We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Goal Setting". If you have expertise in Goal Setting and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Let us declare individually, as well as collectively, the year 2018 as the YEAR OF HAPPINESS for all human beings living on the Planet Earth. I believe that anyone, living in any part of the world, has the right to be happy and enjoy every moment of his/her life. Our one point agenda this year ... Views: 1116
Most people look at the beginning of the year as a chance to change their lives, However, I have seen that at least 50% of those who establish New Year’s Resolutions or Big Goals for the New Year fail.
Reasons are that people are putting so much pressure on themselves to make New Year’s ... Views: 1248
In order to prioritize your goals, you'll need to have a good understanding of what you need to be happy in your life.
There are typically four areas in which most people make goals:
1. Family Spending more time with your kids or partner
2. Financial Saving toward your six month ... Views: 1873
Investing into a franchise is not a minor or light decision, it often requires a large about of investment other than financially to be a success, including your time and resources.
You must make sure when making this decision that you fully understand what a franchise is and what franchise ... Views: 1022
If you think about the word commitment, what comes up for you? Does it sound like a chore or a burden, or perhaps something that you have to do instead of want to do? Well, committing to positive actions is different.
When you commit yourself to positive actions, guess what! You gain all the ... Views: 1837
Reason 1: The Cost For That Resume Is Substantial
Unless you learn how to make a resume , it will certainly cost you bunches of cash for an ability that you actually need to understand first-hand. With the appropriate referral products, the basics of resume cover letter examples creating can ... Views: 1027
Brendon Burchard reminds us in his new book High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way, that with the right habits, anyone can dramatically improve results and become a high performer in almost any chosen field. He writes:
“High performance is not strongly correlated ... Views: 1769
Making your resume for the first time can be a worrisome task for anyone, but believe it or not, resume writing is not as difficult as it is made out to be. Learning how to make a resume for your very first job is very easy. You need to know and understand that your resume is going to create ... Views: 1442
Remember those New Year’s resolutions you made 10 months ago? Chances are that for most part, you: a) don’t remember them b) wish you didn’t remember them c) regret making them d) are feeling guilty about not living up to them. If you are among the blessed few who actually accomplish all their ... Views: 1241
The future belongs to those who believe in dreams.
—ELEANOR ROOSEVELT, humanitarian and diplomat
A tiny speck appears on the horizon. It’s hard to see. It begins to move closer and closer. It looks like a shapeless blob, but as it moves closer, it starts to take form. The form becomes ... Views: 1605
Investments in real estate are basically classified as long term investments. Investing in real estate abroad could potentially become a source of alternative revenue for some investors; it is a good retirement plan.
You might have become familiar with the processes for real estate ... Views: 1455
It's "back to school" season and for some people, that means freshman year at high school, college, or university level. If this applies to you, then one of the things that you'll be needing for sure is a laptop. Laptops come in various types and for various purposes so we'll be looking at a ... Views: 1263
Over many years of speaking on the power of the mind and creativity I searched for the ideal metaphor to describe the conscious and subconscious. For a short period I used Plato’s imagery in Phaedrus, in which Socrates refers to our conscious, rational self as a charioteer who is holding on to ... Views: 1682
Many people do take their time management skills seriously and what generally happens is that they do not accomplish their goals when they need to. Managing time is a very important skill that not only has to be developed but instituted as a routine discipline otherwise you will always fall ... Views: 1809
When I think of a spiritual retreat, I imagine a lot of meditation, quiet walks, no computers or media, listening to gentle music, and withdrawing from the busyness of the world. Several weeks ago, Barry left for eight days to raft the Owyhee River in very remote Southeast Oregon. He had wanted ... Views: 1537
Escape room games physical games in which people actually are trapped in a room and they have to solve puzzles and mysteries to get out of it. The first escape room game opened in Kyoto, Japan in 2008, and these physical adventure games began popping up all over Asia, and eventually, the U.S. By ... Views: 1304
Life is a beautiful gift of God. It is quite possible to live an ideal life in line with your dreams and desires. You can make your life more meaningful, more enjoyable, more fulfilling and more worthy of living by working on the following four points. These points cover all aspects of a ... Views: 1042
It’s not easy trying to figure out how to plan one’s life; before you know it, five years have gone by in a flash. And in a moment, 10 more will pass.
