So much has been said about free online content for businesses, how essential it is to gain credibility and build trust and connection.
All true.
We buy from those we know, like, and trust, so it’s a good avenue to share what you know with people who care about what you know, as a way to ... Views: 471
Impact can feel oddly unsatisfying.
A big reason for focusing on impact is that it brings fulfillment and satisfaction along with it, right?
If you’re feeling that your impact isn’t fulfilling you, that’s a clue. Maybe you’re not having all the impact you want to have.
Impact ... Views: 553
I appeared recently in an entrepreneur forum as a panelist. One of the questions asked was, what was the biggest challenge you faced when launching your business? My answer? Fear.
Fear is like the annoying text messages that won’t stop until you answer.
Fear has been described as, ‘False ... Views: 586
This year has really thrown a wrench into so many business plans. And the pandemic continues to wreak havoc for businesses that aren’t prepared for change.
Let’s face it, things didn’t always go to plan before COVID. But we do like to create myths about the good old days, don’t we?
As ... Views: 637
In the explorations of my own growth, I’m always deepening my understanding. Always wanting to grow, even if the growing pains hurt and I avoid it at first.
A number of years ago, I was talking with a coach about working with her. I knew I wanted the support, but what I also felt was a need ... Views: 601
You know how frustrating it is to have your flight delayed?
You remember flights, right? We’ll get back to them one day.
The reason flight delays are so frustrating is that you have somewhere you really want to go, and you’re not getting there. You’ve been put in a holding pattern until ... Views: 570
For your business to thrive, clarity about your audience is a cornerstone. You just can’t market effectively if you don’t know who you’re marketing to. Everything you do in marketing, all the decisions, the plans, even the wording of individual social media posts, is built around knowing your ... Views: 594
When my mother died, I went shopping for a nice dress for her to be buried in. She’d been in a dementia ward for some time, and almost all of her beautifully handmade (by her) clothes had vanished.
The dress I found was perfect, but had cap sleeves and I, perhaps strangely, was concerned ... Views: 603
Are you speaking up for what you believe? Are you an authentic leader for your business? Are you advancing your impact?
If you question any of those things, you may have moved into the comfort zone.
It’s tempting. That soft place where you don’t have to question anything, where you can ... Views: 570
So much is going on in the world right now, that it can be difficult to focus on your business’ values.
You may be going through some financial challenges due to the pandemic, and even if that’s not the case, it can feel hard to consider one more thing as you pivot and adjust.
I have had ... Views: 579
Ever feel like you want to just bail, to leave everything behind and go elsewhere?
I sure do. I dream of going to Africa, where I’ve cried seeing elephant families roam and worked with warm, committed people to help their communities rise. I dream of going to Canada, to visit dear friends, to ... Views: 557
Ever feel like you want to just bail, to leave everything behind and go elsewhere?
I sure do. I dream of going to Africa, where I’ve cried seeing elephant families roam and worked with warm, committed people to help their communities rise. I dream of going to Canada, to visit dear friends, to ... Views: 521
You have impact, every day, whether you realize it or not.
When you choose to be aware of what your impact is and can be, that shifts things. You can then choose how you show up. You can then become the leader you can be.
I resisted this for a long time. I didn’t see what others saw in ... Views: 554
I have a problem.
My name is Ursula and I have trouble celebrating big accomplishments.
Hi Ursula.
I’ve been encouraging my clients to celebrate their accomplishments. Every day.
Like every coach I’ve ever talked to, I don’t always take my own advice.
Sure, I do daily celebrating. ... Views: 584
Since you’re one of my readers, you’re a world changer. You want to have impact with your business.
You’ll have a lot more impact if you get in touch with your fierce.
In a virtual meeting I was in recently, we were talking about winning vs. collaboration (as if they were two ... Views: 556
We sometimes talk about impact like it’s a done deal. That once you realize the impact you want to have, all that remains is to execute the steps to have it, like a to-do list.
It’s not that simple.
Impact calls you on a deeper level.
If impact were just about taking action, you would ... Views: 550
You want stuff. It’s only human.
I want stuff too. I’m only human.
