As a business owner and a leader, part of your job is to inspire your employees as well as customers so that you may accomplish your business goals. The reason is that people are likely to follow those who can motivate them to achieve their personal and career goals. Thus, for you to be an ... Views: 1752
Having to work with temperamental people is not easy at all. In fact, being around and having to deal with people who easily lose their cool can take away all the fun in your job! It can also be very intimidating to work with a person like this, and if you're not very careful, you may find ... Views: 2290
There are many things you can actually do to improve your own performance at work. Basically, your success at work is determined mainly by your attitude and how you choose to spend your time. Below you will find simple ways to become a better performer at work.
Set Priorities and Manage Them ... Views: 1227
Taking regular breaks from work is essential if you want to keep the balance in your life. However, it's too tempting to keep working hard because you know it's what will eventually lead you to career success and advancement. Many of us wait until they experience a burnout before they recognize ... Views: 2247
Life is too good and too short to keep whining about your problems and difficulties. There's no way you can get the best out of life when you keep looking at your defeats and refusing to see the brighter side of your life. While it's impossible for anybody to be happy all the time, you shouldn't ... Views: 1595
Sleep allows your brain to have a much-needed break from all the stresses of your day. When you sleep, your mind is rejuvenated so it could process information. But the biggest question is how much sleep you actually need.
While everyone's needs vary, research shows that adults who get to ... Views: 1404
Self-regulation is your ability to keep your impulses and disruptive emotions in check, and also to think before doing something. It is also one of the 5 elements of emotional intelligence (recognizing your emotions, managing your emotions, understanding other people's emotions, motivating ... Views: 1295
When it comes to being successful in one's life or career, many of us think that those who are blessed with intelligence or high IQ are the ones who are likely to achieve success. There is new research from Stanford University, however, that challenges this belief.
According to psychologist ... Views: 1469
According to a saying, putting two people in a room is the beginning of politics. Social stratification is part of every society, and even of the smallest organizations. Without a doubt, the workplace is one where you can find the biggest pressure, especially in terms of getting titles, higher ... Views: 1460
If you are currently in a relationship, it's likely that you feel sure you are in love with your partner. But do you sometimes wonder too if it's real love that you feel or just mere attachment. Love can be very complicated, but after reading this post, you will have a better understanding of ... Views: 1527
Many of us have a dream of working abroad, but in most cases, this turns into reality when they are in their 30s or 40s already. The idea of working abroad in your early 20s may not sound interesting for you now, but it should be. There are many things you can get from this experience that can ... Views: 1421
We should admit it - we are now more concerned about our livelihood, jobs and careers than anything else. This could be explained by the fact that we are all just bouncing off from the recession, which made us all realize the importance of everything we have. The problem, however, is that the ... Views: 1425
Training employees definitely costs time, money, and other company resources. In most cases, a third party is even necessary to provide job training to employees, which results to additional costs, unbilled hours, as well as missed time. Many employers often hesitate to spend on training ... Views: 1431
With the advancement in technology, it has been noted that people are living healthier and life expectancy is increasing. It is for this reason also that professionals of today are able to work much longer compared to the earlier generations. Many older people are also actively seeking a career ... Views: 1285
Envy and jealousy at work are among the most difficult things to deal with in the workplace. But no matter how hard it is to overcome them, you have to manage these feelings effectively to prevent them from ruining your own performance at work, and your relationships with the people you work ... Views: 1121
Are you still trying to figure out how you can live your life to the fullest? If yes, you are definitely not alone. Many of us feel like we are going through life without actually experiencing what life really has to offer. Thus, we tend to miss a lot of opportunities to meet great people, see ... Views: 1286
You have a boss who’s narcissistic, mean, incompetent, and just plain unlovable. But instead of letting your boss’s unpleasant behavior affect your productivity and happiness in the workplace, why not turn it to your advantage?
It is almost impossible that you will ever love your boss’s bad ... Views: 1435
According to a saying, “Sometimes you need to spend money in order to make money.”
This is true, especially for business people, but it’s not only them who should invest to make profits. This saying applies to your career as well. In order for you to move up or advance in your career, then ... Views: 1302
Managers are generally authoritative, daring leaders. On the other hand, shy people are likely to hold back, be reserved in conversations, and even avoid social interactions. A very interesting question now is whether or not shy people can be effective leaders.
If you are a shy type and you ... Views: 1442
Contrary to what many people believe, anger management is not about suppressing or internalizing anger. It is just a set of skills that you need so that when you recognize that you are becoming angry, you will be able to deal with the situation in a more positive way.
Anger should not be ... Views: 1280
Warren Buffet is without a doubt one of the most successful investors in the history. He is known for his savvy investments that have earned him billions of dollars. Although he literally has got nothing to worry about in terms of his finances, because he’s got lots of money, he must be very ... Views: 1437
When it comes to being organized at work, many of us believe that it should start with having a clean and well-arranged workspace. This doesn’t mean, however, that you should spend the first hour or so of your day trying to organize things around you. It will be a waste of time if you go on ... Views: 1303
Do you ever wonder why your top employees are leaving you? Do you want to know what you could have done to convince them to stay with you instead? Well, a good exit interview can give you the answer to these questions.
On the part of employees, exit interviews are often the last serious form ... Views: 2095
Millions of employed individuals work at desk jobs that require them to sit almost the entire day while using their computers. While this kind of job seems really easy and not physically demanding, there are several ways it can also jeopardize the health of workers.
