We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Happiness". If you have expertise in Happiness and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The universe returns what you have given freely a thousand times over. What you sow is what you reap. In order to receive you must give. If you wish someone to have more blessings and love, you will receive blessings and love a thousand times more. If you wish someone illness and misfortune, you ... Views: 2045
Growing up in Australia means growing up with sheep.
Well, kind of.
Not that we have them sleeping in our lounge room or running around our front yard or anything, but Australia, amongst other things, is a farming nation and at some stage, most Aussie kids (although less these days) have spent ... Views: 1252
A lot of people believe that real happiness is an utopia, or something that happens only for a short period of time.
Many people still believe that life is a battle.
However if we investigate our inner beings, we will be able to get more out of life.
We have now come to a very important ... Views: 530
Ya gotta love love don'tcha?
Maybe the Beatles were right.
Isn't it great that so many people from so many places can come together (blogospherically) and connect and reach out to someone else.
No agenda, no ulterior motive.
Just love, compassion and care.
Sometimes us personal ... Views: 801
How do we use the LOA in daily life?
The LAW OF ATTRACTION is the most powerful law in the universe.
Everything end every person is affected by it.
It is the basis of everything that comes into your experience.
The LAW OF ATTRACTION responds to your thoughts always.
Everything that is in ... Views: 659
Yesterday I went for a run along the beach near my house.
Burned a few cals, got a bit of sun... no biggie... except for the fact that I got a life-lesson from a five year-old.
Here's the scene:
The ex-bodybuilder with the dodgy lower-back running (for want of a more descriptive or accurate ... Views: 1047
Sharing some more Thoughts/Writings on Peace (Part Two)
To continue (on from Part One)...
I believe to effect change, we ordinary people, have to raise the bar of what we will and will not tolerate - by our leaders and authorities. At a local level, a national level and at international ... Views: 627
1. Admit it when you’re wrong; it will actually impress people.
2. Delegate when you can; when you can’t, don’t even try.
3. Do as you would be done by.
4. Don’t worry what others are thinking about you; they are too busy worrying what you are thinking about them.
5. Even sentences have ... Views: 804
It's been said that a smile is the lighting system of the face, the cooling system of the head and the heating system of the heart. But a smile is also a powerful weapon against negativity of all kinds.
Lisa Gurnsey, of Portland, Oregon, wrote to me about a man whose smile ... Views: 2845
Do you describe yourself as a positive thinker? We all know that positive thinking can motivate us to be productive, efficient and successful, but have you ever considered that there are varying shades of positive thinking? For example, some positive thinkers think in mediocre terms and are ... Views: 582
We can liken our life to a travelling train ,or a sailing ship , or ambling along a path . We are travelling in the same general direction , we are all subject to the vagaries of nature , we are sharing available resources . We are getting the same general experiences while the individual ... Views: 6451
Does your life sometimes feel like a storage room where everybody else has dumped their mess and it seems there's no room left for you? Maybe it's time to forget about the living room...and Re-Decorate Your LIFE!
Here are the 4 key factors to an effective system in Re-decorating your LIFE. ... Views: 888
A great life doesn't happen by accident. A great life is the result of allocating your time, energy, thoughts, and hard work towards what you want your life to be. Stop setting yourself up for stress and failure, and start setting up your life to support success and ease. These 7 SECRETS can ... Views: 819
I know that a lot of advice pundits often instruct you to focus on the “big picture”. And it certainly has it place in helping you move toward a better life. But it runs the risk of letting you think that you need to totally redesign your life. And that’s just not true! Often it only takes one ... Views: 846
Do you find feeling good about yourself difficult? You may have learned to talk badly to yourself, or you may have let criticism stop you from trying anything new. So you find yourself in a rut, doing nothing, wishing for something better.
