The internet is ripe with deals, and you can save on everything from toilet paper to technology if you know where to look.
Here's a quick guide on how to use social media to find the best deals online, fast.
1. Your first step is to find a favorite frugal blogger or two. You'll want to ... Views: 958
“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
Robert Louis Stevenson
When our tee ball team gets tired, they lose all focus. Some of them can’t muster the energy to stand so they sit smack down on the base. Some of them droop their torsos and let their arms ... Views: 3139
Although these days I live a simple life out of choice, there have been times when I lived it out of necessity. My husband and I have both created businesses that encompass only what we love to do, and, over the years, we have discovered that this type of lifestyle can, at times, make you ... Views: 1126
One foggy, fuzzy day when I had three kids under the age of five, I happened to be sitting on a park bench near a group of very put-together moms. (Foggy and fuzzy didn't describe the weather – just my mental status that year.) These moms were chit-chatting as their school age children ... Views: 4871
"What was I like as a baby?"
All moms know how their kids' eyes light up when they hear stories about themselves as babies and young children.
All moms also know that when a mother takes the time to record these precious stories in written form, she preserves a mystery and a magic that is ... Views: 1547
Here are twelve simple pleasures to help you slow down and taste the sweetness of the simple life this month.
1. Take a walk out in the wide, wide world and pay attention to the signs that summer is on its way.
2. Give yourself a pedicure. Then go barefoot whenever possible.
3. Eat fresh ... Views: 1081
Everyone feels shy from time to time. Here are twelve tips to help you keep conversation flowing.
1. Before the event, visualize yourself as someone who has an easy time making friends and mingling between different groups and whom everyone likes to talk to. It may feel funny at first, but ... Views: 17087
This is the time of year when it is most difficult to stay on track with our goals. It is also the time of year when we're all in a rush to make new ones.
It seems to me that we all have a certain ideal, a certain way of living, which gets completely blown each holiday season.
We find it more ... Views: 1070
\Decking the halls and spreading good cheer takes a lot of energy. Here are some tips to make sure you enjoy every last fa-la-la.
1. Stay Centered. An energized and peaceful holiday season is possible only when you can keep your priorities straight. Take a pen and paper and ask yourself: What ... Views: 1164
Running is a beautiful way to get fit. It is so simple and so basic, and while it can be difficult at first, the rewards come quickly to those who persist.
Running is also one of the most efficient ways to burn calories. As a cardiovascular exercise, it reduces the risk of certain diseases, ... Views: 1164
Few things are as rewarding as seeing your child glow from the inside out. And it happens when children have a high self esteem: when they know themselves to be unconditionally accepted, when they feel both loved and lovable, and when they feel a sense of belonging and self worth.
Here are ... Views: 1407
Active listening is really an extension of the Golden Rule. To know how to listen to someone else, think about how you would want to be listened to. While the ideas are largely intuitive, it might take some practice to develop (or re-develop) the skills. Here’s what good listeners know – and you ... Views: 1254
The simple pleasures are sometimes the sweetest.
Here are twelve affordable pleasures to help you slow down and taste the sweetness of the simple life.
1. Take a walk out in the world and pay attention to the signs that summer is on its way.
2. Go barefoot whenever possible.
3. Eat fresh ... Views: 1096
Our thoughts are a marinade for the mind. Positive thoughts create positive, confident choices and, ultimately, success. But research shows that a full 75% of our thinking is negative, and that can lead to fear, discouragement, and frustration.
The good news is that positive thinking is a ... Views: 2264
With the demands of work and family, do you ever feel like you don't have enough time to
develop deep friendships the way you would like?
Lots of women are solving this problem by getting together with their friends while also
working individually on an important project: creating heirlooms ... Views: 2861
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would
give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according
to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
At the same time, studies show that half of American women overestimate
the size of their ... Views: 1069
We've all had days when we don't have the energy to tie our athletic shoes, let alone bounce around in them. But exercise can give a daily blast to your mind, body, and soul.