If you want to stay ... Views: 1223
The references that you include in your resume when applying for a job that you really want are so valuable. Putting a name of a reference who cannot be reached can definitely cost you the job you’re trying to get. As a matter of fact, most hiring managers use the provided references as a basis ... Views: 1377
We all know how difficult it is to concentrate and get work done when you couldn’t even keep your eyes wide open. It’s true that not getting enough sleep can make you feel tired and sluggish the following day, but this is not the only way lack of sleep can affect you and your work. In fact, ... Views: 1352
If there is one thing that you will not often see in a resume, that will be the travel history of an applicant. Now you may be wondering why being a frequent traveler is an advantage you can actually have over other job applicants. Read on to know why.
Why Are Travelers Excellent Candidates ... Views: 1217
How great it would be if there was a machine that could identify the things that can surely make a person happy…but there isn’t! Nevertheless, it seems quite easy for us to tell if a person is happy or unhappy. Thus, if you want to live a happier life, it won’t hurt to know what happy people do ... Views: 1374
Is there anything you can do to be able to keep up with your busy career while at the same time having time to do what you have to do for yourself, your family and your friends? Is there really a way that you can just relax? Keeping the balance between your work and personal life is so important ... Views: 1389
Much has been said already about how we could keep the balance between our personal life and work life. However, not all of the advice you get can actually match with your personality and lifestyle. While it is true that focusing too much on work and having very little time for your personal ... Views: 1388
If you’re someone who hates waking up early in the morning, then it must be a real struggle for you to get out of bed and start the day right after sunrise. Well, waking up in the morning is a tough challenge even for a morning person actually.
Below are some tips we hope you find useful if ... Views: 1730
Although many people find nothing wrong with the practice of taking home unfinished work, many also don’t like the idea of letting work intrude their personal lives. If you consider home as an extension of your workplace, it is likely that you won’t be able to reach your full potential. It is ... Views: 1563
Self awareness is knowing and understanding your own personality, which includes your thoughts, strengths, weaknesses, beliefs, emotions and motivation. By being aware of yourself, you are more able to understand how other people perceive you.
Why is it important to develop self ... Views: 1308
Is there really a way you could stop being lazy and become a bit more productive? By surfing the internet, you will surely find tons of tips and pieces of advice on how you can avoid being lazy. However, such steps may not always be suitable for everybody. Thus, it is important that you find a ... Views: 1920
As you change jobs and even careers, you will come to a realisation that people really come in many different colors. Many work as hard as you do and are even kind-hearted. Of course, you enjoy being and working with them. Unfortunately, there are also those who have negative personalities. The ... Views: 1498
Nobody ever wants to get fired, of course! Getting terminated from a job can damage not only your reputation, but your confidence in yourself as well. Although this is a forgettable moment in your life, there are things you should learn about yourself also through this experience. Whatever the ... Views: 1298
When it comes to self-improvement, it is too easy to find advice online or get tips from people you know. The question is always if you could put them into practice. For my part, I should say that it’s always a challenge to follow the advice I give other people on how they can improve their ... Views: 1170
We can do anything and everything just to impress others, can’t we? Showing off the expensive things we’re using or even the successful career we have could be the best way to leave a mark…or maybe not.
Honestly, there isn’t anything wrong with wanting to be impressive, but it’s always how we ... Views: 1321
Perhaps the easiest thing to do in the world is to procrastinate…but only if there were no deadlines that exist. With tons of work waiting for your attention and action, there’s just no way you should waste time.
Below are some useful tips that will help you stay focused throughout the day: ... Views: 1365
We all want to have a good life. For many, it’s about having a great career, a house of their own, a nice car and everything they need. But for some, life is good when they get to do what they love and just being with the people who matter in their life. Regardless of how we think living a good ... Views: 1340
Taking a big step in life is always scary, especially if there is no guarantee that things will end up the way you want them to be. Whether you are going to college, getting married, or changing careers, there are some things that you have to learn to let go of if you want to move ahead.
#1 ... Views: 1465
Being able to live your life to the fullest seems just too good to be true. For many of us, it is a big struggle to reach their full potential, be it personally or professionally. What makes things even more complicated is that failing in one aspect of our live can have a significant effect on ... Views: 1377
If you think that you work better and are more productive when you do things under a looming deadline, you’re probably mistaken. The truth is that you just feel more satisfied with the fact that you accomplished your tasks even with the time almost running out. Did you know that by getting rid ... Views: 1320
Besides using a resume that is full of grammar mistakes and typos, the easiest way to not be considered for a job is saying silly things during an interview. Sadly, no matter how important it is for a job seeker to present himself in the best possible manner during an interview, so many job ... Views: 1368
A person’s career success depends on several factors, but essentially, you need to have dedication and commitment if you want to enjoy the career you’ve always wanted to pursue. On the other hand, having a fulfilling life outside work is another thing and requires more effort and consistency. ... Views: 2212
Success comes easy for people who place value on making good first impressions. As you meet different people who may eventually be helpful in your career or job search, it is a must that you put your best foot forward so they may have a positive lasting impression on the kind of person you are. ... Views: 1209
The use of office cubicles has been on the rise in recent years, mainly because of the desire of companies to save on space. But limited space is not the only reason why cubicles are popular in almost all workplace today. According to several studies, cubicles give workers more opportunities to ... Views: 1097
If you are searching for a job wisely, you must have done a lot of research about cover letters, resumes, job interviews, and almost everything that has to do with effective job searching. Whether you are looking for Vancouver jobs or one from your local area, you should take advantage also of ... Views: 1292
Making a decision is regarded as one of the most difficult things all of us have to do every single day of our lives. It is also one act that defines an individual who has a role of a leader. Although it is given that managers and company leaders are the ones who should make huge decisions, not ... Views: 1549
For those who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD, keeping themselves focused and efficient in their jobs can be very difficult. The distractibility, restlessness, and limited attention span can have severe effects on how a person performs at work. If you have this condition, ... Views: 1517