Carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere has reached alarming levels and something must be done immediately to regain balance. We can argue over the causes and consequences of this imbalance and what to call it, or we can make better use of our energy and work together to clean it up.
The Green ... Views: 1659
Keeping a good stock of lemons on hand can be your ticket to vibrant health. Squeeze a little lemon in your water for surprising health benefits year round.
Over a hundred years ago it was noted in a respected medical journal that drinking one Lemon Squash (lemon squeezed in water) every day ... Views: 872
In today’s world of latest and greatest fixes, it’s interesting to learn of age-old remedies that still provide the best source of health and vitality. While looking for natural health alternatives I’ve discovered some amazingly simple, effective, and inexpensive ... Views: 778
I woke up as usual, stiff and sore for no apparent reason. Today would likely be like most every other day, a struggle to get through the afternoon without stimulants. Truth be told I’ve never known anything else.
I’ve had aches and pains all my life that had no explanation. My ... Views: 1092
Have you ever wished you could create a financially secure future doing something that helps the environment? Usually we have to choose between what we do for money and what we do to support the environment. Now, at least one opportunity provides both.
Imagine having a service you can offer ... Views: 791
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere has reached alarming levels and something must be done immediately to regain balance. We can argue over the causes and consequences of this imbalance and what to call it, or we can make better use of our energy and work together to clean it up.
The Green ... Views: 946
In Part 1 and 2 of this four part series we discussed the importance of clearly defining what you want in your life and then, using the list of what you want, we created a plan to help you have it. Then, in Part 3 we discussed how to increase your enjoyment of life while also increasing your ... Views: 829
In Part 1 and 2 of this four part series we discussed the importance of clearly defining what you want in your life and then, using the list of what you want, we created a plan to help you have it.
STEP 1: Clearly define what you want in your life.
STEP 2: Create a plan for having what ... Views: 873
In Part 1 of this four part series I defined time freedom as: "the ability to decide what to do with your time without neglecting the other things you have decided to have in your life" and said that the first step in creating time freedom is deciding exactly what you want.
STEP 1: Clearly ... Views: 819
Recent polls show that "time freedom" is the number one thing that people want more of in their lives...more important than both money and sex.
How would you define "time freedom?" How about "the freedom to decide what to do with your time?”
Of course, we all have the freedom to decide in ... Views: 4507
I live in Texas where we enjoy big blue skies and lots and lots of sunshine all year. So why is it that less than 1/2 of 1% of America’s electricity comes from solar power? We have enough in the southwestern states to provide electricity for the whole country.
I understand that solar power has ... Views: 869
Our evolution is toward greater and greater possibilities and as we individually experience more of what's possible beyond mediocrity, we create and expand patterns for all to enjoy.
As more people have a certain experience (i.e. peace or joy), the pattern for that experience is strengthen ... Views: 843
Everything is energy. As Einstein said, "Matter is energy and energy is matter." One universal law of energy is that like attracts like. This is true in every case.
What you want (i.e. are attracted to) wants you.
Okay, I hear some of you saying, "If that's true, why don't I have what I ... Views: 1400
Have you ever wished you could create a financially secure future doing something that helps the environment? Usually we have to choose between what we do for money and what we do to support the environment. Now, at least one opportunity provides both.
Imagine having a service you can offer ... Views: 835