Here are fifteen quick tips to get you moving:
1. Don't get intimidated by the prospect of a daily exercise regimen. ... Views: 1327
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
At the same time, studies show that half of American women overestimate the size of their ... Views: 1362
We hear a lot about the Supermom Syndrome but rarely about our Superdads.
We place higher expectations on fathers in today's society than ever before.
Unlike previous generations, dads today are expected to take a proactive role in
caring for the children physically as well as ... Views: 1337
There's just something about a daddy.
If mom is sustained, lasting light, dad is a spark. It's certainly
true in my family, where the men simply produce a different kind of
energy. Dads and Grandpas are wonderfully familiar but, at the same time,
Some of my most vivid memories from ... Views: 1563
The heat of the moment is when we say things that can really damage intimacy. Here are some tips for staying calm, even amid the chaos that often defines life with young children:
--> Preventative Measures
- Declare a zero tolerance policy on the out-of-control temper. You must decide, for ... Views: 1242
Active listening makes your mate feel worthy, appreciated, interesting, and respected. Besides the physical act of sex itself, it is one of the most important things you can do to solidify your friendship and strengthen intimacy.
When active listening occurs, ordinary conversations emerge on a ... Views: 1251
You can stay at home with your children while still advancing in your career. So how do you make it work? Here are a few tips:
1. Control your environment.
A clearly designated office will help you stay on task. And an organized workspace will help minimize distractions and make the most of ... Views: 1405
Throw open the curtains and spread good cheer. Spring has arrived!
Here are thirty ways to celebrate.
1. Borrow a convertible.
2. Take the kids to the zoo.
3. Bring a rocking chair onto your front porch.
4. Make strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream.
5. Hook up the ... Views: 1357
“When are we going to go again?” my oldest daughter always wants to know, “just
you and me?”
Cassidy is five, and she shares a home with two younger siblings whose demands
for my eye contact are constant and loud. So I try to
orchestrate this one-on-one time with her on a somewhat regular ... Views: 1532
We all know how the right herb can add new life to a recipe. And research indicates that herbs might have the same effect on us.
Today's popular herbal potions promise better sleep, less fatigue, reduced anxiety, even help in the battle against depression. And the herbal answers to these ... Views: 1675
The ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui is making a comeback in the modern world. But is it really possible to change your attitude just by rearranging your living space?
Many people say yes. Feng Shui is an Asian philosophy that dates back some 5,000 years. Practitioners strive to find the proper ... Views: 2955
"Step on me, please."
When I was a teenager, my grandmother and I were on a family vacation in my parent’s RV. The quarters were close, the beds at a minimum. My grandmother insisted I take the couch and she take the floor. I objected to this arrangement, of course: "What if I accidentally step ... Views: 1497
Here is a series of simple, quick, and affordable indulgences to
help you slow down and enjoy this season of beauty and transition.
* Welcome spring. Whether or not the temperatures are beginning to
warm in your part of the world, take a walk, paying particular
attention to the little signs ... Views: 1422
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
At the same time, studies show that half of American women overestimate the size of their ... Views: 1281
When was the last time you were "in the zone"?
When was the last time you experienced that hypnotic feeling of being so utterly concentrated that you lost track of the rest of the world?
When was the last time you were completely task-oriented, enveloped in a self-induced trance, hypnotized ... Views: 1435
We've all had days when we don't have the energy to tie our athletic shoes, let alone bounce around in them. But exercise can give a daily blast to your mind, body, and soul.
Here are fifteen quick tips to get you moving:
1. Don't get intimidated by the prospect of a daily exercise regimen. ... Views: 1339
"I took care of Callie," my three-year-old announced.
Callie had been starting with that little whine that babies adopt to alert mothers and sisters that their new crawling tricks have them wedged behind the furniture. But the whining had stopped--rather suddenly it seems in ... Views: 1315
Feeling stuck in a never-ending winter? Declare an early spring with these quick ideas.
1. Bust a friend's blahs. Take her out for coffee or a glass of wine, or offer to take her kids while she enjoys an hour or two alone. Such a simple gesture will brighten your own day as well.
