" I Have A Dream"
By Donna Webster
When life gets tough and the road is long, and it seems there is no light. When the dreams you had somehow seem lost, don't ever give up the fight.
When you think your life doesn't mean a thing, you must realize we all have gifts. Look inside yourself and ... Views: 950
Guardian angel watch over me
be with me when I'm alone.
Please take away my fears and worries
please help me find my way home.
Guardian angel please comfort me
be with me through the storm.
Please help me see the sunlight shine
please keep me safe and warm.
Guardian angel show me the way
please ... Views: 1470
Are you living the life of your dreams? Or are you like most women going through the day to day motions, day after day? Surprisingly many women are not living the life of their dreams. And it’s certainly not because they have no dreams or goals. Many women have low self esteem and have never had ... Views: 1198
I believe music can play a very important role in our lives. Do you remember picking out your favorite love song with your boyfriend when you were a teenager? Or how about the breakup song, you know that sad song you played after you broke up with your boyfriend and although it was sad, you ... Views: 1071
About a month ago I received an email from a friend which was a story about a Mountain Daffodil Garden. It was a lovely story and I happened to notice that it was in fact a real place called The Mountain Daffodil Garden in Running Springs, CA. I did a little research and found out it was about ... Views: 1280
It had been six months ago today that ten-year-old Emily’s mom had made her way to Heaven. Emily missed her mom each and every day, but what she was most worried about today is how she can find a way to send her birthday gift to her mom in Heaven. She had two weeks to find the perfect gift and ... Views: 1426