People frequently contact me to find out about my services and how they can advance in their life, at work or in their business, and how they can improve their athletic performance and their wellbeing.
In listening to them I continually see the same patterns over and over. Two of the areas ... Views: 995
Change Your Biological Computer Programming
Would you like to change and enhance your mental and physical wellbeing?
Would you like to improve your life and work?
I love what Dr. Joe Dispenza says about wanting to create a better life and have more success:
“We can’t create a new ... Views: 990
How do you define success?
According to Marissa Peer, “Success is not about making more money and having lots of status symbols, it’s about inner peace, liking yourself and being happy doing what inspires you.” Further, she defines, “Success is about making a contribution and accomplishing ... Views: 905
We are planting the seeds for our garden of life and business.
-Are you clear about what do you want to grow in your garden of life and business?
-What would your success seed look like?
-How would a seed that is blossoming as happiness, fitness and wellbeing look to you?
When you ... Views: 1074
In his Forbes article, “Why Feeling Uncomfortable Is The Key To Success,” Sujan Patel shares, “Routines may make you feel at ease and in control, but what a constant routine really does is dull your sensitivities. Think about the times in your life when you’ve driven the same route repeatedly: ... Views: 949
Many of you grew up with the belief that achieving success and making money necessitates hard work. Often, you believe you cannot achieve what you want without incredible efforts and reaching your goals is hard.
Today, let’s change that and look at The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by ... Views: 939
In previous newsletters, I shared with you two solutions to the two most common business problems that limit your business’ growth and success.
Today, we will look at Problem #3:
Mindset & Action
Business owners, leaders, entrepreneurs and network marketing professionals hire me to grow ... Views: 988
Kishore Bansal says, “We need deep cleansing of our thoughts on and often so that we can recharge our energy for our own health, happiness and purpose.”
There are several techniques to clear your mind AND in addition, it’s really powerful to clear your space.
Start the New Year strong with ... Views: 879
Reflecting back on the past year and looking ahead to 2019, I would like to share this quote with you:
“There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” ~ Ray ... Views: 1202
“There’s a small fly burning out the last of its short life’s energies in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of the windowpane. The whining wings tell the poignant story of the fly’s strategy — try harder.
But it’s not working.
The frenzied effort offers no hope for survival. ... Views: 1050
When an elephant baby is born in captivity, the owner uses a rope or chain to tie it to a tree or post so it cannot escape. Once the elephant is fully grown, it can still be tied with the same rope or chain and will not escape, as it believes it cannot. The elephant’s mind is conditioned to ... Views: 1056
Are You Afraid of Public Speaking?
You are not alone! Most people are terrified of public speaking but did you know there is something you can do about it? With practice, a mentor and a system everyone can become an incredible public speaker. One of the best ways to start is the ... Views: 1154
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Or are you frustrated because you have too many things going on and you don’t know where to start?
Many of my clients share with me they feel overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed because they have so much to do to keep their business going or keep up with their ... Views: 1429
When we are living our life to the fullest, it opens up like a flower – gradually, beautifully and unrestricted by external constraints.
Is your life energy flowing and blossoming?
Often times I see people putting external constraints onto their life such as:
-When my kid graduates from ... Views: 1110
The Message of Trees
Summer is here and many of us enjoy spending time in nature. I always love being around trees and wonder what messages they have for us. They seem to be so grounded and deeply rooted, with so much wisdom and strength. I love seeing them grow and love the shade and ... Views: 953
In my newsletter back on January 13, 2018 , I shared with you something near and dear to me – and it’s about YOU.
I asked you to:
Imagine 2018 is the year where you:
~Are inspired and passionate about pursuing your goals
~Don’t know if you’re at work or having fun because you enjoy what ... Views: 1011
I was recently interviewed on Facebook Live by the Rider Fitness – Riding Without Backpain community where I shared about the power of “Imagery” to decrease pain and improve performance. The concept of imagery is so mighty and it is used so successfully by high performing athletes, successful ... Views: 1659
Last week we held the Passion Test for Business , Level II, Consultant & Trainer certification course in Delray Beach, Florida with participants from New Zealand, Israel, Germany, Switzerland, Canada, Belgium and USA.
