What is Mind Power and How is it Used?
Mind power is a very interesting, yet tricky subject. For those of you who do not fully understand the concept and possibilities of mind power, you are in for a real treat!
Many people commonly confuse brain power with mind power. However, these are ... Views: 2054
All we want is to be happy in life. Happiness is not only what we feel when we have what we desire, it is also the very emotion that attracts what we desire to us. It is much easier to manifest our intentions if we stop focusing on intending but instead we focus on just being happy with what is. ... Views: 1700
Loving money with awareness is knowing that money is a form of energy that represents well being and abundance. Well being and abundance is rightfully belonging to all nature and creation, and you can have as much of it as you want. As long as every part of nature works in harmony with each ... Views: 1730
To be in vibrational resonance with money, you have to love it. If you fear money or do not love it, you will repel it away from you. By thinking thoughts such as you should not love money or feel desire for it, you are causing vibrational dissonance between your subconscious mind and money. By ... Views: 1566
Your subconscious mind works best when your conscious mind is asleep or pleasantly occupied. In between intending and manifesting must be a temporary period of forgetting. If you want a good parking spot, give yourself enough time to forget about your intent before you get there. The sooner you ... Views: 1782
Most people are taking the beaten path. They think that is the path of success because people have gone before them and succeeded in that area. But it is the people who took the path not traveled in order to follow their dreams first, where there is no guarantee. Then once they have succeed, ... Views: 1506
The secret of manifestation is that you do not create reality by what you think but by what you feel. Everything is vibration and you attract those things that you are in vibrational resonance with. Your vibration is your feeling. It is your feelings that attract your experiences. The more you ... Views: 1671
Men who have left their mark upon the world have been men of great and prompt decision. The achievements of will power are almost beyond measure. Scarcely anything seems impossible to the man who can will strongly enough and long enough. There is always room for a man of force. One talent with a ... Views: 1435
In this world, there are two categories of people who make money in society. One is the contributors and the other is the resellers. The contributors are the ones who create real value for society while the resellers are the ones who make use of the value created by the contributors to profit ... Views: 1382
When a person acts with complete confidence, even for insane purposes, it fills a void in us. Charismatic individuals make their followers do insane things by the force of their personalities. It proves the point that the force of a person’s will, of his self acceptance, can be so strong that he ... Views: 1583
Have you ever wondered whether your beliefs reflect reality or create it?
The answer to the question is realized in understanding the concept of objective and subjective reality and the difference between the two. Most people believe that objective reality is made up by the physical laws that ... Views: 1255