Are you concerned that you or someone you love might be suffering from an eating disorder? Eating disorders are serious and lengthly debilitating illnesses. Studies in Australia found that the average duration of bulimia is 5 years, and 8 years for anorexia. The quicker that one gets help for ... Views: 1509
In the current Western world dieting and weight are topics of great popularity -you only need look at the magazine stands of any supermarket to find that most front covers are permeated with dieting tricks, weight loss plans, celebrities who have gained or lost weight; many people find ... Views: 1498
If you relate to the following, you may indeed be a perfectionist:
You are very critical of yourself
You are afraid of making mistakes
You think in terms of ‘black and white’
You continually need approval from others
You set unattainable goals for yourself
You find it hard to ... Views: 1571
Biological Connections in Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are not to be taken lightly - 20% of anorexia sufferers lose their lives to their eating disorder, its important to remember these are very serious illnesses which pose a great risk.
Many people believe that eating disorders are ... Views: 1215