But there is one sure fire way to lift your spirits ... Views: 799
On the surface it seems an odd idea that you could actually be anything other than who you really are. But from the time we can talk, we’re being programmed to “fit in”. We find ourselves conforming in order to please the people we love, and who love us. “ But sometimes that means that you have ... Views: 10403
1. Clean out the anger, hatred, jealousy, and self doubt.
2. Move out the frustrations, and lack of communication. Wash away delay and procrastination.
3. Dust off your attitude, and put on a fresh coat of positive.
4. Throw out misunderstanding, and lack of patience. Sweep out the dirt of ... Views: 735
1. Starve a bad habit; feed a good habit. Things that you nurture, and support, and give energy and time to WILL grow in your life. And in contrast, things can’t exist if you don’t support them. If you have something in your life that you don’t want there, identify how you are supporting it. ... Views: 743
One day when I was seven–years–old my father allowed me to choose our Sunday family activity. He said we could either take a drive across the Mississippi River or ride on the last streetcar in St. Louis. At that time of my life I had never seen an ocean or even a great lake and I was awed by the ... Views: 741
Babies show the world what selfish looks like. On a whim, they set up a wail loud enough to wake the dead–or at least it sounds that way at 2:00 a.m. No matter that others may be tired or sick or have to go to work. Babies want what they want when they want it. So stop sniveling.
Some ... Views: 1316
Happy people don’t just wait for chance—they focus on and generate happiness. They know what makes them happy and engage in activities that put them in “the zone.” They also give generously of themselves.
Use these 4 techniques to experience more happiness in your life.
1. Set out to be ... Views: 902
The Resume
Who are you? No, I don’t mean the job you have. Share with me your dreams, desires and values. Are you trusted, honest, respect others, loyal to family, and friends?
How old are you? No, not your age, but your thoughts and acts; are you cast in cement or taking a journey where you ... Views: 1438
Let’s face it. We all want to be happy. And we all realize, sooner or later, that outer success does not produce lasting happiness. So what does? Loving ourselves and loving others. In fact, we can only love others authentically when we are loving ourselves. So why is it that some people ... Views: 884
There is much written about anxiety and panic attacks. Why? - because they are an essential part of being human. Panic attacks and anxiety are abilites that have kept us safe for millions of years, allowed us to survive, evolve and succeed as a species. When the world was a dangerous place, ... Views: 6200
Part of my ritual is to write the same I Am statement 20 times in order to focus on what’s intended, claim it, and do so until it’s the result that’s lived. Rather than doing this by rote, I allow my mind to engage with what’s taking place. I listen to what’s happening at the inner level as I ... Views: 843
If you're like many, then some days your mind is a war zone.
Complete with the good guys (Mr glass-half-full) and the bad guys (Mr stay-in-bed-you-loser) fighting for your attention; your thoughts.
Competing for valuable territory on your cerebral landscape.
Fear, self doubt, anxiety, apathy; ... Views: 960
While cleaning my bookshelf the other day, I found a book, 14,000 things to be happy about. It looked brand new, but the date inside was from years ago. This book sat beside my collection of self-help books, which in contrast were dog-eared, highlighted and clearly used. Holding the happiness ... Views: 1052
There are some decisions we make in which the disadvantages may seem to outweigh the advantages. And yet, we still make the decision. Why do we do this?
Let me tell about a friend of mine. A lawyer with a very successful and lucrative practice, she dreamed of helping people solve problems in a ... Views: 1858
Am I looking for what’s right?
Most of us find it real easy to look for what’s wrong. It’s a way of looking at things that we think is ‘normal’ patterned to us by family, friends, our community and our society. We can find all the wrong there is in our jobs, relationships, our government, our ... Views: 1102
As a personal coach and a personal trainer, I see a similar theme that runs through most of my clients’ lives. That theme is a feeling of being unbalanced, a feeling of being overly stressed most of the time, a feeling of being pulled in too many directions and not having much control. It is a ... Views: 799
For most people, the idea of seeking professional counseling is likely to be very intimidating and even unsettling. But if your problems are severe, have persisted for some time, or your personal efforts have been ineffective, it is advisable and advantageous to seek professional help. Since ... Views: 882
To be honest... sometimes (not often... but occasionally) the captain of inspiration and motivation (and political in-correctness)... sits at the his keyboard with that stupid, vacant, 'I've-got-absolutely-nuthin' look on his face.
