You want to build a profitable and easily sustainable business that provides the income and freedom you desire as a successful entrepreneur, right?
Of course you do!
As a business owner who cares, you're passionate about what you do. You love working with your clients and they love working ... Views: 1382
Countless studies show the positive effects of meditation on your life. Then why, I ask, do so few practice it on a daily basis?
Meditation balances your physical, emotional, and mental states. It allows your body to de-stress, and if done in the morning, sets a focused, peaceful tone for ... Views: 1432
This year just has to be better than last year, right? But how do you start?
You know you're destined to build your business and yet... you have doubts that you can make things happen. You aren't sure what needs to change. Or where to start.
I know how that is. I hear it from my clients ... Views: 1424
The three Cs are key to growing and building your business. No, one of them isn't cash (although you'll find it's a happy result).
The three Cs I'm talking about are Community, Collaboration, and Celebration. Without these, you'll find yourself out there in the vast land of entrepreneurs, ... Views: 1291
I don't know of a single entrepreneur who started their business because they said to themselves, "Oh goodie, I love marketing and can't wait to start spending time, energy, and money on marketing for my business!"
Do you?
Maybe you're one of the rare ones who relish marketing. But it's ... Views: 1269
So, here I am, feeling harried, feeling stressed, and rushing from one task to another.
Ever feel that way?
You know, the tyranny of our tasks. Gotta get 'em done so I can relax. Gotta get 'em done so I can get onto "the good stuff" in life.
There's so much to be done. There are ... Views: 1191
"The economy is in a slump."
"People aren't spending money on services."
You hear this, and more, every day. Sigh.
No wonder entrepreneurs lose sleep worrying about their financial future.
It can make you crazy, can't it?
But is this the only way to think? Do we need to 'buy into' ... Views: 1623
What does my intuition have to say?
When was the last time you asked yourself that?
If it's been awhile (or never), I encourage you to pause a minute and ask yourself, "Why haven't I?"
Your intuition is your inner voice, your own North Star.
It's there. But you need to be willing to ... Views: 1581
Too much "stuff" never brings us happiness.
It actually weighs us down.
It keeps us stuck. Rooted right where we are.
If you feel really stuck, really weighed down, I suggest that you look around your home.
Do you have "stuff" everywhere you look? Are your cabinets and closets and ... Views: 1325
If you've ever watched any of the Olympics, you saw plenty of high-caliber, legends-in-the-making athletes.
So how DO you become an Olympic legend - or in our case, an Olympic entrepreneur?
I think it all begins and ends with your choices.
In fact, it really boils down to making ... Views: 1344
Yep, that's right. Dive right in!
Dont just dip your toe in the water and then shrink away when it feels chilly.
The way to do it is to dive right in!
And what happens once you're in?
The water's not so chilly. You're splashing around and having fun. And the next thing you ... Views: 1697
Stress happens.
Sometimes you just can't avoid a stressful day or week (or longer period) in your life.
Stress happens despite the best of plans.
Stress happens because it's part of life.
We're bombarded with stress-reduction advice.
Yes, we're bombarded with messages from all ... Views: 1516
Happy New Year! I hope you've had a wonderful holiday season; I know I have. It's been overflowing with vacations, friends, family, and some much needed down time. But now that the New Year is upon us, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite ways of ringing it in to ensure you elevate ... Views: 1295
As we're closing out this year and welcoming a new one, I want to talk to you a little bit about the importance of renewal.
Each year is a clean slate.
Each day is a fresh start.
So let's take advantage of that, shall we? It's time to incorporate some revitalizing and renewal practices ... Views: 1397
A Business Challenge You Can't Avoid
I don't mean to start this off as a Debbie Downer, but a challenge you WILL face when starting your own business is finding ways to manage your emotions when experiencing both victory and defeat, positive and not-so-positive situations.
It is so easy to ... Views: 1211
I don't know about you, but for me thinking about "taking a holiday" from my business used to be an impossible thought.
It can feel like the pressure is ON full force. All the time. 24/7.
There is always more to be done when it comes to building my business.
