What’s personal SWOT? Personal SWOT analysis is an internal inventory of your strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats to maximize and minimize. In other words, you’re looking within to gauge where you stand now and looking outwards at advantages and risks.
Strengths: ... Views: 923
So what’s been preventing me from reaching my full potential outside of procrastination? When I examined myself deeply, I have to admit, it’s FEAR! Personally, I like the acrostic that FEAR is nothing more than
Element of thought
Appearing to be
It has consumed my mind far ... Views: 1087
Do you ever feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be? Are you working in a field outside of your true talents? Do you feel trapped and locked in a box? Are you tired of starting projects and never finishing? Does the day seem to fly by and you feel as though nothing was ... Views: 971