Giving an interview can be one of the more stressful things you have to do, and there's so much advice out there it's hard to know where to start or which advice you should follow. The thing to remember is that giving a confident interview is a skill that can be learned, just like making a ... Views: 2229
I remember breakfast time one morning, some 7 or 8 years ago. I was standing in front of an open cupboard in my kitchen, my eyes flicking between a box of Frosties and a box of Cornflakes, trying to decide which to have for breakfast. I stood there for 5 minutes, until - utterly frustrated - I ... Views: 1837
A lot of people feel crappy about who they are, where they are and what they've got. If you want the same results, here's how to do it:
1. Take criticism personally.
When someone tells you that you've done something wrong, that a piece of work isn't up to scratch, that you look tired, that you ... Views: 1177
A lot of people feel crappy about who they are, where they are and what they've got. If you want the same results, here's how to do it:
1. Take criticism personally.
When someone tells you that you've done something wrong, that a piece of work isn't up to scratch, that you look tired, that you ... Views: 934
Moving into a management role for the first time can be darn scary. Whether you’re promoted internally or hired straight into a position where you have a team reporting to you, there are some key things that will help you find your feet and ramp up your confidence quickly.
1. Fake it just ... Views: 1120
There are certain challenges in building your self-confidence, like sweeping away old roles and expectations, silencing that voice that criticises your every move and - when you get right down to it - figuring out just who the heck you really are.
That's sometimes made more difficult by the ... Views: 1039
A recent study conducted by Catherine Mosher of Duke University Medical Center and Sharon Danoff-Burg at the University of Albany found that 51 percent of undergraduate women prioritised romantic relationships over achievement goals, while more than 61 percent of men did the same.
While that ... Views: 1014
I remember when I was around 17 or 18 years old, I was so upset because I wanted my life to be about something and feared more than anything that it wouldn't be about anything. I knew that I had potential and that I wanted to use all of it, and it felt like I was flapping my wings against the ... Views: 1177
Sometimes I can be pretty indecisive, as my friends would tell you. I’m pleased to say that I’m not as bad as I used to be, which is a very good thing indeed. I remember breakfast time one morning, some 8 or 9 years ago, when I was standing in front of an open cupboard in my kitchen, my eyes ... Views: 1164
First thing in the morning a couple of days ago, I took my laptop (still very new and shiny) in Starbucks to do a little writing. I sat down with my big mug o’ steaming Jo and just as I was taking my first sip a member of staff came up to me, leaned in and said, ‘I just wanted to say sorry. What ... Views: 1133
A lot of people don’t enjoy their work. A lot of people come to hate what they do for a living. I used to be one of them, and left it way too late to get out of what I was doing. I was off sick with stress and on a cocktail of anti-depressants when I was made redundant and hit rock bottom. ... Views: 1022
Something that comes up time and time again when people come to me for help is ‘What’s my next career move?’ There are so many choices out there (which is part of the problem) and it can be tougher than a bag of hammers to figure out what to do and where to go next. That’s why I want to share ... Views: 1045
You know what really gets me fuming? People in queues who start to dawdle around once they get to the head of the queue, not really knowing what they want, what they're there for or what to do next. I mean, why are they in queue if they're not ready to be served or don't know what they're doing? ... Views: 899
I've been coaching for a few years now, and the biggest thing I've learnt - both for me and for my clients - is that inner confidence is the key to it all.
There are all kinds of strategies, ways of thinking, patterns of behaviour and practical tips for improving your life and feeling better ... Views: 847
So here we are in July. Where did the first half of the year go? It only seems a couple of weeks ago that I was drinking festive egg-nog, wearing my Christmas sweater and humming 'Sleigh Ride' too loudly in line at the supermarket.
It's kinda scary to think that there's just six months of 2005 ... Views: 915
Life is full of ups and downs and sometimes has a few sideways thrown in too. When things go wrong or don’t go as planned, or when something happens to throw us off balance and doubt ourselves it can be tough to deal with. After all, we all want things to go well and to end up as ‘winners’. ... Views: 1112
It’s no secret that life is a tricky animal to understand and it’s even harder to tame it so that it delivers what you want. But from my work in the world of personal development I've figured out three simple things that can transform any situation, any problem, any issue...and any life. Three ... Views: 930
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel less than great. Low, grouchy, fed-up and bored are all words you could use to describe what I’m like on those days. Thing is, days like those are part of the deal with being human – it’s not an elective. There will always be off days, and that’s ... Views: 1076
Nearly 3 out of 4 of us (73%) would love to be more confident but don’t know how to go about it, a recent study shows.
The sheer quantity of choices and opportunities for thirtysomethings is greater than ever before and for the people polled, seeing through these opportunities and finding ... Views: 1024
More than four out of ten thirtysomething professionals want to change careers, but feel trapped and don’t believe that they will, a new study shows.
More thirtysomethings than ever before are feeling disillusioned with their careers and openly acknowledge that they’d like to move into ... Views: 2046
A quarter of thirtysomething couples are unhappy in their relationships, a new study shows. Just 51% of thirtysomething couples said they were “very happy” in their relationship, with the remainder saying they were “quite happy” but would like to see improvements.
While ... Views: 1105
1. Be You
Being you is just that - being you, no matter what is expected of you. It’s taking all that you are – your values, beliefs, talents, skills and passions – and making them live in the real world. Being you is not about living your life according to the roles that the world expects of ... Views: 1745
I used to work in the corporate arena, traveling around as a project management consultant. I went into companies at all levels of seniority and had to engage them in the right way to ensure that there was rapport, respect and trust. I haven’t been inside an office for around three years now, ... Views: 944
I used to work in the corporate arena, traveling around as a project management consultant. I went into companies at all levels of seniority and had to engage them in the right way to ensure that there was rapport, respect and trust. I haven’t been inside an office for around three years now, ... Views: 709
I used to work in the corporate arena, traveling around as a project management consultant. I went into companies at all levels of seniority and had to engage them in the right way to ensure that there was rapport, respect and trust. I haven’t been inside an office for around three years now, ... Views: 768