There are so many ways to create a successful business, sometimes it can be confusing. Everyone seems to be an expert, selling the best way to get there, the easiest route, the fastest path. But all of these methods and strategies are often missing the most important key to your success.
They ... Views: 1079
There is a duality of feelings when a co-worker is laid off. The sudden feeling of relief, accompanied by instant fear of being next, along with the emotions of survivors guilt, are all present, washing over them simultaneously. And what happens next can be even worse.
They suddenly find ... Views: 1390
The present is a gift wrapped up in chaos and confusion. It feels like the walls are slowly closing in on us, choking the life out of us, robbing us of our goals and dreams. But it is far from the doom and gloom scenario most people post and share on social media. This moment in time is ... Views: 886
Being designated as part of the supply chain is both a great responsibility and an unforeseen burden on businesses. Being needed, sometimes critically, brings added pressure to provide the product or service your community needs, all while facing additional danger and health risks as a result. ... Views: 1204
You have spent countless weekends positioning your business, tweaking your product, perfecting your offer. Tirelessly sacrificing your free time, investing all your efforts into your passion, your dream, your wonderfully spectacular goal. You have built it and you're ready to reap the fruitful ... Views: 1143
What was once unimaginable beyond the fantasies of fiction, outside of the creatively scary blockbuster movies, soon became a real-life scenario that none were prepared for. As the powers that be spoon fed us the diagnosis day-by-day, so we could digest each bite, adapting to the ever changing ... Views: 1196
The struggle is a necessary inconvenience.
It accompanies every ambition, every success and it prevails in every failure. But there can be no real sustainable success without the struggle. It’s an unfortunate truth.
The sooner we accept this truth, the sooner we can champion it. Once ... Views: 2022
What is hiding just past your rules of reality? What is on the other side of your self beliefs? Just around the corner from what you tell yourself is possible? What is it that is waiting for you to tap into and unleash?
It is the magic of your creative mind.
This magic is real. As ... Views: 2363
The Comfort Zone. It’s a place where ambition goes to retire. Where yesterday’s dream dissolves into the world of undiscovered possibilities. Where leaders become followers and the passionate become passive. There is no light at the end of the Comfort Zones tunnel. Just a dim haze of the ... Views: 4777
3 Techniques You Can Use Right Now to Improve Your Ability to Succeed
Most people struggle with reaching success. At times it seems like everything is working against us, but the truth is, we are not working with success. There are tools and techniques that can greatly increase your ability ... Views: 1835
“Don’t stop focusing on the life that you deserve just because some of the things on the list are starting to happen. Stay focused on the whole vision”
Manifesting can be a mysterious and disappointing process. Often when we start with a vision or image of how we want our lives to look, we ... Views: 2966
It is when you assume you know, or you assume you know where to look, that disappointment will have the sharpest sting. How many times have you read an article or been on a landing page that suggests they have the missing piece of the puzzle only to find out they are just selling the ... Views: 2525
The unknown, that which has yet to be, the unmanifested potential. Who dares to venture into these uncharted waters? In the world of what if’s, the impossible is plausible; every dream is feasible, and all alternatives have a path to existence. So why do we only entertain the unwanted ... Views: 2364
Your thoughts tell you a truth. They help you form your perception of reality. It is the secure feeling we get when we can justify our reality. But what is real is only real for you because your mind tells you it’s real. Even when you try to tell yourself that your thoughts are wrong, sometimes ... Views: 1955
There are two types of list people make. They make these lists in their minds. This mental list hides in the subconscious and its voice is heard as a whisper, telling you the key points on the list. But what is on your list? What does your list tell you in the night, while you are lying in bed ... Views: 1798
After winter there is spring. It comes every time, without worry or doubt. No matter how long the winter, or how strong the winter is, spring will come next. Just as is has done in all the years past. This is the power of absolute. This is the power of knowing. This is the blueprint to ... Views: 2866
Happiness can be found in many different ways. In many different lives and to various degrees. But happiness is a living state that can only be sustained in one way. Happiness can be your friend or it can be your drug. But it can’t be both. You have to choose the type of happiness you ... Views: 2692
Each day is a new chapter in the reality of you. No matter where you start or how you begin. You are writing a story. It is your life’s story. It has all the possibilities you can imagine and one’s you haven’t thought of yet. We are so eager to reach these possibilities that we sometimes forget ... Views: 2067
People often say, “I really wished that my child would listen. He’s forever getting himself in trouble; at school, at home…” They then go into details of the many ways this child does these awful things. Regardless, there is a easy answer to this if you believe in yourself. Instead of thinking ... Views: 1981
Reflection:Looking back. There are moments in your journey when looking back can help you to move forward. Seeing what hurdles you encountered before and how you handled them can help you to make a decision when something similar comes up.
I recently came across this situation and almost made ... Views: 1621
When we hear of a dreadful situations such as a major disaster take place somewhere in the world, we become fearful. We take on the hurt of the loss that those who are suffering feel. Sometimes our hurt turns into anger. Through the media we give it lots of attention and because a disaster ... Views: 1650
Keep thinking about it and picturing it. Bring it to you.
Sometimes things move at the speed of life. Work demands and family commitments can eat up the bulk of your time leaving you feeling spent. It can feel like there is no time for you to do the things you want. It is in these times that ... Views: 2035
You need to learn how to find the advantage and use it!
