles. Of course we covered ... Views: 1037
A few months back we explored a bit of fun and silly-ness with an amusing little article article called “Twenty Three Things You Ladies (Probably) Won’t Hear From Your Bloke”. Well, it seems that I’m not the only one who likes to laugh at myself or take the piss out of my own gender. I have had ... Views: 1056
Over the last week I have received a bunch of emails and comments asking me about my trip and what I've learned and enjoyed hanging out with some of the best educators, speakers, writers and pioneers in the world of fitness and health. And I mean literally the world; these people flew in to ... Views: 890
Ladies and gentleman of the jury, it is my contention that the blogoshpere is in fact a dangerous place to live.
Bad for one's physical health.
Nice place to visit... but not to inhabit.
And today, I intend to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that there exists an indisputable relationship ... Views: 918
Do you ever marvel at some people's uncanny ability to make the simple, complex?
The straight forward, anything but?
A ten minute task, a two week saga?
I meet these people every day.
Please stop sending them my way.
They are the woe-is-me brigade.
The Brothers (and Sisters) Grim.
(The real ... Views: 1283
So I'm wearing my Exercise Scientist hat today.
And my Psychologist cardigan.
And my steel-capped, ass-kicking boots.
I may be blunt.
Okay, I will be.
But honest.
Possibly... politically incorrect.
Okay, probably.
Will possibly say what you don't want to hear.
Feel free to look away... ... Views: 1179
If you're like most people, then you often feel like you're spending far too much time and emotional energy having certain conversations with certain people.
Imagine how many years we could add to our lives if we could reclaim all the time we've wasted on those pointless, meaningless, ... Views: 1136
If you've come in search of hilarity, mirth and entertainment today, you best look elsewhere. Because today I'm sharing some old-school, self-help, get-yer-shit-together... love.
Got a buddy (surprising I know) who is always just about to turn his life (career, body, relationships, finances, ... Views: 1282
You've all heard me say many times that we are multi-dimensional, complex, amazing beings.
And nearly every day I talk about how we might create positive change in all areas of our lives and day-to-day reality; ways that we might learn, grow, change, improve, adapt, help others, live more ... Views: 911
I know, I know; it's a boring title... not creative, not amusing, not clever.
But for many of us, it's a very relevant subject.
Every now and then I take off my silly, creative, fun hat and put on my let's-address-this-problem-in-a-practical-way.. hat.
Today is such a day.
Mr. Serious Personal ... Views: 884
Today I'm stepping out on to the cyber high-wire.
I'm performing a high-risk blogging manoeuvre.
No safety net.
No cyber-harness.
I'm going to write a brief opinion piece on the Law of Attraction (LOA).
Possibly a no-win situation for me.
Aah well.
Advocates (of the concept) will disagree ... Views: 1072
You don't need a PhD to understand that we human beings are complex physical, emotional, spiritual and cerebral creatures; we all get this.
(I hope).
And while we know that we're highly-evolved (some more than others), multi-dimensional beings, the truth is that some of us have a propensity to ... Views: 1015
Lately I have spent a great deal of time with rudder-less ships.
People who get up each morning and do exactly what they did yesterday.
Not that they particularly want to... it's just what they do.
They do the same.
Day in, day out.
Year in, year out.
They expend a huge amount of energy sailing ... Views: 1047
For my international visitors: parts of this post may be somewhat confusing because much of the discussion is in reference to a well known football player in our national league here in Australia (the AFL). Just know that he's a champion athlete and a champion person and you'll get the ... Views: 870
There's a lot of great things about being a kid.
You don't have to pay for stuff.
You get to lick the cake-mix bowl (a personal highlight for me).
You can actually tell people what you think.
You can build cool stuff from junk and grown-ups tell you it's great.
Old people spoil you.
You can use ... Views: 940
We all understand what happens to our body as it ages.
Without intervention (an exercise/activity program) we know that our muscles waste, our lung capacity decreases, our heart gets weaker, our bones become brittle, our flexibility and mobility decrease, our reaction time slows, our posture ... Views: 1184
Part of my job as an educator, motivator, coach (etc.) is to sell stuff.
Kind of.
Not physical stuff (toasters, convertibles, cross-bows... although that'd be fun) but more the emotional and psychological stuff like... ideas, concepts, philosophies, strategies.
In order to get people to take ... Views: 881
You'd hafta be silly or brave to write a post on happiness.
So silly me is gonna give it a crack.
I had no plans for this piece (like I plan my writing!)... it came out of a conversation I had yesterday.
It asked to be written.
It's fair to assume that we're all different and therefore all have ... Views: 1026
Warning: If you're after some hard-hitting, life-changing, mind-altering, insight, wisdom and enlightenment from yours truly today... then check out one of your other favourite writers.
This is certainly no Personal Development piece... social commentary perhaps.
A little ... Views: 1058
So the guy who's never done a writing workshop, never studied journalism, never taken a class in English Literature, never read anything more than comics or muscle mags for the first twenty years of his life.. and wouldn't know a pronoun from a protein... is surely not the person to give anyone ... Views: 908
It seems we have a not-so-new, but rarely discussed scourge on the Personal Development landscape.
We've all met Mr and Mrs fit-in-at-all-costs; the Social Zombie (what would you like me to do, be, say?).
But over the last decade or three we have seen the rise of the Personal Development ... Views: 925
In 1988 I had the idea of setting up a Personal Training centre in Melbourne.
There were no commercial PT facilities in this country at the time.
It would be Australia's first appointment-only gym.
I was young, had no business experience, no tertiary qualification and not much money.
Clearly, a ... Views: 785
It seems to me that many of us don't really know who we are.
We have our very own personal identity crisis.
We spend our very busy lives doing stuff, achieving stuff.... but still not really knowing who we are.
What's you're identity?
Who are you really?
If we take away all your stuff... ... Views: 1215
Most of us live in a culture and society which is totally obsessed with perfection.
An obsession which invariably leads to pain.
Emotional, psychological, physical, social and financial pain.
The perfection obsession is rampant.
It's completely ridiculous.
It's unhealthy.
It's ... Views: 1068
Growing up in Australia means growing up with sheep.
Well, kind of.
Not that we have them sleeping in our lounge room or running around our front yard or anything, but Australia, amongst other things, is a farming nation and at some stage, most Aussie kids (although less these days) have spent ... Views: 1252