There is always something ... Views: 1389
How often do you come across someone who immediately knows what their niche is? Not so surprisingly, most are confused about such a topic. First off, a niche is well defined as something that is best fitted to your personal interests and passions. Your passion may be to explore Egyptian ruins, ... Views: 1350
Knowing is Half the Battle
G.I. Joe was right. Once you know you're at the point that expansion is necessary, implementation can ensue. This decision is an important one. You have to gauge the perfect transition time because if growth happens too rapidly then you can incur overwhelming costs ... Views: 1029
Have you seen all the hype lately? And is it triggering you just a teeny tiny bit?
Have you gotten an email from some online entrepreneur about their brand new crazy-successful oh-so-irresistible program and thought to yourself, "What?! I could do that just as well as them – or even better!" ... Views: 1262
If Not, Here's How to Start
You may find yourself overwhelmed by mountains of things to do and just too little time to get it all done.
Don't worry, you’re not alone.
There are ways to tweak your normal routine to help make your time more efficient so that you and your business will ... Views: 1383
It can take a while to reach the point where your business is booming and you’ve got oodles and oodles of work to be distributed.
But once you reach that point, you'll want to be ready to hire quality team members who are as passionate about your business as you are and whose knowledge can ... Views: 1530
Do you feel like no matter how much of a success your business ends up being your efforts will never be good enough?
If so, you're not alone. And you may have what is referred to as Imposter Syndrome.
This syndrome is defined by having feelings of inadequacy that persist despite evidence ... Views: 1091
Attracting the right clients and opportunities for your business can seem like a tough task. It may feel like your ideal client is an elusive needle in a haystack. But the truth is that your ideal client is likely searching for exactly what you have to offer.
You don't need to be in ... Views: 1138
Oh yeah, you read that correctly. I love imperfection.
And while it hasn’t always been true for me in the past, it's an amazingly freeing and empowering development in my life.
I used to feel like I had to hide my imperfections or work until I got things "just right." But no more.
Don't ... Views: 1203
Are you holding your breath, hoping I'll reveal something that you don't already know?
Or maybe you're pretty sure that whatever I have to say won't be new, but you're curious to know just what "secret" I'm going to reveal?
Well, no matter. Here's the scoop on the secret to ... Views: 1205
Have you ever noticed how young children say what they think?
They tend to speak up and show us their real selves. They haven't been conditioned otherwise – at least not at that point.
But, ultimately, what have we learned as we're growing up?
To hide away our real selves in order to be ... Views: 1157
It's no secret, people like to be inspired, they want to hear advice from experts, and they crave guidance from those more successful than they, but they also connect to authenticity, and like knowing that you're a human being who experiences the ups and downs of life too.
They want you ... Views: 1263
You're at a point in your business where the majority of the day-to-day work falls to you, and it's rare that you assign tasks to someone else. Maybe there is no one else to assign tasks to.
You realize you're holding yourself back from expanding to the next level, but delegating feels like ... Views: 1359
Some days the brakes just won't release, am I right?
Nothing is more frustrating than knowing you have so much to do and not being able to do it. The first step to get out of the muck is to figure out what's really going on.
Why are you moving at a snail's pace or maybe not even moving at ... Views: 1271
As the caretaker of your business, it's up to you to feed it new ideas and fresh insights. But sometimes it feels like your well has run dry, and finding an inspiring idea is more difficult than squeezing water from a rock.
Which is why it's imperative to your mental health and the success of ... Views: 1418
We've All Been There, Done That
Staying on task in order to get things done is an important part of growing your business.
As the leader of your pack you must learn to overcome procrastination so that your team can follow in your footsteps and be highly productive on your behalf at all ... Views: 1077
I've got a bit of news for you.
That version of you, the previous one, the one you keep referencing, is old news.
If you're spending time reminiscing about who you were before, identifying with that version of yourself, then you are seriously limiting who you can become.
Who you were ... Views: 1123
I know it so well. That feeling of overwhelm.
Feeling like I'll never get it all done. Feeling like I have so much to do and not enough time to do it in.
Feeling pressured by all I want to accomplish and all that my life entails. Feeling like it never ends, no matter how efficient I ... Views: 1300
Do you feel like your life is hard – harder than it should be?
What if you could allow your life to get easier?
What would that look like? And feel like?
Let's start right now.
