A Quick Preamble:
It’s a proven fact: COLD SHOWERS (AND BATHS) ARE VERY GOOD FOR YOU, in many ways and for many reasons, and they’re completely natural – hot water is after all, a pretty recent development in human history and we very quickly got used to it – and now of course just simply ... Views: 1142
A Quick Preamble:
Another “natural”, nutrient-rich liquid that the father of medicine, Hippocrates, used for treating and healing his patients as far back as 400 BC – or so..!
Apple Cider Vinegar, more commonly and more simply known as ACV, the “Magic Elixir” or Elixir Of Life that has ... Views: 1488
A Quick Preamble:
I don’t care what anybody says or thinks…our world, our life, IS a beautiful thing, a GIFT that we should not/must not/ waste, squander or destroy because of all the negativity that’s either in our lives in some way or surrounding us – in abundance it would seem..!
There ... Views: 1233
A Quick Preamble:
If you're a regular reader of my 'rants', then you already know my opinions when it comes to "Frankenfoods" and specifically the worst "Frankenfood" of them all... SUGAR... with High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) being the most dangerous... and I'm certain that you also know by ... Views: 902
A Quick Preamble:
Another chronically uncomfortable disease that’s still on the rise throughout the globe, Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – or as my old mum refers to it, “Arfer”, AKA “Arthur” in correct queens’ English, is triggered and made volumes worse by our poisonous modern diet of heavily ... Views: 1258
A Quick Preamble:
Happiness…that state of mind, that state of internal being, that can sometimes be pretty damned elusive if you let it be so – so don’t..!
Seth Godin says: “Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape ... Views: 1054
A Quick Preamble:
If you've been following me for a while then you'll know and have likely already seen a previous article i wrote about the dangers of modern day, heavily refined, chemically processed sugar - and of course you'll have also seen this from me on numerous occasions:
"Fat ... Views: 1058
A Quick Preamble:
Yep, a bit gross i s’pose…certainly a bit of a taboo subject for some and probably not a worthy subject for discussion at meal-times but hey, why not talk about it..?..we all do it you know, even the prettiest and most handsome among us, and the most famous or even the most ... Views: 900
A Quick Preamble:
So what is this thing...?
Tie yourself up in knots like the proverbial rubber-man or rubber-woman – or is it rubber-person these days..?…anyhow, i digress as usual, so back to the topic at hand…
…and eat carrot sticks, celery and lettuce for the rest of your life ... Views: 1068
A Quick Preamble:
Yep, “been there, done that” as well…in fact, nothing and nobody born, created or grown, on this planet, from the very beginning of time, has ever avoided the very natural and absolute constant that we know as “Adversity”…the very stuff of life that will, on regular ... Views: 1088
A Quick Preamble:
A personal confession first - supposed to be good for the soul, right..?!?
These days, because of learning a lot of things the hard way - generally by myself, I really bear no resemblance to the "socially-challenged" young man I once was... but I certainly know exactly ... Views: 1843
A Quick Preamble:
I was spinning this article around in my head for what amounted to several brain-frozen days before i could “put-pen-to-paper” …or in my case, before i could “put-clumsy-sausage-sized-finger-to-keyboard-that-needs-a-serious-clean”…
…oh oh, as usual i digress…what i mean ... Views: 948
A Quick Preamble:
You’ve heard of a “womans’ intuition”, right..?
First, it really does exist and second, and as a matter of fact, it isn’t just women – sorry ’bout that ladies – that have this particular power and experience it…men and even kids experience it and use it on a pretty ... Views: 1071
A Quick Preamble:
Hippocrates definitely got it right when he said:
“Let Food Be Thy Medicine And Let Medicine Be Thy Food”
BUT – i know for a fact that in our modern, mass-produced-food and consumables world, it isn’t always that easy to source top-notch, organic or free-range ... Views: 890
A Quick Preamble:
OK, i’ve been very fortunate and have never personally suffered with this particular debilitating and increasingly expanding, health destroying ailment – the few times my blood-sugar has hit a big spike has been purely through my own doing – or i should say “over-doing”…if ... Views: 1256
A Quick Preamble:
Yep, here’s another one where i can honestly say: “been there, done that..!”