How can we stop an influx of time that just keeps going whether we are on board or not? We can’t!
But living with the linear frienemy ... Views: 1139
5 Bad Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Business Goals
Early on in my career as an entrepreneur I quickly realized that habits had a huge impact on my results. And boy oh boy are there a lot of bad habits that sabotage results.
For some, it’s just not knowing any better. For others, ... Views: 1072
It is often easy to forget exactly how important setting goals is to self improvement. We can have lofty ambitions for changing or improving who we are, but if we don’t begin the journey with one step as Confucius once said and then break it down into smaller plans, the journey might begin to ... Views: 1712
How well do you set goals to fit reality? Because I find that I’m often enthusiastic when today’s goals fit me well! Because the reality right now is that I’m facing big challenges.
For me, I set goals based on what really fits this phase of my life. I adjust frequently. Especially during ... Views: 1111
Babies smile - a lot. Beauty queens smile - on cue. Winners smile – most of the time, in between all that jumping and high-fiving. Smiles are a way of expressing our happiness, our joy, our pride, our gratitude.
More than that, smiles are a way of connecting, of saying – without words – I’m ... Views: 1393
The rainy day blues tends to keep people cooped up and wishing for the sun. However, rainy days don't have to be all gloom and laziness. With a little planning and prep, these days can actually turn into one of the most productive days of the year! Here are a few things you can work on next time ... Views: 1166
Journaling The year is almost half over. Are you using your Goal Achievement Journal. If not, why not? Don’t you want to achieve your goals this year.
Many of you know how long it took me to design and redesign this journal to make sure it would assist you in achieving your goals. It ... Views: 1919
“So, where do you see yourself in five years?” We’ve all heard that one before. It is an existential black hole of a potentially soul-draining question. Yet it has become a staple of every job interview. And if you’re like anybody else, the answer to the question usually lies in an empty blank ... Views: 1247
Sometimes in life, often without realizing, we can lose focus of our dreams or become too engrossed in the world out there. We find ourselves lost, our identity forgotten until one day we realize how far we have strayed.
It is very easy to let yourself go, lose focus and lose determination. ... Views: 1377
Do Old School Marketing Strategies Still Work for Your Business?
Online marketing may be taking the world by storm, but marketers looking for a change should look to old school marketing. Many are looking past old school marketing strategy objectives because of the increasing need to be ... Views: 1476
It is a recognized reality that our minds, even more especially our subconscious minds, regulate our lives. We are exactly what we believe or think. Research study has actually revealed that there is a mind-body link which the mind could even assist us in conquering illnesses.
There are ... Views: 2137
Many organizations see time management training as something they’ll spend their money on, only if they have to. Usually the first thing a company will do to satisfy their budget will be to cut back on or eliminate their training needs, but this is not something that they cannot a really afford ... Views: 4122
Drag your thoughts away from your troubles...
by the ears, by the heels, or any other way you can manage it.
- Mark Twain
Catastrophic thinking is the imagination run amuck, worry heightened to the power of ten. It happens when we allow our emotions to dictate how and what we think. It ... Views: 1793
Did you make a New Year's resolution a few months back? If so, how is it working out for you? If you already achieved it or are well on your way, congratulations! If you're like many folks, though, it's possible that you have already forgotten about your resolution, but don't be discouraged. You ... Views: 1268
At last the very word “GO!!!” this is the athlete’s favorite word because in all preparations, and alertness, he cannot start the race without the “GO” signal, he cannot start the race if the command has not been given.
The ‘GO’ command ushers you into ... Views: 1340
Goal setting doesn't work. OK, so that’s a pretty bold statement. We’re taught to set goals. Goals arise from our desires and give us a direction and a destination.
The question is, why do so many people fail at achieving their goals? When I was in direct sales I was taught to aim high so ... Views: 1503
Five ways to be ahead of time.
One of the greatest assets in life is time, one of the greatest delusions in life is still time and one one of the greatest illusions in life is time.