But I bet the ‘stuff’ that you want isn’t necessarily stuff, objects, hunks of physical reality. Or at least, it’s not ALL of what you want.
You want impact. You wouldn’t be reading this if you didn’t.
We all start ... Views: 571
If you’re wise, you’ll be rethinking your business plan right now. We’re in the midst of a significant disruption of business, and every business is affected.
Do you find yourself reacting to what is happening day-to-day because of all the uncertainty? Creating a new plan, instead of ... Views: 540
When I was a little girl, if I got too loud, too rambunctious, too ME, I was quickly pulled aside by my mother and told to stop. It was too much for her.
When I tried to have impact in my family, to be myself, whether it was self-expressing with crayon on the basement wall or being ... Views: 609
Your present is chaotic and can be frightening. You can still lead well with impact, right now, for the good of your business and all of us.
As a 24-year entrepreneur with 4 businesses, I’ve led my companies through times of deep uncertainty and big change. I’ve guided many entrepreneurs ... Views: 622
The Chinese proverb, “May you live in interesting times,” was never more poignant than it is right now.
Every single one of us is undergoing significant change, whether we want to or not. The coronavirus/COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 pandemic (even the name keeps changing) is making sure of that. It’s ... Views: 640
So you want to have more impact? To do that, you can’t be wasting your valuable time and energy on things that don’t matter, that don’t have impact.
Productivity only matters in the context of what you ultimately want to accomplish. Being productive in the service of your bigger goals and ... Views: 599
No, this isn’t another coronavirus / COVID19 article cautioning you to wear full body armor or avoid contact with other humans for the foreseeable future. Those would produce a certain kind of impact, but is the exact opposite of what we’re going for here.
Impact lives and breathes ... Views: 578
Mentoring advice is extremely valuable, even for experienced leaders. It can be a lighthouse, guiding you away from rocky shoals and onto a clearer course.
At the end of every Work Alchemy podcast interview, I ask the highly impactful leaders that I interview to share one piece of advice with ... Views: 627
Your team is integral to your company’s impact. You can’t have impact alone. No one can.
How can you create an environment where they can flourish while they contribute to your mutual impact? With impactful leadership. Here are 3 ways you can implement impactful leadership in relation to your ... Views: 566
Are you, in fact, doing too much? Seems an odd question to ask right after one of the biggest holiday seasons of the year, but who hasn’t experienced the tiredness that comes from trying to pack in as much as possible in a limited period of time?
The thing is, when you’re trying to have ... Views: 599
Impact vampires - sounds a little ghoulish, right?
It’s worth getting a little nervous about impact vampires, because they can draw valuable energy and resources out of your business, and prevent you from having the impact that you could have.
An impact vampire is anyone who interferes ... Views: 536
Rejection can hurt. My client recently pitched her business to a group of investors, and she was turned down.
She was understandably disappointed. She wanted to use that money to grow her business, and saw immediate opportunities she wanted to jump on.
As we debriefed after that ... Views: 650
Much has been written about leadership skills. But what does it take to lead an organization focused on impact, on social and environmental change, just as much as profits?
These organizations are special. They are the face of the changing business environment, as companies shift away from a ... Views: 583
Saying no can be really difficult, especially for women. Women are trained to be agreeable, and culturally, the pressure is still heavy to ‘just get along’. Plus, we’re wired for cooperation. So saying no can feel downright wrong, even as a leader.
Women are by no means the only ones who have ... Views: 613
When a company makes a public mistake, it’s revealing. Like when Forbes recently released a list of the 100 most innovative leaders in America and included only one woman, and no women of color.
They did acknowledge their error, but the horse was already out of the barn. What was ... Views: 606
Forbes Magazine recently published a list of the 100 Most Innovative Leaders. One out of 100 was a woman. And none was a woman of color.
In these times (or any time), for a list like this to appear in a reputable business magazine is, in my view, downright deplorable.
They ... Views: 607
In a recent blog post, Seth Godin wrote, “Get the strategy right and you’ll have an easier time with the tactics.”
I couldn’t agree more.
Impact-focused strategy sets you up for success at every level.