In fact i was generally a pretty sickly kid and subsequently suffered a whole plethora of illnesses, bugs, viruses and hospitalisations…a few i’ve already written about…and the kidney infection ... Views: 1125
A Quick Preamble:
It really is a no-brainer, right..? – “Natural” is better for your health, both body and mind…so why exactly is it that the mainstream media doesn’t appear to see it the same way..?
Could it be the desire to keep the general public ill-informed..?
Hmmm, partly but, I ... Views: 1002
A Quick Preamble:
A brief explanation of Zen is probably the way to go here, before we get into the "meat-and-potatoes" of what "Zen Health & Wellness" is all about - so here goes:
ZEN: a word that (to a born-and-bred westerner like me anyhow) seems very eastern, very mystical and ... Views: 1294
A Quick Preamble:
Ok, some people call it a dream chart or a vision chart, or even a vision wall…me, i prefer “Dream Wall”…but it really doesn’t matter what you call it, so long as you have an area that’s covered in reminders of your passions and the places you want to get to, and it’s on ... Views: 2185
A Quick Preamble:
Living a naturally healthy life and sustaining your natural health and wellness throughout a long life, is not just about what you do and what you consume, it’s also about what you must NOT do and what you must NEVER consume.
Our modern era has very quickly seen a huge ... Views: 1162
A Quick Preamble:
It really wasn’t so long ago that the “FrankenFoods” we know so well today started being developed and mass produced – the late 1900’s saw the development of new technology and farming practices that ensured heavily refined and chemically enhanced foods like wheat and sugar ... Views: 1478
A Quick Preamble:
Like the stuff of legends, like the rise of the Phoenix from the ashes – OK, that’s a little dramatic…but it works for – the humble coconut and more specifically coconut oil, finally shakes off all the misinformation, bad press and out-n-out ignorance concerning its’ health ... Views: 1175
A Quick Preamble:
I’ll start with, a confession…I’ve been around for more than half a century now, over 54 years in fact – not something i’d often admit to, and i’ve travelled half of our beautiful planet (well ok, there are some parts i’ve been to that are not quite so “beautiful”), by ... Views: 1468
A Quick Preamble:
…you know the type i mean…those lean people you often see eating and drinking just about anything they like, while they claim they NEVER put on weight, no matter what they eat or drink…you know the ones, right..?
The truth is, they’re very probably ... Views: 863
A Quick Preamble:
Yup, it’s absolutely true, wheat didn’t used to be so dodgy or so bad for your health…as a matter of fact, and because of pressure due to the increasing global population, as recent as the late 1900’s saw the start of the use of new technology and methodology for serious ... Views: 1020
A Quick Preamble:
Success doesn’t just happen because you expect it to if you wait around long enough, it happens ONLY when you make it so…It has been said by more than one wise-man (and wise-woman);
“If You Don’t Know Where You Are Going, There Is A Fair Chance You Will End Up Somewhere ... Views: 1320
A Quick Preamble:
It’s been happening forever, is still happening now and will continue to happen …misinformation, poor education or training, ignorance or even just plain old-fashioned spite means meditation, along with certain foods, beverages and a whole load of other general ... Views: 1128
A Quick Preamble:
It’s been happening forever, is still happening now and will continue to happen …misinformation, poor education or training, ignorance or even just plain old-fashioned spite means meditation, along with certain foods, beverages and a whole load of other general ... Views: 1129
A Quick Preamble:
I’ve said it plenty of times already and i’ll say it again now…drug companies and the medically trained definitely have their place – there are plenty of truly dedicated, super-ethical and ultra-caring medical professionals out there and i personally know several of them – ... Views: 3053
A Quick Preamble:
It really is – like every aspect or category of your life – an out-and-out“mindset” thing…if you want to be wealthy, then simply “think” like the stinking-rich think…
…rich people build big wealth before they spend…they don’t actually spend money at the outset, just ... Views: 1140
A Quick Preamble:
It’s official and it’s brilliant news… about something i’ve always
believed in and about something i’ve never intended giving up…
Coffee, it’s a Super-Food…yay…!!
