In describing character qualities, pop culture Astrology deals with Sun Sign descriptions as a matter of convenience. Almost everybody knows his birthday, and from that, he can almost always find himself in one of the Sun Sign categories that describe the creative personalities of humankind. ... Views: 1187
Some people think Astrology begins and ends with a Sun Sign description of your personality -- a list of qualities, characteristics, and possible short-comings that may seem assigned to you essentially at random based on the day you were born -- a day when, of course, the Sun was traveling ... Views: 1095
There are some people who, in all sincerity, look at the list of traits and qualities assigned to them by their astrological Sun Sign ... and say the description just doesn't fit them. Sure, some of them are smug and pleased to have confirmed their belief that astrology is a bunch of hokum, ... Views: 1799
In Astrology, the Moon represents your emotions, your inner self, your instincts, habits, and reactions. The sign it occupied when you were born is your Moon Sign in your horoscope. Your Moon Sign describes character traits, feelings, and personal responses that are very familiar to you. In ... Views: 1215
Scorpios have extremely important work to do in life, so I suppose it's only fair to indulge them for being so reserved and solitary. It's not easy being the most powerful sign in the Zodiac. All that potential is a tremendous responsibility. The contributions Scorpio makes, generation after ... Views: 7395
Libras don't do well as "singles." They feel incomplete without "another half" in their life -- meaning another person to whom they feel profoundly connected, with whom they feel intimately "involved." They deeply feel the need for other people in their lives, and so a well-functioning Libra ... Views: 9509
In both astronomy and astrology, the celestial phenomenon known as the New Moon occurs at the exact moment the Sun and the Moon occupy precisely the same point in the sky-map of the Zodiac -- the same degree and minute of arc in a particular sign. In Astrology, this aspect of alignment is known ... Views: 903
There are reasons why the better writers, teachers, and mystics offer at least a word or two of caution to the novices who toy with the notion of exploring the mystical path through occult studies, dabbling in rituals and magick, and opening their minds through other avenues and interests to ... Views: 1022
I will try to keep this brief. I know how Virgos like efficiency. Work and service are their passions. They'll find it -- or at least what they define as it -- even if they have to make it up. A Virgo in his heart of hearts wants to be useful. Virgos can be the most selfless, dedicated, ... Views: 8756
Can Astrology tell the future? Well, yes, actually it can. But not in the cut-and-dried way many people would like to use it. It won't tell you when you're going to win the lottery. (Let's face it. The almost-certain answer to that one is "Never." No, not ever ... put it from your mind, ... Views: 2273
The Dark of the Moon is considered an especially mysterious, fruitful, and flexible time of "molding" the creative experiences that will come forth in the weeks immediately ahead. It is said that wishes made as the last sliver of the Moon's light fades on the left, and affirmed through the Dark ... Views: 958
The Sun symbolizes your basic personality. The Zodiac sign it is in describes the "essential qualities" of your character. This sign is also the easiest one to find. You probably already know it. It's what you mean when you tell someone "I'm an Aries," or "I'm a Capricorn," or "I'm a ... Views: 1090
Aspects are the different angles planets form with one another as they move through the sky at their different speeds and in their different orbits. It is the aspects -- these angles -- planets make between themselves, either between planets in the sky or between planet positions in the sky ... Views: 1158
You may know "astrology" through the pop-culture categories of dime-store booklets or through reading your daily horoscope in the newspaper. These are supposedly the descriptions of who you are and what's going to happen to you today based on some mysterious elements at work in the sky and ... Views: 987
Leos! As a group they strut and fret their hours onstage -- for the amusement and bemusement of the rest of us. And they are always uniquely themselves. In everyday life, sometimes you just gotta love 'em. Other times you just want to strangle them. They don't seem able to walk much of a middle ... Views: 1185
A Leo soul is a true showman, celestial royalty, the undeniable star of the Zodiac. He can be a delightful mix of youthful exuberance, playfulness, enthusiasm and joy ... like a real-life Peter Pan, the kid who refuses to grow up. He can be an inspiring leader ... able to rally followers and ... Views: 9643
Life is about energy. Everything ... living or not, material or not ... contains energy. You, as a living human being, are certainly complex cluster of energy. Everything you know and can possibly comprehend also contains its own special kind of energy ... including the rocks you walk on and the ... Views: 984
The Cancer Character
The Fourth Sign of the Zodiac
by Rebecca Brents
Cancers are spirits of emotions and moods. Their feelings -- and inconsistencies -- the shifting climates of their inner world form the landscape where they live. Cancers have a mood for every occasion. Feelings count with ... Views: 11139
Mercury Retrograde
by Rebecca Brents
When Mercury is retrograde (Mercury Rx -- in shorthand), it is a time of rethinking, refocusing and re-communicating. Metaphorically, Mercury represents your use of intellectual energy; your mental focus; the application of your mind's assets; your ability ... Views: 1152
The Key to Your Character
The Code in the Stars
by Rebecca Brents
Part 3
Understanding the metaphors of Astrology as they apply to you is one of the best, most efficient, ways I know to accomplish what can almost amount to a miracle of rebirth into being the person you were meant to be. Because ... Views: 969
The Key to Your Character
The Code in the Stars
Rebecca Brents
Astrology uses the positions of the eight known planets, not including the earth, plus the positions of the Sun and the Moon to "describe" the cycles of experience, the stages of evolving energy, that were operating, that had "come ... Views: 1021
Gemini is one of the Zodiac's most intellectual signs. Reading, writing, learning, talking, sharing viewpoints and opinions, gathering facts and data, communicating in all the ways you can imagine is what Gemini is all about.