I invite you to take a few slow, deep breaths.
Just relax into it.
Wherever you are. Right now – just ... Views: 1269
Last week we talked about what a business coach is and what they can do for you and your business. You may have read it and thought, yeah that's nice, but Margie things are great and I'm growing at a steady clip.
So let me ask you this: How would you like to shorten the ... Views: 1140
Have you seen a boxing match, or maybe you remember the movie Rocky?
You know how the boxer always has a guy in the corner with him to towel him down, shoot water in his mouth, stop the bleeding, and give him tips on how to perform better out in the ring?
That guy? He's your business ... Views: 1367
As a successful business owner you want nothing more than to thrive by doing what you do best.
You want to be of service to your clients and to be valued for that. You want to see the fruits of your labor rewarded. You want to make a good living doing what you love.
Of course you do! I do, ... Views: 1306
Self-care and business success are like wind and a sailboat – individually they're all right, but together they make magic. You can have a moderately successful business and run yourself into the ground doing it. Or you can have a wildly successful business by taking care of yourself as you ... Views: 1098
Did you know that business owners who have a BIG vision and BIG goals are more likely to succeed in expanding their business? There is data to support the value of setting high goals for yourself in business. And that's exciting!
Because I believe that most of us as entrepreneurs DID ... Views: 1650
Most business owners excel at pitching their goods or services to prospective clients, once.
But, if that prospective client doesn't immediately shout a hearty YES from the rooftops, they walk away, head hung low, and the prospective client never hears from them again.
There is a ... Views: 1173
As entrepreneurs and business owners, we want our efforts to have a lasting impact. We want our businesses to withstand the test of time and be successful.
We want sustainability.
So what's the secret to lasting success? How and why do some businesses survive the ups and downs, weather the ... Views: 1196
True, we live in a digital world, but still nothing quite beats a face-to-face meeting. There's something about being able to look into another's eyes, read their body language, and feel their intention that solidifies relationships faster than any other approach.
Which is why I implore you ... Views: 1690
Sure, social media is viewed as a brain drain and time-sucker by hoards of people because they don't know how to use it. They focus on promote-promote-promote instead of providing value, and then wonder why they're not getting the results they're after.
There are countless tutorials, ... Views: 1126
Posting regular (and original) content is a veritable marketing gold mine for your business.
You have a blog, right?
You at least have a monthly newsletter, right?
If you don't, you have it on your to-do list, right?
If you don't, it's okay. For now.
Just breathe. Then read ... Views: 1165
Imagine this...
You're feeling very relaxed and refreshed. You've had a marvelous vacation filled with family and fun.
Your business has been in a holding pattern, just as you had planned.
You're ready to get back to work now that vacation has ended.
Are the kids back in school (or ... Views: 1221
Imagine this...
You're feeling very relaxed and refreshed. You've had a marvelous vacation filled with family and fun.
Your business has been in a holding pattern, just as you had planned.
You're ready to get back to work now that vacation has ended.
Are the kids back in school (or ... Views: 1221
Repeat after me, I lovingly receive.
Most of us spend the majority of our time building, creating, and dare I say pushing for results.
We forget the power of giving ourselves the time and space to receive. Some of us never learned how.
Think of the tides, their natural cycle is rise and ... Views: 2186
Want to change your life? Focus more on who you want to be than what you want to do.
You could visit every continent, tap dance at the Taj Mahal, dine with the Queen of England, run a million dollar business, and still be miserable. Or you could live in a small one-horse town, never leave, ... Views: 1211
Who is your Ideal Client?
Who do you want to work with?
You didn't launch your business to be a slave to the masses. You did it to preserve your choice.
But, time and again I see entrepreneurs trying to serve everyone. Big mistake. You can't do it, nor do you want to.
I hear the ... Views: 1240
Authenticity has never been out of business style, as it were, but it is certainly en vogue now. Everywhere you turn some business guru or marketing maven is telling you to be your most authentic self. And now, here I am, telling you it's essential to your business success that you are ... Views: 1681
You work with people, every business does. In fact there is not a single enterprise that does not depend on the contribution of people, but so few truly listen to their clients, their customers, the people they serve - the very people who keep them afloat.
So many people are concerned with ... Views: 2162