Our Business Consultants learned how to develop passion-based business ... Views: 1454
The only constant in life is change I was told many years ago. Change in both your personal and professional life is inevitable and can be energizing or frightening.
Many times, change happens “to you” versus you actively seeking out the change. This can be very stressful and ... Views: 1445
How would you score the following questions on a scale 1-10?
(1 – never at all ……… 10 – always the best it can be!)
Find out:
1. I am excited about my life and inspired by my work and leisure activities.
2. Others comment on how happy I am and what a joy it is to be around me.
3. I know ... Views: 1422
Three years ago, after a rewarding and successful career as a healthcare executive leading rehabilitation services and hospitals, I shifted my focus to follow my entrepreneurial spirit. Over the years, I had the opportunity to learn from the world’s best in the personal development area—mind, ... Views: 1440
Imagine 2018 is the year where you:
-Are inspired and passionate about pursuing your goals
-Don’t know if you’re at work or having fun because you enjoy what you are doing so much
-Wake up before your alarm clock with excitement to get started on your projects
If you have been working hard ... Views: 1202
Last week, Marion O’Connor was awarded her Gold Medal at the United States Dressage Federation Convention (USDF). I had the privilege of accompanying her to the glamorous USDF Award Ceremony and am so excited for her. Marion is an inspiration and a role model of hard work – with diligence and ... Views: 1258
How often have you doubted yourself? And how did it affect your life, work or business?
I can relate to this and until I learned to believe in myself and create a “success image” of myself, I was unable to neither use my full potential nor bring out the best in myself.
It may seem strange ... Views: 1460
Have you thought about what makes you unique? What are your “different colors” like the October leaves?
Many people try to fit in and do what others do instead of building on what makes them special to become all they are.
Since I started to integrate all I am – my skills, talents, ... Views: 1271
Brendon Burchard reminds us in his new book High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way, that with the right habits, anyone can dramatically improve results and become a high performer in almost any chosen field. He writes:
“High performance is not strongly correlated ... Views: 1768
When things don't go well, frustration with other people or with yourself often comes up and our mood goes downhill fast.
Have you had those days? Well, you are not alone.
While we cannot control other people and all situations, we can manage our own emotions and how to deal with things ... Views: 1619
Our unique skills and talents make us irresistible. Think about what you enjoy, are good at, what inspires you and what brings a smile to your face. Our passions are an indication of our skills and talents. Interestingly, when we admire and even envy someone, it’s just a sign that we have the ... Views: 1505
I recently came across this well written LinkedIn post, “Must read article on how our lives will change dramatically in 20 years” that is extremely fascinating. It is actually based on a Facebook post by Udo Gollub who went April 2016 to the SingularityU Germany Summit in Berlin. Singularity ... Views: 1408
If you manage employees, work with customers or deal with the ups and downs of relationships…you must have heard “you are not listening" or "you are not hearing me.” I bet it does not feel good and it most likely makes you more defensive.
Perhaps you read articles and received feedback about ... Views: 1209
Successful people like Richard Branson, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates are known to have tremendous passion, determination and a vision far beyond to see opportunities instead of limitations.
What is the secret to successful entrepreneurship? Is it passion? Vision or ... Views: 1269
Are you a charismatic leader or person?
Not only leaders, politicians and famous people but fathers, mothers, spouses, partners, friends and our children can be charismatic or have charismatic traits.
We know this because we are attracted to it. So, what attracts us to charismatic leaders ... Views: 1661
In March 2017 we achieved a milestone that built upon our 2016 work. During 2016 we successfully conducted two virtual Passion Test for Business, Part I, certification courses and in March 2017 we held our Part II course in sunny Fort Lauderdale, Florida. All courses together, we had ... Views: 1250
“Yes, has magic within it,” says Susie Moore in her Huffington Post article 9 Little Known Truths About the Power of Yes!