The world is regulated by time, as far as life on earth is concerned, it is timed, and every aspect of ... Views: 1645
What is your biggest Dream?
Everyone has a dream, what is yours? There are many successful people out there who are living their dream and loving all life has to offer. Their relationships, career, health, stamina, are all in positive alignment. Part of the reason for this is their belief in ... Views: 1621
Caesar, not as in “Caesar’s Palace” in Las Vegas, but Caesar, as in Julius Caesar, the man, was truly an amazing individual. If he were alive today, I sincerely believe he’d be the most successful man on the planet, for one simple reason: the dude had incredible follow-through. Whatever he ... Views: 1433
Anyone who works out regularly dreads this time of year. On January 2nd, gyms around the world are going to be crowded 24/7 with people who made a New Year’s resolution to get a six-pack.
Fortunately, they’ll all be gone in two weeks.
It’s a statistical fact that over 90% of New Year’s ... Views: 1091
The year ended and some of us reflected back on 2016. How did it go? Did you enjoy your work, make progress and achieve some of your goals?
If not, you are not alone. We all face moments when we lose inspiration and excitement for what we do. Your work becomes boring or routine or daily tasks ... Views: 1387
Like anything else, fashion trends change, and keeping in style is vital to social interaction. After all, your clothes say quite a bit about who you are and how you feel about yourself. When you're hoping to make an impression in the job market, what you wear can potentially make or break those ... Views: 2389
As we embark on a new year, it is only natural for most of us to be somewhat introspective and to do our own personal "year-in-review." We evaluate our successes, what we might do differently and hopefully what we learned. We assess where we are and what we want to create by asking ourselves ... Views: 1227
As I often do, I heard words in my head this morning. Thankfully, if Why Settle for Mediocrity with Michigan Psychic Medium Lisa Boussonyou’ve been following me you know I’m intuitive, so you’re aware that it’s spirit talking to me.
I’m out of town this morning and while sitting at my ... Views: 1305
We only get a measly 24 hours in a day, but some people manage to capitalize on all 86,400 seconds. Take Leonardo da Vinci, for example. One doesn’t simply paint the “Mona Lisa,” design myriad futuristic inventions, and become an expert in science and mathematics all in one lifetime without ... Views: 2384
You may be whatever you resolve to be.
Determine to be something in the world, and you will be something.
“I cannot” never accomplished anything; “I will do” has wrought wonders.
-George Gissing – English novelist and teacher
How many times have you broken your New Year’s ... Views: 1559
Looking back at last year, I am reflecting on those things that have been helpful for me to achieve success, meet and exceed my goals. I came up with the following six key areas in my life and I would love to hear from you about the things that have been most helpful for your development, ... Views: 1600
There are a number of reasons why resolutions fail—overly ambitious targets, peer pressure, no measures and most importantly, no real sustainable changes in behavior. But there are some secrets to resolutions that actually work. The most important one is whether they lead to you becoming more ... Views: 1297
It is with enormous enthusiasm that I write the first newsletter of 2017. I am excited about welcoming the start of a new year and standing with you in a place of unlimited possibilities and the promise of creating an off-the-charts year! There is no time like the present for us all to declare ... Views: 1099
Your mind is not designed to get results. It is just neutral energy which works in the direction that you want it to.
For example, if you channelize positive energy your mind makes everything else work and when you lose control of ... Views: 1678
This is a tremendously powerful time of year -- a time when the universe is moving all of us in an exciting and positive direction, a time when everyone, whether they know it or not, is looking to complete the past and move into a new future. 2017 offers all of us a new beginning!
We're ... Views: 1053
Personal empowerment is seeking the solution rather than fixating on the problem.
Personal empowerment is taking control of our own life, setting goals, and making positive choices.
Personal empowerment is a collection of beliefs, actions and skills all working together to help you live a ... Views: 1040
Unless you aren’t human(I think most of us are), you encounter distractions from time to time that minimize your effectiveness in getting your work done.
The internet is especially disruptive with email, messages, status updates, friend requests and more. Distractions also include your ... Views: 1095