As a multi-VA business owner, I’ve hired a lot of VA’s over the years.
At the same time, I’ve been hired as a VA and later, as an OBM many, many times.
So I’ve learned a few things about how to hire and how not to hire VA’s. Here are my top 7 tips so that you don’t have to make the ... Views: 1481
Many business owners assume when they are starting out that a VA (Virtual Assistant) is a VA. But actually, there are several different specialties within the VA industry.
Hiring the right type of VA
for your unique needs means they handle work more efficiently, saving you time and money, ... Views: 1256
Today, I want to go into more detail about how to set one up that’s going to increase your sales and be easy to maintain.
Let’s get started.
1. Opt In – We’ll start with someone subscribing to your list. This is one you’ve probably got covered already. If you have any kind of freebie ... Views: 1326
If you’re like most of the small business owners I work with, the marketing emails you send take up a lot of your time. They’re worth it because they drive traffic to your landing and sales pages that lead to increased income, but they can be complicated and time-consuming.
However, there are ... Views: 1441
Taking things off your plate can be hard.
You want your work to be excellent, and you’ve probably been burned before by VA’s or employees who don’t even come close to meeting your standards.
So if you’re like a lot of business owners, you have a usual excuse for why you hold certain ... Views: 1433
I’ll be honest, I’m always a little skeptical of the latest and greatest trends, especially on social media. So I’m not going to be one of those experts who tells you, “You just HAVE TO get on Periscope!”
Maybe it could be great for you. Maybe not. But I’ve talked to several business owners ... Views: 1108
Happy New Year!
January is a great time to take a good look at what worked in the past year, what didn’t, and what you want to do differently in the year to come.
I’ve got lots of exciting things coming down the pike for my business, but there are always areas that I could improve in too. ... Views: 1480
Today, I want to make things easy for you. (Actually, I want to make things easy for you everyday. That’s my job!) I know how much you must have going on right now, so I’m sharing 20 easy-to-swallow tips for leading your business to success in 2016.
1. Never stop learning and investing in ... Views: 1383
Being an entrepreneur is hard enough already. Add to that the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the end of the year for your small business, and you’ve got a recipe for stress.
Even worse, many of us unconsciously keep work habits that make everything more difficult. So make sure you’re ... Views: 1478
Being an entrepreneur is hard enough already. Add to that the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the end of the year for your small business, and you’ve got a recipe for stress.
Even worse, many of us unconsciously keep work habits that make everything more difficult. So make sure you’re ... Views: 1478
At this time of year, especially, marketing your business is easily the first thing to go when you have a full day with lots of tasks that just can’t wait. But it is possible to efficiently market your business to the right people without it taking all of your time.
So here are the 7 best ... Views: 1729
There’s only one month left in 2015. So I’ve put together a list of my top 20 ways to manage your time, get it all done, and stay on track without getting overwhelmed between now and New Year’s.
1. Slow down and focus on one thing at a time. Multi-tasking isn’t going to get it done faster ... Views: 1162
How many podcasts did you listen to at the beginning of 2015? How many are you listening to now? I know for me, it’s at least doubled.
Podcasts are exploding, and for good reason. They have the ability to…
* Laser target your perfect audience
* Develop a relationship with them where ... Views: 1216
By now, you’ve heard that you should have a sophisticated marketing funnel firmly in place. But for many business owners, that advice is like hearing you should floss twice daily. It sounds good in theory, but it’s not quite there in practice.
There’s a good reason for that. Developing a ... Views: 967
I know legal stuff sounds pretty boring and dry, right? But consider the consequences… lawsuits, your products stolen from you without any laws being broken, fines and penalties, and higher taxes. Now do I have your full attention?
It’s important you know these basics as a business owner. ... Views: 1330
Are you ready for everything the next few months is bringing your way?
The holidays, the end of the calendar year (and fiscal year for many of us), school wrapping up for our kids, the parties, the shopping, the cooking… and trying to get work done in there somewhere. Whew! It’s exhausting ... Views: 1389
If your to-do list feels endless and you’re drowning in work, you’re not alone. So many of us as small business owners feel that way. And yet often, we don’t seek support because the perception is that it eats away at our profits.
I see over and over again with my clients that the opposite is ... Views: 1549
This is the perfect time of year to think about goals – goals you’ve accomplished so far in 2015, goals you still want to meet before the year ends, and goals you start setting for 2016.
There are the 3 determinations to figure out what your goals are and whether or not you are meeting ... Views: 1256
Over the years, I’ve seen so many entrepreneurs fall into the same traps of running telesummits. They usually swear them off, declaring, “I’m never doing one of these again!” …Right up until they see the hundreds and hundreds of new email addresses on their lists as a direct result of the ... Views: 1258
For many of us as business owners, we feel unprepared for the leadership roles we find ourselves in. Perhaps you wanted to grow a small empire, and maybe you had management experience previously in your career, and yet I talk to so many entrepreneurs who still don’t feel confident about their ... Views: 1499
Do you have to run and get your phone if you leave it in another room?
Do you check Facebook so often there are hardly any new posts since the last time you checked (half an hour ago)?
Does your email inbox run your life, with notifications popping up and grabbing your attention every time ... Views: 1090
Every once in a while, I’ll find that I’m making myself nuts over everything there is to get done in a day. Ever feel that way?
