Before jumping into the ocean of Live Streaming, there's a few things you should know. Find out the four basic types of fish in the live stream sea and which one you are most like. Only then will you know what to consider before live streaming.
"You take this way too seriously," a viewer ... Views: 2347
Meet Ricardo Alvaranga, a 24-year-old contractor that came to Naval Station Guantanamo Bay from Jamaica to save money and open a business back home. The following letter is something Ricardo hopes for. I asked him to sit in the future mentally and watch his dream unfold in his mind. He was to ... Views: 1449
Have you ever considered what part the sound of your voice plays in the role of your success? In the book Voice and Diction it says, "People who have poor speaking voices - the kind that set your teeth on edge- are almost always unaware of this."
When I was in broadcast school I had to read ... Views: 1865