I’ve seen over and over again with my clients the benefits of developing an ... Views: 617
As a founder, for you to be the most fulfilled and most successful, your business has to be in alignment with you. With your values, and out of your values, with your intended impact.
Holding business as separate from life makes it just an activity, and not a very good one. Where you and ... Views: 622
The media tells you, you have to grow! Investors want growth too.
But is growth necessarily a good thing?
We’re so distracted by growth that we fail to ask ourselves, why does growth even matter?
Sure, growth can mean that you make more money (though not necessarily!). It can mean ... Views: 614
As CEO of a growing company, you may be doing so much that you can’t even take the time to think. You’re in the growth stage and are between doing everything yourself, and having a staff trained and coached sufficiently to take care of the day-to-day activities.
It’s easy to get overworked, ... Views: 627
Effectively managing your time becomes more important once you’re the leader of a company, a CEO. The impact of your decisions is great, so addressing and moving through issues efficiently is going to have positive repercussions.
So how do you best spend your time as a CEO? It’s not like the ... Views: 715
We spend a lot of time in our culture emphasizing possibility and lack of limits. You can do it! Everything is possible!
In a sense, that is true, as the field of possibility does allow for much to unfold. However, our relentless focus on lack of limits doesn’t allow for us to know when the ... Views: 634
It may seem counter-intuitive, but the financial results of companies like Eileen Fisher, Patagonia, and Dr. Bronner’s bear this out.
There are really two key words here: impact and focus. If your impact isn’t infused into every aspect of your business, you won’t realize your company’s full ... Views: 646
Called the “Netflix of shampoos”, Plaine Products is a rapidly growing company with the goal of significant environmental impact.
As co-founder with her sister Alison Webster, Lindsey McCoy (formerly Delaplaine) is finding ways to address one of the major environmental issues of our time. ... Views: 732
Is your mission big enough?
The problem with your mission, purpose, even your Why, is that it may still be small, self-focused, and therefore not very useful.
Mission based on the impact that you want to have includes others. An impact focus isn’t just about you, although it includes you. ... Views: 610
In 2016, my client Mariah found herself at a tipping point that many entrepreneurs can relate to. Her business was growing in revenue, scaling quickly after several years of building.
Mariah had steered her company for 6 years but was spread so thin that the stress was beginning to show. Long ... Views: 656
Losing a great employee is costly. Your company loses time, money, and the information stored in that person’s brain about how things work well and what to do next.
It’s clear that employee retention is a priority for you as a leader and for those working with people in your company, which is ... Views: 819
The real hidden jewel in being an entrepreneur is who we become in the process of making a business work. It is our own transformation that is so compelling.
One aspect of that journey is power. When you lead a company, you have the power to make changes and decide on direction. You have the ... Views: 640
We all have fears. Fears about how the company will do financially this year, about that crucial new hire who looks promising but is unproven, or about how your new offering will fare in a busy market. Fears can abound, especially if nurtured and given attention.
“The future you constantly ... Views: 648
Hopefully the day will come, and soon, when we no longer have to highlight great women CEOs, and they’ll just become exemplary CEOs, period. Until that day arrives, however, it’s valuable to point out the unique skills and perspectives that women are bringing to the table in terms of leadership ... Views: 695
As an entrepreneur and leader, you make a lot of decisions, every day. Your ability to make decisions enhances your ability to run your business effectively. I’d go so far as to say that it’s a necessary trait.
Often, those decisions are made with some kind of time constraint. Even if that’s ... Views: 641
Have you ever seen or read about people in the direst of circumstances who are transcendent, happy? And others who seem to have everything, and yet feel deprived?
The way you choose to think about a situation, the parts of yourself that you call on, even dig deep for, are what determine your ... Views: 677
Effective strategy can make the difference between success and failure of your business. At the very least, a poor strategy will undermine your company’s earning and impact potential.
The Purpose of Strategy
Sets priorities and establishes direction so you can respond to a ... Views: 674
As a busy CEO, you likely don’t have a lot of time to sit and do nothing but think. But you should.
Entrepreneurs tend to value doing above contemplating. But this kind of thinking will help you with your doing.
The Value of Thinking Time
When you’re busy with activity, certain parts of ... Views: 647