This is a big part of self empowerment.- - It is gaining that inner strength and ability to find and see the advantages & have the confidence to use it! The playing field is never even or equal. Your skills and attitude play a major role ... Views: 2685
How many times has someone asked you what you want to do tonight and you say, “ I don’t know? its up to you.” How many times has someone asked you where you want to go for lunch and you say, “I don’t care, where ever you want to go is fine”. But then, when they decide for you and you’re ... Views: 1771
There is a misconception about the law of attraction. A lot of people first heard about the law of attraction from the movie, “The Secret”. It was an amazing movie and really opened our minds to a new way of seeing things. It was at that moment that we could see that you can have what you think ... Views: 1689
We look at technology and we see how it’s changing our lives. Moment by moment new Apps are showing up and the latest hardware to learn and use. We are amazed at the recent advancement of devices and become astonished and fascinated at what they can do for us.
We all get engrossed with these ... Views: 2017
I know if I stay focused on the goal I will find a way. Often the way comes to me in silence or when my mind is at rest. As I stop thinking about it, the idea appears, every time.
There is no clear path to your goal. Even the best plan may not bring the result you expected. But the goal is ... Views: 2337
Understanding Manifestation Do you ever wonder how it is possible for you to manifest some things easily, when manifesting others are almost impossible?
I believe this is the one major problem we all have who take this seriously, and we do see the results of some great manifestations but not ... Views: 2231
You have a beautiful and amazing mind. Your mind is capable and ready to do wondrous and dynamic things for you. It is ready to let you experience all that you wish.
Did you know that your life is an open book?
Do you know that your future is completely in your control?
Did you know ... Views: 2166
We live in a world where everything needs to happen instantly. We want to learn as fast as we can. We want our training to be quick and easy. We expect to find the answer at the click of a button. We live in an instant world. And if we have to wait in line at a store for more than a couple of ... Views: 1953
From when we were small children we had to conform to our parents beliefs, or the religion they believed in, or our environment. And as we grew older we then had to conform to our schools disciplines, and then the politics of our job and again our environment and whatever was going on at the ... Views: 1608
In our book Your Invincible Power: Open the Door to Unlimited Wealth, Health and Joy- - I spoke about my work in Family Services, which was a great eye opener for me. I was deeply moved by the parents that struggled with life through wrong choices, the consequences were great and their children ... Views: 1738
Amazing things can happen when you let go. Let go of the control and let things develop.
Think about the things that you are trying so hard to do. You want them to happen for you so quickly but they have their own plans. So what would happen if you just let go of the control and let the ... Views: 3783
Do you know who you are?
Do you know who you want to be?
Do you know why you make the decisions you make?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
Before you can change who you are or change where you are going, you need to understand why you think the way you do. I wrote about ... Views: 1442
There is nothing as important to your plan as you. You are the key piece to your chance to succeed because at the end of every plan is the desire to succeed. If you don’t have a deep desire to achieve your goal, you will fail no matter how much money you throw at it or what opportunities you ... Views: 1367
Energy, how are we using it?
In our book Your Invincible Power: Open the Door to Unlimited Wealth, Health and Joy,- - we talk about energy, but we’re not talking about vigor or stamina we’re talking about vibration and movement. We are talking about these two powerful energy fields.
These ... Views: 1518
3 ways to make your day more exciting
Each morning you wake up and you start your morning ritual. You do your usual tasks and get things ready then you leave the house at approximately the same time and take the same route, probably park in the same spot and so on and so forth. It is ... Views: 1653
Failure is a part of life. Everyone experiences a degree of it from time to time, but there is failure and then there is dream crushing failure! This is the one that we need to avoid at all costs.
So here are 5 ways to do just that!
1) Avoid Dead-lines - Dead-lines are an asset when used ... Views: 1548
It is easy to mistake something else as advice. Understanding advice and its purpose is necessary if you want to use it to increase your success.
What does advice sound like?
- It should always encourage you to move in the direction of your goal.
- It should inspire you to keep ... Views: 1270
Why do our thoughts often lead us to assumptions? We are investigators by our natural make-up, which leads to assuming what others are thinking or doing.
This is how it works for some of us: when our friend disappears for awhile from our lives, most of us start an investigation in our ... Views: 1446
Welcome the challenge that each day brings you.
Every time that a new challenge presents itself know that it is another opportunity to grow and use this new way of thinking.
Since I have learned about the law of attraction I find that the challenges are no longer scary. I know that I can ... Views: 1658
I recently helped an old friend that was stuck in the past. They didn't know how to move forward. Once I realized this I sent them this letter.
They told me it really helped them and that they read it all the time. The past can haunt you if you let it. I am sharing this now and I hope it will ... Views: 6257
Even your biggest heroes were unknown before they started.
Everyone starts somewhere. It doesn’t matter where you start. Some people start with better opportunities than others. Some people start with less but the fact is all the people that you have heard of are people who started. They ... Views: 1644
Do you have intentions to be happy? When you think about this question it can feel quite intense because you might not have thought that you are just going with the flow of life.
But the majority of us do exactly this. We intend good things to happen but we stay where we are never moving ... Views: 1584
When you meet an old friend that you haven’t seen in years and you have been thinking about them prior, is that a coincidence?
When something happens to you and then another related thing happens and both may seem to be amazingly odd at the time is this just incidental occurrences? If you ... Views: 3073
Rewards…When I am calm, my thoughts reward me. When I am grateful my thought rewards me. When I am satisfied my thoughts reward me. I like rewards.
When life is running at full speed and dead-lines & time limits seem to be in abundance, it is hard to find the time to slow down and take care ... Views: 1713
Stop accepting and start expecting. You want change but what are you expecting? What do you expect to change right now? What is the purpose for your now?
Stop accepting and start expecting. Learn how to get what you expect.
It means accepting that your life is whatever comes your ways is ... Views: 1767