In his normally, sharp-as-a-tac mind (okay, that's a big lie), ... Views: 810
Key #7 Gratitude’s Gift
"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." - Henry Ward Beecher
The 7th key found in the novel "the 100th human," is truly one that opens the door to enlightenment. Gratitude can be found on a myriad of pathways that all lead to God. ... Views: 1048
Key #6 Freedom = No Fear
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
The 6th key in the book "the 100th human" shows us the weakness of fear and the power that Freedom affords us. This is not freedom for a nation or for a people, but a freedom from all oppressions, those ... Views: 2345
Don’t you just just love the whole Gratitude thing? – I remember when I first read about it in the context of Personal and Spiritual Development and Law of Attraction, it really captured my imagination. It made so much sense.
Whenever I feel myself getting off course a bit or out of kilter ... Views: 1530
When speaking with potential clients during exploratory sessions, I often ask them what their “ideal life” would look like. Without fail, they are taken aback: it seems they’ve never thought about their life in those terms – is that even allowed?! Apparently the self-help gurus are right: people ... Views: 807
Ugghh, that awful word. The sound of it makes you just cringe. Everybody hates it. Even the strongest most confident people experience it, feel it and dislike it. Some are just better at what they do with it after its sting.
What is rejection? It comes in all kinds of forms. It can be an ... Views: 1479
The challenges and frustrations of everyday life, coupled with all the dire stuff going on in the world, make it tough to stay focused on what’s really important.
That’s the impetus behind Gimundo.com’s Journal of Gratitude. The positive-news Web site is encouraging people around the globe to ... Views: 1283
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bottom are included.)
INSPIRATION can be a powerful thing. It can keep you going when
all around you cries out "quit!" It is even ... Views: 634
Most successful business plans start by visualizing the outcome, and using that visualization to work backwards through a plan of action. This same process can be used (sometimes called the Law of Attraction) to help you visualize a successful and productive and happy life for ... Views: 1661
How do you motivate yourself? What can you do when you need to get busy doing something and you just don't feel like doing it? Of course there are dozens of motivation techniques. Some, like certain NLP techniques, can get fairly complicated. The following, however, is a simple, yet powerful ... Views: 805
In the last article, How-To Attract the Perfect Mate, Job, Neighbourhood - Part 1, you created a profile of your “ideal” mate, job, business, neighbourhood, or whatever it was that you chose to focus on, and attract into your life. If you didn’t accept the challenge in that article, or missed ... Views: 811
Jessamyn West said, “You make what seems a simple choice: choose a man or a job or a neighborhood - and what you have chosen is not a man or a job or a neighborhood, but a life.”
Whoa partner! Let’s think about the truth in that.
How many people do you know who seem to have chosen a ... Views: 686
Aaah... the age-old debate.
Are we born winners or do we become winners with hard work, discipline, dedication, determination... and all those other 'D' words?
We all want to be winners.
(Well, I've personally never met anyone who has the goal of being a loser).
Winners in our career, winners ... Views: 1627
Shyness is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a social phobia. Depending on the degree of introversion they have, some people may actually find that it can be debilitating, depriving them of a healthy social life. It not only affects their relationships, it also affects their careers, keeping ... Views: 1778
Did you know that there is enough money on this planet for everyone (yes, everyone) to have a million dollars? So why is it that Bill Gates has BILLIONS, others have a million, and others have only a small amount? The answer is simple: consciousness. Each of us has played out the beliefs from ... Views: 818
The connection between the food you eat and the energy you radiate is common sense. You have felt, I'm sure, the lethargy after a holiday meal and the spring in your step after a wholesome breakfast. But is there a way to tailor your eating routine to maximize your energy levels all the time? ... Views: 1183
Our lives are busy all year long. How do we fit those things that we do once a year in an already overcrowded schedule? How do we fit in more time for shopping, wrapping, decorating, cooking, planning, partying, travelling? It's no wonder the holidays bring additional stress to many.
Here's a ... Views: 692
If there is one area of life which causes a great deal of anxiety for the average human, it is facing “the unknown.” The unknown, no matter of what type, creates a degree of fear which automatically sets up a mental, emotional and physical response in our body. Very young children are not ... Views: 779
With every emotional and/or physical painful experience in life, you have the opportunity to write and store knowledge about pain. You add new volumes every year. Moments of unhappiness, confusion, failure, depression, and the act of making the same mistakes over and over, all present the ... Views: 1765