I told you! A very simple question but your answers to this question will give you clues into your personality, preferences and things you can surround yourself with on a regular basis to ensure you lead a happy, feel good life.
Take out a blank sheet of paper, write the question above at the top of your blank sheet and then brainstorm a list of all the things that make you happy. Add to your list as you discover more things that make you happy.
Here's a list of what makes me feel happy:
*basset hounds, dachsunds and other quirky looking long dogs - they always make me smile
*fresh, colorful flowers
*family time just hanging out in the fresh air
*a really good movie
*sitting in a cafe listening to live music
*encouraging and inspiring people
*sending and receiving cards
*a flavorful meal, complete with the perfect wine
*a really good road trip on a sunny summer day
*time spent with my favorite friends
*open windows and fresh air
See! Your list is your list and the things on it will become a picture of what you need to have in your life to feel joyful on a regular basis.
Implement a practice in your life of looking for things that make you happy. The more you see, the happier you'll feel!
©2006 Cari Vollmer / LifeOnTrack(tm) / LifeOnTrack.com
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Cari Vollmer, founder of LifeOnTrack.com and creator of InspireYourSuccess.com, simplifies personal growth by showing you step-by-step how to create and live a life that works well and feels great! To sign up for her FREE how to articles and no-charge 5-Day Feel Great Now E-Course visit www.LifeOnTrack.com.
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