2. Indulge ... Views: 1876
We all get frazzled. We all get overwhelmed and snappy.
And we all need to re-center before we share that feeling with
the rest of the world.
Here are a few one-minute "wake-ups" that will help you to re-focus
on what's important.
- What are you thankful for? List as many "gratitudes" as ... Views: 1284
Contemporary healers, therapists, and marketing gurus are grabbing hold of a phenomenon that insects and animals instinctively understand: the power of aroma.
Scientists pursue aromachology (the study of scent and its ability to change human behavior) for its role in everything from medicine ... Views: 1499
These days, many of us are finding ourselves having to stretch the endsuntil they meet.
And anything's possible. Vicki Robin, author of Your Money or Your Lifelives on the $6,000 that her investments generate each year.
Here are some tips for stretching every dollar.
1. Save a penny, keep ... Views: 1779
Here are fourteen spontaneous time-outs, specially designed to help
you pay the small attentions that are so integral to lasting intimacy.
Day One:
Spend 15 minutes kissing. Many married couples report that the simple
act of kissing is the first part of intimacy to disappear. Today, ... Views: 1208
A single good night's sleep can rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Here's how to get one tonight:
- A regular exercise routine will help you fall asleep faster and wake up feeling more refreshed, but experts don't recommend vigorous exercise fewer than three hours before ... Views: 1369
The fountain of personal wisdom may be as close as your nearest pen.
That’s because keeping a personal journal can be a powerful way to ease anxiety and nurture your spirit.
The word "journal" may mean 100 different things to 100 different people. For a psychologist, it denotes a tool for a ... Views: 1439
The first prescription from my daughter’s pediatrician was for a gin and tonic. Not for my child. Not for me. For my mother.
When my mom arrived to visit her brand new granddaughter, I bragged about my daughter’s rosy glow. To my horror, my mother said she didn’t look pink at all. She looked ... Views: 1977
The fountain of personal wisdom may be as close as your nearest pen.
That’s because keeping a personal journal can be a powerful way to ease anxiety and nurture your spirit.
The word "journal" may mean 100 different things to 100 different people. For a psychologist, it denotes a tool for a ... Views: 1265
Being a good friend is a skill we can learn and improve upon. Here, eight ways to be a better friend.
Number One: Like yourself
The first step in having a good relationship with a friend is to have a good relationship with yourself. When we genuinely like ourselves, we become more attractive ... Views: 1797
With the New Year come and gone, many of us are making good on a resolution to eat healthier. So what’s a chocolate lover to do?
Good news. Research says you can have your cake and eat it, too. As long as that cake is chocolate.
For centuries, chocolate has been used to treat diseases and ... Views: 1379
Quick quiz: Would you rather run 75 miles or have sex three times per week for a year? Research shows that both activitiesburn the same number of calories. (7,500, to be exact.)
We often think that something that feels good can’t possibly be good for us. Now it’s time to think again.
Sex in a ... Views: 1775
Soul Snacks are spontaneous time-outs: creative ways you can nurture your spirit in 15 minutes or less.
Here's a week's worth, specially designed to help you infuse this cold season with joy and warmth.
Day One
Regardless of how you're doing with your New Year's Resolutions, let us take this ... Views: 1306
There is a law that guides the peace process, and while world leaders may disregard it, your average mommy knows it pretty well.
It is this: The world can be only as peaceful as you are. And it all starts with you.
I have three kids under the age of 5. If I wake up in a sour mood, the day is ... Views: 1226
We strive to create balance and peace in our families. We strive
to live each day in the knowledge that our family is a gracious
gift; a gift to be treasured and celebrated in the every day.
We strive to simplify our lives, but our family's competing
demands are anything but simple. ... Views: 1605
Twenty-four percent of women and 17 percent of men say they would
give up more than three years of life to be thinner. That’s according
to a poll conducted by Psychology Today magazine.
At the same time, studies show that half of American women overestimate
the size of their ... Views: 1465