We are all hooked on the same set of tactics to help us feel good about ourselves, most of which have no lasting effect. To achieve sustainable self esteem, the first step is to become more aware of how our usual tactics are self-defeating.
Your Unproductive Self Esteem Building Tactics
1. ... Views: 4725
Are you setting yourself up for a great fall like poor old Humpty perched on his wall? The wall I’m talking about is unrealistic expectations, hopes or dreams.
Everyone needs aspirations, goals to work toward and challenges to tackle. It is when we think we have unlimited power to achieve ... Views: 1172
How happy would you be if only you could win the lottery? This fantasy is universal because so many people are unhappy, dissatisfied with their lot in life.
But why do you focus on what you haven’t got rather than on things you could feel happy about? Why waste your life dreaming about ... Views: 1158
If you ask whether someone is a leader, you seem to asking about a relatively permanent state, like asking whether a person is a doctor or a lawyer. If you are a father or a mother, you occupy that role for life.
But being a leader is not really like this anymore. We life in an age of guerilla ... Views: 1156