Geminis love words ... and jokes, and puns. They love odd pieces of ... Views: 10913
When people ask why I believe in astrology, I answer, "Because astrology works."
Long ago I proved to myself that I could look at a person's horoscope and know without question very explicit and observable things about his or her character. And because I also knew the current planetary ... Views: 982
The Taurus Character
The Second Sign of the Zodiac
By Rebecca Brents
Want some words to describe Taurus? How about "laid back" and "easy going?" Taurus likes to mellow out, take life at a measured stride and on its own time schedule. What can I say? Taurus believes in conserving physical ... Views: 10426
It is important to purge negative energies and recharge positive ones in your stone and mineral allies if you use these tools in your visualization and inner work. Clearing your stones periodically dispels negativity that has built up either in a stone's history or through past work it has done ... Views: 1020
Three central ideas provide the essential platform that support all the rest of feng shui's concepts and principles. These ideas involve Chi, the "stuff," the dynamic energy that flows through and is part of absolutely everything ... animate and inanimate, tangible and intangible. It's like one ... Views: 972
Three central ideas provide the essential platform that support all the rest of feng shui's concepts and principles. These ideas involve Chi, the "stuff," the dynamic energy that flows through and is part of absolutely everything ... animate and inanimate, tangible and intangible. It's like one ... Views: 976
On the One Hand -- And on the Other
Making Decisions You Can Live With
by Rebecca Brents
The consequences of a bad decision can range from inconvenience, wasted time, embarrassment, and wasted money ... to the truly catastrophic -- the loss of something valuable and irreplaceable, even the loss ... Views: 1060
Physicists have been saying for decades, maybe centuries, and mystics for eons that everything is made of energy. It's one thing to learn that fact as a kid so you can spit it back on a science exam. It's another thing to accept it intellectually.
It's something very profound and different, ... Views: 1326
Astrology provides an interesting roadmap that can help you "decode" some of the mysteries of your life, your relationships, other people, your individual pasts, your unfolding future, and your personal destiny. If you look at that list carefully, you'll see a tremendous wealth of material ... Views: 1012
In Astrology, the Sun represents your basic personality, the central cluster of traits and interests, strengths and personal issues that color and influence the various other parts of your character -- the inner selves and different roles described by the nine other planets in your horoscope. ... Views: 1017
The Moon has a mystique all its own. It is often associated with secrecy and mystery ... and is associated with strange, uncanny powers. It evokes a peculiar range of responses in cultures everywhere, from curiosity and wonder, to romance and affection, to awe and dread. In legend (and the lore ... Views: 1194
What's Your Favorite Color ... Today?
Making Color an Ally in Your Life
By Rebecca Brents
I have known for years that color affected me. If the colors I'm wearing don't fit my mood, life and I are out of synch somehow. Now it seems physicists, mystics, and healers ... strange allies in our ... Views: 1034
The short answer is: Your Sun sign describes your basic ego, your Moon sign describes your emotional inner self, and your Ascendant describes the facade you show the rest of the world.
Want to know more? Read on.
Your Sun Sign
From these three components, an astrologer can develop a thumbnail ... Views: 36262