OK, i may be a little prejudiced – because i totally adore coffee, always have and always will…so ... Views: 1096
A Quick Preamble:
For some, the setting of personal goals is a relatively simple task, while for (plenty of) others it’s just not the norm’…the“secrets” of how to set goals seem out of reach – hence, there’s a whole mass of people just blustering their way through life and taking whatever ... Views: 1503
A Quick Preamble:
Your immune system is truly fascinating in its’ complexity…it’s certainly one of the most complicated and hardest working systems of the amazing biological machine that we know as the human body – your body – but it can be quite delicate and is often easily stressed and even ... Views: 1579
It's all down to being human - even the most cheerful and positive among us can get a little 'down' now and again. The dark side of your thoughts or those of others, or those circumstances and happenings not within your control, just sometimes have a way of creeping up behind you and giving you ... Views: 1159
So, are you doing what you want to do..? Are you taking all the necessary steps on the road toward achieving your passions and desires..? Or do you follow the norm' and requirements of your peers - the puppet masters..!?!
Take heart... you're not alone if you're doing what is ... Views: 1267
There are reasons, good reasons, why certain people have reached the state of constant happiness - it's all about things like wonder, self satisfaction, never forgetting ones roots and the inspiration gained from others...
... others who are or have been in worse positions than yourself - ... Views: 1234
Every career, every job, has it’s own unique daily uphill battles and nobody is immune to the havoc that these battles can cause to their mindset and their overall well-being…take heart though, they’re just temporary little hiccups that can be overcome with the minimum of effort and ... Views: 1102
One of the two main reasons for a person needing, or wanting, to lose weight is the age-old very human reason known as 'vanity'. The other reason of course is the graver issue of 'health' or at least the desire to be 'healthier'. Anyhow, with regard to vanity there's absolutely nothing wrong ... Views: 1077
Although the word 'diet' is used in various contexts, actual dieting or 'going on a diet' commonly means that a person is going to attempt losing weight by cutting back on food (or calories if you like). This method will cause weight-loss but will also cause hunger, a lack of energy and a loss ... Views: 1035
Another pretty large area of musculature that can easily and quickly lose strength and tone are your thighs. The same applies as it does for your stomach area, flabby weakened thighs will have a detrimental effect on your health and need to be worked on as part of your chosen method for ... Views: 1081
Here is another grey-ish area of contradictions and confusion, what exactly do they mean by supplement? There are now so many products available at most retail outlets and food chains these days that apparently come under the banner of 'supplement' - i believe some clarification is in order ... Views: 1024
You can pretty much hit the ground running with your chosen weight-loss program if you ensure you define and then keep tight hold of your biggest priority. Hell, that's your biggest reason for starting the program in the first place.
It may not be the easiest thing for you to think about ... Views: 1050
It really just doesn't seem worth the bother at times does it? This whole weight-losing and dieting thing just seems to go on and on forever. Which is just why lots of people are totally discouraged because losing weight naturally and effectively for good cannot be treated ... Views: 1267
Desperately needed weight-loss is actually not really all that difficult when motivation and resolution is involved, but what about keeping it off? This is where so many people come unstuck once they stop whatever program they were following and so they end up with even more weight very quickly ... Views: 957
They can be the most stubborn layer of fat to get rid of - 'Love Handles'. It's just another one of those weight-loss frustrations that demands a little extra effort from you as you continue losing weight naturally and effectively.
I'd love to know who was responsible for the endearing name ... Views: 965
Should you experience sudden massive weight-loss - 25 pound or more in one week for instance, then that would be beyond a doubt caused by nothing else than some sort of starvation "crash diet' that would be very detrimental to your good health and certainly has no bearing on safely and ... Views: 990
Following a healthy, wholesome diet absolutely doesn't mean you're going to be eating only a limited amount of dreary, dull tasting foods. If you've been led to believe that losing weight naturally and effectively means just that, then read on because i'm here to tell you that this is yet ... Views: 1049
I've said this many a time, most people i know and have ever met (including yours truly) are lazy. It's a very human thing and very understandable i s'pose, but making every excuse NOT to get on with your very-much-needed program for losing weight naturally and permanently so you can improve ... Views: 972
People taking part in a weight-loss program don't always understand that their eating habits alone may be responsible for frustrating or even completely destroying their progress of losing weight naturally and keeping it lost permanently. It's not just what you eat but also how and when you ... Views: 923
There's a certain relationship that's very often forgotten or ignored by people taking part in a weight-loss program. What is it? It's the very important relationship that losing weight naturally and effectively shares with the shape of your body - you need to get both sides of the relationship ... Views: 1307