I often compare my vision of the life I desire, and every aspect of that desire down to my daily lifestyle; such as how much do I travel? What do my relationships look like? Do I make solid and life-altering connections with people I meet? What are my financial resources, love, everything and ... Views: 1776
The Holidays is such a special time for me. It is all about the light of joy in my heart and my desire is to share that light with others. This time of year I start thinking about what I accomplished this past year, and what I want next year to look like. I start plotting and planning what I ... Views: 1689
Fall means to me a new beginning and a fresh start. The turning leaves, the crisp air, seeing the children head back to school, getting focused and back to a full work week all creates in me a sense of bitter sweet. I am sad to see the lazy days of summer pass, the chill in the air signaling ... Views: 1319
I love Thanksgiving. I mean I really LOVE Thanksgiving. I love that it is a holiday purely about stopping everything to give thanks for our lives, our blessings, the food on the table and the people in our lives. It is a time to feel grateful and give thanks to the universe, and the Creator for ... Views: 1761
When I was growing up, my mother drilled in me to forgive and forget. She believed that holding on to anger and resentment only hurts me, tightens my body, hurts my heart, and the other person doesn’t know that I’m still angry or feel a thing. My mother used to say, “Carolyn, always forgive ... Views: 1183
I have recently been experiencing living in “Flow,” and I have to say, I have been amazed how much my life has improved, my attitude has shifted to being optimistic, relaxed, and happy. By being in Flow, I am attracting more positive experiences, higher level of connections with others and ... Views: 1006
I’m over the moon that it is spring! The tulips are blooming and the cherry blossoms are getting ready to show us all their pink glorious splendor. The Earth starts revealing herself to the world after a long winter slumber. For me, spring is a chance to get outside into nature and soak it in. ... Views: 1242
Life to me is about living fully, all out. It is about moving one day at a time, one action at a time toward my dreams. It is about being happy, healthy, and comfortable in my body, cultivating freedom in my day and my life. It is about a life of service to others and using my gifts. It was ... Views: 1094
What would your life be like if you trusted yourself and the Universe to deliver completely on your hopes and dreams? What would you feel like? What would you be like and act like out in the world? Would you take more risks? Be bolder? Would you follow your dreams with more determination and ... Views: 1348
Is Sedona calling to you? Is it whispering to you? Is your heart longing to go to see the sunlight reflecting on the Red Rocks? Are you being gently nudged to experience the transformative energy of the vortexes? I know for me, Sedona is a place I long for in my heart and soul. I visit as ... Views: 1224
What does New Years mean to you? Is it just another day? What emotions come up? Does the mere thought of the New Year bring you to tears or does it make you feel hopeful, excited and happy? Are you so excited to make your New Year’s resolutions and go after your dreams? Are you all pumped up to ... Views: 1652
What does New Years mean to you? Is it just another day? What emotions come up? Does the mere thought of the New Year bring you to tears or does it make you feel hopeful, excited and happy? Are you so excited to make your New Year’s resolutions and go after your dreams? Are you all pumped up to ... Views: 2779
How do you feel when it is the Holidays? Are you excited? Ready to decorate, bake, and buy presents? Or are you dreading it? Are you feeling like "Oh boy, another year already?" Are you grieving a recent loss and can't imagine how you are going to make it through the December and the holidays, ... Views: 1070
Do you even wonder what is Sedona Arizona really? It is definitely a city in Arizona, that is an hour and a half north of Phoenix in the United States of America. It is known for its majestic red rocks, white sandstones, and the amazing energy vortexes. However, it is also is a a place that ... Views: 1085
What if you were happy all the time? I bet you started laughing at the thought! How great would you life be if you could be happy every day from this day forward? Can you picture it? I sure can! What fun I would have! May favorite pose in Yoga is the Happy Baby pose! How can you not be happy ... Views: 1331