As entrepreneurs, there’s a lot to do, and once you pile family, friends and community on top, it’s easy to feel like the to do list is going to smother ... Views: 1302
Hiring mistakes can cost you a lot of time and money, even if you’re only hiring contract-based virtual assistants.
These common hiring mistakes apply from your first VA all the way to your team with lots of full time employees.
1. Their Job Descriptions Aren’t Clear – If you want them ... Views: 1361
There are less than 4 months left in 2015, but that gives you plenty of time to meet and exceed your revenue goals for the year, if you’re smart about it.
These four ideas will turn up your sales volume before New Year’s…
1. Find the money sweet spot.
Ever heard of the hedgehog ... Views: 1241
The latest trend among entrepreneurs for fast list growth is starting to eat away at the popularity of the traditional telesummit.
It’s the giveaway summit, and you might remember that I offered one a few months ago.
They’re win-win-win scenarios for your fans, partners and your business, ... Views: 872
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been counting the days until your kids are back in school. School has started back up around here and I must say, it’s nice to have peace and quiet again! I love my kids, but I’m more productive when school is in session.
However, school starting always ... Views: 1255
I remember the moment I realized I needed to grow my team from being a solopreneur to a multi-VA company.
It was clear as day that I needed to expand, and yet, I was scared to death to pull the trigger and hire my first contractor.
Did I really need another person? How would I ensure the ... Views: 1324
If you wonder where your time goes, how you don’t get more done each day, or how to fit in everything there is to do, your time management style might be hurting your ability to be productive.
It helps to do a time audit, where you find out what you’re doing at all times for a few days so you ... Views: 1086
Every day I talk to entrepreneurs who are interested in hiring a virtual assistant (VA) or an online business manager (OBM). So over the years, I’ve heard it all – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
If there’s one thing I’ve heard over and over again, it’s this…
“I need someone to take ... Views: 1246
You may have heard that podcasting is the next big thing – the way to grow your business, a new mechanism to make money, and a different medium to connect with a whole new audience.
But if you’re anything like me, you’re wondering… “How am I going to build an audience for a podcast? I’m not ... Views: 940
Whether you have a large, full time staff or one full time employee and then a number of contractors or other types of team members, you still do a lot of managing, delegating, and serving as a leader.
Even if you’re a true solopreneur, you need leadership skills to keep yourself motivated ... Views: 1086
I get a lot of questions about what makes an online business manager different than a virtual assistant. You might have wondered about this yourself… Which one is better? What are the advantages of each? Who should I hire?
So today, I’m putting them head to head, outlining what each of them ... Views: 1133
I’m sure I’m not the first person to tell you to test, test, test. It’s really easy to say, but the fact is, not enough of us are actually doing it.
I’m guilty myself too. I split test email subject lines and changes on landing pages here and there, but there’s a ton I could be testing that I ... Views: 1169
Like we talked about last week, summer is the hardest time to keep the productivity train moving, when there are so many better things to do with your time – splashing in the pool, chasing after the ice cream truck, and late nights outside, just to name a few.
So today, I’m sharing 10 of my ... Views: 1226
The kids are out of school. Vacations are being planned. The air conditioning is on full blast. And productivity is… not what it was a few weeks ago.
Can you identify?
It’s hard to stay productive during the summer, when you not only have a lot going on, you also have more fun things to do ... Views: 1603
It’s tried, true, and tested. Writing consistently on your blog is one of the best ways to…
Increase audience engagement and your own authority
Grow a bigger following through SEO and list growth
Sell more products and services (cha-ching!)
However, that’s easier said than ... Views: 1043
How many times a week do you find yourself saying something like this? “Things are good. I’m just so busy. There aren’t enough hours in the day.”
Part of the crazy life of being an entrepreneur is learning to feel good about being busy, to not stress out over being busy, and to thrive when ... Views: 1218
If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a hundred times… lady on phone
“Telesummits don’t work for me.”
“I’ve tried it. It didn’t grow my list. Products didn’t sell. Speakers were unhappy,” and on and on.
Here’s my response…
That’s because you didn’t do it right.
I don’t mean to be ... Views: 1108
I’ve been hearing rumors that telesummits are dying, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The model is changing, but there’s never been a better way to boost your list building than hosting a telesummit.
Since there are so many moving parts involved in putting together a telesummit, ... Views: 1874
As busy entrepreneurs we juggle a lot of balls. Client requests, team member demands, family demands…the list goes on and on and on.
When you have so many balls in the air, eventually you’re going to drop one. It happened to me today. I received an email from a client asking me if I sent a ... Views: 1462
Working as a virtual assistant for the past seven years, I’ve worked with a wide variety of clients. Different industries, personalities and managing skills can either make for a good relationship or a bad one.
Having a team of my own, also allows me the opportunity to see things through the ... Views: 3219
Being an entrepreneur is an amazing journey. At some point in this journey, you’re going to need a team. Your industry, size of business and future goals will determine what kind of key players you need on your team.
Now when I say team, I don’t mean a dozen full-time staff members or ... Views: 1494
3 Simple Tips for Highly Effective Email Organization
In this day and age, we tend to let our emails control us instead of us controlling our emails.
Here are 3 tips to help you get your email back under control.
1. Folders – folders allow us to organize our email for easy finding. My ... Views: 2109