How often do you say yes or wish you had said yes? What is holding you back from saying yes? We often regret that we did not realize an opportunity, experience something ... Views: 1494
Qatar Airways, rated #1 in the world in 2015 and #2 in 2016, knows how to treat its customers, as do Emirates and Etihad, both UAE airlines, also at the top of the world’s best 100 Airlines.
The Top 100 Airlines of 2016
1. Emirates
2. Qatar Airways
3. Singapore Airlines
4. Cathay ... Views: 1483
What traits do individuals who help a company reach the next level have?
I have found that remarkable individuals who play a key role and make an impact have a vision. They are clear about what they want to accomplish and by when. Their vision is aligned with the company’s vision and they are ... Views: 1362
The year ended and some of us reflected back on 2016. How did it go? Did you enjoy your work, make progress and achieve some of your goals?
If not, you are not alone. We all face moments when we lose inspiration and excitement for what we do. Your work becomes boring or routine or daily tasks ... Views: 1387
Looking back at last year, I am reflecting on those things that have been helpful for me to achieve success, meet and exceed my goals. I came up with the following six key areas in my life and I would love to hear from you about the things that have been most helpful for your development, ... Views: 1598
One of the thought-provoking questions Gay Hendricks asks in the beginning of his book is:
“Am I willing to feel good and have my life go well all the time?”
Gay says: “In my view, saying yes to that question is one of the most courageous actions a human being can take. In the face of so ... Views: 1571
In my last newsletter, I shared with you a few of Jack Canfield’s Success Principles and today, I’d like to share one more: Practice Uncommon Appreciation.
Jack Canfield shares, as you might have heard, before “employees are more motivated by appreciation, the feeling included in things, and ... Views: 1784
I had the opportunity last week to see Jack Canfield live and attend his A Day to Greatness seminar. For sure, you all know Jack Canfield, the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul. Have you read his book The Success Principles? The workshop covered a number of his success principles and I ... Views: 0
I had the opportunity last week to see Jack Canfield live and attend his A Day to Greatness seminar. For sure, you all know Jack Canfield, the co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul. Have you read his book The Success Principles? The workshop covered a number of his success principles and I ... Views: 1580
Do we really have the time to be “mindful” during our busy days at home and at work? What is mindfulness and what are the benefits?
Merriam Webster’s Dictionary defines mindfulness as: “the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one’s thoughts, ... Views: 1129
If you are ready to move beyond your comfort-zone and let go of the old, here are few mighty steps you can take:
1. Beyond Your Comfort-zone
When we do something new or change locations and social surroundings, we get out of our comfort zone and into the unknown. We have no frame of ... Views: 1477
Are you passionate about what you are doing? You know leadership starts with leading yourself. If you are an independent contractor or work in a larger organization with a team, you need to lead yourself first, and that includes inspiring yourself to achieve exceptional things. How may times ... Views: 1323
Have you paid attention to your body language and the message it sends out to others and to yourself?
Have you wondered why at times people react very differently to you than you expect or the intent of what your message was? You might notice that you reacted negatively to a message that ... Views: 1972
You are not alone, most people are terrified of public speaking but there is something you can do about it. With practice, a mentor and a system everyone can become an incredible speaker. One of the best ways to start is joining Toastmasters ( This organization has ... Views: 2372
Has it ever occurred to you that you may not be living up to your full potential because you are not giving your best to others including your work, clients, friends or family? Have you taken the time to schedule a lesson, pay for it and during the lesson you hoped time would pass instead of ... Views: 1497
By creating an intention, we become clear about what we want to accomplish and at the end of the day, we know how to measure our progress. When we set an intention, we connect with the deeper meaning of our desires and we pause to make our actions meaningful. This allows us to progress towards ... Views: 1632
“Could you really turn the desert into a lush green land? Fifty years ago, one man firmly believed it was possible. For Sheikh Zayed the only limit was your imagination. To turn his vision into reality, the Founding Father summoned prominent agricultural experts from around the world to the ... Views: 1473