We all need a minimum sense of safety and security to relax and get on with our life, whatever we are doing. That level will vary from person to person but the need is universal.
The following story is typical and scenarios similar to this get played out in many relationships.
Michael ... Views: 1110
Relationships are relentless in mirroring back to us all that we need to be aware of, heal and transform. The common trap is to make the other person wrong and believe they need to change in some way for the relationship to improve. Truly transformational growth comes when we accept that they ... Views: 3375
Recently I went through a period of intense physical pain which lasted several weeks and caused some interesting effects. It reminded me of these words by the poet Emily Dickinson:
Pain has an Element of Blank –
It cannot recollect
When it begun – of if there was
A time when it was ... Views: 1258
True freedom means complete responsibility. This is the natural outcome of the truth that life is a mirror for your consciousness. All forms of victim thinking have some reluctance to taking full responsibility for your life along with the need to blame some person thing or circumstance. In that ... Views: 1713
I previously wrote about the assumptions and expectations we bring into a relationship, and the patterns of forcing they can set up. Sounds simple in theory but what exactly am I talking about? How do you recognise your own automatic assumptions and patterns and then change them in ways that ... Views: 1484
Relationships are the core of Life, but they can be a challenge. The real challenge is the way you deal with the differences that start to show up. They always show up because you have two people with different communication styles, different ways of resolving issues, different needs and ... Views: 1696
There is no such thing as a vacuum in nature and the same is true of most peoples’ minds. They are full of beliefs, opinions and knowledge that they depend on to give them some identity and meaning. However, the more you fill your mind with beliefs and knowledge the more closed and fixed you ... Views: 1267
We humans invest huge amounts of energy, time and resources trying to create a sense of certainty and security. Uncertainty can terrify us because it threatens the control we believe we have over life, and so we cling to those things that are supposed to bring us certainty, and refuse to ... Views: 1379
True freedom means complete responsibility. This is the natural outcome of the truth that life is a mirror for your consciousness. All forms of victim thinking have some reluctance to taking full responsibility for your life along with the need to blame some person thing or circumstance. In that ... Views: 1330
You will have your own story and your own patterns that play out, but see read through this story and see if you can recognise any patterns could be affecting your relationship.
“Karen and David (names changed) came for help because their marriage had been deteriorating since Karen started ... Views: 1223
Winning is so much more enjoyable and rewarding than losing. Success is more enjoyable than failure and whatever success you want will involve winning at many internal and external levels. Some of these wins may come naturally because of the gifts and talents you already possess but may some may ... Views: 1799
What does it mean to live in an extraordinary life, in your own unique way? First of all be aware that it does not mean you have to be larger than life and be involved in super-human achievements. Nor does it mean you have to be famous and stride across the world stage for all to see and admire. ... Views: 1450
A basic cause of all relationship conflict is the gap between your beliefs of how relationships should be and the reality that exists right here, right now. Whenever you find yourself arguing or in conflict, look deeply at what is going on and you will find this gap. Every time you make the ... Views: 1301
When this subject is mentioned, people often think about about sex and intimacy and all the physical and emotional stimulation that goes with it – the excitement of it all. That is part of passion, but I want to broaden it out beyond that and explore how we cultivate passion for the whole ... Views: 1915
Living with no-mind does not mean living as a zombie, or drifting through life in a daze. It means being totally alive with your senses, body, feelings and awareness wide open and awake to this moment’s pulse. It means allowing life to happen through you rather than interfering with that flow ... Views: 1517
We humans invest huge amounts of energy, time and resources trying to create a sense of certainty and security. Uncertainty can terrify us because it threatens the control we believe we have over life, so we cling to those things that are supposed to bring us certainty, and refuse to ... Views: 1044
Our relationship with ourselves is our first and most fundamental relationship: all other relationships flow from that. So the most powerful thing you can do is to love yourself unconditionally and allow that to flow into your relationships.
Two of the core issues underlying relationship ... Views: 1221
There are nine important benefits of high self-worth and when we apply these we will truly create more fulfilling relationships. Here is a brief overview of all nine. There is much more that can be said but this will give you an idea of how you can transform any relationship from stress and ... Views: 1122
Most of us were not taught how to conduct relationships effectively, harmoniously and happily. We learned in a haphazard way through the role modelling we experienced and as adults just do what we learned from our parents and other significant adults. If those relationships were unhappy and ... Views: 1170
Faith is an inner conviction and knowing based on a clear understanding of Universal Law. When you understand the truth of life, your own self, and the creative process then you have a valid foundation for faith. When you act from this knowledge then you are living with faith. It is not ... Views: 2219
Like most people you probably have some goals you want to achieve in life. If they are important and urgent you will also have a strong focus on them, and are hopefully doing what you have to do to realise them. The usual approach is to make a plan, identify all the actions you need to take, ... Views: 1276
I mentioned in part 1 that when we are rejected we have to deal not only with the emotional pain but also the conclusions and beliefs that may get stuck in our thinking. Everyone has been conditioned by life and have taken on many beliefs, some of which serve us while some don’t. When something ... Views: 832
The Law of Pure Potential tells us that our true nature is infinite and in every moment we have infinite possibilities. It gives us choice in each and every circumstance, especially the choice about where we rest our consciousness. Is it on the limitations we may think are our lot, or do we rest ... Views: 1202
Rejection is a painful experience to go through and it can undermine your life in many obvious and subtle ways. Here are a few ideas about dealing with rejection, and coming through it as a stronger healed person.
The problem with rejection is the feeling – it feels terrible and that is what ... Views: 946
The great Christmas theme is, Peace on earth and goodwill to all. We all desire peace yet it seems to be such an elusive quality. When you look deeply into the human mind you find a state of agitation which drives all conflict, and it comes from our habits of straining, forcing, reacting, and ... Views: 1097
One important secret all successful people know is the importance of their “yes.” We all say yes to many things, and no to many things. However for most people it is largely unconscious and automatic. They have a default position that they live from every day and often do not look beyond that. ... Views: 1106
We have a psychological and spiritual need to experience new beginnings because then we can experience two very important states:
1. The state of transcendence
2. The state of redemption
Transcendence helps us lift our awareness above the business-as-usual life that is bound to our sense ... Views: 909
Success means different things to different people. We all operate within a paradigm, or view of the world, and this will determine how we see success and how we act in all of life’s situations.
For many, their success involves struggle, hard work, competitiveness, and looking after number ... Views: 1021
We all know about creating a vision and mission statement as part of doing a business plan, and we have probably all done it. Yet how many have put it aside as they became focused on the business of running their business and trying to keep ahead of the competition. So much time and energy is ... Views: 934
The world needs forgiveness as much as it needs peace, and without it we remain chained to the past, our hurts and our story. But what is exactly is forgiveness and how do we activate it in our consciousness?
Let’s start with what it is not. Forgiveness is not a warm fuzzy where you kiss and ... Views: 822
Compassion has always been recognised as one of the highest qualities we can attain to in life. It is the living truth that flows from the Awakened Heart where we literally see that all life is One and each is a unique flower on the Tree of Life. It is a way of aligning ourselves with the ... Views: 1431